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The fossils of Orsten-type preservation are as famous as Chengjiang Fauna in the world,but it was not until 2005 that the Orsten-type fossils represented by Skaraearida and Phosphatocopida were first reported to be found in western Hunan,South China. Here,we report the systematic paleontology of all the exquisitely preserved specimens belonging to Skaraearida.They were found at a same horizon of Upper Cambrian (Furongian) in Wangcun section,western Hunan,south China,assigned to a new species Skara huna- nensis herein.Skara hunanensis is characterized by small,soft-integumented,marine forms with slender,annulate body;labrum large and ventrocaudally directed;uniramous antennulae;biramous antennae and mandibulae;maxillas and maxillipeds of the same shape;all postantennular limbs join a short cephalic filter apparatus.The body has two tagmata:a cephalon with five pairs of well developed ap- pendages and a trunk composed of 11 ring-shaped conical segments.  相似文献   

我国湘西大马-亥冲口-峨梨塘地区有大量三叶虫化石产出,它是我国南方已知含丰富化石产地之一.此地同样也是我国寒武系地层出露最完整的地区之一.特别是黔东和湘西交界处,寒武系岩石出露相当好,未变形,易辩认.部分产自亥冲口剖面的多节类三叶虫由现作者近年出版在别处,本文重点介绍几个近年新发现产自大马剖面的三叶虫.  相似文献   

The genus Sciadopitys, containing a single species (S. verticillata), is the only extant representative of the Family Sciadopityaceae (Coniferales), and is a remarkable living fossil. Although some leafy fossils have been ascribed to Sciadopityaceae, fossil xylem material with a close affinity to this family is very rare, and there have been no fossils found showing both pith and primary xylem structures, which are of great importance for wood identification. Thus, it has been difficult to use fossils for the understanding of wood anatomy evolution in the sciadopityaceous plants over geological time. In this note we briefly report on Sciadopitys-like fossil wood found in the Middle Jurassic of western Liaoning, which bears well-preserved Protosciadopityoxylon-type secondary xylem, endarch primary xylem and heterogeneous pith. This is the first report of fossil specimens of the Sciadopityaceae with such detailed preservation of wood structures. The discovery provides precise anatomical evidence for reconstructing the evolu- tionary history and geographical distribution of Sciadopityaceae, as well as contributing to understanding of the fossil diversity of the Jurassic Yanliao Flora in northern China.  相似文献   

目的 考察湘西土家族苗族自治州古丈县断龙乡猛虎洞更新世哺乳动物群骨化石断裂痕迹的状态与原因,探索湘西地区古人类活动的遗迹.方法 观测哺乳动物群骨化石断裂痕迹剖面的形态结构,以区别食肉类动物群的咬痕与人类打造的印迹.结果 经40件东方剑齿象、中国犀、鹿等残骨化石标本断裂痕迹剖面的观测,发现有部分骨化石断裂剖面圆钝,似啮齿动物的咬痕,但大部分骨化石断端剖面呈锥形切削改造,有的双面削刮呈锐利器型,有的存在明显打击或铲刮的 “印记”,初步认为属早期人类制作骨器的遗迹.结论 结合地理环境和地学结构分析,猛虎洞可能属晚更新世(10~5)万年前旧石器人类穴居的营地或系同生代古脊椎动物的遗址.  相似文献   

为了解湘西地区治疗蛇虫伤害植物资源,构建军事治疗蛇虫伤害植物本草资源库,采用实地取样调查并结合文献查阅等方法,对湘西地区治疗蛇虫伤害的军事本草资源进行综合性分析.结果表明:湘西地区治疗蛇虫伤害的植物共284种,隶属94科207属,生活习性以草本为主,生境以林中为主;水平分布北部比南部丰富,垂直分布随海拔升高呈现先增加后减少的趋势,其中600~1 299 m海拔范围内分布最多;区系地理成分复杂多样,科以世界分布和泛热带分布为主,属以泛热带分布和北温带分布为主,种以东亚分布、中国特有分布和热带亚洲分布为主;药用部位以全草可药用植物居多,用药方法多样,主要为外用取适量鲜品捣烂敷患处、内服取适量煎汤服用.当前湘西地区治疗蛇虫伤害植物资源丰富,但开发利用程度低,应在可持续利用的范围内加强研究和开发.  相似文献   

