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利用自制的织物动态热湿性能测试仪测定了不同透气性和不同原料的夏季服用织物在皮肤干燥-出汗-蒸发-干燥的过程中的皮肤热损失、微气候区温湿度变化的情况,研究了影响夏季服用织物动态热湿舒适性的因素,指出在外界风速较大或织物的透气量较大时,汗液蒸发是通过紊流扩散进行,由于汗液的快速蒸发,可能使人体产生冷感,此时不同织物的微气候区温湿度差别很小,当外界风速小或织物的透气性小时,汗液的蒸发通过分子扩散进行,此时微气候区的湿度主要受织物吸湿能力的影响,吸湿能力较强时湿度低,纯涤织物在出汗后,由于微气候区湿度较高,将使人产生闷热感,在出汗结束后降温较多可能产生冷感,不宜作为夏季服用织物,纯毛织物因吸湿放热多在出汗初期升温较高,不利于散热,夏季以穿着纯棉、涤棉、毛涤混纺织物的服装为宜.  相似文献   

夏季服装面料的舒适性研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
通过人工气倏条件下的人体穿着试验,探讨了出汗对夏季服装面料舒适性的影响。研究表明在人体没有出汗的条件下,柔软度是影响夏季服装面料舒适性的主要因素。在人体出汗的条件下,服装面料的舒适性普遍降低,其中涤纶面料的舒适性降低最为显著,主要原因是由于涤纶纤维的吸湿性差。  相似文献   

Study on Properties of Dynamic Heat-Moisture Transfer of Summer Fabrics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The skin heat loss(heat flow)of summer fabrics duringthe course of sweating--evaporating--drying is mea-sured by an apparatus specially made for the purpose.Itis pointed out that:the dynamic heat-moisture comfortcan be described by evaporating rate or time required fordrying out of a certain amount of sweat.The evaporat-ing rate is influenced by the hygroscopic property andthickness of the fabric,the larger the hygroscopicity ofthe fabric with the same thickness,the smaller the evap-orating rate of the perspirated sweat.  相似文献   

从人体工学的角度出发,为了追求穿着舒适的男子西装,获得具有良好着装感的男子西装设计的基础数据,通过被测者着装实验的主观评价、静态着装以及动态着装下的服装压测试,将主观评价的着装感与实测的服装压进行关联,并对其关系进行了分析。  相似文献   

以纯毛织物作为亲水性织物的代表、以纯涤纶织物作为疏水性织物的代表,利用织物动态热湿舒适性能测试仪,采用定量汗液蒸发的方法,研究了两类织物的动态热湿舒适性能,并对两者的差异进行了理论分析。研究表明:在动态条件下由于皮肤要经历干燥—出汗—蒸发—干燥、织物要经历干燥—吸湿—放湿—干燥的过程,此时,亲水性的吸湿性好的织物对汗液的蒸发起了阻碍作用,因此动态条件下使用疏水性的织物比使用亲水性的织物更趋合理。  相似文献   

The temporature and humidity of the microclimatic zone of summer fabrics in the course of sweating - evaporating -drying were measured with an apparatus specially made for the purpose. It is pointed out that temperature and humidity changes in quantitative perspiration evaporation process in the microclimatic zone can express the dynamic heatmoisture comfortability. Characteristic values include temperature decline speed, temperature rising speed, humidity rising speed, humidity balance value, and humidity decline speed. Fabrics with good air permeability are beneficial to improving comfortability of summer fabrics, while temperature rising speed and humidity decline speed in the microclimatic zone of thick and heavy fabrics with good hygroscopicity are relatively slow. Through comparing fabrics‘ dynamic heat-moisture curves obtained respectively with Microcllmatic Method and Heat Loss Method, the two methods are identical essentially.  相似文献   

