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Ecological capital assessment is currently one of the important research contents in the interdisciplinary field of ecology, resources economics, environmental economics and ecological economics. To scientifically assess ecological capital redounds to decision-makers to consider the ecological cost in economic development, and is also necessary for sustainable economic development in arid areas. Based on the theory of landscape ecology, in this paper the per unit area ecological capital values in arid areas are researched by using the Land-sat TM data, CBERS satellite data, meteorological data, MODIS satellite data and other ecological data, and the RS- and GIS-based models of assessing ecological capital values in arid areas are developed. Moreover, based on the field-measured data, a case study on ecological capital assessment in the Manas River basin, Xinjiang in 2003 is carried out. The basin is divided into 4 ecological capital areas so as to quantitatively calculate the ecological capital values of the ecosystems, analyze the spatial distribution of ecological capital, and chart the maps of spatial distribution of ecological capital. The results show that the total ecological capital value of the ecosystems in the Manas River basin in 2003 was 1.494 54×1011 yuan RMB. In spatial distribution, the ecological capital decreases from the alpine zones to the plains and from the oases to the deserts, which accords with the distribution of vegetation zonality in this arid area. The assessed results can objectively reflect the ecological capital and its spatial distribution in the arid basin, and can also provide reference for roundly carrying out the assessment of ecological capital in arid areas.  相似文献   

Ecological capital is the summation of the direct value of biological resources and the ecological service function value of ecosystems. Under the support of RS, GPS and GIS, in this paper the RS-based quantitative measurement model of assessing ecological capital is developed based on the traditional ecology theory and the research on the value of ecological capital per unit area by using the ecological parameters including Landsat TM data, CBERS satellite data, meteorological data, MODIS satellite data, land cover data and field-measured data. A case study on the spatiotemporal distribution of ecological capital in Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture in 1990, 1995 and 2003 is carried out, and the dynamic change of ecological capital in the prefecture is measured and compared with GDP. The maps of the spatial distribution of ecological capital in the study area are charted, and the characteristics of spatial distribution of ecological capital are analyzed. The results show that the values of ecological capital in the prefecture in 1990, 1995 and 2003 were 1.47368×10^11, 1.66160×10^11 and 1.77895×10^11 yuan RMB (hereafter referred to as yuan) respectively, and that in spatial distribution, the ecological capital decreases from the alpine zones to the plains and from the oases to the deserts, which accords with the zonal distribution of vegetation in arid areas. The measured results can more objectively reflect the ecological capital and its spatial distribution in arid areas, provide an ideal foundation for further study in the future, and can also be combined with the study on service functions of ecosystems and the regiona planning as an important basis of regional planning.  相似文献   

Ecological capital is the summation of the direct value of biological resources and the ecological service function value of ecosystems. Under the support of RS, GPS and GIS, in this paper the RS-based quantitative measurement model of assessing ecological capital is developed based on the traditional ecology theory and the research on the value of ecological capital per unit area by using the ecological parameters including Landsat TM data, CBERS satellite data, meteorological data, MODIS satellite data, land cover data and field-measured data. A case study on the spatiotemporal distribution of ecological capital in Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture in 1990, 1995 and 2003 is carried out, and the dynamic change of ecological capital in the prefecture is measured and compared with GDP. The maps of the spatial distribution of ecological capital in the study area are charted, and the characteristics of spatial distribution of ecological capital are analyzed. The results show that the values of ecological capital in the prefecture in 1990, 1995 and 2003 were 1.47368×1011, 1.66160×1011 and 1.77895×1011 yuan RMB (hereafter referred to as yuan) respec-tively, and that in spatial distribution, the ecological capital decreases from the alpine zones to the plains and from the oases to the deserts, which accords with the zonal distribution of vegetation in arid areas. The measured results can more objectively reflect the ecological capital and its spatial distribution in arid areas, provide an ideal foundation for further study in the future, and can also be combined with the study on service functions of ecosystems and the regional planning as an important basis of regional planning.  相似文献   

Zhou  Kefa  Chen  Xi  Zhou  Huarong  Zhang  Qing  Zuo  Qiting  Zhang  Haibo  Yan  Jinfeng  Chen  Chuan 《科学通报(英文版)》2006,51(1):213-220