Problematic phosphatic tubular microfossils with ornamented sculptures are documented to exist in limestones of the upper Middle Cambrian Huaqiao Formation at the Paibi section and the Wangcun section in West Hunan, China. Two morphological patterns, including Ornamented Tube Form I and Ornamented Tube Form II are described. Based on the analysis of the preservation, wall structure and composition of the fossils, it is deduced that these ornamented tubes may represent carapace spines of some Cambrian arthropods with phosphatic carapaces, such as bradoriid crustaceans. Analysis of functional morphology indicates that the sclerites may rather be considered of a defensive than grasping function on the original organism body.  相似文献   

Zhang XG  Siveter DJ  Waloszek D  Maas A 《Nature》2007,449(7162):595-598
Crown-group crustaceans (Eucrustacea) are common in the fossil record of the past 500 million years back to the early Ordovician period, and very rare representatives are also known from the late Middle and Late Cambrian periods. Finds in Lower Cambrian rocks of the Phosphatocopina, the fossil sister group to eucrustaceans, imply that members of the eucrustacean stem lineage co-occurred, but it remained unclear whether crown-group members were also present at that time. 'Orsten'-type fossils are typically tiny embryos and cuticle-bearing animals, of which the cuticle is phosphatized and the material is three-dimensional and complete with soft parts. Such fossils are found predominantly in the Cambrian and Ordovician and provide detailed morphological and phylogenetic information on the early evolution of metazoans. Here we report an Orsten-type Konservat-Lagerst?tte from the Lower Cambrian of China that contains at least three new arthropod species, of which we describe the most abundant form on the basis of exceptionally well preserved material of several growth stages. The limb morphology and other details of this new species are markedly similar to those of living cephalocarids, branchiopods and copepods and it is assigned to the Eucrustacea, thus representing the first undoubted crown-group crustacean from the early Cambrian. Its stratigraphical position provides substantial support to the proposition that the main cladogenic event that gave rise to the Arthropoda was before the Cambrian. Small leaf-shaped structures on the outer limb base of the new species provide evidence on the long-debated issue of the origin of epipodites: they occur in a set of three, derive from setae and are a ground-pattern feature of Eucrustacea.  相似文献   

湖南绅士曾经以守旧闻名于世,但在甲午战争中国惨败的强烈刺激之下,他们反躬自省,抛弃了过去沉重的历史包袱,主动向西方学习,发出了"救中国从湖南始"的时代强音,出现了官绅一体,共谋维新的崭新局面,使湖南一变而为全国最富朝气的省份。但是由于绅士内部变革观念的差异,在变"器"与变"政"方面出现了严重分歧,因此,在湖南维新运动走向高潮的关键时期,洋务派绅士和温和派绅士却退出了维新阵营,他们反戈一击,向激进维新派绅士发动了猛烈的攻击,使轰轰烈烈的湖南维新运动迅速走向衰败。  相似文献   

湘西汞矿带是中国大型-特大型汞矿床的主要分布带之一。经野外调查和室内鉴定,发现湘西汞矿带不同矿区(新晃、茶田、东坪汞矿区)、不同污染源(废渣、废石、废洞、冶炼废址、废渣堆积处溪流瀑布)共分布苔藓植物17科41属106种,占优势的科是丛藓科(42.5%)和真藓科(19.8%)。苔藓植物生活型有3种:丛集型占81.13%、交织型占16.04%、平铺型占2.83%。该汞矿带上不同矿区苔藓植物物种丰富度差异明显,相似性较低。不同污染源苔藓植物物种丰富度变化较大,废渣上丰富度很低,污染最大。结果揭示了苔藓植物在湘西汞矿带不同污染源的分布规律。短叶小石藓Weisia semipallida C.Muell.、双色真藓Bryum dichotomum Hedw.、银叶真藓B.argenteum Hedw.、卵蒴真藓B.blindii B.S.G.和南亚小曲尾藓Dicranella coarctata(C.Muell)Boesch etLac.,在该汞矿带不同污染源上分布广泛,可作为进一步环境监测的良好材料。  相似文献   

