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D Tautz 《Nature》1988,332(6161):281-284
Segmentation in the inset embryo is initiated by maternally provided information, which is stored in the developing oocyte. In Drosophila, the genes necessary for this process have been genetically characterized. The anterior segmented region is organized by the bicoid (bcd) gene product. The posterior segmented region is organized by several interacting gene products, among them the oskar (osk) gene product. The first zygotic group of genes, which are thought to respond to the spatial cues provided by the maternal genes, are the gap genes, whose members include hunchback (hb), Krüppel (Kr) and knirps (kni). To elucidate the role played by the maternal genes in expression of the gap gene hb, antibodies were raised against a fusion protein and were used for the cytological localization of the hb gene product in wild-type and mutant embryos. The hb protein is predominantly located in the nucleus. Its spatial expression includes the formation of an anterior-posterior gradient during the early cleavage stages and a strong zygotic expression in the anterior half of the embryo. Analysis of embryos mutant for the maternal genes affecting the anterior-posterior segmentation pattern shows that the formation of the early gradient is controlled by the osk group of genes, whereas efficient activation of the zygotic anterior expression domain is dependent on bcd activity.  相似文献   

R Finkelstein  N Perrimon 《Nature》1990,346(6283):485-488
In the Drosophila embryo, cell fate along the anterior-posterior axis is determined by maternally expressed genes. The activity of the bicoid (bcd) gene is required for the development of larval head and thoracic structures, and that of maternal torso (tor) for the development of the unsegmented region of the head (acron). In contrast to the case of thoracic and abdominal segmentation, the hierarchy of zygotically expressed genes controlling head development has not been clearly defined. The bcd protein, which is expressed in a gradient, activates zygotic expression of the gap gene hunchback (hb), but hb alone is not sufficient to specify head development. Driever et al. proposed that at least one other bcd-activated gene controls the development of head regions anterior to the hb domain. We report here that the homeobox gene orthodenticle (otd), which is involved in head development, could be such a gene. We also show that otd expression responds to the activity of the maternal tor gene at the anterior pole of the embryo.  相似文献   

Mediation of Drosophila head development by gap-like segmentation genes   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
S M Cohen  G Jürgens 《Nature》1990,346(6283):482-485

Lynch JA  Brent AE  Leaf DS  Pultz MA  Desplan C 《Nature》2006,439(7077):728-732
The Bicoid (Bcd) gradient in Drosophila has long been a model for the action of a morphogen in establishing embryonic polarity. However, it is now clear that bcd is a unique feature of higher Diptera. An evolutionarily ancient gene, orthodenticle (otd), has a bcd-like role in the beetle Tribolium. Unlike the Bcd gradient, which arises by diffusion of protein from an anteriorly localized messenger RNA, the Tribolium Otd gradient forms by translational repression of otd mRNA by a posteriorly localized factor. These differences in gradient formation are correlated with differences in modes of embryonic patterning. Drosophila uses long germ embryogenesis, where the embryo derives from the entire anterior-posterior axis, and all segments are patterned at the blastoderm stage, before gastrulation. In contrast, Tribolium undergoes short germ embryogenesis: the embryo arises from cells in the posterior of the egg, and only anterior segments are patterned at the blastoderm stage, with the remaining segments arising after gastrulation from a growth zone. Here we describe the role of otd in the long germband embryo of the wasp Nasonia vitripennis. We show that Nasonia otd maternal mRNA is localized at both poles of the embryo, and resulting protein gradients pattern both poles. Thus, localized Nasonia otd has two major roles that allow long germ development. It activates anterior targets at the anterior of the egg in a manner reminiscent of the Bcd gradient, and it is required for pre-gastrulation expression of posterior gap genes.  相似文献   

V Irish  R Lehmann  M Akam 《Nature》1989,338(6217):646-648
The development of the body plan in the Drosophila embryo depends on the activity of maternal determinants localized at the anterior and posterior of the egg. These activities define both the polarity of the anterior-posterior (AP) axis and the spatial domains of expression of the zygotic gap genes, which in turn control the subsequent steps in segmentation. The nature and mode of action of one anterior determinant, the bicoid(bcd) gene product, has recently been defined, but the posterior determinants are less well characterized. At least seven maternally acting genes are required for posterior development. Mutations in these maternal posterior-group genes result in embryos lacking all abdominal segments. Cytoplasmic transplantation studies indicate that the maternally encoded product of the nanos(nos) gene may act as an abdominal determinant, whereas the other maternal posterior-group genes appear to be required for the appropriate localization and stabilization of this signal. Here we show that the lack of the nos gene product can be compensated for by eliminating the maternal activity of the gap gene hunchback (hb). Embryos lacking both of these maternally derived gene products are viable and can survive as fertile adults. These results suggest that the nos gene product functions by repressing the activity of the maternal hb products in the posterior of the egg.  相似文献   

