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Founded in 1957, SAMAS (the Second Academy of Ministry of Aero-Space Industry) is ahi-tech academy for electronic. optical and mechanical technologies. Located in the city / sNew Tech Development Experiment Zone of the western suburb of Beijing, it has been en-gaging in the research, development and manufacture of aerospace vehicles, control andguidance systems, detection and tracking instrumentation, power systems, ground controlsystems and various types of test facilities. SAMAS is the leading research academy for elec-tronic system engineering in China.  相似文献   

A New Discriminating Experiment on the Invariance Hypothesis of Light Speed   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IMRODUCTIONThoughthetheoryofspecialrelativityhasalreadybecomethebasisofmodernphysics,experimentstoprovethistheoryhaveneverceased.Menhavenevercarriedoutsomanyexperimentstoverifyanyothertheoryinthehistoryofphysics.Thisonlygoestoprovethatscientistsstillhavedoubtsconerningthebasisofthistheory,andsuchdoubtsarecentredaroundthehyPOthesisoftheinvarianceofspeedoflight.Especiallyaftermenhavediscoveredtheabsoluteframegdefinedby3KCosmicBackgroundRadiationthroughexperiments,itappearstobemorenecessar…  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTION.ItiswellknownthatEinsteintheoryofspecialrelativitydiffersfromtheclassicalphysicsessentiallybythesecondPOstulate,theconstancyofvelocityoflightinavacuum.InhisfirstpaperopspecinlrelativityEinstein[l]stressedthedefinitionofsimultaneityandshowedthattheconstancyofone--wayspeedoflightisusedtosynchronizetheseparateclocksinthereferencesystems.Sincethattime,toomanypapersandbooks[2--12],inwhichisotropyofone--wayspeedoflightisdiscussed,havebeenpublished.Althoughallthetesttheoriesandth…  相似文献   

A Maturing of Systems Thinking? Evidence from Three Perspectives   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
This paper reviews trends in systems theory/thinking from the 1970s to the early 2000s. It proposes a maturation of the field based on certain conceptual and methodological advances that have sought to liberate systems thinking from earlier strictures. An edited dialogue among three prominent systems thinkers from different systems schools—Merrelyn Emery, Bob Flood, and Eric Wolstenholme—provides evidence. Similarities and differences are identified, complementarities among the schools are derived and analyzed, and trajectories for future research are indicated.  相似文献   

The role of the teacher in the classroom can be seen to constitute a sociological problem. The objective of this article is to understand teaching life and to discover how teachers construct meaning of their role in the classroom. There is a scarcity of literature pertaining to the role of the teacher. The only available literature is particularly of a positivistic nature which advances number crunching. None of the research is done from the point of view of the teachers. To understand what teachers are doing in the classroom, it was necessary to undertake an investigation from the perspective of the teachers themselves. This was done within a qualitative methodological framework.  相似文献   

IntheprecedingPaper,itwasdemonstratedthattheadvanceofMercury'sperihelinnrelativetotheSuncanbeunderstoodasaconsequenceofthevelocitydependenceoftheplanet'sinertialandgravitationalmasses(inaccordwithspecialrelativity).Itwasnecessaryonlytotakeinaccountthiseffectinatwofoldmanner:TheincreaseofthemasswithhighervelocityintheexpressionforthekineticenergyandfurtheronalsointhetermfortheattraCtiveforcebetweenSunandMercury.AhighprecisionsolutionofNewton'sequationofmotionfortheplanetgivesamotionofitsPeri…  相似文献   


The paper revisits the fundamental question of the nature of the firm by contrasting two philosophic worldviews suggested by process philosophy and the Luhmannian systems theory. Whereas the former worldview takes reality to be internally related, the latter ones underscores the tendency of social systems, such as firms, to disregard much of this interrelatedness. The productive tension between these worldviews suggests that the firm provides a context where systemic imperatives meet the rich concrete reality of human life. The role of the firm is to house those aspects of this reality that are too organic to be accommodated by the abstract “language of prices” corresponding, in institutional economics terms, to the reliance on market governance. The major examples of these aspects explored in the paper are dynamic capabilities and business ethics, both of which hold the potential to improve the firm’s sustainability, both economic and social. The proposed contrast between the process-philosophic and systems-theoretic worldviews thus illuminates not only the nature of the firm but also the managerial relevance of corporate sustainability instruments.


