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Calcium and light adaptation in retinal rods and cones   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
K Nakatani  K W Yau 《Nature》1988,334(6177):69-71
Retinal rods and cones respond to light with a membrane hyperpolarization. This hyperpolarization is mediated by an ionic conductance (the light-regulated conductance) that is kept open in darkness by cyclic GMP acting as a ligand, and which closes in the light as a result of an increase in cGMP hydrolysis triggered by illumination. Calcium ions appear to have a role in this phototransduction process: they provide negative feedback between the conductance, which is permeable to Ca2+ (refs 4, 5), and the concentration of cGMP, which is sensitive to Ca2+ (refs 6-8). This feedback down-regulates the sensitivity to light of a photoreceptor and probably contributes to the important phenomenon of light adaptation in vision. It is still not clear, however, how much of the light adaptation is actually attributable to this Ca2+ feedback. We have examined the responses of amphibian rods and cones to light with the Ca2+ feedback removed. Normally, the response of a cell to a step of light rises transiently to a peak, but rapidly relaxes to a lower level, indicative of light adaptation. When the feedback is removed, however, the relaxation of the response is completely absent; furthermore, the steady response levels at different light-step intensities are well predicted by a statistical superposition of invariant single-photon responses. We therefore conclude that the Ca2+ feedback underlies essentially all light adaptation in rods and cones.  相似文献   

Cyclic GMP and cell movement   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
R D Estensen  H R Hill  P G Quie  N Gogan  N D Goldberg 《Nature》1973,245(5426):458-460

Position-dependent properties of retinal axons and their growth cones   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
F Bonhoeffer  J Huf 《Nature》1985,315(6018):409-410
The formation of the very orderly neuronal projection from the retina to the optic tectum is not yet understood, but several mechanisms are thought to be involved in a coordinated fashion. These mechanisms may include mechanical or chemical guidance in channels, guidance by spatial gradients of positional markers, gradients of temporal (maturation) markers or specific inter-axon interactions (see ref. 1 for review). The last-mentioned mechanism could explain the fibre order found in optic nerve and tract. It requires that some or all growing retinal axons can distinguish between retinal axons of various origins and grow preferentially along retinal axons originating from the same area as themselves. The in vitro experiments described here show that growth cones from the temporal half of the chick retina grow preferentially along temporal axons, whereas growth cones from nasal retina do not distinguish between nasal and temporal axons.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis by pigment epithelium of human retinal cones   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
R H Steinberg 《Nature》1974,252(5481):305-307

Cyclic GMP-sensitive conductance in outer segment membrane of catfish cones   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
L Haynes  K W Yau 《Nature》1985,317(6032):61-64
A cyclic GMP-sensitive conductance has recently been observed with patch-clamp recording in excised inside-out patches of plasma membrane from frog and toad rod outer segments. This conductance has properties suggesting that it is probably the light-sensitive conductance involved in visual transduction. We now report a similar conductance in the outer segment membrane of catfish cones. Cyclic GMP showed positive cooperativity in opening this conductance, with a Hill coefficient of 1.6-3.0 and a half-saturating cGMP concentration of 35-70 microM. Cyclic AMP at 1 mM, or changing Ca concentration (in the presence of Mg), had little effect on the conductance. In physiological solutions the cGMP-induced current had a reversal potential near +10 mV; the current amplitude increased roughly exponentially with membrane potential in both depolarizing and hyperpolarizing directions. Our results suggest that cGMP is also the internal transmitter for phototransduction in cones.  相似文献   

Cyclic GMP and cyclic AMP levels in normal and transformed fibroblasts   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
P S Rudland  M Seeley  W Seifert 《Nature》1974,251(5474):417-419

Cyclic GMP is involved in the excitation of invertebrate photoreceptors   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
E C Johnson  P R Robinson  J E Lisman 《Nature》1986,324(6096):468-470
The hyperpolarizing receptor potential in vertebrate rod photoreceptors appears to be mediated by the second messenger, cyclic GMP. Injection of cGMP into rods or application of cGMP to inside-out membrane patches activates a conductance resembling that produced by light. Light produces a rapid reduction of cGMP in living rods, leading to closure of sodium channels and membrane hyperpolarization. In most invertebrate photoreceptors the response to light is depolarizing. We have investigated whether cGMP is involved in controlling the increase in sodium conductance that underlies this depolarization. We show here that injection of cGMP into Limulus photoreceptors produces a depolarization that mimics the receptor potential. We also show that the cGMP concentration of the squid retina increases rapidly during exposure to light. These results support the hypothesis that cGMP mediates the light-induced depolarization in invertebrate photoreceptors and suggests that vertebrate and invertebrate phototransduction may be more similar than previously thought.  相似文献   

