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湿式超微粉碎提取三七总皂苷及粒径对提取率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究湿式超微粉碎法与传统提取方法对三七总皂苷提取的影响及粉碎粒径与提取率的关系。方法以三七总皂苷为指标,高效液相法测定提取率以及粒径分布仪测定粒径。结果湿式超微粉碎法提取率较普通回流法略有提高,但普通回流法需要2h,而湿式超微粉碎法只需10min,节省了时间;超微粉碎随时间的增加,粒径越来越小,但提取率并没有增加。结论湿式超微粉碎与提取同步完成,极大的提高了提取的效率;粉碎粒径与提取率并不呈现比例关系。  相似文献   

针对国内当前水煤浆生产和销售实际情况,为给远离水煤浆厂且自身不具备建厂能力的众多中小型水煤浆用户群和原煤产地间提供一条切实可行的工艺途径,提出将干湿法联合制浆工艺应用到工业生产的可行性。本文以内蒙古鄂尔多斯煤(不粘煤)为原料,在此工艺方法下确立了合适于制浆用煤的级配比例和相应的药剂用量,大幅度降低了水煤浆的运输成本,并得到了最佳煤粉级配比例。  相似文献   

使用1989~2007年日本对我国8个制造业部门的外商直接投资数据和日元对人民币汇率数据,采用面板数据的GLS回归分析。研究发现:日元汇率波动对日本对华直接投资的影响存在显著的行业效应,具体为,日元升值显著促进日本时我国8个制造业部门的直接投资,日元贬值则抑制直接投资,且各行业间的影响程度有差别;日元汇率波动性对每个行业的影响均是负的,且对电子与运输设备行业的影响是显著的。  相似文献   

能源是人类生存和发展的重要物质资源,能源价格直接影响到能源消费和物价水平.利用灰色技术计算能源价格与影响因素之间的关联度,分析能源价格与影响因素的相关关系,得出影响能源价格因素的重要程度,从而提出相应的对策建议.具体是:第一,加强工业节能降耗技术攻关,控制能源消费总量,稳定能源价格.第二,提高能源使用效率,降低能源消耗,稳定能源价格.第三,提高人们生活水平的同时,加强节能环保意识宣传,促进全社会节能降耗,推进能源价格市场化改革.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Thalidomid verursacht an trächtigen Neuseeland-Kaninchen nach oraler Verabreichung starke Missbildungen des Wurfes. Geringe strukturelle Abweichungen können die Teratogenie zerstören: Zwei solche Verbindungen,N-Methoxy-thalidomid und 2-Phthalimido-glutaramid, sind nicht teratogen, während ein Esteramid, ein Thalidomidanalog mit offener Kette, hauptsächlich Missbildungen der inneren Organe erzeugt.

This research was supported in part by Public Health Service Research Grants, no. HD-01496 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and No. FR-00251 from the Division of Research Facilities and Resources to The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine; and Public health Service Grant No. CA-08748 to The Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Unter der Ionengleichgewichtsberechnung vonHolst wurde eine annähernd mathematische Beziehung zwischen dem Magnesiumbedarf einer Pflanze und dem Quotientien aus Schwefel- und Magnesiumgehalt des Pflanzenmaterials ermittelt.  相似文献   

Riassunto La cinetica di accumulo della difenilidantoina nel tessuto adiposo é diversa negli animali a digiuno o normalmente alimentati Esperimenti in vitro mostrano che il tessuto adiposo epididimale quando é stimolato con noradrenalina, che aumenta la lipolisi, accumula la difenilidantoina e la trattiene in maggior quantità di quando é in condizione di lipolisi basale.

Acknowledgment. This work was supported by Contract DHEW/PHS/NIH/PH No. 43-67-83.  相似文献   

Summary The activity of the pure 10R (=natural) and 10S enantiomers of juvenile hormone III (JH III) was determined in 3 different bioassays, and the relative binding affinity of the 2 enantiomers to the haemolymph JH-binding protein of the cockroachNauphoeta cinerea was measured. In theGalleria wax test, a local morphogenetic assay, the 10R enantiomer was 5240 times more active than, the 10S enantiomer, 1Galleria unit corresponding to 0.42 pg of 10R-JH III as compared to 2.2 ng for 10S-JH III. In a systemic morphogenetic assay with the cockroachNauphoeta cinerea 380 times less 10R enantiomer was necessary in order to induce detectable juvenilisation (58 ng 10R and 22 g 10S) and in a systemic gonadotropic assay withNauphoeta cinerea 255 times less 10R was needed to induce vitellogenin synthesis in 50% of the insects (6.7 ng 10R and 1710 ng 10S). In the JH-binding protein assay 10R-JH III had an affinity for the JH-binding protein (lipophorin) which was approximately 46 times higher than that of 10S-JH III.  相似文献   

Summary Polyamine accumulation was related to RNA biosynthesis and content during the cell cycle of CHO-K1 and HeLa cells. The highest correlations were observed between polyamine accumulation and RNA content. Feeding, serumstarved cultures of embryonic chick fibroblasts, which exhibit a 3-fold increase in RNA content, demonstrated that RNA content was most closely paralleled by spermidine content.I acknowledge the receipt of a Medical Research Council studentship.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Zusammenhänge zwischen Struktur und Wirkung bei Chloramphenicol führen zu der Hypothese, dass das Antibiotikum die Peptidsynthetase der Ribosome dadurch hemmt, dass es den Peptidylpartner der Reaktion antagonisiert. Im Einklang damit steht, dass Chloramphenicol sich spezifisch an Ribosome bindet und selektiv die Elongationsphase der Proteinsynthese hemmt.  相似文献   

M H Goyns 《Experientia》1981,37(1):34-35
Polyamine accumulation was related to RNA biosynthesis and content during the cell cycle of CHO-K1 and HeLa cells. The highest correlations were observed between polyamine accumulation and RNA content. Feeding, serum-starved cultures of embryonic chick fibroblasts, which exhibit a 3-fold increase in RNA content, demonstrated that RNA content was most closely paralleled by spermidine content.  相似文献   

Summary Adrenalectomy reduces, and sodium depletion increases, both the daily urinary excretion of kallikrein and the kallikrein activity in the renal cortex. These 2 variables were found to correlate significantly in normal, sodium depleted and adrenalectomized rats, thus supporting the view that kallikrein excretion reflects the activity of the enzyme in the kidney.Acknowledgments. This word was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. The technical assistance of Mrs G. Breypohl and Ms J. Kopatsch is gratefully acknowledged. Dr M. Marin-Grez was a fellow of the Alexander von Humbodt Foundation and Dr G. Bönner of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

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