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Endogenous retroviruses have shaped the evolution of mammalian genomes. Host genes that control the effects of retrovirus insertions are therefore of great interest. The modifier-of-vibrator-1 locus (Mvb1) controls levels of correctly processed mRNA from genes mutated by endogenous retrovirus insertions into introns, including the Pitpn(vb) tremor mutation and the Eya1(BOR) model of human branchiootorenal syndrome. Positional complementation cloning identifies Mvb1 as the nuclear export factor Nxf1, providing an unexpected link between the mRNA export receptor and pre-mRNA processing. Population structure of the suppressive allele in wild Mus musculus castaneus suggests selective advantage. A congenic Mvb1(CAST) allele is a useful tool for modifying gene expression from existing mutations and could be used to manipulate engineered mutations containing retroviral elements.  相似文献   

A photic visual cycle of rhodopsin regeneration is dependent on Rgr.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
During visual excitation, rhodopsin undergoes photoactivation and bleaches to opsin and all-trans-retinal. To regenerate rhodopsin and maintain normal visual sensitivity, the all-trans isomer must be metabolized and reisomerized to produce the chromophore 11-cis-retinal in biochemical steps that constitute the visual cycle and involve the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE; refs. 3-8). A key step in the visual cycle is isomerization of an all-trans retinoid to 11-cis-retinol in the RPE (refs. 9-11). It could be that the retinochrome-like opsins, peropsin, or the retinal G protein-coupled receptor (RGR) opsin12-16 are isomerases in the RPE. In contrast to visual pigments, RGR is bound predominantly to endogenous all-trans-retinal, and irradiation of RGR in vitro results in stereospecific conversion of the bound all-trans isomer to 11-cis-retinal. Here we show that RGR is involved in the formation of 11-cis-retinal in mice and functions in a light-dependent pathway of the rod visual cycle. Mutations in the human gene encoding RGR are associated with retinitis pigmentosa.  相似文献   

We have identified nonsense mutations in the gene CDSN (encoding corneodesmosin) in three families suffering from hypotrichosis simplex of the scalp (HSS; OMIM 146520). CDSN, a glycoprotein expressed in the epidermis and inner root sheath (IRS) of hair follicles, is a keratinocyte adhesion molecule. Truncated CDSN aggregates were detected in the superficial dermis and at the periphery of hair follicles. Our findings suggest that CDSN is important in normal scalp hair physiology.  相似文献   

There is emerging evidence that people with successfully treated HIV infection age prematurely, leading to progressive multi-organ disease, but the reasons for this are not known. Here we show that patients treated with commonly used nucleoside analog anti-retroviral drugs progressively accumulate somatic mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations, mirroring those seen much later in life caused by normal aging. Ultra-deep re-sequencing by synthesis, combined with single-cell analyses, suggests that the increase in somatic mutation is not caused by increased mutagenesis but might instead be caused by accelerated mtDNA turnover. This leads to the clonal expansion of preexisting age-related somatic mtDNA mutations and a biochemical defect that can affect up to 10% of cells. These observations add weight to the role of somatic mtDNA mutations in the aging process and raise the specter of progressive iatrogenic mitochondrial genetic disease emerging over the next decade.  相似文献   

X-linked congenital stationary night blindness (XLCSNB) is characterized by impaired scotopic vision with associated ocular symptoms such as myopia, hyperopia, nystagmus and reduced visual acuity. Genetic mapping in families with XLCSNB revealed two different loci on the proximal short arm of the X chromosome. These two genetic subtypes can be distinguished on the basis of electroretinogram (ERG) responses and psychophysical testing as a complete (CSNB1) and an incomplete (CSNB2) form. The CSNB1 locus has been mapped to a 5-cM linkage interval in Xp11.4 (refs 2,5-7). Here we construct and analyse a contig between the markers DXS993 and DXS228, leading to the identification of a new gene mutated in CSNB1 patients. It is partially deleted in 3 families and mutation analysis in a further 21 families detected another 13 different mutations. This gene, designated NYX, encodes a protein of 481 amino acids (nyctalopin) and is expressed at low levels in tissues including retina, brain, testis and muscle. The predicted polypeptide is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored extracellular protein with 11 typical and 2 cysteine-rich, leucine-rich repeats (LRRs). This motif is important for protein-protein interactions and members of the LRR superfamily are involved in cell adhesion and axon guidance. Future functional analysis of nyctalopin might therefore give insight into the fine-regulation of cell-cell contacts in the retina.  相似文献   

