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Markov skeleton processes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A new class of stochastic processes--Markov skeleton processes is introduced, which have the Markov property on a series of random times. Markov skeleton processes include minimal Q processes, Doob processes, Q processes of order one, semi-Markov processes , piecewise determinate Markov processes , and the input processes, the queuing lengths and the waiting times of the system GI/G/1, as particular cases. First, the forward and backward equations are given, which are the criteria for the regularity and the formulas to compute the multidimensional distributions of the Markov skeleton processes. Then, three important cases of the Markov skeleton processes are studied: the (H, G, Π)-processes, piecewise determinate Markov skeleton processes and Markov skeleton processes of Markov type. Finally, a vast vistas for the application of the Markov skeleton processes is presented.  相似文献   

给出具有突变率的广义非保守生-灭过程零流出,零流入的充分必要条件。  相似文献   

利用非零和微分对策的最大值原理求解噪声依赖于(x,u,v)的随机H2/H∞控制问题,提出了该控制问题存在惟一解的一个充分必要条件,即其对应的无控制随机扰动系统的L2收益小于或等于γ。在该控制问题有解时,通过一个正倒向随机微分方程给出该控制问题的惟一解。  相似文献   

 研究了边赋权图上2类具有权重限制L的最小基数星划分问题-最小基数S(L)划分问题和最小基数S∑(L)划分问题的困难性.得到如下结果:①证明了一般图上最小基数S(L)划分问题的NP-完全性;②证明了一般图上最小基数S∑(L)划分问题的NP-完全性,并证明了对于任意小的正数ε,一般图上的最小基数S∑(L)划分问题不存在(3/2-ε)-近似算法,除非P=NP.  相似文献   

 采用米氏光散射理论,计算了微型球腔中口哨廊模(WGMs)的场强分布.对球腔浸入不同折射率的液体介质后的场强分布,WGMs的消逝场模体积占总场模体积的比值(η值),WGMs的品质因素(Q值)等重要参数做了计算和分析.结果表明:随着球腔和环境介质相对折射率的减小,WGMs的Q值变低,η值增加.较高的η值,增加了消逝波增益耦合的耦合效率,有利于微型球腔中消逝波增益耦合的受激辐射放大过程.  相似文献   

Discrete (J, J′)-lossless factorization is established by using conjugation. For stable case, the existence of such factorization is equivalent to the existence of a positive solution of a Riccati equation. For unstable case, the existence conditions can be reduced to the existence of two positive solution of two Riccati equations. Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province Wang Kang: born in 1965, Ph. D.  相似文献   

本研究拟在大肠杆菌中构建光学纯(R)-乙偶姻的合成途径和利用辅酶工程调控NADH/NAD+氧化还原平衡,并对工程菌发酵(R)-乙偶姻进行优化。将来源于Enterobacter cloacae的α-乙酰乳酸合成酶基因budB、α-乙酰乳酸脱羧酶基因budA和来源于Lactobacillus brevis的NADH氧化酶基因noxE进行密码子优化后组成基因簇,构建表达质粒并导入大肠杆菌,进一步优化工程菌的培养基成分和发酵条件,提高(R)-乙偶姻的合成能力。结果表明:获得专一性合成高光学纯(R)-乙偶姻的大肠杆菌工程菌株GXASR,对其发酵条件进行系统优化后,摇瓶发酵的(R)-乙偶姻产量为36.82g/L,光学纯度达99.1%,发酵罐补料发酵的(R)-乙偶姻产量达到67.65g/L。在大肠杆菌细胞中过表达外源基因簇budB-budA-noxE能够高效合成光学纯(R)-乙偶姻,经发酵优化后,工程菌的(R)-乙偶姻产量、生产强度和得率均显著提高,为代谢工程改造大肠杆菌生产高光学纯(R)-乙偶姻提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

Measuring out successively the degree of coherence of the source produced by any couple of the small apertures via rotating an array composed of the small aperture telescopes, and synthesizing them into the (u, v) coverage of the source, the brightness distribution of the source can be obtained by the inverse Fourier transform of the degree of coherence with much higher resolution than from a single telescope. This article discusses the arrangements of the small apertures in the linear array, and found a method to decide the quality of the arrangements. the judgment factor ε is introduced to calculate the arrangements in quantity. There are 1.5×1011 possibilities for 11 apertures. Therefore, the computer procedures are programmed to select the optimum arrangements. The effect of the simulation of the aperture synthesis is given for the linear array. The simulation method can also be used in the nonlinear arrays.  相似文献   

DiscreteH control theory were obtained by conjugation, chain-scattering representation and (J, J′)-lossless factorization. The existence of the solution is equivalent to the existence of two positive solutions of two Riccati equations. Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province Wang Kang: born in 1965, Ph. D.  相似文献   

