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U-Pb zircon dating on two foliated garnet-bearing granite samples in the western Dabie ultra-high-pressure (UHP) metamorphic unit yields concordant ages of (234±4) Ma and (227±5) Ma, respectively. These ages, following the UHP peak metamorphism, represent the magma emplacement ages for the foliated garnet-bearing granites. This, for the first time, shows that there are the Triassic granites in the Dabie Mountains. The foliated garnet-bearing granites resemble A-type granite in geochemical characteristics, indicating that they were formed in extensional geodynamic setting. The magma formation reflects a reheating event in the Dabie orogenic belt and it enhances the transfer of tectonic regime from collision into extension and promotes the rapid exhumation into lower crust for the UHP metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

The U-Pb isotope compositions of rutile, omphacite and garnet in the eclogite from the Jinheqiao area in the Southern Dabie ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic zone were analyzed. The consistent high precision U-Pb age (218 ± 1.2) Ma of rutile in eclogite from the Dabie Mountains was obtained by two ways of isochron and common Pb correction based on the composition of omphacite. This proves that the omphacite in eclogite has a U/Pb ratio (m = 2.8) low enough to be used for common Pb correction in the analyses of rutile. Under the rapid cooling condition (40℃/Ma) the closure temperature for U-Pb diffusion in rutile is about 470℃. Thus, this U-Pb age of rutile proves that 218 Ma should be the cooling age of eclogite at 470℃ instead of the peak metamorphic age.  相似文献   

TTG gneiss is a common rock to outcrop in the northern part of the Dabie orogen, a few of which are closely associated with eclogites that experienced the Triassic ultrahigh pressure metamorphism. Although they were thermally metamorphosed by a large-scale magma activity in this region at the Early Cretaceous, it is unclear whether or not they are also affected by the Triassic metamorphism during continental subduction and exhumation. In order to resolve this issue, SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating was carried out for the host gneiss of eclogites in North Dabie. The results show that cores from the gneiss have an age of 746~.31 Ma, consistent with the protolith ages of granitic gneisses in the Dabie orogen. Zircon overgrowing with different U and Th concentrations give concordant ages of 212~21 and 120~11 Ma, respectively. Th/U ratios of overgrown zircons are both lower than 0.1, suggesting a metamorphic genesis. The present resuits suggest that the gneiss in North Dabie has the similar protolith ages of Neoproterozoic to those granitic gneisses elsewhere in the Dabie orogen, and experienced not only the Triassic metamorphism but also the thermal metamorphism due to the Early Cretaceous magmatism. This provides an important insight into the geodynamic evolution of gneissic rocks in the Dabie orogen.  相似文献   

The single grain zircon U-Pb age of the Shacun mafic-ultramafic intrusion, Yuexi, North Dabie is (128.1±2.0) Ma. This date indicates that the intrusion was implaced at Yanshanian when most Mesozoic granitoids were intruded. It was not the syn-collisional intrusion related to the subduction of the Yangtze Block and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism at Indosinian.  相似文献   

The structure, magmatism and sedimentation within the South China Block (SCB) related to the Indosinian Orogeny had attracted considerable attention since De-prat[1] and Fromagat[2] proposed the “Indosinian move-ment” based on two unconformities between Pre-Norian and Pre-Rhaetian during Triassic in Vietnam. However, Indosinian tectonic evolution of the SCB has been long debated[3―6]. Some researchers believed that the compli-cated structure-magmatism-sedimentation within the SCB w…  相似文献   

The Sulu orogen is the eastern termination of the Qinling-Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt that results from the Triassic collision between the North China and the Yang-tze plates[1—4]. It contains ultrahigh pressure (UHP) meta-morphic rocks such as eclogite, granitic gneiss and marble. The Wulian complex zone, north to the Wulian fault in the Jiaonan area, is about 10—14 km wide and consists of metaigneous and metasedimentary rocks that only ex-perienced greenschist-facies metamorphism (Fig. …  相似文献   

Zircons from two high-pressure granulite samples from the Yushugou ophiolitic terrane, southern Tian shan have been investigated by cathodoluminescence, LA ICPMS and ion microprobe (SHRIMP) for their internal textures, trace elemental compositions and in situ dating. The weighted mean ages of these two samples are 392±7 and 390±11 Ma, respectively, representing the granulite-facies meta morphic age of the ophiolitic terrane, and indicating that the southern Tianshan ocean initiated its northward subduction since the early Devonian.  相似文献   

