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Skeletal muscles arise by fusion of precursor cells, myoblasts, into multinucleated fibers. In vertebrates, mechanisms controlling this essential step in myogenesis remain poorly understood. Here we provide evidence that Kirrel, a homolog of receptor proteins that organize myoblast fusion in Drosophila melanogaster, is necessary for muscle precursor fusion in zebrafish. Within developing somites, Kirrel expression localized to membranes of fusion-competent myoblasts of the fast-twitch lineage. Unlike wild-type myoblasts that form spatially arrayed syncytial (multinucleated) fast myofibers, those deficient in Kirrel showed a significant reduction in fusion capacity. Inhibition of Rac, a GTPase and the most downstream intracellular transducer of the fusion signal in D. melanogaster, also compromised fast-muscle precursor fusion in zebrafish. However, unlike in D. melanogaster, constitutive Rac activation in zebrafish led to hyperfused giant syncytia, highlighting an entirely new function for this protein in zebrafish for gating the number and polarity of fusion events. These findings uncover a substantial degree of evolutionary conservation in the genetic regulation of myoblast fusion.  相似文献   

Understanding why some cellular components are conserved across species but others evolve rapidly is a key question of modern biology. Here we show that in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, proteins organized in cohesive patterns of interactions are conserved to a substantially higher degree than those that do not participate in such motifs. We find that the conservation of proteins in distinct topological motifs correlates with the interconnectedness and function of that motif and also depends on the structure of the overall interactome topology. These findings indicate that motifs may represent evolutionary conserved topological units of cellular networks molded in accordance with the specific biological function in which they participate.  相似文献   

Non-additive genetic interactions contribute to many genetic disorders, but they are extremely difficult to predict. Here we show that genetic interactions identified in yeast, unlike gene functions or protein interactions, are not highly conserved in animals. Genetic interactions are therefore unlikely to represent simple redundancy between genes or pathways, and genetic interactions from yeast do not directly predict genetic interactions in higher eukaryotes, including humans.  相似文献   

Schistosoma japonicum causes schistosomiasis in humans and livestock in the Asia-Pacific region. Knowledge of the genome of this parasite should improve understanding of schistosome-host interactions, biomedical aspects of schistosomiasis and invertebrate evolution. We assigned 43,707 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) derived from adult S. japonicum and their eggs to 13,131 gene clusters. Of these, 35% shared no similarity with known genes and 75% had not been reported previously in schistosomes. Notably, S. japonicum encoded mammalian-like receptors for insulin, progesterone, cytokines and neuropeptides, suggesting that host hormones, or endogenous parasite homologs, could orchestrate schistosome development and maturation and that schistosomes modulate anti-parasite immune responses through inhibitors, molecular mimicry and other evasion strategies.  相似文献   

Aniridia is a semidominant disorder in which development of the iris, lens, cornea and retina is disturbed. The mouse mutation Small eye (Sey), which has been proposed as a model for aniridia, results from defects in Pax-6, a gene containing paired-box and homeobox motifs that is specifically expressed in the developing eye and brain. To test the role of PAX6 in aniridia, we isolated human cDNA clones and determined the intron-exon structure of this gene. PAX6 spans 22 kilobases and is divided into 14 exons. Analysis of DNA from 10 unrelated aniridia patients revealed intragenic mutations in three familial and one sporadic case. These findings indicate that the human aniridia and murine Small eye phenotypes arise from homologous defects in PAX6.  相似文献   

The gamete fusion process is defective in eggs of Cd9-deficient mice   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The cell-surface molecule Cd9, a member of the transmembrane-4 superfamily, interacts with the integrin family and other membrane proteins. and is postulated to participate in cell migration and adhesion. Expression of Cd9 enhances membrane fusion between muscle cells and promotes viral infection in some cells. Fertilization also involves membrane fusion, between gametes. In mammals, the sperm binds to microvilli on the egg surface, and sperm-egg membrane fusion first occurs around the equatorial region of the sperm head12. The fused membrane is then disrupted, and the sperm nucleus as well as the cytoplasm is incorporated into the egg. Cd9 is expressed on the plasma membrane of the mouse egg, and an anti-Cd9 monoclonal antibody inhibits sperm-egg surface interactions. We generated Cd9 mice and found that homozygous mutant females were infertile. Sperm-egg binding was normal, but sperm-egg fusion was almost entirely inhibited in eggs from Cd9 females. Intracellular Ca2 oscillations, which signal fertilization, were absent in almost all mutant eggs; in rare cases, a response occurred after a long time period. In normal animals, Cd9 molecules were expressed on the egg microvilli and became densely concentrated at the sperm attachment site. Thus, our results show that Cd9 is important in the gamete fusion process at fertilization.  相似文献   