 2007年和2014年,河南灵井遗址出土的距今10万年左右的许昌人头骨化石引起古人类学界的广泛关注,研究显示晚更新世早期中国境内可能并存多种古人类成员,不同群体之间有杂交或者基因交流产生。许昌人为中国古人类演化的地区连续性以及与欧洲古人类之间的交流提供了一定程度的支持。本文回顾了许昌人化石的发现历史、复原和研究过程,介绍了许昌人伴生的哺乳动物化石、石制品、骨质工具的最新研究进展;讨论了灵井遗址未来工作前景。许昌人化石及伴生的文化遗物为探讨当时人类的体质特征、行为方式及中国古人类的演化模式提供了重要的参考资料。  相似文献   

为进一步丰富湘西地区军事本草资源数据库,更好地开发利用军事应用目的的本草资源,以湘西土家族苗族自治州、张家界市及其周边地区为研究范围,通过实地调查和文献查阅方法对该区军事本草有毒植物资源进行统计分析.结果表明:湘西地区军事本草有毒植物共67科136属203种,生活习性以多年生草本为主,生境以林中为主;分布格局上,有毒植物垂直分布数量随海拔升高先增加后减少,水平分布丰富度湘西北部地区高于南部地区;地理成分从科级到属级再到种级的分化逐步变大,其中科级水平以世界分布居多,属级水平以北温带分布居多,种级水平以东亚成分(中国特有分布和东亚分布)占优势;有毒植物部位以全株有毒为主,毒性以小毒为主,毒理作用以神经系统毒、黏膜刺激性毒为主.  相似文献   

For the past two decades, the modern human origins debate has received significant interest from both the scientific community and the public. The two hypothe- ses “Out of Africa” and “Mutiregional evolution” are focuses of this debate[1-3]. In partic…  相似文献   

报道我国画眉草属(Eragrostis)4个新种,它们是:滇缅画眉草EragrostisbelisimaB.S.SunetS.Wang;坚秆画眉草E.duricaulisB.S.SunetS.Wang;河口画眉草E.hekouensisB.S.SunetS.Wang;多节画眉草E.multinodisB.S.SunetS.Wang等.其中3种产云南镇康及河口国界附近我国一侧,1种产湖南新化县  相似文献   

甘肃临夏盆地中新世地层及哺乳动物化石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘肃临夏地区中新世哺乳动物化石引起学术界的重视。经过考察、发掘,哪现了大量的化石标本。由于发表的文章多为单篇,较分散,笔者收集整理,对材料进行了研究,认为甘肃临夏地区在近直余年来是全国发现中新世材料最多的地区,且有极高的研究价值,填补了我国中新世哺乳动物化石中的部分空白。  相似文献   

Two important geological issues have a long history of debate in the Xingmeng area. The first concerns the final closure of the North China plate, Siberia plate and several intermediate massifs in the area, and the other con- cerns the folding and lifting of the Xingmeng Trough. Dis- agreements arise because of issues involving the tectonic- palaeogeographical environment of the Upper Permian deposits of the Linxi Formation. The Linxi Formation (Upper Permian) is generally considered to be either an exclusively continental deposit or separated into marine- terrigenous facies deposited during the Lower to Middle Linxi Period and continental deposits in the Upper Linxi Period. However, in this study, large numbers of bryozoan and sponge spicule fossils were discovered for this first time in the thick limestone layers and lenses of the upper part of the Linxi Formation found in the Guandi section of Linxi county in eastern Inner Mongolia. At the same time, abun- dant bryozoan fossils were also found in sedimentary tuff slices that were collected from the upper part of the Tao- huayingzi Formation from the Taohuayingzi section in Ar Horqin Banner, and abundant small connecting body crinoid stem fossils were found in the dark shale of the Yangjiagou Formation from the Yangjiagou section of Jiutai county, Jilin Province. These marine fossils provide the first evidence that the Xingmeng area was still a marine or mainly marine environment at the end of the late Permian. This not only provides conclusive evidence for the recognition of the above two major geological issues but also promotes chan- ges in the approach towards research, exploration and development of oil and gas, shale gas (oil), and other mineral resources that are preserved in the late Permian layers of the Northeast-Xingmeng area.  相似文献   

