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复杂飞行器目标强散射区求解及RCS减缩   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对目标表面强散射区涂敷雷达吸波材料(radar absorbing material, RAM)是雷达散射截面(radar cross section, RCS)减缩的有效方法。基于射线追踪法(shooting and bouncing rays, SBR)提出一种确定复杂目标强散射区的方法:根据射线管出射方向与雷达接收方向的夹角判断强散射区。分析了复杂目标强散射区涂敷RAM的RCS减缩特性,并研究了判断夹角取不同值时强散射区大小和涂覆RAM后的减缩效果。计算结果显示,对强散射区涂覆RAM可以在重量增加不大的情况下有效降低目标RCS值。  相似文献   

针对射线追踪法(shooting and bouncing ray, SBR)中反射路径计算,提出了采用反射张量表示单次和多次反射作用的方法,并进行了详细推导。对于同一反射路径,射线方向、极化方向的变化可以用同一个张量与原方向的点积表示。通过分析张量的运算,研究了单站情形不同极化下射线追踪法计算结果。算例表明,反射张量表示方法用于射线追踪法正确、有效,可方便地对各种构型的散射目标进行分析研究。  相似文献   

A deterministic Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) channel simulation in a complex indoor environment was performed using GO/UTD (Geometrical Optics/Unified Theory of Diffraction) method.The time domain response and path loss of UWB channel were computed on the principle which is similar with VNA (Vector Network Analyzer).When image-based ray tracing method was used to compute the propagation paths,an algorithm of controlling the depth of image tree was introduced to improve the simulation performance.It limits the scale of image tree by predicting the potential minimum attenuation,which may be caused by a ray propagating from root node to child node,and comparing the predicted value with an expected maximal attenuation threshold when image tree is being constructed.Compared with simply using reflection or diffraction orders to control the scale of image tree,using this method can effectively reduce the computing time in the same accuracy condition.In order to enhance the representation of the simulation result,the visualization of path loss distribution was implemented by a 3D game platform.  相似文献   

介绍了计算空腔内部高频电磁散射的射线跟踪法,推导了未进行简化处理的口径积分公式。与已有的计算结果相比,矩形截面直进气道的计算结果与参考值的吻合效果更好。从散射中心的观点出发,将像素法和射线跟踪法结合应用,给出了计算公式,通过软件实现了这些算法。给出了某无人机利用该算法得出的计算结果,并与实验值进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

对环境效率评价模型ISBM-DEA进行了改进,在此基础上对中国30个地区2009年环境效率进行了实证研究。结果表明:我国东部地区环境效率明显高于中、西部地区,中部地区略高于西部地区;从投入产出冗余看,导致不同地区环境效率较低的原因不同,这些原因主要包括:水资源、人力资源、能源投入冗余和环境产出过剩;同时利用stepwise model方法对各投入指标进行分析表明,减少水资源、人力资源及能源的投入对期望产出的降低或非期望产出的增加影响程度相对较低。这对我国降低要素投入、提高要素利用效率和排污标准提供了决策支持。  相似文献   

作为传统MoM和PO混合法(MoM-PO)的拓展,提出了一种组合MoM、SBR和PO的混合方法(MoM-SBR/PO)用于计算电大尺寸复杂导体目标的电磁散射。利用基于射线密度归一化(RDN)概念的SBR方法有效地考虑了PO区域之间的多次反射影响,简化了PO区域内的耦合计算,避免了耗时的迭代求解过程和格林函数的选择等难点,提高了计算效率。数值结果验证了该方法的有效性和正确性。  相似文献   

从循环经济视角将中国区域工业生态系统分解为兼具共享资源和反馈资源的两阶段网络结构.针对两阶段DEA模型和基于Pareto改进的DEA交叉效率模型测度该系统时存在的不足,建立基于Pareto改进的两阶段DEA交叉效率模型,并通过模型对比验证其合理性.随后,根据建立的模型研究中国29个省级区域在2012-2015年的工业生...  相似文献   

As a marked extension of the traditional MoM-PO (method of moment-physical optics) hybrid method, a new hybridization of PO, SBR, and MoM (MoM-SBR/PO) is presented to calculate the multi-reflection contribution in the PO region efficiently by introducing the method of SBR based on RDN notion, which avoids the time-consuming iterative procedure and the choice of proper Green's function. As compared with the traditional MoM-PO hybrid method, the calculation efficiency of the proposed method is greatly improved, and its validity is verified by numerical results.  相似文献   