Ecological capital assessment is currently one of the important research contents in the interdisciplinary field of ecology, resources economics, environmental economics and ecological economics. To scientifically assess ecological capital redounds to decision-makers to consider the ecological cost in economic development, and is also necessary for sustainable economic development in arid areas. Based on the theory of landscape ecology, in this paper the per unit area ecological capital values in arid areas are researched by using the Landsat TM data, CBERS satellite data, meteorological data, MODIS satellite data and other ecological data, and the RS-and GIS-based models of assessing ecological capital values in arid areas are developed. Moreover, based on the field-measured data, a case study on ecological capital assessment in the Manas River basin, Xinjiang in 2003 is carried out. The basin is divided into 4 ecological capital areas so as to quantitatively calculate the ecological capital values of the ecosystems, analyze the spatial distribution of ecological capital, and chart the maps of spatial distribution of ecological capital. The results show that the total ecological capital value of the ecosystems in the Manas River basin in 2003 was 1.494 54×1011 yuan RMB. In spatial distribution, the ecological capital decreases from the alpine zones to the plains and from the oases to the deserts, which accords with the distribution of vegetation zonality in this arid area. The assessed results can objectively reflect the ecological capital and its spatial distribution in the arid basin, and can also provide reference for roundly carrying out the assessment of ecological capital in arid areas.


Chen  Xi  Zhang  Qing  Zhou  Kefa  Sun  Li 《科学通报(英文版)》2006,51(1):204-212

Ecological capital is the summation of the direct value of biological resources and the ecological service function value of ecosystems. Under the support of RS, GPS and GIS, in this paper the RS-based quantitative measurement model of assessing ecological capital is developed based on the traditional ecology theory and the research on the value of ecological capital per unit area by using the ecological parameters including Landsat TM data, CBERS satellite data, meteorological data, MODIS satellite data, land cover data and field-measured data. A case study on the spatiotemporal distribution of ecological capital in Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture in 1990, 1995 and 2003 is carried out, and the dynamic change of ecological capital in the prefecture is measured and compared with GDP. The maps of the spatial distribution of ecological capital in the study area are charted, and the characteristics of spatial distribution of ecological capital are analyzed. The results show that the values of ecological capital in the prefecture in 1990, 1995 and 2003 were 1.473 68×1011, 1.661 60×1011 and 1.778 95×1011 yuan RMB (hereafter referred to as yuan) respectively, and that in spatial distribution, the ecological capital decreases from the alpine zones to the plains and from the oases to the deserts, which accords with the zonal distribution of vegetation in arid areas. The measured results can more objectively reflect the ecological capital and its spatial distribution in arid areas, provide an ideal foundation for further study in the future, and can also be combined with the study on service functions of ecosystems and the regional planning as an important basis of regional planning.


界定了人力资本的内涵,并基于人力资本的定义,对目前人力资本存量计量的主要方法进行评价。在对人力资本存量计量进行理论分析的基础上,解决了国家、企业、个人人力资本存量计量的3个难题,建立了国家、企业、个人人力资本存量计量模型。  相似文献   

组织资本与企业绩效关系的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用营业费用、管理费用、无形资产、总资产周转率和组织规模作为反映组织资本的指标,建立关于企业绩效的回归模型,进行了复回归分析以及自回归分析.研究结果表明,与组织资本有关的变量对企业总资产报酬率有显著影响,企业组织资本变动1%,使得企业的资产回报率变动0.02%.从时间序列上来看,组织资本与企业绩效存在着显著的相互关系.因此,对于我国企业改革来说,重要的一个方面是加强企业的组织资本建设,提高企业运用资源的知识和能力水平。  相似文献   

上海浦东新区的绿地、林地、湿地是其重要生态栖息地,同时构成基本生态网络。受城市人口不断增加和经济快速增长影响,上海浦东新区建成区快速扩张,生态栖息地资源不断减少,斑块破碎化加大,基本生态网络连通性下降,生态功能下降。本项研究以2011年福卫二号高分辨率遥感影像为基础数据,结合地面调查,通过面向对象遥感分类方法和人工交互后处理,获得浦东新区绿地、林地、湿地土地利用现状。在GIS技术支持下,采用多层次权重、最小费用路径法和重力模型对浦东新区生态网络结构进行了定量分析与评价。结果表明:(1)浦东新区湿地、林绿地总面积17.99万hm2,占区域面积的65.41%,生态用地比重较大;(2)生态适宜性较强的大型斑块较少,且南北不均;(3)林地是组成研究区生态网络的优势景观要素类型,10 m缓冲结果中林地占51.39%;(4)由重力模型得到生态斑块间作用强度可知,九段沙及南汇东滩禁猎区生态区位十分重要;(5)随着生态廊道缓冲距离的增加,土地利用方式变化巨大,生态用地减少、建设用地增加.  相似文献   

