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基于博弈学习理论的企业组织模式演化动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用博弈学习理论研究企业组织模式的演化动态.假定企业具有有限理性以及近视眼行为,企业选择某一组织模式的概率依赖于其自身偏好及该组织模式对应的市场份额,考虑到企业的进入行为,建立了单种群演化动态及适应性学习算法,分析了利润函数的性质对演化均衡的显著影响.在此基础上,以企业群体内部和企业群体之间的溢出效应为出发点,建立了两种群演化动态并研究了演化均衡和吸引域的变化.理论分析和数值模拟充分表明,从长期来看,企业组织模式的演化均衡结果取决于溢出效应的大小.  相似文献   

基于元胞自动机的技术扩散和吸收能力问题研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
旨在通过建立国际技术扩散的复杂系统演化模型和仿真实验分析技术扩散的演化机制和吸收能力对于技术扩散的影响作用.基于技术扩散的微观机制,初步建立基于元胞自动机的国际技术扩散的演化模型.通过对不同初始状态、演化规则的仿真分析,认为企业的吸收能力对于整个经济系统长期的技术扩散和创新起到关键的作用:若没有企业的内部研发,长期的技术扩散不会发生,技术创新率的均衡值趋于零;并且企业吸收能力的提高对于经济系统整体的技术创新具有非线性效应.  相似文献   

研究了合作创新的权力结构对知识创造及创新绩效的作用机理.考虑上下游企业合作创新的知识共享、创造及利益分配过程,界定权力均衡(LS)、上游企业领导(UL)、下游企业领导(DL)等领导权博弈模型并进行创新效率分析.研究发现:权力结构影响合作创新效率,LS模式下企业的知识产出与供应链利润优于UL、DL模式;企业的知识溢出既可提高合作伙伴的知识产出与创新利润,也存在知识外溢损失风险,UL、DL模式下领导者(跟随者)知识溢出与其创新利润正(负)相关,LS模式下企业的知识溢出与其创新利润呈"倒U型"关系;创新贡献率是引起合作利益冲突的主要原因,使用Nash协商模型检验了通过协商机制解决利益协调问题的有效性,比较发现LS模式的利益协调效果优于UL、DL模式.最后,讨论了研究的管理启示.  相似文献   

为了探究本土和FDI不同所有制生产型企业竞争下政府环境补贴模式对供应链绩效的影响,假定消费者存在环境创新偏好,分别建立了3种环境补贴模式(无补贴、补贴本土生产型企业、补贴FDI生产型企业)下两阶段供应链竞争模型,并进行了优化求解。通过对3种模式下的均衡结果比较分析,结合数值仿真表明:政府对FDI生产型企业和本土生产型企业进行环境补贴时对各企业的影响无本质差别,受到政府环境补贴的生产型企业均会提高其受补贴产品的环境创新度和需求量,但会降低竞争产品的环境创新度和市场需求量;补贴给绿色制造成本较低的FDI企业能产生比补贴给绿色制造成本较高本土企业更明显的溢出效应和挤出效应。两生产型企业之间的竞争程度能扩大政府环境补贴的以上效应,但不能改变这种效应;就利润而言,生产型企业均在受补贴模式下最高,补贴竞争者模式时最低;零售商和供应链均在补贴FDI生产型企业模式下达到最高,其次是补贴本土生产型企业模式;政府环境补贴只有在补贴力度较小时才能对供应链自身渠道利润产生正向作用。  相似文献   

在当前"互联网+"蓬勃发展、环境日趋动态的背景下,无论是传统企业还是互联网企业,商业模式创新的迫切性均与日俱增,但其过程通常充满困难与挑战,表现出一种维持现有结构稳定的刚性.基于商业模式刚性,构建了传统企业与互联网企业的商业模式创新仿真模型并进行了多轮实验比较.在环境、认知、资源因素影响下,两类企业的商业模式刚性存在不同演化趋势,进而对商业模式创新产生系统性影响.仿真结果表明,"传统企业"与"互联网企业"的提法是一种外在"标签",商业模式创新并不存在无法逾越的"基因"障碍,从而为两类异质企业的商业模式创新提供了概推性启示:传统企业需要清醒认识市场边界的动态性并优化冗余资源结构以管控商业模式刚性;互联网企业在必要时需要适当"减速",避免未吸收冗余资源被无谓消耗后导致商业模式刚性增强,影响后续的商业模式创新.  相似文献   

从两种互不兼容技术同时扩散的视角出发,运用行为经济学理论分析了组织适应性学习和组织网络结构的交互作用对网络外部性市场的技术演化的影响。仿真结果表明:组织适应性学习的类型和强度以及联盟网络结构的聚集效应特征是驱动网络外部性市场演化的重要因素,在一定程度上决定了市场演化的均衡结果。当组织采取强化型学习行为时,市场演化的均衡结果总是两种技术共存;当组织采取信念型学习行为时,在组织学习效应很强且联盟网络结构聚集效应特征不明显的条件下,市场演化呈现赢家通吃现象,反之依然为两种技术共存。这些结论有助于企业进一步理解网络外部性市场演化的内在机制和赢家通吃的边界条件。  相似文献   