When the classical constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) combined with fuzzy C-means (FCM) algorithm is applied to target detection in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images with complex background, CFAR requires block-by-block estimation of clutter models and FCM clustering converges to local optimum. To address these problems, this paper pro-poses a new detection algorithm: knowledge-based combined with improved genetic algorithm-fuzzy C-means (GA-FCM) algorithm. Firstly, the algorithm takes target region's maximum and average intensity, area, length of long axis and long-to-short axis ratio of the external ellipse as factors which influence the target appearing probabil- ity. The knowledge-based detection algorithm can produce preprocess results without the need of estimation of clutter models as CFAR does. Afterward the GA-FCM algorithm is improved to cluster pre-process results. It has advantages of incorporating global optimizing ability of GA and local optimizing ability of FCM, which will further eliminate false alarms and get better results. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is experimentally validated with real SAR images.  相似文献   

Inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging of ship targets is very important in the national defense. For the high maneuverability of ship targets, the Doppler frequency shift of the received signal is time-varying, which will degrade the ISAR image quality for the traditional range-Doppler (RD) algorithm. In this paper, the received signal in a range bin is characterized as the multi-component polynomial phase signal (PPS) after the motion compensation, and a new approach of time-frequency representation, generalized polynomial Wigner-Ville distribution (GPWVD), is proposed for the azimuth focusing. The GPWVD is based on the exponential matched-phase (EMP) principle. Compared with the conventional polynomial Wigner-Ville distribution (PWVD), the EMP principle transfers the non-integer lag coefficients of the PWVD to the position of the exponential of the signal, and the interpolation can be avoided completely. For the GPWVD, the cross-terms between multi-component signals can be reduced by decomposing the GPWVD into the convolution of Wigner-Ville distribution (WVD) and the spectrum of phase adjust functions. The GPWVD is used in the ISAR imaging of ship targets, and the high quality instantaneous ISAR images can be obtained. Simulation results and measurement data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed new method.  相似文献   

在广义传播矩阵(general transmitting matrix, GTM)方法分析各向异性介质传播特性的基础上, 对分层双轴各向异性介质进行分析。构造双轴各向异性介质中横向场的状态矢量和耦合矩阵, 得到双轴各向异性介质中的本征波, 引入GTM, 获得分层双轴各向异性介质的反射系数和透射系数。对不同介质涂覆结构的角度特性和频率特性进行分析, 数值计算结果与商业软件结果高度一致。进一步将电磁传播矩阵与弹跳射线(shooting and bouncing ray, SBR)法相结合, 获得介质涂覆目标的电磁散射特性, 所得雷达散射截面结果与商业软件结果之间的均方根误差小于3 dBsm, 体现了该方法的准确性。  相似文献   

传统的基于弹跳射线(shooting and bouncing ray,SBR)技术的散射中心提取方法只考虑了理想点模型,但理想点模型无法描述散射中心的频率依赖特性.对此,提出一种基于弹跳射线技术的三维几何绕射理论(geometrical theory of diffraction,GTD)模型构建方法,在通过传统方法...  相似文献   

A novel group decision-making (GDM) method based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs) is developed to evaluate the ergonomics of aircraft cockpit display and control system (ACDCS). The GDM process with four steps is discussed. Firstly, approaches are proposed to transform four types of common judgement representations into a unified expression by the form of the IFS, and the features of unifications are analyzed. Then, the aggregation operator called the IFSs weighted averaging (IFSWA) operator is taken to synthesize decision-makers’ (DMs’) preferences by the form of the IFS. In this operator, the DM’s reliability weights factors are determined based on the distance measure between their preferences. Finally, an improved score function is used to rank alternatives and to get the best one. An illustrative example proves the proposed method is effective to valuate the ergonomics of the ACDCS.  相似文献   

For the frequency difference of arrival (FDOA) esti-mation in passive location, this paper transforms the frequency difference estimation into the radial velocity difference estimation, which is difficult to achieve a high accuracy due to the mismatch between the sampling period and the pulse repetition interval. The proposed algorithm firstly estimates the point-in-time that each pulse arrives at two receivers accurately. Secondly two time of arrival (TOA) sequences are subtracted. And final y the radial ve-locity difference of a target relative to two stations with the least square method is estimated. This algorithm only needs accurate estimation of the time delay between pulses and is not influenced by parameters such as frequency and modulation mode. It avoids transmitting a large amount of data between two stations in real time. Simulation results corroborate that the performance is bet-ter than the arithmetic average of the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) for monopulse under suitable conditions.  相似文献   

基于高频方法分析电大尺寸目标的散射   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用物理光学法及其改进方法分析电大目标的雷达散射截面。作为对物理光学方法的修正,采用等效电磁流法计算了物体棱边绕射场的贡献。由于电磁波在腔体内存在多次反射,物理光学方法对于腔体的电磁散射问题给出的结果误差较大。为此,可以采用迭代物理光学法和弹跳射线法计算腔体散射。分别采用迭代物理光学法和弹跳射线法方法计算了腔体电磁散射,并且对迭代物理光学法与弹跳射线法方法的优缺点进行了对比。最后,提出利用图形处理器加速弹跳射线法方法的射线追踪部分,实现了弹跳射线法方法的有效加速。数值结果表明上述方法是有效的。  相似文献   

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