M J Pankratz  M Hoch  E Seifert  H J?ckle 《Nature》1989,341(6240):337-340
Segmental pattern formation in Drosophila proceeds in a hierarchical manner whereby the embryo is stepwise divided into progressively finer regions until it reaches its final metameric form. Maternal genes initiate this process by imparting on the egg a distinct antero-posterior polarity and by directing from the two polar centres the activities of the zygotic genes. The anterior system is strictly dependent on the product of the maternal gene bicoid (bcd), without which all pattern elements in the anterior region of the embryo fail to develop. The posterior system seems to lack such a morphogen. Rather, the known posterior maternal determinants simply define the boundaries within which abdominal segmentation can occur, and the process that actively generates the abdominal body pattern may be entirely due to the interactions between the zygotic genes. The most likely candidates among the zygotic genes that could fulfil the role of initiating the posterior pattern-forming process are the gap genes, as they are the first segmentation genes to be expressed in the embryo. Here we describe the interactions between the gap genes Krüppel (Kr), knirps (kni) and tailless (tll). We show that kni expression is repressed by tll activity, whereas it is directly enhanced by Kr activity. Thus, Kr activity is present throughout the domain of kni expression and forms a long-range protein gradient, which in combination with kni activity is required for abdominal segmentation of the embryo.  相似文献   

J Treisman  C Desplan 《Nature》1989,341(6240):335-337
The first zygotic genes to be expressed during early Drosophila development are the gap genes. Their role is to read and interpret coarse positional information deposited in the egg by the mother and to refine it by cross-regulatory interactions and by controlling a class of pair-rule genes. Little is known about the molecular mechanisms by which the three cloned gap genes carry out their genetically defined functions. Here we report that the Krüppel (Kr) gene product (Kr) binds to the sequence AAGGGGTTAA, whereas the hunchback (hb) gene product (Hb) recognizes the consensus ACNCAAAAAANTA. We have identified binding sites for these proteins upstream of the two hb promoters, which we suggest could mediate the repression of hb by Kr and perhaps allow hb to influence its own expression.  相似文献   

Schröder R 《Nature》2003,422(6932):621-625

M Bienz  G Tremml 《Nature》1988,333(6173):576-578
Domains of differential homeotic gene activity are formed at specific positions along the anteroposterior axis of the early Drosophila embryo. Homeotic genes are required continuously throughout development, so that homeotic gene activity has to be maintained independently of the positional information provided in the early embryo. In the ectoderm, the domains of homeotic gene activity partially overlap, but we have found that in the visceral mesoderm at least three of these genes are expressed in adjacent and mutually exclusive domains. It has been proposed that stable, sharply demarcated domains of this type could be established if a homeotic gene product stimulated its own expression locally and inhibited the expression of other homeotic genes, which Meinhardt has termed autocatalysis and mutual exclusion respectively. Furthermore, autocatalysis of this kind can in principle account for the maintenance of homeotic gene activity throughout development. We find that the unique domain of Ultrabithorax (Ubx) expression in the visceral mesoderm is dependent both on autocatalysis and on an exclusion mechanism: Ubx product is required for its own synthesis, whereas the product of the posteriorly adjacent gene abdominal-A represses Ubx expression.  相似文献   

Robustness of the BMP morphogen gradient in Drosophila embryonic patterning   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Eldar A  Dorfman R  Weiss D  Ashe H  Shilo BZ  Barkai N 《Nature》2002,419(6904):304-308
Developmental patterning relies on morphogen gradients, which generally involve feedback loops to buffer against perturbations caused by fluctuations in gene dosage and expression. Although many gene components involved in such feedback loops have been identified, how they work together to generate a robust pattern remains unclear. Here we study the network of extracellular proteins that patterns the dorsal region of the Drosophila embryo by establishing a graded activation of the bone morphogenic protein (BMP) pathway. We find that the BMP activation gradient itself is robust to changes in gene dosage. Computational search for networks that support robustness shows that transport of the BMP class ligands (Scw and Dpp) into the dorsal midline by the BMP inhibitor Sog is the key event in this patterning process. The mechanism underlying robustness relies on the ability to store an excess of signalling molecules in a restricted spatial domain where Sog is largely absent. It requires extensive diffusion of the BMP-Sog complexes, coupled with restricted diffusion of the free ligands. We show experimentally that Dpp is widely diffusible in the presence of Sog but tightly localized in its absence, thus validating a central prediction of our theoretical study.  相似文献   

