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Osseous cells in culture synthesize and excrete glycosaminoglycans, collagen and alkaline phosphatases, revealed by the classical histochemical reactions. Observation of the living cells iwth the polarizing microscope, after a five day-culture, reveals the presence of micro-crystals of mineral salts only at the level of cells and cellular groupings.  相似文献   

The hamster cells transformed by the Rous Sarcoma Virus (V.S.R.) evidenced surface antigenic alterations that were detected by a method of cellular mediated immunocytotoxicity. Immune hamster lymphocytes were added to tritiated proline prelabeled target cells. These lymphocytes were able to lyse specifically the V.S.R. transformed cells.  相似文献   

5'-nucleotidase activity of cultured diplo?d cells was measured using intact suspended cells. This depended on the substrate amount, but did not vary with Mg ++ concentration-Kinetic data were determined using Con. A,a specific inhibitor.  相似文献   

RNA-fragments rich in purine nucleotides and resulting from degradation of ribosomal RNA from E. coli M 500 Sho-R with pancreatic RNase exhibit only in vivo an inhibitory effect on Shope fibroma and vaccinia virus multiplication.  相似文献   

The first results of histo-immunological studies on biopsies in Paget's bone disease strongly favour the presence of antigenic material of viral origin in osteoclasts. Measles virus may play a role in the etiology of Paget's bone disease.  相似文献   

A cell line called HCxPy was obtained in vitro by transformation of dissociated hamster brain cell cultures by polyoma virus. The first foci of transformed cells became evident 90 to 120 days after viral infection. This cell line is now at the 46th passage. The cells appear tumorigenic for hamsters after subcutaneous and intracerebral injection. They carry the polyoma virus T and cell surface antigens. Good evidence for astrocytic differentiation can be found by morphological examination of the tumours and of the cultured cells.  相似文献   

Peripheral T-lymphocytes from patients with infectious mononucleosis are cytotoxic towards target cells from Epstein-Barr virus-genome carrying human lumphoblastoid lines. Thus, these T-cells appear to be sensitized to viral coded determinants. Daudi cells, that carry EBV-genome, but lack HLA antigens are resistant to specific cytolysis in this model. These results suggest direct HLA involvement in the target structure recognized by birus-sensitized cytolytic T-lymphocytes in human.  相似文献   

Chick embryo nerve cells from the lumbo-sacral spinal cord have been isolated by trypsinisation and cultivated in Rose chambers on polylysine-L as a substrate. The cells are analysed by scanning electron microscopy. The mode of adherence of these cells to the substrate and the modifications of the surface of the neuroblasts during their transformation into neurocytes are studied.  相似文献   

A DNA complementary to the viral genome of C-type particles produced by a Mouse myeloma derived cell line (MF2 cell line) was synthesized. This cDNA was used as a probe to study the viral genome expression among the total RNA and the poly (A)-rich RNA extracted from the MF2 and Balb/c embryonic cells. As evidenced by molecular hybridization experiments, the presence of at least one endogenous Balb/c virus in the MF2 virus stocks is suggested. In the productive cells, the viral RNA sequences are expressed in the poly (A)-rich RNA fraction.  相似文献   

Nickel is titrated by atomic absorption in nuclear and non-nuclear fractions of cells cultured in media supplemented by nickel sulphate. The living cell percentages are estimated in the same culture conditions. We try to connect the nickel presence in cellular fractions and the living cell percentages. These used cells seem to have mortality probability when nuclear fraction has 55 x 10(-6) of nickel and non-nuclear fraction has 33 x 10(-6) of nickel. We discuss the nickel stimulating effect for the start of DNA synthesis and the nickel penetration into cells.  相似文献   

Sodium butyrate enhances the sensitivity of MSV transformed murine cells to interferon, but does not influence the response of normal cells. Sodium butyrate might act in transformed cells by restoring the different elements of the cytoskeletal system.  相似文献   

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