资源枯竭型城市在高强度的人类活动后往往出现较严重的生态退化问题,因此在该类型地区开展生态脆弱度评价具有积极意义.该文基于遥感(RS)和地理信息(GIS)技术,从生态结构性脆弱与生态功能性脆弱两个方面选取相关指标,构建了黄石市生态脆弱性综合指数模型,并采用自然打断法开展脆弱度的等级划分和评价.结果表明: 1) 2009—2019年黄石市各景观类型指数变化明显,建设用地和林地优势度增加;耕地破碎度大幅增加而优势度减小;居民用地破碎度大幅减小而优势度减小;废弃工矿用地面积减少,破碎度和优势度减小.2) 黄石市2009—2019年生态脆弱指数平均值为0.258±0.063,整体处于轻度脆弱且空间分异明显,北部和中部地区脆弱度高,主要为高程较高、坡度较大的山区、林区以及海拔较低的磁湖、大冶湖等水域;南部地区脆弱度低.3) 黄石市生态脆弱度高的区域面积整体呈下降趋势,2019年生态脆弱度高的区域面积为99 053.51 hm2,较2009年下降了4.69%;10 年间由高等级脆弱向低等级脆弱转移的总面积为51 109 hm2,占总面积的70.08%,其中面积变化最大的是由中度脆弱向轻度脆弱转移24 720.48 hm2,主要集中在大冶市矿产资源开采区和水文旅游资源开发区的交界处,矿山治理和水体生态修复成效初显;黄石市市域内区域生态脆弱现状依然严峻,尤其市内三个区仍有超过60%的地区处于强度脆弱等级以上,还需持续不断地推进生态文明建设,彻底实现城市成功转型发展.  相似文献   

将GIS与网络管理结合,能够实现对网络设备故障快速直接的地理定位,赋予网管系统清晰直观、易于监控和管理的特性,从而引起了业界的广泛研究. 本文在综合研究分析现有网管系统和GIS技术应用的基础上,提出了一种新的网络拓扑地理信息的展示方法,该方法不仅能够精确展现网络节点的地理位置,还能有效解决层次模型下层间切换时的位置信息转换问题.  相似文献   

中国人力资本投入产出交互影响效应的实际测算研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在国内外学者对人力资本理论研究的基础上,借助投入占用产出理论与方法,编制了2000年人力资本投入占用产出局部闭模型.提出人力资本直接消耗系数和直接分配系数矩阵,给出人力资本与国民经济其他部门交互影响的测算方法.分析了二者的后向与前向联系以及人力资本部门投资对GDP的后向和前向效应,获得人力资本相对于其他部门投资在整个经济中的推动作用和需求拉动作用,以及通过这些作用对其他部门的总产出产生的影响。  相似文献   

贵州省生态环境质量综合评价方法研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
就贵州省生态环境质量综合评价方法的选用原则、评价程序及方法要点进行探讨。其中着重对采用遥感调查与常规地学、生态学方法相结合 ,对县域生态环境进行综合评价的指标体系建立、生态因子质量等级评分和加权综合质量指数计算等问题进行了研究。  相似文献   

通过对草海湿地的现状进行分析,结合"3S"技术和生态系统健康理论以及景观生态学理论,采用"压力-状态-响应"评价模型评价了1992年、2000年和2013年3个时期贵州草海湿地生态脆弱性动态变化;结果表明:草海湿地生态系统的主体功能较为完善,但仍然存在一定程度的退化。草海湿地生态系统景观基本完整的面积比例由1992年的70.56%减少到2013年的66.26%,湿地景观基本遭到破坏的面积比例由1992年的12.11%增加到2013年的13.38%。  相似文献   

为修复干旱半干旱区岩质边坡的生态系统,获得生态护坡基材的优化配比,该文以一种新型生态基材为研究对象,设定组分中的粘结剂、木纤维、保水剂为3个因素,各取3个水平,开展多指标多因素正交试验探索各因素和水平对基材性能的影响规律。结果表明:(1)粘结剂可以有效提升基材的强度和水稳性能,与适量水分作用可以发挥最优效能。随其掺量的增加,抗剪强度表现为先增加后减小,渗透系数和崩解量均表现为减小;(2)施用较少剂量的保水剂即可对基材的渗透、持水性能产生较大的影响,有效提高基材固持自然降水的能力;(3)木纤维与粘结剂的相互作用,可以促进其对基材的加筋补强和改善土壤构型效能的发挥,增强基材的抗冲抗剪性能。除渗透系数随木纤维掺量的增加而增加外,其他指标均呈先增大后减小的趋势。(4)由极差分析可得,各因素对基材性能的影响程度表现为粘结剂>木纤维>保水剂,获得基材的最优配比为粘结剂3%左右,木纤维4%左右,保水剂0.1%左右,最优含水率为16%。  相似文献   