我国瓢虫跳小蜂属Homalotylus Mayr已知2种,本文报道4新种:长尾瓢虫跳小蜂H. longicaudus sp.n.(湖南沅陵)、中华瓢虫跳小蜂H.sinensis sp.n.(山西太谷、河南安阳、浙江杭州)、三白瓢虫跳小蜂H.trisubalbus sp.n.(广东四会)和赵氏瓢虫跳小蜂H.zhaoi sp.n.(福建福州)。对新种进行了详细描述,并附特征图和中国已知种类的检索表。模式标本存浙江农业大学植物保护系。  相似文献   

 贵州瓮安埃迪卡拉纪陡山沱组(635—551Ma)的磷酸盐化动物胚胎化石作为全球已知最古老的多细胞动物化石记录,为研究后生动物的起源及早期演化过程提供了精美的实证材料.在传统扫描电子显微成像的基础上,结合同步辐射相位衬度显微断层成像技术,对瓮安生物群中以前报道的"内陷式动物原肠胚化石"的立体标本进行了比较形态学和解剖学研究.结果显示,贵州瓮安陡山沱组磷酸盐化内陷式动物原肠胚化石很可能是多细胞藻类,并非动物胚胎.  相似文献   

East Asia is one of the few regions in the world where a large number of human fossils have been unearthed. The continuity of hominid fossils in East Asia, particularly in China has been presented as strong evidence supporting an independent origin of modern humans in this area. To search for such evidence of a possible independent origin of modern humans in China, a total of 9988 male individuals were sampled across China. Three Y-chromosome biallelic markers (M89, M130 and YAP), which were located at the non-recombinant region of Y-chromosome, were typed among the samples. Our result showed that all the individuals carry a mutation at one of the three loci. The three mutations (M89T, M130T, YAP+) coalesce to another mutation (M168T), which was originally derived from Africa about 31000 to 79000 years ago. In other words, all Y-chromosome samples from China, with no exception, were originally derived from a lineage of African origin. Hence, we conclude that even a very minor contribution ofin situ hominid origin in China cannot be supported by the Y-chromosome evidence.  相似文献   

Protopteryx, a monotypic fossil bird discovered from the Sichakou basin in Fengning, Hebei, is the most primitive enantiornithine currently known. The bird-bearing strata do not contain the index fossils of the Yixian Formation in western Liaoning; the fish and bird fossils have more primitive features than the related forms found in the Yixian Formation, and the conchostracans are those usually distributed in the Dabeigou and Dadianzi formations in northern Hebei. Besides, the Protopteryx-bearing strata underlie the deposits bearing the index fossils of the Yixian Formation in the neighboring basin. Thus, it could be confirmed that the horizon of Protopteryx should be lower than the Yixian Formation, and Is approximately equivalent to the Dadianzi Formation in northern Hebei. This is the lowest horizon of the known fossil birds in China and Mesozoic enantiornithine birds in the world. Accompanying Protopteryx, there are other birds, acipenseriform fishes, salamanders, and mammals, which compose the Peipiaosteus fengningensis-Protopteryx fengningensis assemblage. This new assemblage traces the vertebrate evolution history of the Jehol Biota back to 130.7 Ma before. It is suggested that the demarcation of the Jehol Biota should be based on the large-scale tectonic-sedimentary cycles, and Peipiaosteus, instead of Lycoptera, could be taken as the vertebrate representative of the Jehol Biota.  相似文献   

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