Moisture and water transfer under the condition of heavy sweating are analyzed. Four different experiments are made to test moisture resistance, water-keep, wicking effect and drying ability of samples. Then gray analysis method is introduced to evaluate the comprehensive comfort of these fabrics. Result shows chemical fiber with high moisture transfer performance has advantage in water transfer and diffusion, which is suitable for human under the condition of heavy sweating. Though natural fiber can absorb moisture well, it cannot transfer fluid sweat. Therefore natural fiber fabrics such as cotton, wool are unsuitable to make functional sportswear.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe air gap exists between the wearer s skin and thewrong side of the inner clothing layer , whichis decided bythe posture of human body , the clothing style and theenvironment situation together . There is close relationshipbetween the air gap and the wearer s subjective comfortsensations . Many scholars studied on the micro-cli matecharacteristics of the air gaps about temperature ,humidity ,ventilation and so on. Different types of micro-cli mate testing devices have been develo…  相似文献   

多层服装系统隔热值分配规律的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用姿态可调式暖体假人研究了多层服装系统隔热值的分配规律。建立了多层服装组合系统的隔热值与各件服装的隔热值之间的定量统计学关系式,并从传热学角度分析了原因。  相似文献   

研究了织物两面压差、织物的结构形态及特殊的后整理工艺对非涂层气囊织物透气性的影响。  相似文献   

根据差动毛细效应的原理,利用内外层单纤线密度的差异,采用细度不同的异性截面聚酯纤维,交织生产了3种双面运动服装面料,使其内外层单纤细度的差异各不相同.利用MMT对3种织物的液态水动态传递性能进行测试,得出织物上下表面含水量随时间变化的曲线及水分传导速率和水分含量差等指标.分析就织物的不同结构及物理指标对液态水传导性能的影响,发现利用不同细度的异性截面聚酯长丝织成的双面针织运动服装面料具有明显的单向导湿效果,且随着内外层单纤细度差异的增大,其单向导湿的速率和能力都显著增强.  相似文献   

It has been found that there are marked errors in the value of valid opening size of heat-bonded nonwoven fabrics between theoretical calculations and engineering measurements. A new modified theoretical model is advanced in this paper. The equivalent diameter of the pore of a fibre web is used to calculate the valid opening size instead of the maximum diameter of inscribed circle used, because the fibres in practical fibre webs are flexible elastomers with definite diameters and the pore of fibre web may produce deformation in screening teat and engineering usage. The results show that the theoretical calculations coincide well with the engineering measurements. This method offers a theoretical basis for computer simulation to the performance of filters of heatbonded nonwoven fabrics.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the principle of wicking effect of the polypropylene filament yarn. By means of theoretical and experimental analysis, some factors affecting the moisture transmission of the pure polypropylene knitted fabrics are discussed.  相似文献   

Warp knitting technology gets rapid development at present and becomes one of the most important parts of the textiles.But it is less known how the parameters of warp knitting technology affect the mechanical properties of warp-knitted fabrics.This paper presents discuss a research on the relationships between run-in ratio and mechanical properties of the two-bar warp-knittedfabrics through the measurement and analysis of the mechanical properties of various samples with different run-in ratios.The optimal run一in ratios for the reasonable mechanical properties are obtained from above dis-  相似文献   

翅片上涂有太阳能选择吸收涂料的太阳能辅助空气源热泵夏季运行时冷凝温度升高,导致系统COP和制冷性能下降。为解决这一问题,通过采用正压均流太阳能辅助空气源热泵系统以及制冷对照实验的方法,研究了气流组织形式、太阳辐射强度大小对不同压缩机频率下太阳能辅助空气源热泵系统性能的影响。结果表明,通过优化气流组织形式和改变遮阳条件,系统COP提升14.1%,仅比对照机组低3.0%,表明该设备可直接用于居住建筑;此外,不同系统形式均在压缩机频率为50~60 Hz时具有最高的系统COP,为系统匹配不同负荷特性建筑提供了依据。  相似文献   

Inaviewpointofclothingcomforttheory[1] ,foramodernmanthemostimportantandthesolecriterionofcomfortissatisfiedheat balance ;theskintemperatureofthebodyisakeyfactoraboutcomfort Inacoldwinter,theenvironmenttemperatureisrelativelylow Whenthemeantemperatureofbo…  相似文献   

内高压成形技术是生产复杂几何形状零件的一种重要方法.这是因为它具有生产成本低、生产效率高等优点.为此,首先介绍了对于两个不同厚度的管件焊接,然后再进行内高压成形.用有限元软件仿真分析,着重介绍了焊接时热影响区的一些几何特征和力学性能特性.  相似文献   

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