The X-linked Kallmann syndrome gene was recently cloned and homologous sequences of unknown functional significance identified on the Y chromosome. We now describe a patient with Kallmann syndrome carrying an X;Y translocation resulting from abnormal pairing and precise recombination between the X-linked Kallmann syndrome gene and its homologue on the Y. The translocation created a recombinant, non-functional Kallmann syndrome gene identical to the normal X-linked gene with the exception of the 3' end which is derived from the Y. Our findings indicate that the 3' portion of the Kallmann syndrome gene is essential for its function and cannot be substituted by the Y-derived homologous region, although a 'position' effect remains a formal possibility.  相似文献   

CpG islands are present in one-half of all human and mouse genes and typically overlap with promoters or exons. We developed a method for high-resolution analysis of the methylation status of CpG islands genome-wide, using arrays of BAC clones and the methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme NotI. Here we demonstrate the accuracy and specificity of the method. By computationally mapping all NotI sites, methylation events can be defined with single-nucleotide precision throughout the genome. We also demonstrate the unique expandability of the array method using a different methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme, BssHII. We identified and validated new CpG island loci that are methylated in a tissue-specific manner in normal human tissues. The methylation status of the CpG islands is associated with gene expression for several genes, including SHANK3, which encodes a structural protein in neuronal postsynaptic densities. Defects in SHANK3 seem to underlie human 22q13 deletion syndrome. Furthermore, these patterns for SHANK3 are conserved in mice and rats.  相似文献   

The identification of subtype-specific translocations has revolutionized the diagnostics of sarcoma and has provided new insight into oncogenesis. We used RNA-seq to investigate samples from individuals diagnosed with small round cell tumors of bone, possibly Ewing sarcoma, but which lacked the canonical EWSR1-ETS translocation. A new fusion was observed between BCOR (encoding the BCL6 co-repressor) and CCNB3 (encoding the testis-specific cyclin B3) on the X chromosome. RNA-seq results were confirmed by RT-PCR and through cloning of the tumor-specific genomic translocation breakpoints. In total, 24 BCOR-CCNB3-positive tumors were identified among a series of 594 sarcoma cases. Gene profiling experiments indicated that BCOR-CCNB3-positive cases are biologically distinct from other sarcomas, particularly Ewing sarcoma. Finally, we show that CCNB3 immunohistochemistry is a powerful diagnostic marker for this subgroup of sarcoma and that overexpression of BCOR-CCNB3 or of truncated CCNB3 activates S phase in NIH3T3 cells. Thus, the intrachromosomal X-chromosome fusion described here represents a new subtype of bone sarcoma caused by a newly identified gene fusion mechanism.  相似文献   

Prior studies have identified recurrent oncogenic mutations in colorectal adenocarcinoma and have surveyed exons of protein-coding genes for mutations in 11 affected individuals. Here we report whole-genome sequencing from nine individuals with colorectal cancer, including primary colorectal tumors and matched adjacent non-tumor tissues, at an average of 30.7× and 31.9× coverage, respectively. We identify an average of 75 somatic rearrangements per tumor, including complex networks of translocations between pairs of chromosomes. Eleven rearrangements encode predicted in-frame fusion proteins, including a fusion of VTI1A and TCF7L2 found in 3 out of 97 colorectal cancers. Although TCF7L2 encodes TCF4, which cooperates with β-catenin in colorectal carcinogenesis, the fusion lacks the TCF4 β-catenin-binding domain. We found a colorectal carcinoma cell line harboring the fusion gene to be dependent on VTI1A-TCF7L2 for anchorage-independent growth using RNA interference-mediated knockdown. This study shows previously unidentified levels of genomic rearrangements in colorectal carcinoma that can lead to essential gene fusions and other oncogenic events.  相似文献   

ARC syndrome (OMIM 208085) is an autosomal recessive multisystem disorder characterized by neurogenic arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, renal tubular dysfunction and neonatal cholestasis with bile duct hypoplasia and low gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (gGT) activity. Platelet dysfunction is common. Affected infants do not thrive and usually die in the first year of life. To elucidate the molecular basis of ARC, we mapped the disease to a 7-cM interval on 15q26.1 and then identified germline mutations in the gene VPS33B in 14 kindreds with ARC. VPS33B encodes a homolog of the class C yeast vacuolar protein sorting gene, Vps33, that contains a Sec1-like domain important in the regulation of vesicle-to-target SNARE complex formation and subsequent membrane fusion.  相似文献   

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