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Summary Renal glucose-6-phosphatase activity was found to be significantly elevated by fluoride administration (NaF 35 mg/kg, i.p.). The elevation of the enzyme activity was markedly suppressed by adrenalectomy.This work was supported in part by the Scientific Research Foundation (Grant 7014-267337) from the Education and Culture Ministry of Japan.  相似文献   

Y Suketa  M Sato  M Kura 《Experientia》1980,36(4):438-439
Renal glucose-6-phosphatase activity was found to be significantly elevated by fluoride administration (NaF 35 mg/kg, i.p.). The elevation of the enzyme activity was markedly suppressed by adrenalectomy.  相似文献   

Summary Synchronized cultures of mitotic HeLa cells were obtained by different protocols and the polyamine content of these cells determined. It was found that the method of synchronization can significantly change the polyamine content of the mitotic cells, and can also alter the time course of polyamine accumulation during the subsequent cell cycle.I acknowledge the receipt of a Medical Research Council studentship.  相似文献   

Summary Continuous light decreases the rise in blood glucose and the excretion of urinary glucose, along with increased urine volume, in alloxan diabetic rats.Acknowledgment. The authors' thanks are due to Prof. A. K. Maiti, Department of Physiology, Calcutta University for his constant encouragement.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die wachstumshemmende Wirkung von rohem Sojabohnenmehl wurde durch peroral oder subkutan verabreichtes Penizillin teilweise aufgehoben. Verfütterung von rohem Sojabohnenmehl verringerte den Amylase-Gehalt des Pankreas. Peroral verabreichtes Penizillin erhöhte den Amylase-Gehalt des Pankreas, unabhängig von der Art des Sojabohnenmehls des Futters.  相似文献   

Alpha-Methylornithine, an inhibitor of the synthesis of putrescine does not affect the cleavage of Mouse eggs, cultured in vitro from the 2-cell stage, before blastocyst formation, whereas methylglyoxal-Bis (guanylhydrazone), an inhibitor of the syntheses of spermidine and spermine induces the embryos to become quiescent at about the 8-cell stage; resumption of their development, after transfer to fresh medium, is followed by a delay in cavitation. These results may be related to the biological clock theory for primary differentiation.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Längerdauernde Zufuhr hoher Dosen von Ascorbinsäure (1000 mg/kg) senkt bei Meerschweinchen, nicht aber bei Ratten, den Noradrenalin-Spiegel im Herzen signifikant. Hingegen wird bei beiden Tierspezies der Noradrenalin-Spiegel im Hirn nicht verändert.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nach einseitiger Drosselung der Nierenarterie beim Hund fanden sich höhere Renin-Aktivität und Norepinephrin-Konzentration im Urin der ischämischen Niere als im Urin der Gegenseite. In der Rinde der gedrosselten Niere waren Renin-Aktivität und Granulationsindex der juxtaglomerulären Zellen höher als in der Rinde der ungeklemmten Niere, während der Natriumgehalt niedriger war.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird eine Technik für die doppelseitige Entfernung der Nierenpapille bei der Ratte beschrieben, nebst Erscheinungen die als Operationsfolge sofort und stationär auftreten.  相似文献   

We investigated the nitric oxide (NO) synthase and arginase pathways in resident peritoneal macrophages of mice infected with the tropical parasite Schistosoma mansoni. The two enzymes may have opposite effects, insofar as NO may be involved in the killing of the parasite whereas arginase may stimulate parasite growth via polyamine synthesis. We determined the effects of the infection on the expression and activity of the two enzymes in macrophages, before and after cytokine activation. Cells from infected mice expressed the hepatic type I arginase, whereas in control cells, the enzyme was expressed only after cytokine activation, as were NO synthase II and type II arginase in both groups of cells. Moreover, we found that in infected mice, arginase expression in macrophages was associated with a ten fold increase in the concentration of circulating ornithine-derived polyamines. This may be of pathological importance, since parasitic helminths are though to be dependent on their hosts for the uptake and interconversion of polyamines. Received 13 March 2001; received after revision 4 May 2001; accepted 7 June 2001  相似文献   

Fats were fed either diets sufficient (300 ppm) or insufficient (5 ppm) in iron for 10 weeks. The iron-deficient animals had lowered hemoglobin and hematocrit levels and higher levels of kidney lysozyme activity than did control animals. There were no significant changes in serum and spleen lysozyme activity levels.  相似文献   

Summary Rats were fed either diets sufficient (300 ppm) or insufficient (5 ppm) in iron for 10 weeks. The iron-deficient animals had lowered hemoglobin and hematocrit levels and higher levels of kidney lysozyme activity than did control animals. There were no significant changes in serum and spleen lysozyme activity levels.Supported in part by grant HL18712-02, Heart and Lung Institute, NIH.  相似文献   

Summary Intact and TPTx animals showed the expected afternoon increase in serum LH, FSH and prolactin levels. But the afternoon increase in serum LH levels in TPTx rats was less than that observed for intact animals (p<0.01). Neither serum prolactin nor FSH levels were altered by TPTx.The excellent technical and secretarial assistance ofS. Hemelt andD. Landman is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Riassunto I livelli plasmatici e l'eliminazione urinaria del methopholine immodificato sono molto bassi nell'uomo, in confronto alle varie dosi orali somministrate. Anche il trattamento trisettimanale non ha causato concentrazioni plasmatiche diverse da quelle ottenute con somministrazione singola o ripetuta. La sostanza è ampiamente trasformata nell'organismo ed escreta sotto forma di metaboliti vari.

Methopholine is the proposed generic name for the active substance of the preparation Versidyne.  相似文献   

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