Zircon CL imaging and SHRIMP U-Pb dating were carried out for migmatite in the Dabie orogen. Zircons from the Manshuihe migmatite show clear core-rim structures. The cores display sector or weak zoning and low Th/U ratios of 0.01 to 0.17, indicating their precipitation from metamorphic fluid. They yield a weighted mean age of 137±5 Ma. By contrast, the rims exhibit planar or nebulous zoning with relatively high Th/U ratios of 0.35 to 0.69, suggesting their growth from metamorphic melt. They give a weighted mean age of 124±2 Ma. Zircons from the Fenghuangguan migmatite also display core-rim structures. The cores are weakly oscillatory zoned or unzoned with high Th/U ratios of 0.21 to 3.03, representing inherited zircons of magmatic origin that experienced different degrees of solid-state recrystallization. SHRIMP U-Pb analyses obtain that its protolith was emplaced at 768±12 Ma, consistent with middle Neoproterozoic ages for protoliths of most UHP metaigneous rocks in the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt. By contrast, the rims do not show significant zoning and have very low Th/U ratios of 0.01 to 0.09, typical of zircon crystallized from metamorphic fluid. They yield a weighted 206Pb/238U age of 137±4 Ma. Taking the two case dates together, it appears that there are two episodes of zircon growth and thus migmati-tization at 137±2 Ma and 124±2 Ma, respectively, due to metamorphic dehydration and partial melting. The appearance of metamorphic dehydration corresponds to the beginning of tectonic extension thus to the tectonic switch from crustal compression to extension in the Dabie orogen. On the other hand, the partial melting is responsible for the extensional climax, resulting in formation of coeval migmatite, granitoid and granulite. They share the common protolith, the collision-thickened continental crust of mid-Neoproterozoic ages.  相似文献   

TheNorthQilianMountainsattheboundarybe-tweenGansuandQinghaiProvincesareafamousCaledo-nianplatesuturezoneinthenorthwesternChina.Thissuturezoneis80to100kmwideandextendsintheNWdirectionparalleltotheNorthQaidamUHPbeltinthesouth[1,2].Itconsistspredominantlyofophiolite,island-arccomplexandhigh-presuremetamorphicrocks[38],andshowstypicalfeaturesofPacific-type[9](orB-type)sub-ductionzone.Spatially,thehigh-pressurerockscanbesubdividedintohigh-gradeblueschistbeltandlow-gradeblueschistbelt[5,6].Th…  相似文献   

Single-grain zircon U-Pb dating was carried out to constrain the emplacement timing of granitic plutons at Chaxinzi, Xiaoweishahe and Longtou in the Tonghua area, south of Jilin Province. The results show that these plutons formed in the Triassic with ages of 203—217 Ma. Geological and geochemical characteristics indicate that the plutons are composed of quartz diorite and granite. The former was derived from partial melting of mafic lower crust, whereas the latter originated from thickened crust with garnet as the residue in the source. It appears that protoliths of these two types of granitits are different although they have the same emplacement age. Considering that these plutons are petrologically different from the coeval granites in the Xingmeng (Xing‘an-Mongolian) to Jihei (Jilin-Heilongjiang) orogenic belt in the north, it is suggested that their formation was related to the Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh-pressure collisional orogenesis since their ages are only 10—20 Ma younger than timing of the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism, but comparable to that of the first rapid exhumation of the ultra-high-pressure metamorphic rocks and the emplacement of the post-collisional granites.  相似文献   

The U-Pb isotope compositions of rutile, omphacite and garnet in the eclogite from the Jinheqiao area in the Southern Dabie ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic zone were analyzed. The consistent high precision U-Pb age (218 ±(1.2) Ma of rutile in eclogite from the Dabie Mountains was obtained by two ways of isochron and common Pb correction based on the composition of omphacite. This proves that the omphacite in eclogite has a U/Pb ratio (μ = 2.8) low enough to be used for common Pb correction in the analyses of rutile. Under the rapid cooling condition (40℃/Ma) the closure temperature for U-Pb diffusion in rutile is about 470℃. Thus, this U-Pb age of rutile proves that 218 Ma should be the cooling age of eclogite at 470℃ instead of the peak metamorphic age.  相似文献   

