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论洛阳唐三彩的历史展现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
洛阳唐三彩是一个独具特色的多彩釉陶系列,自唐代流传至今,经历了唐三彩、仿唐三彩、唐三彩工艺品三个技艺、内涵消长变化的历史阶段。唐三彩作为一种文化载体,在河洛文化的发展过程中,始终有着特殊的地位。准确把握唐三彩的流变历程,有利于唐三彩文化品位的提升。  相似文献   

杨杰 《韶关学院学报》2012,33(11):27-31
目前年代可考的出土端砚均在中、晚唐及其之后。结合文献记载和古人诗文考察,端砚始于唐代前期的观点比较接近事实。端砚多出土于砖室墓,且相当一部分有墓志,可确知墓主及纪年,说明当时使用端砚者一般为中、上层人士。出土端砚的地点主要分布于南方地区。出土端砚显现出样式由少到多、由实用到用赏结合的发展脉络。  相似文献   

从文昌信仰看道教的文化哲学及其意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文昌信仰源自先秦,至唐朝为盛。梓潼神信仰源自东晋,亦至唐代兴盛。两者至元代合流。于是,有关文昌信仰的书籍从宋代开始大量涌现并远传朝鲜、日本和东南亚国家。现存韩国、日本的众多文昌书籍多不见于国内,具有较高的文献价值。深入揭示文昌信仰依托科举考试而昌盛的内在动力,阐释这一价值观念的现实意义,即促使知识界和广大民众尊重文字、敬惜字纸,保护书籍、传承知识美德,谨慎用字行文、弘扬文明。  相似文献   

中日文学的影响是双向的,近代以前主要是中国影响日本,近代以来主要是日本影响中国。日本的神话传说就有中国的成分,汉文学成为日本古代文学的重要组成部分,《游仙窟》是对日本文学产生深刻影响的唐代传奇,自居易是深受日本文坛欢迎的唐代诗人,日本江户小说的繁荣是中国明清小说影响的结果。历史上著名的遣唐使既学习中国文学和文化,也带来了日本的文学和文化。明代有了日本和歌的翻译,明清时期中国出现日本题材的文学创作。明治维新以后,中国文学在文学观念和理论、文学思潮和运动、文学形式和表现技巧受到日本文学全方位的影响。  相似文献   

南岛路航线的开辟是遣唐使航海线路变更的一种新尝试,其开辟的原因与日本国内引进大陆先进律令制度的需求、国内对外气运的高涨、东亚政局变动等国内外情况息息相关。  相似文献   

唐宋时期是中国图书对外交流的高潮,以中国书籍输入日本为主,为日本吸收汉文化提供了有利条件,促进了中日两国文化的发展。  相似文献   

日本班田制的形成及其与唐朝均田制的差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
班田收授法是日本大化改新后建立的律令体制中土地制度的核心,从它在《改新之诏》中出现到形成为完备系统的土地制度主要经历了三个阶段。由于它是以唐朝的均田制为蓝本制订的,因此从土地名目到内容都与均田制有许多相似之处,但它也充分地考虑了日本本国的历史与当时的状况,因而在具体规定上也呈现出与均田制不同的特征。  相似文献   

The proteinaceous binding media used in Tang Dynasty polychrome pottery was determined using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). The optimum conditions for the extraction and subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis of the protein sample were established, and applied to the pretreatment of model and historical samples. Complexation of EDTA in combination with dialysis was determined to be the most effective method for eliminating interferences in polychrome layers taken from historical samples. Model samples were aged by burial in loess so as to more closely replicate the ageing process of the historical samples. Using the aforementioned optimized conditions, the "peptide mass fingerprint" of the binding media of historical and model samples was determined by MALDI-TOF-MS. Comparisons between the "peptide mass fingerprint" obtained for the historical sample and those of the model samples proved that animal glue was used as the binding media for the Tang Dynasty polychrome pottery. It also shows that animal glue used as binding media enjoys a long history in China.  相似文献   

唐代爱情传奇最能体现其“有意为小说”这个特点。这些爱情传奇中的女性,美丽温柔多才多艺,忍让谦谨,这是唐代士子们理想的女性事实上不可能有。本文探讨其原因,并挖掘其中透露出来的一些信息:唐代的门第制是不合理的,这场革命首先从士子们开始。  相似文献   

Early pottery sherds excavated in northern China date back to more than 11,000 cal a BP, and are presumed to have been used as cooking vessels. There has been, however, no direct evidence to demonstrate this function. Here we report ancient starch grains recovered from carbonized residues adhering to the bases of flat- bottomed vessels excavated from the Zhuannian site dating more than 10,000 cal a BP in the North China Plain. This evidence demonstrates that early pottery was being used to cook cereal grains, particularly millets, and acorns. Because millets were in the process of domestication at thistime, we propose that pottery invention in northern China may have been related to early farming activities.  相似文献   

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