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M Markó  E Flückiger 《Experientia》1976,32(4):491-492
The ovulation inhibiting activity in adult rats of the 5HT-antagonists cyproheptadine, mianserin and methysergide is shown. Furthermore the activity of a newly synthetized Cycloheptathiophenederivative, compound 26-921, which inhibits LH-secretion and consequently ovulation, is described.  相似文献   

Summary In the mature cyclic female rat, analysis for ovarian serotonin content reveals comparatively high serotonin content. Fluctuation of serotonin content was observed; peak for serotonin was observed at estrus. In gonadotropintreated immature rats, there was no detected ovarian serotonin using this procedure. It was concluded that ovaries from gonadotropin-treated immature rats are physiologically different from ovaries taken from mature cyclic rats.Supported by NIH Grant RR8111.National Institutes of Health, MBS Trainee.  相似文献   

Summary The direct effect of serotonin and antiserotonin agents on adrenal steroid biosynthesis was studied in isolated adrenal cells derived from patients with Cushing's syndrome. The results indicate that serotonin increases corticosterone production, while the serotonin antagonists cyproheptadine and methysergide depress adrenal steroid-particularly cortisol and aldosterone-biosynthesis.The authors are indebted to Dr. M. Kárteszi, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, for the determination of plasma ACTH by radioimmunoassay in our patients, and to Prof. P. Vecsei, Department of Pharmacology, University of Heidelberg, providing us with highly specific antisera for corticosteroids RIA-s.  相似文献   

K Rácz  I Wolf  R Kiss  G Lada  S Vida  E Gláz 《Experientia》1979,35(11):1532-1534
The direct effect of serotonin and antiserotonin agents on adrenal steroid biosynthesis was studied in isolated adrenal cells derived from patients with Cushing's syndrome. The results indicate that serotonin increases corticosterone production, while the serotonin antagonists cyproheptadine and methysergide depress adrenal steroid - particularly cortisol and aldosterone - biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Serotonin hemmt die Lactatdehydrogenase im Lebercytosol von Kaninchen in vitro. Für eine 10%ige Aktivitätshemmung gegenüber den Kontrollwerten genügte eine durchschnittliche Konzentration von 9,15 /ml, die nur etwa zweimal höher liegt als der normale Blutspiegel. Dieser Effekt ist möglicherweise an der im Verhältnis zum Sauerstoffdefizit auffallend geringen Lactatbildung im Endotoxinschock beteiligt.

Work supported by Research Grant No. 3.10.68 from the Swiss National Foundation for Scientific Research.  相似文献   

Summary In pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMS) treated immature rats the cortex, cerebellum, caudate nucleus and hypothalamus were isolated and analyzed for their serotonin (5-HT) content at 6-h intervals for 72 h. Results showed a general trend of significant variation occurring in days 1 and 3 after PMS injection with no major variations observed on the second day. The results obtained suggest a possible involvement of 5-HT in the control of ovulation.  相似文献   

Riassunto Gli autori hanno ottenuto in conigli un siero anti-TSH usando come antigene ormone bovino. Questo siero inibisce il TSH endogeno di ratti nutriti con dieta di Remington e trattati con tiouracile, impedendo cosi la formazione della iperplasia tiroidea. È stato anche osservato che il trattamento con siero anti-TSH mantiene normale il rapporto MIT/DIT cancellando le salienti alterazioni indotte dal trattamento con tiouracile.  相似文献   

Summary The release of14C-serotonin by ADP, epinephrine and arachidonic acid and the release of ADP by kaolin were measured in normal platelets in the presence and absence of carbon monoxide and in smokers' platelets. It is shown that carbon monoxide inhibits significantly the platelet release reaction. This function is also decreased in platelets obtained from heavy cigarette smokers.This work was supported by Veterans Administration Research Fund 8073-01.  相似文献   

In pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMS) treated immature rats the cortex, cerebellum, caudate nucleus and hypothalamus were isolated and analyzed for their serotonin (5-HT) content at 6-h intervals for 72 h. Results showed a general trend of significant variation occurring in days 1 and 3 after PMS injection with no major variations observed on the second day. The results obtained suggest a possible involvement of 5-HT in the control of ovulation.  相似文献   

Summary A single injection of 2.0 mg/kg dexamethasone (DXM) administered at 51 h after pregnant mare serum gonadatropin (PMS) treatment inhibited both ovulation and luteinization. S.c. injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (HGG) caused ovulation ond luteinization in DXM-PMS-treated rats, whereas treatment with ACTH failed to overcome the DXM inhibitory effect. These findings are interpreted to indicate that DXM inhibits ovulation through a mechanism which might involve the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Résumé Un nouveau composé anthracyclique à propriétés antibiotiques et cytotoxiques, la Rubidomycine (Daunomycine), a été administré à des rats peu après injection intra-dermique d'adjuvant complet de Freund. Par comparaison avec un groupe témoin qui a été traité avec un autre antibiotique, la tétracycline, non réputé cytotoxique, on a constaté une réduction marquée des lésions systémiques et de l'arthrite de la maladie provoquée par l'adjuvant.

Work conducted during the tenure of a Nuffield Research Fellowship.

Junior Fellow, Medical Research Council.  相似文献   

A single injection of 2.0 mg/kg dexamethasone (DXM) administered at 51 h after pregnant mare serum gonadatropin (PMS) treatment inhibited both ovulation and luteinization. S.c. injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (HGG) caused ovulation and luteinization in DXM-PMS-treated rats, whereas treatment with ACTH failed to overcome the DXM inhibitory effect. These findings are interpreted to indicate that DXM inhibits ovulation through a mechanism which might involve the central nervous system.  相似文献   

M Ota  N Sato  K Obara 《Experientia》1978,34(4):540-541
The effect of urinary gonadotropin-inhibiting substances (GIS) on the androgen synthesis in rat testes was studied in vitro and in vivo. GIS, which was added to the incubation medium containing tesased testicular tissues and injected into rats for 2 days, showed a suppressive effect on the formation of androstenedione from pregnenolone in the testis.  相似文献   

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