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This paper introduces a non-assembly manufacturing case with microstereolithography technology. The design and manufacturing process of a pneumatic thrust bearing is described, and a special tessellation method is developed to further improve the capability of the manufacturing system thus bigger products can also be easily manufactured. Implemented in a layer-by-layer fashion, stereolithography has been used for the rapid manufacturing of complex devices, and it avoids the expensive assembly process in the traditional manufacturing. This paper presents that microstereolithography can produce high-resolution products with intricate details, small openings, and smooth surfaces. The potential of the microstereolithograhy technique is explored for the rapid manufacturing of small and complex objects.  相似文献   

Direct milling of sand molds is an important development in rapid manufacturing of sand molds. Direct milling is an effective method for manufacturing single or small batches of cast parts. This paper describes experimental investigations to find sand blocks with the appropriate strength, to describe wear patterns of different tools (high-speed steel (HSS), carbide, and polycrystalline diamond (PCD) tools), and to analyze sand mold cutting mechanisms. The results show that the PCD tool outperformes the other tools in terms of tool life. Average flank wear and micro-tipping are the dominant tool failure modes in the sand mold milling process. With a flank wear limit of 0.3 mm, the PCD tool works continuously for about 70 h under the experimental conditions. The experimental results show that the cutting mechanism for direct milling sand molds differs from metal cutting.  相似文献   

Direct milling of sand molds is an important development in rapid manufacturing of sand molds. Direct milling is an effective method for manufacturing single or small batches of cast parts. This paper describes experimental investigations to find sand blocks with the appropriate strength, to describe wear patterns of different tools (high-speed steel (HSS), carbide, and polycrystalline diamond (PCD) tools), and to analyze sand mold cutting mechanisms. The results show that the PCD tool outperformes the other tools in terms of tool life. Average flank wear and micro-tipping are the dominant tool failure modes in the sand mold milling process. With a flank wear limit of 0.3 mm, the PCD tool works continuously for about 70 h under the experimental conditions. The experimental results show that the cutting mechanism for direct milling sand molds differs from metal cutting.  相似文献   

针对节水灌溉设备中滴管的嵌入式迷宫流道,应用快速成型制造技术进行了滴管的设计及快速模具制度,研究内容包括:应用参数化设计思想进行滴管CAD设计;以精密模具制造技术为核心进行滴管CAD工艺设计和快速模具制造(RT)工艺模型的生成;应用快速成型制造技术进行样件的制备和功能试验,完成了滴管设计的快速试验和修改;进行金属喷涂快速注塑模具的制造,实现了产品和模具设计-验证-制造的集成化。  相似文献   

介绍了喷射电铸快速制造技术的原理与系统组成,采用喷射电铸快速制造工艺制备了具有简单形状的纳米晶金属铜样件,运用扫描电子显微镜和X-射线衍射等现代分析手段对纳米晶微观结构进行分析.结果表明,喷射电铸能显著提高极限电流密度,细化晶粒,改善铸层质量.铜沉积层具有纳米晶微观结构,平均晶粒尺寸约为55.6nm,最小晶粒尺寸可达41.4nm.  相似文献   

为了解决低熔点材料电弧熔射成形模具使用性能差、寿命低等问题,提出电弧熔射成形制作不锈钢模具的方法.以不锈钢材料为研究对象,研究电弧熔射过程中输入参数对飞行熔滴温度和速度的影响,分析熔滴的扁平化过程,并对熔射层的硬度和孔隙率进行测试.实验结果分析表明,雾化气体压力直接影响熔滴的雾化状态,熔滴飞行温度、速度,以及成形质量.随着空气压力的增大,熔滴飞行速度提高,熔射层致密且氧化物质量分数减少,气孔率降低,显微硬度也大大提高.熔射模的预热温度直接影响着熔滴的扁平化状态,从而影响熔射成形质量.  相似文献   

浙江制造闻名全国 制造业是工业的基础,制造业也是浙江工业的主体。  相似文献   

Plasma spraying is an important enabling technology i n near-net-shaped process as well as many high-performance coating applicatio ns. Recently, it is being applied to rapid mould manufacturing to reduce develop ment time and manufacturing cost. In this process, inputted powders are heated a nd accelerated by plasma jet, and impinge on master pattern or prototype to form ing a thick coating. Mould will be fabricated after backed-up with consolidated material and other post-treatments. Amongst numerous fa...  相似文献   

制造单元快速构建技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对制造单元的快速构建和提高可实施性的问题,提出了一种采用聚类分析与启发式算法相结合的解决方案. 在零件存在多工艺路线、工序存在多可选设备的基础上,综合考虑加工时间、加工顺序、生产批量、设备能力、任务交货期等实际生产约束条件,以最短加工时间、最佳设备及单元平衡、最少跨单元加工等作为重构优化目标,重视生产瓶颈环节的识别和处理,采用设备单元构建、资源优化分配和单元负荷均衡的三阶段处理技术,实现了制造单元的快速构建,导出了零件族、设备集合以及瓶颈问题的解决方案,并通过实例验证了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

快速成型制造中的工艺支撑自动生成技术   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
提出了快速成型制造中的两工艺支撑新形式(向下特征支撑和局部支撑)。针对向下特征支撑形式,提出并实现了基于一维几何元素集合运算的支撑自动生成算法;针对局部支撑形式,提出并实现了基于STL(Stereolithograhy)模型三角面片拓扑分析与空间运算的支撑自动生成算法。结合SL(Stereo Lithography)工艺,进行了带支撑零件的成型。工艺实验证明,提出的工艺支撑自动生成技术不仅可自动地对STL模型添加合理的工艺支撑,而且可实现切片操作和扫描数据生成的融合。该技术可明显提高快速成型系统的加工效率与集成度,同时又降低系统的成本。  相似文献   