Multiple self-healing squamous epithelioma (MSSE), also known as Ferguson-Smith disease (FSD), is an autosomal-dominant skin cancer condition characterized by multiple squamous-carcinoma-like locally invasive skin tumors that grow rapidly for a few weeks before spontaneously regressing, leaving scars. High-throughput genomic sequencing of a conservative estimate (24.2 Mb) of the disease locus on chromosome 9 using exon array capture identified independent mutations in TGFBR1 in three unrelated families. Subsequent dideoxy sequencing of TGFBR1 identified 11 distinct monoallelic mutations in 18 affected families, firmly establishing TGFBR1 as the causative gene. The nature of the sequence variants, which include mutations in the extracellular ligand-binding domain and a series of truncating mutations in the kinase domain, indicates a clear genotype-phenotype correlation between loss-of-function TGFBR1 mutations and MSSE. This distinguishes MSSE from the Marfan syndrome-related disorders in which missense mutations in TGFBR1 lead to developmental defects with vascular involvement but no reported predisposition to cancer.  相似文献   

A candidate gene for Norrie disease, an X-linked disorder characterized by blindness, deafness and mental disturbances, was recently isolated and found to contain microdeletions in numerous patients. No strong homologies were identified. By studying the number and spacing of cysteine residues, we now detect homologies between the Norrie gene product and a C-terminal domain which is common to a group of proteins including mucins. Three newly-characterized missense mutations, replacing evolutionarily conserved cysteines or creating new cysteine codons, emphasize the functional importance of these sites. These findings and the clinical features of this disorder suggest a possible role for the Norrie gene in neuroectodermal cell-cell interaction.  相似文献   

Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS; OMIM 122470) is a dominantly inherited multisystem developmental disorder characterized by growth and cognitive retardation; abnormalities of the upper limbs; gastroesophageal dysfunction; cardiac, ophthalmologic and genitourinary anomalies; hirsutism; and characteristic facial features. Genital anomalies, pyloric stenosis, congenital diaphragmatic hernias, cardiac septal defects, hearing loss and autistic and self-injurious tendencies also frequently occur. Prevalence is estimated to be as high as 1 in 10,000 (ref. 4). We carried out genome-wide linkage exclusion analysis in 12 families with CdLS and identified four candidate regions, of which chromosome 5p13.1 gave the highest multipoint lod score of 2.7. This information, together with the previous identification of a child with CdLS with a de novo t(5;13)(p13.1;q12.1) translocation, allowed delineation of a 1.1-Mb critical region on chromosome 5 for the gene mutated in CdLS. We identified mutations in one gene in this region, which we named NIPBL, in four sporadic and two familial cases of CdLS. We characterized the genomic structure of NIPBL and found that it is widely expressed in fetal and adult tissues. The fly homolog of NIPBL, Nipped-B, facilitates enhancer-promoter communication and regulates Notch signaling and other developmental pathways in Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS) is a disorder of organelle biogenesis in which oculocutaneous albinism, bleeding and pulmonary fibrosis result from defects of melanosomes, platelet dense granules and lysosomes. HPS is common in Puerto Rico, where it is caused by mutations in the genes HPS1 and, less often, HPS3 (ref. 8). In contrast, only half of non-Puerto Rican individuals with HPS have mutations in HPS1 (ref. 9), and very few in HPS3 (ref. 10). In the mouse, more than 15 loci manifest mutant phenotypes similar to human HPS, including pale ear (ep), the mouse homolog of HPS1 (refs 13,14). Mouse ep has a phenotype identical to another mutant, light ear (le), which suggests that the human homolog of le is a possible human HPS locus. We have identified and found mutations of the human le homolog, HPS4, in a number of non-Puerto Rican individuals with HPS, establishing HPS4 as an important HPS locus in humans. In addition to their identical phenotypes, le and ep mutant mice have identical abnormalities of melanosomes, and in transfected melanoma cells the HPS4 and HPS1 proteins partially co-localize in vesicles of the cell body. In addition, the HPS1 protein is absent in tissues of le mutant mice. These results suggest that the HPS4 and HPS1 proteins may function in the same pathway of organelle biogenesis.  相似文献   

