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Identification of a protein encoded by the vpu gene of HIV-1   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
Human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) is the aetiological agent of AIDS. The virus establishes lytic, latent and non-cytopathic productive infection in cells in culture. The complexity of virus-host cell interaction is reflected in the complex organization of the viral genome. In addition to the genes that encode the virion capsid and envelope proteins and the enzymes required for proviral synthesis and integration common to all retroviruses, HIV-1 is known to encode at least four additional proteins that regulate virus replication, the tat, art, sor and 3' orf proteins, as well as a protein of unknown function from the open reading frame called R. Close examination of the nucleic acid sequences of the genomes of multiple HIV isolates raised the possibility that the virus encodes a previously undetected additional protein. Here we report that HIV-1 encodes a ninth protein and that antibodies to this protein are detected in the sera of people infected with HIV-1. This protein distinguishes HIV-1 isolates from the other human and simian immunodeficiency viruses (HIV-2 and SIV) that do not have the capacity to encode a similar protein.  相似文献   

I Issemann  S Green 《Nature》1990,347(6294):645-650

COUP transcription factor is a member of the steroid receptor superfamily   总被引:68,自引:0,他引:68  
L H Wang  S Y Tsai  R G Cook  W G Beattie  M J Tsai  B W O'Malley 《Nature》1989,340(6229):163-166

Mutant mice homozygous for 'retinal degeneration slow' (rds/rds) are characterized phenotypically by abnormal development of photoreceptor outer segments in the retina, followed by gradual degeneration of photoreceptors. This process of degeneration is complete by one year, with preservation of all other retinal cells. The biochemical defect that leads to the mutant phenotype is not known. Our strategy for cloning the rds gene was based upon three previously reported observations. First, the rds locus maps to chromosome 17. Second, experimental rds/rds----+/+ and rds/+----+/+ tetra-parental mice manifest patchy photoreceptor changes in the retina, suggesting that the wild-type rds locus is expressed within cells of the photoreceptor lineage. Finally, the process of degeneration is specific to photoreceptors. On the basis of these observations, we predicted that the rds mRNA is encoded by a gene on chromosome 17 and is normally expressed exclusively within photoreceptors in the retina. We here present evidence that this is the case.  相似文献   

Most eukaryotic cells rapidly and specifically depress synthesis of alpha- and beta-tubulin polypeptides in response to microtubule inhibitors which cause microtubule depolymerization and presumably increase the intracellular concentration of free subunits. Other drugs which interfere with microtubule function but which lead to a decrease in the subunit pool size have little effect on the rate of new tubulin synthesis. These findings have previously been interpreted to indicate that cultured cells synthesize tubulin constitutively unless the subunit pool rises above a specified level. At this point an autoregulatory control mechanism is triggered which suppresses new tubulin synthesis through specific loss of tubulin mRNAs. That tubulin RNA levels are dramatically lowered by microtubule depolymerizing drugs is unquestionably correct; that fluctuations in the depolymerized tubulin pool size are responsible for altered RNA levels rests, however, entirely on the presumptive effects of different microtubule drugs. This caveat is not trivial, as these drugs induce gross morphological alterations, and the specificities and detailed mechanisms of action of such drugs remain poorly understood. To investigate the effect of altered levels of tubulin subunits on the rate of new tubulin synthesis in mammalian cells, we have microinjected purified tubulin subunits into cells in culture and analysed the synthesized proteins. We report here that tubulin synthesis is rapidly and specifically suppressed by injection of an amount of tubulin roughly equivalent to 25-50% of the amount initially present in the cell, thus indicating the presence of an eukaryotic, autoregulatory control mechanism which specifies tubulin content in a cultured mammalian cell line.  相似文献   

The malarial parasite Plasmodium vivax causes disease in humans, including chronic infections and recurrent relapses, but the course of infection is rarely fatal, unlike that caused by Plasmodium falciparum. To investigate differences in pathogenicity between P. vivax and P. falciparum, we have compared the subtelomeric domains in the DNA of these parasites. In P. falciparum, subtelomeric domains are conserved and contain ordered arrays of members of multigene families, such as var, rif and stevor, encoding virulence determinants of cytoadhesion and antigenic variation. Here we identify, through the analysis of a continuous 155,711-base-pair sequence of a P. vivax chromosome end, a multigene family called vir, which is specific to P. vivax. The vir genes are present at about 600-1,000 copies per haploid genome and encode proteins that are immunovariant in natural infections, indicating that they may have a functional role in establishing chronic infection through antigenic variation.  相似文献   

A recombinant plasmid pET-racd was first constructed by cloning osRACD,the development-regulating gene that controls photoperiod fertility transformation in the photoperiod sensitive genic male sterile rice Nongken 58S,into a prokaryote expression vector pET28a(+).It was then transformed into E.Coli BL-21.Cutting with thrombin of the fusion protein extracted from transformants and PAGE separation yielded pure osRACD protein,which was further concentrated using ultrafiltration and renatured using glutathione oxidation/reduction refolding system for later functional study.As demonstrated by in vitro functional assay,the osRACD protein expressed in E.Coli B-21 shows remarkable activity in binding GTP specifically and hydrolyzing it.  相似文献   