Parental imprinting of the mouse H19 gene.   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
M S Bartolomei  S Zemel  S M Tilghman 《Nature》1991,351(6322):153-155
THE mouse H19 gene encodes one of the most abundant RNAs in the developing mouse embryo. It is expressed at the blastocyst stage of development, and accumulates to high levels in tissues of endodermal and mesodermal origin (H. Kim, unpublished result). After birth the gene is expressed in all tissues except skeletal muscle. It lacks a common open reading frame in the 2.5-kilobase RNA, but has considerable nucleotide sequence similarity between the genes of rodents and humans. Expression of the gene in transgenic mice results in late prenatal lethality, suggesting that the dosage of its gene product is strictly controlled. The H19 gene maps to the distal segment of mouse chromosome 7, in a region that is parentally imprinted, a process by which genes are differentially expressed on the maternal and paternal chromosomes. We have now used an RNase protection assay that can distinguish between H19 alleles in four subspecies of Mus, to demonstrate that the H19 gene is parentally imprinted, with the active copy derived from the mother. This assay will be of general use in assaying allele-specific gene expression.  相似文献   

The torso (tor) gene, one of six identified maternal genes essential for the development of the anterior and posterior terminal structures in the Drosophila embryo, is likely to function as a transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase. Although tor protein is uniformly distributed in the membrane of the egg cell and syncytial embryo, genetic and molecular data suggest that tor is locally activated at the ends of the embryo by a ligand present in the perivitelline space. Local activation of tor could be achieved if the ligand were expressed by a subpopulation of the follicle cells that surround the developing oocyte. Here we describe torso-like (tsl), the sixth member of the terminal gene class, and show that it is unique among these genes in that its expression is required in the somatic follicle cells rather than in the germ line. Moreover, mosaic analysis demonstrates that tsl expression is necessary only in subpopulations of follicle cells located at the poles of the oocyte. Thus, the spatially regulated expression of tsl in the follicle cell layer may generate a localized signal that is transduced by tor, ultimately resulting in the formation of the terminal structures of the embryo.  相似文献   

J Sampedro  I Guerrero 《Nature》1991,353(6340):187-190
In the Drosophila embryo, mutations in the segment polarity gene patched (ptc) cause the replacement of the middle region of each segment by a mirror-image duplication of the remaining structures, including the parasegmental border. This gene, which encodes a transmembrane protein, is initially expressed in a generalized way at blastoderm, but later stops being transcribed in cells expressing the engrailed gene, and even later in cells in the middle of the parasegment. The genes engrailed (en) and wingless (wg) are also segment-polarity genes, and they are expressed in adjacent stripes flanking the parasegment borders in the embryo; in ptc mutants wg expression extends anteriorly and an ectopic stripe of en expression is induced. The suggestion has been made that ptc must be transcribed in a specific subset of cells to prevent en expression anterior to the wg-expressing stripe. Here we report that unrestricted expression of ptc from a heat-shock promoter has no adverse effect on development of Drosophila embryos. The heat-shock construct can also rescue ptc mutants, restoring wg expression to its normal narrow stripe. The ectopic en stripe fails to appear, but the normal one remains unaffected. The results imply that, despite its localized requirement, the restricted expression of ptc does not itself allocate positional information.  相似文献   

C Rushlow  M Frasch  H Doyle  M Levine 《Nature》1987,330(6148):583-586
The homoeobox gene zerknüllt (zen) plays an important role in the differentiation of dorsal tissues during Drosophila development. zen- embryos show transformations in the dorsal-most regions of the fate map, and lack several tissues that normally derive from these regions, including the amnioserosa and optic lobe. zen displays a simple dorsal on/ventral off pattern as early as cleavage cycle 10-11 (ref. 2). We have prepared a polyclonal antibody against a full-length zen protein, and used this to examine its pattern of expression in mutants that disrupt dorsal-ventral polarity. Most or all of the maternally expressed genes that are involved in this process have been previously identified and fall into two classes, so called 'dorsalizers' and 'ventralizers' (see refs 4-7, reviewed in ref. 8). On the basis of our analysis of zen expression in each of these maternal mutants we propose that one or more of the dorsalizing genes encodes a repressor which inhibits the expression of zen in ventral regions of developing embryos. The ventralizing gene cactus might play an important role in restricting the activity of this repressor to ventral regions, thereby permitting the activation of zen in those dorsal tissues where its function is critically required.  相似文献   

The Krüppel (Kr) locus is a member of the 'gap' class of segmentation genes of Drosophila melanogaster. Mutations at the Kr locus cause the deletion of contiguous segments from the embryonic body pattern. We have elucidated the spatial and temporal characteristics of Kr gene expression during early embryo development, the localization of cytoplasmic Kr+ activity and its spatial requirement for normal segmentation.  相似文献   

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