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蔡华教授,各位来宾,老师们,同学们: 首先,我代表社会学系祝贺蔡华教授荣获法兰西科学院颁发的金奖。 蔡华教授这次获奖,不仅是他个人的荣誉,而且也是国际学术界正在出现的一个现象的标志,或者说标志之一,这个现象就是,中国学者的研究正日益受到国际学术界的关注。随着中国学者研究实力的提高,随着中国国际地位的提高,随着国际交流的深入,这一趋势无疑会继续下去。 在人类学家们的聚会上,有学者讲到,中国的人类学家们已经做出了一批有相当水平的研究,这是中国的人类学  相似文献   

蔡华教授: 喜闻您荣获法兰西科学院颁发的法语国家大奖(金奖),这是人类学本土化或中国化的一项伟大成就,对此,我以及广西民族学院学报编辑部全体同仁向您表示最热烈的祝贺和最诚挚的敬意! 中国历史悠久而连绵,文化多样而自成体系,民族众多而团结,是人类学的一座学术宝库,您的成功证明只要认真把人类学的理论和方法运用到对中国浩如烟海历史文献的解读,对中国当代社会伟大转  相似文献   

本刊讯由国家科委、中共中央宣传部、新闻出版署联合组织的第二届全国优秀科技期刊评比工作已经结束.1997年1月14日,中共中央宣传部、国家科委、新闻出版署三家联合发出通知,通报了第二届全国优秀科技期刊评比的结果,公布了获奖期刊名单。这次评比,共有417种优秀科技期刊获奖,其中一等奖60种,二等奖119种,三等奖238种。江西省科学院主办的《江西科学》,在这次全国优秀科技期刊评比中再次荣获了全国优秀科技期刊三等奖。这是《江西科学》自1983年7月创刊以来第二次荣获全国大奖,也是《江西科学》继1992年6月获首届江西省优秀科技期…  相似文献   

去年在比利时首都布鲁塞尔举行了第三十五届世界发明博览会,我国第一次应邀参加。经九个国家评委会评选,我国共获奖五十七项,其中金牌十七枚,银牌二十六枚,铜牌六枚,六人获个人荣誉奖章。其中医药卫生参展项目有十二项获奖,占获奖总数21%。我国金牌总数和获奖均居参展各国之首。我国荣获“高水平参展团杯”和“迈斯塔特副首相奖”两项大奖。难怪戴斯部长发出赞叹:“中国是伟大的,中国人很聪明。”在中国众多的“神奇的发明”面前,西方固有的中国神秘而落后的观点动摇了。  相似文献   

学术团体要做好保障为科技人员解除后顾之忧,七部委动员科技人员深入一线企业服务,2008影响世界华人大奖揭晓钱学森获终身成就最高荣誉大奖,努力开创科学基金事业科学发展新局面,路甬祥再次当选国际科学院委员会联合主席,中华医学会“双兴行动”启动,“金三角”方案可有效预防缺血性脑血管病。  相似文献   

留法勤工俭学运动是中国青年为寻求救国真理,输入西方先进科学文化而开展的一场声势浩大的留学运动.它发轫于20世纪初,结束于1925年前后.四川留法勤工俭学运动作为全国留法勤工俭学运动的重要组成部分,其人数之多,开展之广泛为全国其它省市所不及.这除了历史和现实的原因外,吴玉章在其中扮演了重要的角色.吴玉章自始自终都是留法勤工俭学运动的主要倡导者和支持者,他积极筹建四川留法勤工俭学组织,并且奔走呼号,争取社会各界支持,鼓励川籍青年赴法勤工俭学,帮助他们解决学习生活困难.这对四川留法勤工俭学运动广泛而深入的开展起了巨大的推动作用.  相似文献   

正水稻育种、有机合成与芯片制造研究获2018年未来科学大奖2018年9月8日,单项奖金高达100万美金(约合人民币688万元)的未来科学大奖在北京公布获奖名单。因系统性研究水稻特定性状的分子机制和采用新技术选育高产优质水稻新品种的李家洋、袁隆平、张启发分享"生命科学奖";发明新的有机催化剂和有机合  相似文献   

应第三世界科学院的邀请,南开大学陈省身数学研究所教授龙以明近日赴埃及领取了该院颁发的2004年度数学奖。第三世界科学院数学奖是国际性数学大奖之一,每年评选一次.奖金1万美元,每次授予一位数学家.获得该奖标志着数学家拥有杰出的国际学术地位。龙以明是这一奖项自1985年设立以来第5位获奖的中国数学家。  相似文献   

<正>世界最大的科技、体育和生活方式革新奖Plus X大奖颁奖仪式在德国波恩举行,作为本次获奖的唯一中国企业,海尔荣获了"2015年度最具创新品牌大奖"。Plus X奖项堪称欧洲工业设计"奥斯卡"。  相似文献   