Roberts syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by craniofacial anomalies, tetraphocomelia and loss of cohesion at heterochromatic regions of centromeres and the Y chromosome. We identified mutations in a new human gene, ESCO2, associated with Roberts syndrome in 15 kindreds. The ESCO2 protein product is a member of a conserved protein family that is required for the establishment of sister chromatid cohesion during S phase and has putative acetyltransferase activity.  相似文献   

Magnesium is an essential ion involved in many biochemical and physiological processes. Homeostasis of magnesium levels is tightly regulated and depends on the balance between intestinal absorption and renal excretion. However, little is known about specific proteins mediating transepithelial magnesium transport. Using a positional candidate gene approach, we identified mutations in TRPM6 (also known as CHAK2), encoding TRPM6, in autosomal-recessive hypomagnesemia with secondary hypocalcemia (HSH, OMIM 602014), previously mapped to chromosome 9q22 (ref. 3). The TRPM6 protein is a new member of the long transient receptor potential channel (TRPM) family and is highly similar to TRPM7 (also known as TRP-PLIK), a bifunctional protein that combines calcium- and magnesium-permeable cation channel properties with protein kinase activity. TRPM6 is expressed in intestinal epithelia and kidney tubules. These findings indicate that TRPM6 is crucial for magnesium homeostasis and implicate a TRPM family member in human disease.  相似文献   

The gamete fusion process is defective in eggs of Cd9-deficient mice   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The cell-surface molecule Cd9, a member of the transmembrane-4 superfamily, interacts with the integrin family and other membrane proteins. and is postulated to participate in cell migration and adhesion. Expression of Cd9 enhances membrane fusion between muscle cells and promotes viral infection in some cells. Fertilization also involves membrane fusion, between gametes. In mammals, the sperm binds to microvilli on the egg surface, and sperm-egg membrane fusion first occurs around the equatorial region of the sperm head12. The fused membrane is then disrupted, and the sperm nucleus as well as the cytoplasm is incorporated into the egg. Cd9 is expressed on the plasma membrane of the mouse egg, and an anti-Cd9 monoclonal antibody inhibits sperm-egg surface interactions. We generated Cd9 mice and found that homozygous mutant females were infertile. Sperm-egg binding was normal, but sperm-egg fusion was almost entirely inhibited in eggs from Cd9 females. Intracellular Ca2 oscillations, which signal fertilization, were absent in almost all mutant eggs; in rare cases, a response occurred after a long time period. In normal animals, Cd9 molecules were expressed on the egg microvilli and became densely concentrated at the sperm attachment site. Thus, our results show that Cd9 is important in the gamete fusion process at fertilization.  相似文献   

Erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP) is an inherited disorder of heme biosynthesis caused by a partial deficiency of ferrochelatase (FECH, EC EPP is transmitted as an autosomal dominant disorder with an incomplete penetrance. Using haplotype segregation analysis, we have identified an intronic single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), IVS3-48T/C, that modulates the use of a constitutive aberrant acceptor splice site. The aberrantly spliced mRNA is degraded by a nonsense-mediated decay mechanism (NMD), producing a decreased steady-state level of mRNA and the additional FECH enzyme deficiency necessary for EPP phenotypic expression.  相似文献   

In millions of people, obesity leads to type 2 diabetes (T2D; also known as non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus). During the early stages of juvenile obesity, the increase of insulin secretion in proportion to accumulated fat balances insulin resistance and protects patients from hyperglycaemia. After several decades, however,beta-cell function deteriorates and T2D develops in approximately 20% of obese patients. In modern societies, obesity has thus become the leading risk factor for T2D (ref. 5). The factors that predispose obese patients to alteration of insulin secretion upon gaining weight remain unknown. To determine which genetic factors predispose obese patients to beta-cell dysfunction, and possibly T2D, we studied single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the region of the insulin gene (INS) among 615 obese children. We found that, in the early phase of obesity, alleles of the INS variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) locus are associated with different effects of body fatness on insulin secretion. Young obese patients homozygous for class I VNTR alleles secrete more insulin than those with other genotypes.  相似文献   

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