Cyclic GMP response in vivo to cholinergic stimulation of gastric mucosa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J H Eichhorn  E W Salzman  W Silen 《Nature》1974,248(445):238-239

Zheng JQ 《Nature》2000,403(6765):89-93
Guidance of developing axons involves turning of the motile tip, the growth cone, in response to a variety of extracellular cues. Little is known about the intracellular mechanism by which the directional signal is transduced. Ca2+ is a key second messenger in growth cone extension and has been implicated in growth-cone turning. Here I report that a direct, spatially restricted elevation of intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) on one side of the growth cone by focal laser-induced photolysis (FLIP) of caged Ca2+ consistently induced turning of the growth cone to the side with elevated [Ca2+]i (attraction). Furthermore, when the resting [Ca2+]i at the growth cone was decreased by the removal of extracellular Ca2+, the same focal elevation of [Ca2+]i by FLIP induced repulsion. These results provide direct evidence that a localized Ca2+ signal in the growth cone can provide the intracellular directional cue for extension and is sufficient to initiate both attraction and repulsion. By integrating local and global Ca2+ signals, a growth cone could thus generate different turning responses under different environmental conditions during guidance.  相似文献   

Cyclic GMP-sensitive conductance of retinal rods consists of aqueous pores   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
A L Zimmerman  D A Baylor 《Nature》1986,321(6065):70-72
The surface membrane of retinal rod and cone outer segments contains a cation-selective conductance which is activated by 3',5'-cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). Reduction of this conductance by a light-induced decrease in the cytoplasmic concentration of cGMP appears to generate the electrical response to light, but little is known about the molecular nature of the conductance. The estimated unitary conductance is so small that ion transport might occur via either a carrier or a pore mechanism. Here we report recordings of cGMP-activated single-channel currents from excised rod outer segment patches bathed in solutions low in divalent cations. Two elementary conductances, of approximately 24 and 8 pS, were observed. These conductances are too large to be accounted for by carrier transport, indicating that the cGMP-activated conductance consists of aqueous pores. The dependence of the channel activation on the concentration of cGMP suggests that opening of the pore is triggered by cooperative binding of at least three cGMP molecules.  相似文献   

W H Cobbs  E N Pugh 《Nature》1985,313(6003):585-587
To test the hypothesis that cyclic GMP is the internal messenger coupling rhodopsin activation to membrane excitation in vertebrate rod photoreceptors, we used a novel technique combining measurement of membrane currents of isolated salamander rods with a suction electrode and the introduction of cyclic GMP through a whole-cell recording patch pipette. Rupture of an attached patch was followed by a rapid (approximately 10 s), approximately 10-fold increase in outer-segment membrane current, all of which was light-sensitive. There was little change in the rising phase of the response to a saturating flash, but the duration of the saturated phase of the response increased approximately 10-fold. The effects reversed completely within 3-4 min after withdrawal of the cyclic GMP-containing patch pipette. A formal kinetic analysis shows that the first two observations are inconsistent with the postulate that cyclic GMP opens the light-sensitive conductance by simple binding to channels, unless free cyclic GMP in the outer segment is assumed to be much lower than published estimates, and most of the outer-segment cyclic GMP is bound and inexchangeable on the timescale of 200 ms. Furthermore, our results suggest that rod cyclic GMP is not involved solely in keeping the light-sensitive conductance open, but may also affect the activity of the phosphodiesterase that mediates cyclic GMP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

S Kawamura  M Murakami 《Nature》1991,349(6308):420-423
In vertebrate photoreceptors, light reduces cyclic GMP concentration and closes cGMP-activated channels to induce a hyperpolarizing response. As Ca2+ can permeate the channels and the Na(+)-Ca2+ exchanger continuously extrudes Ca2+, closure of the channel results in a reduction of the inter-rod Ca2+ concentration. This is believed to be one of the mechanisms of light-adaptation produced by activation of guanylate cyclase. Effects of Ca2+ on the cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) have been reported, but their physiological significance has remained unclear. We have perfused the inside-out preparation of a frog rod outer segment (I/O ROS, originally termed truncated ROS, and find that Ca2+ in a physiological range regulates the light-activation of PDE. Therefore, PDE regulation by Ca2+ must be involved in light-adaptation in rods. The effect is mediated by a newly found protein which binds to disk membranes at high Ca2+ concentrations and prolongs PDE activation.  相似文献   

