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Summary Three reactions, the 11- and the 21-hydroxylation as well as the oxydation of the angular carbon 18, are specific for the adrenals. All other enzymatic steps in the biosynthesis of steroidhormones have been demonstrated in some other tissues also. Cofactors for the hydroxylation of steroids are reduced pyridinenucleotides. They seem to be necessary to activate molecular oxygen.The extra-adrenal metabolism of adrenal hormones occurs mainly in the liver. Four principal reactions are known: the reduction of the 4-3-on-, the 11-keto-, and the 20-keto-group as well as the conjugation of steroids with glucuronid acid. Evidence is given that the liver is the main target of corticosteroid action.  相似文献   

Summary For the osazone reaction of the reducing sugars, the following mechanism is suggested: the initially formed phenylhydrazone is converted with aniline into the N-glycoside. Aniline arises from disproportional decomposition of phenylhydrazine. The N-glycoside undergoes an Amadori-rearrangement to 1-deoxy-1-amino-2-ketose derivative. From this is formed the phenylhydrazone. The latter is converted by dehydrogenation and transamination into the phenylosazone.  相似文献   

Summary The mode of action of penicillin onBact. coli is the same as that on staphylococci.The mode of action of 6 different antibiotics was found in 5 cases to be different from that of penicillin.Streptomycin, however, was shown to have at least a very similar action to penicillin on staphylococci, and the same action as penicillin onBact. coli.  相似文献   

Résumé 1° La consommation en O2 des tissus cardiaque et hépatique de cobayes sains et atteints de scorbut est augmentée par l'apport de différents extraits organiques (extraits de cur, foie et estomac-i ntestin). L'extrait de cur augmente fortement la respiration des coupes du muscle cardiaque et l'extrait de foie celles des coupes du foie (ceci est prouvé d'une manière significative par les statistiques).2° La respiration de coupes de tissus de cobayes atteints de scorbut est plus forte que celle d'animaux d'expériences sains.3° Ces résultats soulignent le fait que les extraits d'organes exercent une influence particulière sur les tissus dont ils proviennent.  相似文献   

Summary The quantity of phyto-estrogens in red clover, hop, peas, and cabbage was estimated by titration on castrated female rats and infantile mice. The level of phytoestrogens was as follows: in hop 1050–2000/kg, in peas 4–6/kg, in cabbage 24/kg, and in red clover 6–9/kg. The author supposes that the sexual disorders described byRosenberger 14 in cows fed with cabbage, can be explained by the presence of phyto-estrogens in this plant.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of the wilt producing substance, lycomarasmine, isolated from cultures ofFus. lycopersici Sacc., is shown in three pictures. On hydrolysis lycomarasmine yields glycine, aspartic and (probably) pyruvic acid and ammonia. A hypothetical formula is given.  相似文献   

Summary Oxalic acid is only dissimilated if other carbon sources are present (e.g. citric acid, succinic acid), whereas malonic acid is also dissimilated as a single component byA. niger. It is supposed that the latter is used by the mould not only energetically but also for building up cell substance.  相似文献   

Summary An investigation of 104 natural graphites shows in most of the samples a content <1 ppm mercury (Hg). An emissionspectrochemical method was used by the doubleare fromL. H. Ahrens. There are samples in the mine-ralogical collections with contents >10 ppm Hg, if metallic mercury is present in these collections.  相似文献   

Summary In view of the therapeutic interest glutarimides have been found recently, the metabolism of -Phenyl--ethyl-glutarimide and 3-Phenyl-3-ethyl-2-piperidone have been studied by feeding experiments upon dogs. Both derivatives were degraded to -phenyl glutarimide, the ethyl side chain was thereby very probably eliminated by oxidation.  相似文献   

Summary Virus-like particles have been found in the cytoplasm of sheath cells and endothelial cells of sheathed arterioles in the spleen of a dog suffering from a cutaneous sarcoma.  相似文献   

Summary The incorporation of14C-amino acids into ribonucleoproteid particles obtained by differential centrifugation of mechanically disintegrated liver cell nuclei was demonstratedin vitro. Nuclear supernatant revealed also very remarkable incorporation.  相似文献   

Summary (1) Alloxan-diabetic rats with a considerable glucosuria do not show the typical rise of the respiratory quotient (R. Q.) after ingestion of sugar-cane.(2) The injection of aneurin however raises the R. Q. of alloxan-diabetic rats fed on sugar-cane almost to normal values.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of thed,l-Methioninesulphoximine on the nitrogen metabolism of germinating seeds has been studied on peas. It has been shown thatd,l-Methioninesulphoximine, even at low concentrations, inhibited the germination of seeds and produced a decrease of growth of the roots. The inhibited germinating seeds contained less non-protein-nitrogen and less asparagine than the control plants. On the basis of the experimental results,d,l-Methioninesulphoximine could be considered as an inhibitor of proteolysis.  相似文献   

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