斯巴鲁R2荣获日本汽车设计大奖近日,斯巴鲁R2在由日本《汽车风格》杂志举办的"日本汽车设计大奖"评比中,荣获了"goldencray设计奖"。本奖是以2004年在日本国内发售的所有车型为对象,评选出造型设计最佳的产品,斯巴鲁此次荣获"日本汽车设计大奖",尚属首获殊荣。以斯巴鲁首席设计师AndreasZapatinas为首的斯巴鲁设计部相关人员出席了颁奖仪式,共同分享了斯巴鲁R2初次获奖的巨大喜悦。  相似文献   

Subsurface macro-inclusions and hooks are detrimental to the surface quality of deep-drawing steel sheets. However, little is known about the relationship between macro-inclusions and hooks. Thus, in this work, two ultralow carbon (ULC) steel slabs and two low carbon (LC) aluminum-killed steel slabs were sampled to study the relationship between hooks and subsurface macro-inclusions, which were detected on the cross-sections of steel samples with an area of 56058 mm2 using an automated scanning electron microscopy/energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy system. Results show that subsurface inclusions larger than 200 μm were almost entrapped by hook structures, whereas the location of other inclusions smaller than 200 μm had no obvious dependence on the location of solidified hooks. Furthermore, the number density (ND) of subsurface inclusions larger than 200 μm decreased from 0.02 to 0 cm-2 in ULC steel as the mean hook depth decreased from 1.57 to 1.01 mm. Similar trends were also observed in LC steel. In addition, the detected inclusions larger than 200 μm were concentrated in the region near the slab center (3/8 width-5/8 width), where hook depths were also larger than those at any other locations. Therefore, minimizing the hook depth is an effective way to reduce inclusion-induced sliver defects in deep-drawing steels.  相似文献   

The effects of basicity and MgO content on the viscosity of SiO2-CaO-MgO-9wt%Al2O3 slags with basicity from 0.4 to 1.0 and MgO content from 13wt%to 19wt%were investigated using the rotating cylinder method. A correlation between the viscosity and the slag structure was determined by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. It is indicated that the complex network structure of the slag melt is depolymerized into simpler network units with increasing basicity or MgO content, resulting in a continuous decrease in viscosity of the slag. The viscosity is strongly dependent on the combined action of basic oxide components in the slag. Under the present experimental conditions, increasing the basicity is found to be more effective than increasing the MgO content in decreasing the viscosity of the slag. At higher temperatures, the increase of basicity or MgO content does not appreciably decrease the viscosity of the slag, as it does at lower tem-peratures. The calculated activation energy of viscous flow is between 154 and 200 kJ&#183;mol-1, which decreases with an increase in basicity from 0.4 to 1.0 at a fixed MgO content in the range of 13wt%to 19wt%.  相似文献   

Stoichiometric pure and tellurium (Te) doped indium bismuthide (InBi) were grown using the directional freezing technique in a fabricated furnace. The X-ray diffraction profiles identified the crystallinity and phase composition. The surface topographical features were observed by scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The energy dispersive analysis by X-rays was performed to identify the atomic proportion of elements. Studies on the temperature dependence of dielectric constant (?), loss tangent (tanδ), and AC conductivity (σac) reveal the existence of a ferroelectric phase transition in the doped material at 403 K. When InBi is doped with tellurium (4.04 at%), a band gap of 0.20 eV can be achieved, and this is confirmed using Fourier transform infrared studies. The results thus show the conversion of semimetallic InBi to a semiconductor with the optical properties suitable for use in infrared detectors.  相似文献   

The microstructure of bainite ferrite in NANOBAIN steel transformed at different temperatures was investigated by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, electron back-scattered diffraction, and vickers hardness tester in detail. It is found that the average width of bainitic ferrite (BF) plates can be refined to be thinner with the reduction of temperature (473–573 K), and the bainitic ferrite plates can reach up to 20–74 nm at 473 K. Crystallographic analysis reveals that the bainitic ferrite laths are close to the Nishiyama-Wasserman orientation relationship with their parent austenite. Temperature shows a significant effect on the variant selection, and a decrease in temperature generally weakens the variant selection. Thermodynamic analyses indicates that the Lacher, Fowler and Guggenheim (LFG) model is more suitable than the Kaufman, Radcliffe and Cohen (KRC) model dealing with NANOBAIN steel at a low temperature range. The free energy change ΔGγ→BF is about ?1500 J·mol?1 at 473 K, which indicates that nucleation in NANOBAIN steel is the shear mechanism. Finally, the formation of carbon poor regions is thermodynamically possible, and the existence of carbon poor regions can greatly increase the possibility of the shear mechanism.  相似文献   