C Taban  M Cathieni  M Schorderet 《Nature》1978,271(5644):470-472

H R Matthews  V Torre  T D Lamb 《Nature》1985,313(6003):582-585
It is generally accepted that the light response in retinal rods involves a reduction of ionic permeability (predominantly to Na+) in the plasma membrane of the outer segment and that this is mediated by an internal messenger which diffuses between the disk and plasma membranes. There is controversy, however, over the identity of the diffusible substance; two alternative schemes have received widespread support (for review see refs 1,2). According to the 'calcium hypothesis', light stimulates the release into the cytoplasm of calcium, leading to the blockage of channels which are normally open in darkness, whereas based on the 'cyclic nucleotide hypothesis', cyclic GMP causes the opening of channels in the dark, but is hydrolysed by a light-activated phosphodiesterase. We report here effects of introducing calcium buffers and cyclic GMP into the rod cytoplasm by means of a patch pipette, which seem to be inconsistent with the calcium hypothesis.  相似文献   

Vertebrate rod photoreceptors hyperpolarize when illuminated, due to the closing of cation-selective channels in the plasma membrane. The mechanism controlling the opening and closing of these channels is still unclear, however. Both 3',5'-cyclic GMP and Ca2+ ions have been proposed as intracellular messengers for coupling the light activation of the photopigment rhodopsin to channel activity and thus modulating light-sensitive conductance. We have now studied the effects of possible conductance modulators on excised 'inside-out' patches from the plasma membrane of the rod outer segment (ROS), and have found that cyclic GMP acting from the inner side of the membrane markedly increases the cationic conductance of such patches (EC50 30 microM cyclic GMP) in a reversible manner, while Ca2+ is ineffective. The cyclic GMP-induced conductance increase occurs in the absence of nucleoside triphosphates and, hence, is not mediated by protein phosphorylation, but seems rather to result from a direct action of cyclic GMP on the membrane. The effect of cyclic GMP is highly specific; cyclic AMP and 2',3'-cyclic GMP are completely ineffective when applied in millimolar concentrations. We were unable to recognize discrete current steps that might represent single-channel openings and closings modulated by cyclic GMP. Analysis of membrane current noise shows the elementary event to be 3 fA with 110 mM Na+ on both sides of the membrane at a membrane potential of -30 mV. If the initial event is assumed to be the closure of a single cyclic GMP-sensitive channel, this value corresponds to a single-channel conductance of 100 fS. It seems probable that the cyclic GMP-sensitive conductance is responsible for the generation of the rod photoresponse in vivo.  相似文献   

Control of Ca2+ in rod outer segment disks by light and cyclic GMP   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
J S George  W A Hagins 《Nature》1983,303(5915):344-348
Photons absorbed in vertebrate rods and cones probably cause electrochemical changes at the photoreceptor plasma membrane by changing the cytoplasmic concentration of a diffusible transmitter substance, reducing the Na+ current flowing into the outer segment of the cell in the dark, to produce the observed membrane hyperpolarization that is the initial excitatory response. Cyclic GMP has been proposed as the transmitter because a light-activated cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) has been found in rod disk membranes and because intracellularly injected cyclic GMP reduces rod membrane potentials. Free Ca2+ has also been proposed because increasing external [Ca2+] quickly and reversibly reduces the dark current and divalent cationophores increase the Ca2+ sensitivity. Ca2+ efflux from rod outer segments (ROS) of intact retinas occurs simultaneously with light responses. Vesicles prepared from ROS disk membranes become more permeable on illumination, releasing trapped ions or molecules, but intact outer segment disks have not previously been found to store sufficient Ca2+ in darkness and to release enough in light to meet the theoretical requirements for control of the dark current by varying cytoplasmic Ca2+ (refs 14-18). We now report experiments that show the required Ca2+ storage and release from rod disk membranes suspended in media containing high-energy phosphate esters and electrolytes approximating the cytoplasmic composition of live rod cells. Cyclic GMP stimulates Ca2+ uptake by ROS disks in such media.  相似文献   

In recent years conjugated polymers have attracted considerable attention because of their potential appli- cations in the fields of light emitting diodes, photo- voltaic devices, and sensors[1―7]. In the fabrication of semiconductor photovoltaic devices…  相似文献   

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