AGeneralTheoryofEstimationofVarianceCovarianceComponentsMAChaoqunLIQingguoInternationalBusinesScholofHunanUniversity,Hunan41...  相似文献   

The authors present a novel deep learning method for computing eigenvalues of the fractional Schr?dinger operator. The proposed approach combines a newly developed loss function with an innovative neural network architecture that incorporates prior knowledge of the problem. These improvements enable the proposed method to handle both high-dimensional problems and problems posed on irregular bounded domains. The authors successfully compute up to the first 30 eigenvalues for various fractional Sc...  相似文献   

A Class of Plurisubharmonic Functions of Positively Homogeneous of Order ρ   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1  IntroductionThe surjectivity of convolution operator and in particular of linear partial differrentialoperators with constant coefficients is often equivalent to a problem of division in anappropriate space of entire functions.Those problems often have a tight connection withthe study of plurisubharmonic functions and weight system.In this paper we construct aclass of plusisubharmonic functions of positively homogeneous oforderρ and some weightsystem,and discuss their properties.These res…  相似文献   

We usually decide to accept or reject the offer based on the utility function in the traditional automatic negotiation of E-commerce so that we reject the offers whose utility is lower than a specified value. Here we evaluate the acceptability based on the fuzzy set theory and the membership function. Since different issues have different effect on the negotiators, we state the combined concession in the multi-issue negotiation for the negotiators. We put forward a more practical negotiation model than the traditional negotiation model and give an example of its application in E-commerce.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a projection programming method of combination weighting. The method combines subjective weights and objective weights, and derives the weights of attributes by solving a projection-programming model. The method is simple, practical and easy to implement on computer. A numerical example is also given.  相似文献   

ASimulantModelofDevelopmentofAnimalHusbandryandApplicationHEChangzheng;XUJiuping;LIUGuangzhong(Dept.ofAppliedMathematics,Chen...  相似文献   

Structuring the hierarchy of a system is an important link of solving problems with the analytic hierarchy process. This paper gives and proves the two theorems about the relationship between the hierarchy and the reachability matrix of the system. On the basis of it, we propose a method of structuring hierarchy by directly using the reachability matrix of the system. This method is simpler and clearer than that of interpretive structural modeling and is suitable for both manual calculating and computer proceeding. It fully shows the simplicity of the AHP.  相似文献   

A Reexamination of Methods of Hierarchic Composition in the AHP   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1  IntroductionHierarchic composition orpriority synthesis is an importantstep of the Analytic HierarchyProcess ( AHP) .The original method used in the AHP( Saaty,1977) to conducthierarchic composition is the weighted arithmetic mean.Since the weighted a…  相似文献   

AMethodofPolydirectionalFuzzySyntheticalClusterofConsideringPartialityofDecisionMaker¥LUZonghua;YAOLaichang(ShandongInstitute...  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the research strategy that I employed during doctoral studies. An overarching framework of Action Research (AR) was used in the development of a complementary approach to creative studies. At the time of the studies AR seemed to be a natural choice and I did not overly concern myself with exploring as to why that was the case. However, I recognize the value of contemplating the appropriateness of research strategy and, in this paper, now reflect on some of the parallel strands implicit in AR and in critical creativity that I now realize served to enrich the overall research process.  相似文献   

The debate about the application of the concept of autopoiesis to social systems has been disabled by the difficulties of defining the autopoiesis of a specific social system ostensively. This paper considers the evidence that the circular relations of production which define autopoietic processes appear both in the cognitive domain and in the domains of human activity associated with accounting. Without a sound theoretical footing and, in the eyes of some, fatally flawed, accounting appears to be organizationally closed, capable of adapting itself to its rapidly changing environment, and probably well able to engulf many of the alternative ways of representing activities in society. It is concluded that if there are indeed autopoietic suprahuman systems of a natural kind mobilizing mankind in their service, then accounting is to be numbered among them.  相似文献   

ANovelApproachtoCombinationofForecastsGAORenxiangInstituteofAppliedMathematics,AcademiaSinica,Beijing.1O0080,ChinaZHANGShiyin...  相似文献   

A Tree Structure Storage Model of BOM   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1  The Structure Analysis of BOMIn recentyears civil enterprises in increasing numbers begin to recognize the significance ofimplementing MRP .One key step of implementing MRP is building dependable BOM( Bill of Material) .so a reliable and high flexible BOM storage form should be built.Billof Material,BOM,which is the Technique document on illuminating the productstructure,is used to demonstrate the structure and relationship between the final product( never processed in current en…  相似文献   

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