Managers are facing new problems in their quest for organizational fitness. With environments of growing complexity, foresight, adaptability, and learning become critical features for a social system to survive and develop. Established models of organizational control are insufficient to cope with this proliferating complexity. The science of cybernetics provides powerful models to master this key challenge to management. The present article offers a synthesis of Beer's Viable System Model (VSM) and a multilevel concept of organizational fitness, based on recent progress made in the field of planning theory.  相似文献   

组织韧性通过重构组织资源和流程等手段,能够帮助企业应对危机并利用危机实现逆势增长。其中,运营资源在为企业带来运营负担的同时,也为不确定性提供缓冲,保障企业可持续运营。在当前新冠疫情冲击全球制造业的大背景下,如何提升VUCA情境下组织韧性是企业特别是制造业企业所关切的重要现实问题,正吸引越来越多学者的积极关注。本研究以2008-2020年中国制造业企业的面板数据为研究样本,实证分析了运营冗余对组织韧性的影响,并深入考察了持续创新能力的调节效应。本研究结果表明:运营冗余对组织韧性有显著的U型影响。同时,持续创新能力对运营冗余及其3个子维度分别与组织韧性间关系有显著的正向影响。本研究基于“资源-能力”理论分析框架,识别了影响组织韧性中增长性与波动性的两类关键条件,为提升VUCA情境下本土制造业企业组织韧性,提供了具有针对性的理论指导与决策建议。  相似文献   

The management strategies of a firm are inevitable affected by individual behavior preferences. The effect of individual preference on the evolutionary dynamics for supply chains is studied by employing replicator dynamics. Each firm has three behavior preferences: selfishness, fairness, and altruism. Firstly, the case that the strategy set of manufacturers and retailers including two pure strategies is considered and the effect of preference parameter on the equilibrium outcome in the shortterm interaction is discussed. Secondly, the equilibrium state in the short-term is always disturbed because the change of the environment, firm's structure, and so forth. Using the replicator dynamics,the evolutionary stable strategies of manufacturers and retailers in the long-term interaction are analyzed. Finally, the extend case that the strategy set of manufacturers and retailers include three pure strategies is investigated. These results are found that the strategy profile in which both manufacturer and retailer choose fairness or altruism, or one player chooses fair or altruistic strategy and the other player chooses selfish strategy may be evolutionary stable, the stability of these equilibria depends on the the preference parameters.  相似文献   

What does it take of a municipal organization to be a significant participant in the dynamic, learning oriented interaction within a triple helix constellation of partners aimed at regional development? The short answer is that it needs to develop the receptivity (Morgan, 1996) and the flexibility to act in novel ways, which are the traits of a learning organization. However, how these abilities are enhanced in organizations that are basically organized as bureaucracies aimed at maintaining a stable and standardized function of its operations, is an under-researched phenomenon within the triple helix discussions. In this paper, I investigate this question through an analysis of a change and development process within a municipal organization that aimed to enhance the capacity of the organization to interact receptively and dynamically with their environment, by changing their organizational structure from a bureaucratic to a post-bureaucratic type. The main finding is that rather than the new formal structure as such; it is the process of sensemaking following the introduction of this new formal structure that creates the capacity for learning and development. However, this outcome is dependent on the sensemaking process being turned over from a defensive mode into a learning oriented mode. The paper explores how this turn may be facilitated.  相似文献   

为获取竞争优势,企业在资源和能力有限的条件下需要对创新模式作出合理的选择。利用演化博弈理论,对企业的创新模式选择进行了分析,在此基础上,探讨了吸收能力、R&D投入对创新模式选择的影响。结果表明,吸收能力与R&D投入对创新模式选择的影响效应是相反的:吸收能力的增强会导致企业选择颠覆性创新模式的可能性增大,选择渐进性创新模式的可能性减小;而R&D投入的增大会导致企业选择渐进性创新模式的可能性增大,选择颠覆性创新模式的可能性减小。  相似文献   

The economy as a whole and most of its constituent parts, like markets, government institutions, firms, or households, are inherently complex conceptual constructions. Micro-level diversity,decentralized interaction, self-organization, adaptation and learning, emergence, and evolution, are some of the fundamental features that the above entities share and that allow to classify them as being complex entities. In a complex economic system, existing structures of interaction are in constant mutation as individual agents contact and influence one another and, by doing so, reshape the macro environment in which socio-economic relations unfold. Notwithstanding the observed pervasiveness of complexity in economics, there are a few areas of economic thought where the discussion on the theme has gained an exceptional relevance. In this article, six of such areas are identified and their complex nature is highlighted and scrutinized. These pertain to:(i) Knowledge interactions and technological innovation;(ii) Corporate design and organizational learning;(iii) Public policies directed at market regulation;(iv) Banking and financial markets;(v) Environmental economics, sustainability,and climate change;and(vi) income inequality.  相似文献   

