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Zusammenfassung In Analysen von Gehirn-Zymogrammen verschiedener neurologischer Mäusemutanten wurden Abnormalitäten in Form von Esterasedefiziten gefunden. Da solche neulich auch für die multiple Sklerose des Menschen beschrieben wurden, wird vorgeschlagen, unspezifische Esterasen als signifikant für den normalen Myelinanabolismus zu bewerten.

This investigation was supported by Public Health Service research Grant CA 04691-06 from the National Cancer Institute.  相似文献   

Résumé L'activité de la leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) a été mesurée dans le muscle de la souris dystrophique. La LAP est peu active dans le muscle dystrophique de la souris jeune (50 à 60 jours). D'autre part, l'activité de l'enzyme est fortement augmentée dans le muscle de la souris plus agée (110 à 125 jours). Un traitement de 5 jours à l'hormone de croissance chez la souris jeune n'a pas modifié significativement l'activité de la LAP dans les muscles des souris dystrophiques ou témoins.  相似文献   

Summary Decreased resting potential and prolonged duration of the action potential were observed in left ventricular muscles of dystrophic mice, while there was no change in myocardial potassium content.This study was supported in part by a Research Grant for Cardiomyopathy from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Japan.  相似文献   

Résumé L'activité de la déshydrogénase glutamique a été étudié dans le tissu musculaire de la souris atteinte de dystrophie musculaire héréditaire. La déhydrogénase glutamique est peu active dans le muscle dystrophique de la souris jeune, alors que l'activité de cet enzyme est fortement augmentée dans le muscle de la souris plus âgée (12–18 semaines). D'autre part, l'activité de l'enzyme est diminuée dans le muscle de la souris lorsque la maladie évolue.  相似文献   

NAD pyrophosphorylase (ATP:NMN adenylyltransferase) activity has been measured in the skeletal muscle of dystrophic mice. The amount of this enzyme in the dystrophic mice, as determined by three different methods, was about one half of that in the controls. In addition, the concentration of ATP was too low to be detected in crude extracts of dystrophic mouse skeletal muscle, which were prepared using Tris buffer alone or Tris buffer containing either 3 M KCl, or 1 mM PMSF.  相似文献   

Summary NAD pyrophosphorylase (ATP:NMN adenylyltransferase) activity has been measured in the skeletal muscle of dystrophic mice. The amount of this enzyme in the dystrophic mice, as determined by three different methods, was about one half of that in the controls. In addition, the concentration of ATP was too low to be detected in crude extracts of dystrophic mouse skeletal muscle, which were prepared using Tris buffer alone or Tris buffer containing either 3 M KCl, or 1 mM PMSF.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Eine neuer Befund von hormonaler Beeinflussung des Histaminmetabolismus wird beschrieben und ein bisher nicht erkannter Metabolit wird chromatographisch nachgewiessen. Under dem Einfluss von Testosteron wird der Metabolit in grosser Menge in Urin der Maus ausgeschieden, während zugleich freies Histamin fast verschwindet, was dafür spricht, dass es sich um einen Histaminmetaboliten handelt, dessen chemische Struktur noch nicht festgestellt ist und von verschiedenen bekannten Histaminmetaboliten abgegrenzt werden kannte.

This study was supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council No. B70-14x-2212-04 and from the Swedish Society for Cancer Research No. 268-K70-01 X.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nachweis, dass Körpergewicht, Dystrophie und Sterblickeit bei männlichen und weiblichen muskeldystrophischen Mäusen (dy/dy) nach 100tägiger Behandlung mit Glukagon (2 oder 10 g pro Tag, s.c.) unverändert blieben.  相似文献   

Summary Within hours of birth, some physical properties of liver lysosomes are modified. These alterations, which may be related to the autophagic vacuoles formation known to occur during this period, were inhibited by insulin administration. Glucagon, a potent inducer of autophagy in adult rat liver, did not anticipate this process in fetal liver. Our results suggest that the decrease of plasma insulin immediately after birth is a important factor in the development of hepatic autophagy.  相似文献   

D Bal  R Vaillant 《Experientia》1979,35(11):1531-1532
Within hours of birth, some physical properties of liver lysosomes are modified. These alterations, which may be related to the autophagic vacuoles formation known to occur during this period, were inhibited by insulin administration. Glucagon, a potent inducer of autophagy in adult rat liver, did not anticipate this process in fetal liver. Our results suggest that the decrease of plasma insulin immediately after birth is an important factor in the development of hepatic autophagy.  相似文献   

Summary Valine decarboxylation was significantly increased and leucine decarboxylation was significantly decreased in rat liver slices following hypophysectomy. In both normal and hypophysectomized rats decarboxylation of leucine exceeded that of valine in slices whereas the reverse was observed with the respective keto acids and mitochondria.Acknowledgments. This study was supported by the National Institutes of Health and the Samuel A. Berger Foundation.  相似文献   

Summary Neonatal oestrogen treatment results in the development of vaginal cancers in the mouse. A morphological sign which probably indicated early invasion of altered vaginal cells into the stroma through gaps in the basal lamina was first seen at 10 months of age in neonatally oestrogenized C57Black mice. Prior to this, a decrease in the numbers of cellular attachment organelles such as half desmosomes and desmosomes was observed by 3 months.This work was supported by Contract NO1-CP-55650 of National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health, Public Health Service, USA, and by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan.  相似文献   

Riassunto I fosfolipidi del siero di conigli a digiuno, trattati con tossina difterica per 15 ore, diminuiscono: questa diminuzione è a carico sorpattutto della frazione lecitinica. Le cause di questo comportamento sono brevemente discusse.

The present research has been supported by a grant from the C.N.R. Roma (Italy).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Korrelation von Leberenzymen mit entsprechenden Plasmawerten wird diskutiert.

This study was supported, in part, by a grant from the Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Valine decarboxylation was significantly increased and leucine decarboxylation was significantly decreased in rat liver slices following hypophysectomy. In both normal and hypophysectomized rats decarboxylation of leucine exceeded that of valine in slices whereas the reverse was observed with the respective keto acids and mitochondria.  相似文献   

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