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By means of gas chromatographic and mass spectroscopic methods, and combined GC-electroantennogram and electrosensillogram techniques, (E)-11-hexadecenal and (10E, 12E)-10,12-hexadecadienal [(E,E)-bombykal is also the main constituent of the pheromone of the silver-striped hawk-mothHippotion celerio. The biological activity of the substances was demonstrated with electroantennogram and single cell recording, and the physiological efficacy of the different hexadecadienal isomers compared.Pheromones, 79; as Pheromones, 78 is taken: Wu, Cai-Hong, and Bestmann, H. J., Chinese Science Bulletin34 (1989) 1475; pheromones, 77: Attygalle, A. B., Steghaus0Kovac, S., Ahmed, V. U., Maschwitz, U., Vostrowsky, Ol, and Bestmann, H. J., Naturwissen-schaften78 (1991) 90.  相似文献   

Ecdysteroids in diapause eggs of the silkworm,Bombyx mori, were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) combined with radioimmunoassay (RIA). A relatively large amount of an unidentified free ecdysteroid and its phosphoric ester (conjugated form) were detected. These two compounds were isolated by a combination of column chromatography on silicic acid, thin-layer chromatography (TLC), and HPLC using a reverse-phase (RP) column. The purified compounds were identified as 3-epi-22-deoxy-20-hydroxyecdysone (22d20E) and 3-epi-22-deoxy-20-hydroxyecdysone 2-phosphate (22d20E2P) by means of mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. to our knowledge, this is the first report of 22d20E and 22d20E2P.  相似文献   

Summary Pheromonal secretions produced by females and males of the noctuid moth,Mocis megas (Guénée) have been analyzed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (EI (electron impact) and CI (chemical ionization)). The female sex pheromone was a blend of (Z,Z,Z) 3,6,9 heneicosatriene (55%) and (Z,Z) 3,6-cis-9S, 10R-epoxyheneicosadiene (45%). Male secretion produced at the level of a prothoracic organ was a blend of two unsaturated major hydrocarbons: (Z,Z) 6,9 heneicosadiene, (64%) and (Z,Z,Z) 3,6,9 heneicosatriene (24%) and C19, C20 and C22 homologues (total ratio 12%), as minor components. The trienic hydrocarbon was present in both sexes. The behavioral role of this male secretion has not yet been elucidated.  相似文献   

p27BBP/eIF6 is an evolutionarily conserved regulator of ribosomal function. It is necessary for 60S biogenesis and impedes improper joining of 40S and 60S subunits, regulated by protein kinase C or Efl1p. No data on p27BBP/eIF6 during early development of Metazoa are available. We studied the distribution, post-translational changes and association with the cytoskeleton of p27BBP/ eIF6 during Xenopus oogenesis and early development. Results indicate that p27BBP/eIF6 is present throughout oogenesis, partly associated with 60S subunits, partly free and with little cytoskeleton bound. During prophase I, p27BBP/eIF6 is detected as a single band of 27-kDa. Upon maturation induced by progesterone or protein kinase C, a serine-phosphorylated 29 kDa isoform appears and is kept throughout development to the neurula stage. Confocal microscopy showed that the distribution of p27BBP/eIF6 and its association with the cytoskeleton varies according to oogenesis stages. Briefly, in stage 6 oocytes, p27BBP/eIF6 has a limited dot-like distribution, and does not co-localize with cytokeratin, whereas upon maturation it spreads throughout the cytoplasm. After fertilization, a large fraction coalesces around cytomembranes and a cytochalasin B-sensitive co-localization with cytokeratin occurs. RNAse removes p27BBP/eIF6 from the cytokeratin fibres. Developmental data suggest a role of p27BBP/eIF6 in controlling ribosomal availability or regulating cross-talk between ribosomes and the cytoskeleton.Received 7 April 2005; received after revision 11 May 2005; accepted 25 May 2005R. Carotenuto and N. De Marco contributed equally to the paper  相似文献   

The site of synthesis of hemocyanin in the crayfish,Astacus leptodactylus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The in vitro incorporation of35S-methionine into hemocyanin was tested in the crayfish,Astacus leptodactylus. All organs assayed (hemocytes, heart, hypodermis, midgut gland, muscle and stomach) were able to synthesize proteins under our experimental conditions, but only midgut gland (=hepatopancreas) incorporated labeled methionine into a protein which was precipitated by an antibody againstAstacus hemocyanin, and which comigrated with authentic hemocyanin on SDS gels.  相似文献   

The bioluminescent dinoflagellateGonyaulax polyedra contains various indoleamines, in particular, melatonin and 5-methoxytryptamine, as well as enzymes of their biosynthetic pathway. Melatonin exhibits a high-amplitude circadian rhythm characterized by a dramatic increase shortly after the onset of darkness. The maximum of melatonin is followed by a peak of 5-methoxytryptamine. These 5-methoxylated indoleamines seem to be involved in the mediation of the information darkness.G. polyedra shows a short-day response, which consists in the formation of asexual cysts. Light break experiments demonstrate the photoperiodic nature of this reaction. Cells become sensitive to short days only upon exposure to a lowered temperature (<16°C). Melatonin mimics the short-day effect, but only at decreased temperature. 5-Methoxytryptamine is even a better inducer of cyst formation, acting also at 20°C and in any lighting schedule, including LL. Cyst induction is associated with stimulation of bioluminescence and cytoplasmic acidification. A model on the intracellular pathway of photoperiodic information transduction assumes increased deacetylation of melatonin under cyst-inducing conditions, binding of 5-methoxytryptamine to the membrane of an acidic vacuole, proton transfer to the cytoplasm, and decreased intracellular pH as the stimulus for encystment. Melatonin shows the property of a scavenger of superoxide anions. This reaction, which is efficiently catalyzed by hemin, leads to the formation of a substituted kynuramine (AFMK). Destruction of melatonin by light-induced superoxide anions in the presence of cellular hemin may represent a property which, during evolution, has made this molecule suitable as an indicator of darkness. On the other hand, AFMK, which is formed under illumination, might have become a mediator of the information light. Photoperiodism inGonyaulax shows surprising parallels to that in mammals, but allows the analysis of this phenomenon at an entirely cellular level.  相似文献   

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