供应链上的企业越来越认识到组织学习对其基本生存与持续发展的重要性,然而组织学习面临着内外复杂环境的影响.从供应链内部复杂性、上游复杂性和下游复杂性三个维度探讨了组织内部学习和外部学习,并探究了两种组织学习对企业运营竞争力的影响.基于全球10个国家的317家高绩效制造(high performance manufacturing,HPM)企业的一手数据,采用结构方程模型方法,提出并验证了"复杂性-组织学习-运营竞争力"的模型.结果表明,供应链上游复杂性对内部学习和外部学习均有负面影响,下游复杂性对内部学习有负面影响,而内部复杂性对内部学习和外部学习均无显著影响;内部学习显著提升了运营竞争力中的交付、创新、客户服务,而外部学习显著提升了质量和客户服务.  相似文献   

In evolutionary games, it becomes more difficult to choose optimal strategies for players because of incomplete information and bounded rationality. For bounded rational players, how to maximize the expected sum of payoffs by learning and changing strategies is an important question in evolutionary game theory. Reinforcement learning does not need a model of its environment and can be used online, it is well-suited for problems with incomplete and uncertain information. Evolutionary game theory is the subject about the decision problems of multiagent with incomplete information. In this article, reinforcement learning is introduced in evolutionary games, multiagent reinforcement learning model is constructed, and the learning algorithm is presented based on Q-learning. The results of simulation experiments show that the multiagent reinforcement learning model can be applied successfully in evolutionary games for finding the optimal strategies.  相似文献   

Asymmetric mode is proposed to analyze the effects of asymmetries on R&D investment, output, profit, and social welfare in a duopoly with semi-collusion. Simulations show that the agent with lower initial cost has higher R&D expenditures, output, and profit; the agent with a higher innovation ability has higher R&D expenditure and output, while the profit depends on its spillover; under the condition of asymmetric spillover, the agent with lower spillover has lower R&D expenditure higher output and profit; when the difference of initial cost and innovation ability is lower and the two agents' spillover is close to 0 or 1, the welfare reaches high.  相似文献   

竞争性技能联盟中企业讨价还价能力实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
技能型战略联盟是存在竞争关系的企业间联盟的日益重要的合作形式,而企业的讨价还价能力又是联盟中最重要的问题之一,作者运用实证的方法研究企业讨价还价能力、知识获取、学习能力之间的关系,从知识获取的影响作用方面探讨企业讨价还价能力的变动机制,证实学习能力与知识获取是讨价还价能力提升的重要因素,这对指导企业如何在战略竞争合作中提高竞争能力和生存能力具有重要的实际意义.  相似文献   

针对传统模式下,制造商与零售商之间存在的服务困境问题,从制造商的视角,着眼于服务流的改变构建博弈模型,在此基础上,通过仿真探讨了店中店模式解决服务困境的可能性及其条件,提供了店中店模式流行的一个新解释.仿真结果显示:当价格交叉敏感系数和服务的溢出效应都比较大的时候,首先,引入店中店模式有助于提高制造商的服务水平、零售价格和收益;其次,引入店中店模式有助于提高采用店中店模式的零售商的收益;再次,引入店中店模式有助于提高仍然采用传统渠道模式的零售商的服务水平、零售价格和收益;最后,价格交叉敏感系数和服务的溢出效应越大,引入店中店模式提高渠道各方收益的作用越大.  相似文献   

This article explores the ways in which the process of systems learning can be nurtured in organizational contexts. I posit that in order to mobilize systems learning at the individual, group, and organizational levels, an integrated, holistic approach must be pursued. It is suggested that the challenge of not only teaching the systems thinking concepts but also using their actual applications in practice is more than just an issue of pedagogical improvement. The cultural and material issues integral to the use of systems thinking must be taken into consideration as well. I argue that our efforts to improve our pedagogical practices to foster systems learning in organizational contexts can benefit from the social constructivist perspective, which represents a system of ideas about learning. The qualities of systems pedagogy resided in social constructivism are proposed as a framework to think with in designing the meaningful systems learning activities. This article also discusses how to create the cultural and material environments in which the process of systems learning can be nurtured.  相似文献   

具溢出效应的有限理性双寡头博弈的动态演化   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
研究一个具溢出效应的有限理性双寡头重复博弈模型.试图从演化的观点来分析,当有限理性双寡头进行博弈时。产量在动态调整过程中是怎样达到均衡的、指出寡头的理性决定着寡头重复博弈是否能达到Nash均衡.溢出效应将增加博弈达到Nash均衡的可能性,文章用数字模拟的方法观测到了这一现象,并对混沌现象的出现及其对市场、企业的影响做了有益的探索.  相似文献   

进化博弈模型中有限理性个体学习机制设计框架   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
进化博弈突破了传统博弈理论完全理性的限制,提出了一种动态分析方法,模型中的动态产生的根源就是个体的学习行为,因此学习机制的设计是分析进化博弈问题的基础。本文在划分决策过程的基础上提出学习机制的设计框架,并针对不同的决策阶段具体设计了不同的学习机制模型,为进一步研究进化博弈问题提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

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