Rice plant architecture is an important agronomic trait that affects the grain yield. To understand the molecular mechanism that controls plant architecture, a tillering dwarf mutant with darker-green leaves derived from an indica cultivar IR64 treated with EMS is characterized. The mutant, designated as tddl(t), is nonallelic to the known tiilering dwarf mutants. It is controlled by one recessive nuclear gene, TDDL(T), and grouped into the dn-type dwarfism according to Takeda's definition. The dwarfism of the mutant is independent of gibberellic acid based on the analyses of two GA-mediated processes. The independence of brassinosteroid (BR) and naphthal-3-acetic acid (NAA) of the tddl(t) mutant, together with the decreased size of parenchyma cells in the vascular bundle, indicates that the TDDL(7) gene might participate in another hormone pathway. TDDL(T) is fine mapped within an 85.51 kb region on the long arm of rice chromosome 4, where 20 ORFs are predicted by RiceGAAS (http://ricegaas.dna.affrc. go.jp/rgadb/). Further cloning of TDDL(T) will benefit both marker assisted selection (MAS) of plant architecture and dissection of the molecular mechanism underlying tillering dwarf in rice.  相似文献   

将认知概念引入雷达电子对抗,可使干扰系统在动态对抗过程中通过自主学习,确定最具针对性的干扰策略,实现动态高效干扰.在认知雷达对抗概念和内涵讨论基础上,设计了基于Q-学习算法的雷达对抗过程,总结了认知对抗实现中的关键技术难点,最后对过程的具体实现进行了仿真,验证了雷达认知对抗中Q值的收敛过程以及先验知识对算法性能的改善情况.   相似文献   

This article analyzes the effect of the balance of dispersion and nonlinearity on the quality of a transmission system with super Gauss pulse input by altering the input power and adding a section of dispersion compensation fiber (DCF). The same mechanisms are applied to a 2-channel wave divide multiplex system (WDM) as well. DCF is proved to be a good solution in both situations. Biography: Yan Yong-guo (1977-), male, Master candidate, Research direction: Nonlinear Optics.  相似文献   

An atomic decomposition in Lp ( 1 <p < 2) with tent space is given.  相似文献   

研究了用于测距的被动调Q掺镱光纤脉冲激光器的输出特性,仿真对比了可饱和吸收体长度以及增益光纤长度对输出功率的影响.结果表明:在抽运源功率为5 W的条件下,输出脉冲宽度为0.8μs,脉冲峰值功率为26 W,平均功率为2 W,脉冲能量为20μJ.在物体反射率为10%,探测距离为200 m,以及大气透过率为100%的条件下,返回最小功率为3.9×10~(-7) W.  相似文献   

设G是n阶图,H是m阶图,取n个H的拷贝,并将G的第i个点和第i个H中的每一点相连(i=1,2,…,n),所得到的(n+mn)阶图称为冠图,记为GH.对基于圈和3个孤立点的冠图的Q-谱确定性(无符号拉普拉斯谱确定性),即Cn3 K1的Q-谱确定性进行了研究,证明了当n≠32,64,128时,Cn3 K1由其Q-谱确定.  相似文献   

The definition of n-parameter infinite-dimensional (r,δ) -Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process {xt (·) } ((r, δ)-OUPn∞ for short) is given. The absolute continuity of distribution μt of Xt(·) and the limit of Xt(·) when |t| →∞ is discussed.  相似文献   

Polar set of Markov processes is an important concept in probabilistic potential theory, but it is not easy to judge the polarity of the sets. In this paper, we give some results which can be easily used to examine the polarity of the sets whenX t belongs to a special class of Levy processes. We also give a result about polar functions of symmetric stable processes. Biography: Wu Chuan-ju(1974-), Ph. D candidate, research direction: theory and application of stochastic processes.  相似文献   

以渤海湾沿岸具有双导堤工程的单一潮汐汊道的华北最大海岸潟湖—七里海潟湖为原型建立理想模型,通过设置包括临界侵蚀应力、临界淤积应力、泥沙沉速、初始床面高程和径流量等影响潟湖地貌演变的相关参数,得到理想模型达到稳定状态后的纳潮量P和潮汐汊道断面最大流量Qm。分别建立其与潮汐汊道断面面积A的相关关系式以表征潮汐汊道稳定性。比较分析发现在表征潮汐汊道稳定性方面,Qm?A关系较P?A关系的拟合效果更佳。分别利用Qm?A关系以及泥沙净冲淤量计算得到潮汐汊道和潟湖稳定所需时长,对比结果表明潟湖明显滞后于潮汐汊道达到稳定状态,临界侵蚀应力对潮汐汊道稳定性影响更大,而临界淤积应力、泥沙沉速和初始床面高程对潟湖稳定性影响尤为显著,径流量对潟湖和潮汐汊道稳定性的影响相当。  相似文献   

百米跑是速度性项目,要想跑出人体的最大速度,首先要有正确的短跑技术。随着科技的发展,塑胶跑道的问世,现代短跑技术又有新的进展,从而促使对短跑技术理论作新的理解和探讨。在途中跑中后蹬不再是短跑成绩的主要决定因素,摆动腿积极前摆、后扒才是提高短跑速度的关键。实践证明,采用必要的专门性辅助练习能有效地改进途中跑摆动腿前摆后扒的技术,从而提高百米跑的专项成绩。  相似文献   

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