The features of the fragile eco-environment of the arid land decide that its capacity of disturbance-resistance is lower. The natural desert oases in the arid land are in mosaic patches distributed in a wide Gobi desert. The population distribution is greatly dependent on water resources. The population is characterized with dispersed distribution, simple production and living style, and poverty and remoteness. The reason why the ecological migrations are carried out lies in the ecological problems. "Ecological degradation" is the main driving force of the ecological migration. Then, the strength of the driving force depends on the degree of ecological degradation. Hence, whether to carry out ecological migration depends on the extent of ecological degradation. Theoretically, the critical value curve for calculating ecological migration in the arid land is put forward through comprehensive research of relative problems of ecology, economics etc., combined with the ecological migration experience in the arid land, and based on the features of the arid environment. In this article, with this curve, the theoretical research and some practice of the ecological migration have been done from the perspective of natural behavior and governmental behavior of the driving force formation of ecological migration. It analyses the active driving force (factors) and negative forces (factors), and points out the timing and steps of implementing the ecological migration in the arid land. The theoretical curve embodies certain originality and applicability, which provides a quantitative method for evaluating the degree of ecological degradation and the theoretical base for implementing ecological migration projects.  相似文献   

煤矿区生态农业建设模式研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过土地生态复垦,发展生态农业,能够有效地恢复矿区生态环境,扩大生态环境容量,保障煤矿区持续发展。本文简要分析了煤矿区生态环境存在的问题,从煤矿区可持续发展战略出发,发展生态农业是煤矿区土地复垦的主要方向。根据生态学原理和生态经济学原理,我国部分煤矿区已具备发展生态农业的条件,并依据生态农业的基本模式演变出了多种实用的生态农业复垦模式。最后介绍了淮北市刘桥煤矿发展生态农业的思路与经验。  相似文献   

生态价值的核算是人类对自然与生态系统的认识应用于经济决策的桥梁,喀斯特山区面临环境恶化和经济贫困双重压力,揭示森林生态功能价值的空间演变特征是实现喀斯特山区生态恢复和可持续发展过程中亟待解决的核心问题。依据国家林业局发布的《森林生态系统服务功能评价规范》(LY/T1721—2008)标准,基于不同时期遥感影像及GIS空间技术与相关统计成果,对喀斯特典型区域清镇市1973、1993和2007年的森林生态价值进行定量统计和分析,揭示其演变特征。结果表明:清镇市34年来森林生态价值呈先减后增态势,总价值仍处于减少状况,从1973至2007年减少了22 927.106 8万元;森林生态价值减弱区主要在暗流、麦格、百花湖、卫城、站街、红枫湖以及犁倭等区域,而增强区主要在中部和西部山区。  相似文献   

产权安排对人力资本与财务资本配置影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用科斯定理建立了数理模型,分析了不同的初始产权安排由于交易费用的作用对人力资本与财务资本在企业内部配置的影响.研究结果表明,人力资本的投入量与交易费用的存在和产权界定系数相关.  相似文献   

从江苏省沿江开发过程中的实际需求出发,将景观生态学的景观指数方法加以应用,形成一套土地利用生态评估的技术方法与路线.以江阴市为应用对象,运用计算机技术和目视解译的方法从卫星影像中分别提取1984年和2004年的土地遥感信息,并依据土地利用分类系统提取这2个年份的土地利用信息,应用景观生态学的指数计算方法计算相关评估指数并加以对比研究.在此基础上进行景观组分的动态变化和景观格局的演化态势2个部分的生态评估.分析结果表明:在这个时间段中,江阴市生态景观面积总量偏少,破碎度增加;城镇景观、工业景观斑块持续增长,采石场斑块大幅减少;景观多样性及优势度不断增强,人文景观组分对整体景观的控制作用处于主导地位.根据评估结论,提出水质保护、生态绿斑管制等生态整合的规划建议.  相似文献   

The occurrence and development of riparian forests which are mainly dominated by mesophytes species relate closely with surface water. Since there is no water discharge to the lower reaches of Tarim River in past 5 decade years, the riparian forests degrade severely. Based on the analyses of the monitored data of Yingsu, Argan and Luobuzhuang in 2002 and 2003, the effect of water-recharging is discussed. The water-recharging project neglects the fact that that it is flooding that controls the process of Populus euphratica colonizing on the bare surface, but focuses on groundwater influence on vegetation. The flooding control deviates Inherent laws of riparian forests development, so the natural regeneration of riparian forests is checked. The response scope of riparian plants on groundwater uplift is extremely narrow, and most riparian communities have not been optimized. No seedlings of dominant species are found in flooding areas because their physio-ecological characteristics are ignored. The vegetation changes in vicinities of stream only reflect the demand of mesophytes species on the shallow groundwater, however, the water-recharging fails to provide suitable habitats for the seedlings establishment of riparian plants. The present water-recharging scheme is difficult to realize vegetation restoration.  相似文献   

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