第一次世界大战使中西文化界明确意识到西方现代文明的危机。在此语境下,章士钊以"新旧调和论"为基础,在《评新文化运动》一文中,围绕"文化"、"新旧"、"文化运动"等概念,分析了新文化运动的"病态群理",在中国现代文化应该如何发展问题上,与"新文化运动"形成对话交流,其中隐含了现代中国思想文化发展的潜能和动力所在。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on how to optimize the cache performance of sparse matrix-matrix multiplication (SpGEMM).It classifies the cache misses into two categories:one is caused by the irregular distribution pattern of the multiplier-matrix,and the other is caused by the multiplicand.For each of them,the paper puts forward an optimization method respectively.The first hash based method removes cache misses of the 1 st category effectively,and improves the performance by a factor of 6 on an Intel 8-core CPU for the best cases.For cache misses of the 2nd category,it proposes a new cache replacement algorithm,which achieves a cache hit rate much higher than other historical knowledge based algorithms,and the algorithm is applicable on CELL and GPU.To further verify the effectiveness of our methods,we implement our algorithm on GPU,and the performance perfectly scales with the size of on-chip storage.  相似文献   

In this study, experimental and numerical simulation methods were combined to simulate the changing course of the temperature and velocity fields in nine different fire scenes. The characteristics of smoke movement in shafts with different fire source position factors (h/H) were quantitatively investigated, and the non-dimensional fitting function between the fire source position factors and the maximum temperature was deduced. The results showed that the location of the neutral plane moved upward as the fire source rose, and all the generated smoke spread to the upper areas; however, there was barely any smoke in the lower areas. The maximum temperature was inversely proportional to the fire source position factor; the higher the source position is, i.e. the higher the ra- tio factor is, the lower the maximum temperature is in the shaft. The experimental verification of the fire dynamics simulator (FDS) showed good results.  相似文献   

Full-scale model tests were carried out on a 30 m span prestressed concrete box girder and a 20 m span prestressed concrete hollow slab. Failure models were prestressed reinforcement tensile failure and crashing of roof concrete, respectively. The ductility indexes of the box girder and hollow slab were 1.99 and 1.23, respectively, according to the energy viewpoint. Based on the horizontal section hypothesis, the nonlinear computation procedure was established using the limited banding law, and it could carry out the entire performance analysis including the unloading, mainly focusing on the ways to achieve the unloading curves computation through stress-strain, moment-curvature and load-displacement curves. Through the procedure, parameters that influence on the bearing capacity, deformation performance and ductility of the structures were analyzed. Those parameters were quantity of prestressed reinforcement and tension coefficients of prestressed reinforcement. From the analysis, some useful conclusions can be obtained.  相似文献   

(Ti,Al,Zr)N/(Ti,Al,Zr,Cr)N bilayer films were deposited on cemented carbide (WC-8%Co) substrates by multi-arc ion plating (MAIP) using two Ti-AI-Zr alloy targets and one pure Cr target. To investigate the composition, morphology, and crystalline structure of the bilayer films, a number of complementary methods of elemental and structural analysis were used, namely, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy disperse X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Adhesive strength and mechanical properties of the films were evaluated by scratch testing and Vickers microindentation, respectively. It is shown that the resulting films have a TiN-type face-centered cubic (FCC) structure. The films exhibit fully dense, uniform, and columnar morphology. Furthermore, as the bias voltages vary from -50 to -200 V, the microhardness (max. Hv001 4100) and adhesive strength (max. 〉 200 N) of the bilayer films are superior to those of the (Ti,Al,Zr)N and (Ti,Al,Zr, Cr)N monolayer films.  相似文献   

The load compensation equipment for anchor cable named low retraction prestressed anchorage system with twice-tension (referred to as twice-tension anchorage system) is proposed in the paper. Calculation results of loop anchorage prestressing loss (PL) values of inner lining (IL)in Yellow River-crossing tunnel under two anchorage systems, including twice-tension anchorage system and HM (Chinese transliteration is huanmao) anchorage system, are introduced. The software ANSYS is selected to realize the three-dimensional (3D) finite element modeling to accomplish simulation and calculation works under the two anchorage systems, respectively. Stress processes of IL under the two working conditions, of which one is completed cable tensioning (CCT) and the other is water in the tunnel with the designed water pressure (DWP), are contrasted and analyzed. Impacts of prestressing forces of anchor cables on structural safety under the two anchorage systems are contrasted. The calculation results show that the twice-tension anchorage system can reduce PL effectively and then increase prestresses of wall concrete (WC). Meanwhile, the anchorage system has the advantages of improving security and stability of tunnel structure, reducing project costs and saving steel consumption. The research work is available to related design and construction of anchor cable, and is worthy of promotion and application.  相似文献   

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