介绍了快速制造技术及快速制造网络化服务、基于目前快速制造网络化服务模式及存在的问题,提出了类似于ASP(application service provider)的快速制造服务模式.设计了快速制造网络化服务系统的功能,构建了服务系统的体系结构,并对其中的关键技术资源优化组合与协作作业规划进行了详细的描述.其中,资源优化组合与协作作业规划过程采用序贯决策原理,分为项目分解、资源配置、确定任务工期三个阶段进行.快速制造网络化服务系统开发与实施将提高快速制造资源的共享与高效利用,促进中小企业的新产品开发.  相似文献   

一种新的快速原型制造的信息化服务系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对快速原型制造(RPM)的信息化服务系统存在的不足,提出了一种新的RPM信息化服务系统,即在研究面向远程RPM的零件信息的基础上,建立了RPM的信息化服务系统,并进行了组成结构和功能的设计,采用Web服务及其支撑技术来设计远程RPM服务软件,同时给出了工作原理,基于Web服务的RPM时间预测实例验证了该方法的可行性,在现有的互联网结构上,实现了RPM信息化服务的B2B(Business to Business)与B2C(Business to Customer)业务,提高了程序的重用性和开发效率,使开发成本降低了20%。  相似文献   

针对微器件课程教学的现状,分析其中的影响因素,结合实际,为教学发展与专业建设提出相应的新策略与新措施。  相似文献   

快速原型制造技术的发展及应用前景   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了快速原型制造技术的现状及发展前景。从快速原型制造技术的方法到各种方法的基本原理,以及应用领域和实用化方面,给予了较全面的介绍。根据成型材料和基本成形工作原理,将当前快速成形制造技术划分为选择性液体固化法、层片添加法、选择性粉末熔结/粘接法、熔融挤压成形法和喷墨印刷法等,并分别从原理、技术、应用领域和应用前景进行了分析。研究和开发快速原型制造技术,对于模具及其他制造工业的发展具有极大地促进作用。  相似文献   

阐述了动态联盟企业过程和快速原型技术在联盟企业网络中的作用。从而得出结论:动态联盟企业是现代国际市场产品竞争的有效生产模式,快速原型技术促成动态联盟企业过程。  相似文献   

快速成型中基于立方单元体的三维模型及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从快速成型技术的特点出发,阐述了一种适合于快速成型的基于产品分层扫描数据的三维模型新方法-快速成型软件系统中关键技术的处理方法和解决途径,提出了基于立方单元体Voxel数据模型概念、算法及方法,采用线性八叉树分层数据结构和双参数有序序列来表示三维图像或物体,基模型实用、有效,具有良好的时间和空间有效性,是解决从产品原型扫描输入,数据提取,数据存储,处理,模型修改及断层重构,直到分层制造的较理想工具  相似文献   

One of the most important issues to resolve in parts manufactured from rapid manufacturing (RM) technologies is to know their behavior working under real conditions. Total quality manufacturing (TQM) is only possible if mechanical properties are well known in the design stage depending on the processing parameters. This work is mainly focused on testing of several samples made with different selective laser sintering (SLS) parameters and technologies. This procedure is the starting point to establish a basis for designing for RM and the standardization of RM testing. The experiments and the analysis of variance (ANOVA) analyzed the effects of several factors on mechanical properties. The SLS technologies were 3DSystem and EOS. The results show which factor has a large effect on the variables and the interaction between them. The conclusions are very useful for developing rules for designing (designing for RM) and creating new standard rules (ISO, AISI, and DIN) for RM materials and parts testing. The ANOVA gives a better knowledge of the effects of these factors and eliminates unimportant parameters.  相似文献   

One of the most important issues to resolve in parts manufactured from rapid manufacturing (RM) technologies is to know their behavior working under real conditions. Total quality manufacturing (TQM) is only possible if mechanical properties are well known in the design stage depending on the processing parameters. This work is mainly focused on testing of several samples made with different selective laser sintering (SLS) parameters and technologies. This procedure is the starting point to establish a basis for designing for RM and the standardization of RM testing. The experiments and the analysis of variance (ANOVA) analyzed the effects of several factors on mechanical properties. The SLS technologies were 3DSystem and EOS. The results show which factor has a large effect on the variables and the interaction between them. The conclusions are very useful for developing rules for designing (designing for RM) and creating new standard rules (ISO, AISI, and DIN) for RM materials and parts testing. The ANOVA gives a better knowledge of the effects of these factors and eliminates unimportant parameters.  相似文献   

微波诱导快速制备高岭石/二甲亚砜插层复合物   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
首次将微波技术引入到制备高岭石/有机物插层复合材料的研究.采用微波诱导二甲亚砜(DMSO)对高岭石进行插层,大大缩短了处理时间,且达到了较理想的插层效果.研究发现,微波诱导插层时间为30 min时,插层率即可达到75%以上;同时使用傅立叶红外光谱(FT-IR)、X射线衍射(XRD)、热重分析(TG/DTA)、透射电镜(TEM)等手段,对插层复合物进行表征,进一步研究微波在反应中的作用;还发现微波在反应中对高岭石具有剥片效果.  相似文献   

薄壳类零件的快速成型精度工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于光固化法的快速成型技术,零件精度与零件的大小、结构特点有直接关系,与零件的复杂程度关系不大.而对于同样的零件,不同的成型工艺将得到不同的表面形貌和尺寸精度.选择典型的薄壳外饰件在不同零件摆放角度、不同支撑条件下进行实验,比较研究成型精度与成型时间;建立简化模型,在最优摆放角度条件下,研究了不同支撑的薄片和薄板的翘曲变形,提出了提高薄壳零件快速成型精度的工艺.具体的零件验证工艺的正确性.  相似文献   

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