M Jacobs  P M Bennett  M J Dickens 《Nature》1975,257(5528):707-709

Dynamin was discovered in bovine brain tissue as a nucleotide-sensitive microtubule-binding protein of relative molecular mass 100,000. It was found to cross-link microtubules into highly ordered bundles, and appeared to have a role in intermicrotubule sliding in vitro. Cloning and sequencing of rat brain dynamin complementary DNA identified an N-terminal region of about 300 amino acids which contained the three consensus elements characteristic of GTP-binding proteins. Extensive homology was found between this domain and the mammalian Mx proteins which are involved in interferon-induced viral resistance, and with the product of the VPS1 locus in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which has been implicated both in membrane protein sorting, and in meiotic spindle pole separation. Dynamin-containing microtubule bundles were not observed in an immunofluorescence study of cultured mammalian cells, but a role for a GTP-requiring protein in intermicrotubule sliding during mitosis in plants has been reported. We report here that Drosophila melanogaster contains multiple tissue-specific and developmentally-regulated forms of dynamin, which are products of the shibire locus previously implicated in endocytic protein sorting.  相似文献   

利用转座子突变技术构建毕赤酵母菌株突变库,并分离出能够在含雷帕霉素(10 ng/mL)培养基中生长的突变株mut375.通过热不对称交错PCR(TAIL-PCR)获取转座子侧翼序列,对转座子的插入位点进行定位.转座子插入PASChr2-20375基因,破坏了其开放阅读框的完整性,将该基因命名为kFPR1.本研究利用同源重组敲除kFPR1基因使毕赤酵母产生了雷帕霉素抗性,回补该基因功能的菌株则不能在含雷帕霉素的培养基上生长.基于kFPR1基因的特性,建立了一种适用于毕赤酵母的无标记基因操作方法.以kFPR1作为反向筛选标记成功构建了表达EGFP的重组菌株并且回收了ZeoR筛选标记,为毕赤酵母的遗传操作提供了新的筛选工具.  相似文献   

A novel intronic small nucleolar RNA ( snoRNA) , termed Z25, was identified from mammals by-computer analysis and experimental sequence methods. Z25 is a 69 nucleotides long RNA containing typical boxC/D motifs, terminal stem and an 11-nucleotide sequence complementary to 18S rRNA. In theory, Z25 functions as an RNA guide for the 2'-0-ribose methylation of adenine at position 1678 (human 18S rRNA coordinate) in 18S rRNA. Z25 snoRNA gene was found to be located in the fifth intron of nucleolin gene of human, mouse and rat, demonstrating that the mammalian nucleoline gene is a host gene encoding multiple snoRNAs.  相似文献   

J Trowsdale  I Hanson  I Mockridge  S Beck  A Townsend  A Kelly 《Nature》1990,348(6303):741-744
Class I molecules of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) bind and present peptides derived from the degradation of intracellular, often cytoplasmic, proteins, whereas class II molecules usually present proteins from the extracellular environment. It is not known how peptides derived from cytoplasmic proteins cross a membrane before presentation at the cell surface. But certain mutations in the MHC can prevent presentation of antigens with class I molecules. In addition, mutations possibly in the MHC can affect presentation by class II molecules. Here we report the finding of a new gene in the MHC that might have a role in antigen presentation and which is related to the ABC (ATP-binding cassette) superfamily of transporters. This superfamily includes the human multidrug-resistance protein, and a series of transporters from bacteria and eukaryotic cells capable of transporting a range of substrates, including peptides.  相似文献   

M Moos  R Tacke  H Scherer  D Teplow  K Früh  M Schachner 《Nature》1988,334(6184):701-703
Diverse glycoproteins of cell surfaces and extracellular matrices operationally termed 'adhesion molecules' are important in the specification of cell interactions during development, maintenance and regeneration of the nervous system. These adhesion molecules have distinct functions involving different cells at different developmental stages, but may cooperate when expressed together. Families of adhesion molecules which share common carbohydrate domains do exist, despite the structural and functional diversity of these glycoproteins. These include the Ca2+-independent neural adhesion molecules: N-CAM, myelin associated glycoprotein (MAG) and L1. L1 is involved in neuron-neuron adhesion, neurite fasciculation, outgrowth of neurites, cerebellar granule cell migration, neurite outgrowth on Schwann cells and interactions among epithelial cells of intestinal crypts. We show here that in addition to sharing carbohydrate epitopes with N-CAM and MAG, L1 is also a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily. It contains six C2 domains and also shares three type III domains with the extracellular matrix adhesion molecule fibronectin.  相似文献   

The myelocytomatosis viruses are a family of replication-defective avian retroviruses that cause a variety of tumours in chickens and transform both fibroblasts and macrophages in culture through the activity of their oncogene v-myc. A closely related gene (c-myc) is found in vertebrate animals and is thought to be the progenitor of v-myc. Changes in the expression and perhaps the structure of c-myc have been implicated in the genesis of avian, murine and human tumours (for a review, see ref. 15). Elucidation of the mechanisms by which v-myc and c-myc might elicit tumorigenesis requires identification of the proteins encoded by these genes. To this end, we have expressed a portion of v-myc in a bacterial host and used the resulting protein to raise antisera that react with myc proteins. We report here that v-myc and c-myc encode closely related proteins with molecular weights (MWs) of approximately 58,000. Integration of retroviral DNA near or within c-myc in avian lymphomas apparently enhances expression of the gene. Here we have used cells from one such tumour to identify the protein encoded by c-myc and find that the coding domain for the gene is probably intact.  相似文献   

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