为确定与金厂金矿成矿有关的岩浆类型、活动时限和构造背景,采用LA-ICP-MS技术对研究区花岗斑岩开展了锆石U-Pb年龄及原位微区微量元素测定。结果表明:锆石环带发育,wTh/wU值>0.4,具有岩浆锆石特征;锆石年龄分布于220Ma和103~123Ma 2个区间,代表了2期岩浆事件;对2种锆石分别命名为捕获岩浆锆石和新生岩浆锆石;锆石的地球化学和年龄信息显示捕获岩浆锆石的原岩为早三叠世花岗岩;锆石微量元素信息暗示花岗斑岩是早三叠世花岗岩高度熔融结晶分异、侵位于浅部氧化环境而形成,这一过程导致新生岩浆锆石负Eu异常程度降低。新生锆石加权平均年龄为(113.5±3.8)Ma,与成矿年龄一致,据此认为早白垩世的岩浆事件是金厂金矿成矿事件的直接原因,成矿背景为太平洋板块俯冲后的岩石圈伸展。  相似文献   

TheCenozoicHimalayanorogenisimportantinun-derstandingcontinentaldynamicprocesses.Lowercrustal,high-grademetamorphicrockshaverecentlybeendiscov-eredinNamcheBarwaandParmir,i.e.therespectivere-gionsofeasternandwesternsyntaxisoftheorogen[1—4].Eclogitesthatunderwentgranulite-faciesmetamorphismhaverecentlybeenreportedintheCadaareatotheeastofMountEverestinthecentralsegmentoftheHimalayanorogen[5].WiththehelpofthegeologicalsurveyofDing-gyeCountyandChentangSheets(scale1︰250000),high-pressuremafic…  相似文献   

Isotopic geochemical characteristics of helium in garnet and omphacite of eclogite in the Dabie Mountains are discussed. Concentrations of 3He and 4He in garnet and omphacite are 3.9×10 -14- 24.0×10 -14 and 0.48×10 -7-9.42×10 -7cm+3·g -1, respectively. Values of 3He/ 4He have a range of (1.19-4.63)×10 -7. Helium in the eclogite is derived from both mantle and crust. Isotopic geochemical data of helium indicate that eclogite in the Dabie Mountains might be formed in depleted mantle and the age of the cologite would be Indo-China epoch.  相似文献   

Inrecentyears,discoveriesofhightoultrahighpressuremetamorphicrocksatthenorthandsouthsidesoftheQinlingGroupinthenorthernpartoftheQinlingMountains(hereafterNorthQinling)haveattractedfocusattentionofgeologistsworldwide.Thenorthhigh-pressure(HP)metamorphicbelt,distributedintheareafromGuanpotoShuanghuaishunorthwardtoShizipin,LushCountyinHenanProvince,consistsmainlyofeclogiteoutcroppedaslenticularmassesofdifferentsizesinthegneissesoftheQinlingGroupclosetothesouthsideofZhuyangguan-Xiaguanfault…  相似文献   

The exsolution lamellae of quartz and clinoen-statite are idenfied in diopside of garnet-pyroxenolite from the North Dabie Mountain by transmission electron microscopy, which is interpreted that the lamellae are originally exsolved from a former ultra-high-pressure clinopyroxene due to decreasing of pressure. Study of petrography shows that there is compositional zoning hi the diopside itself. It is implied that the garnet-pyroxenolite had undergone intensive high-temperature granulite fades and high-amphibolitic fades retrogressive metamorphism, while the peridotite (the garnet-pyroxenolite's host rock) emplaced the crust  相似文献   

Mesozoic granitoids are widespread in the Qinling-Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt. Precise U-Pb dating on these granitoids can reveal the evolution of the continental collision orogen and thus provide information on the nature of magma sources. This study presents zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating and whole-rock geochemical analyses for two intrusions at Changba and Huangzhuguan in western Qinling. Zircon U-Pb ages for central and marginal phases of the Huangzhuguang intrusion are 214±1 Ma and 213±3 Ma, respectively. Zircons from the Changba intrusion yield a dominant cluster with an U-Pb age of 213±2 Ma. Collectively, these ages are younger than ages of 220 to 240 Ma for ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism due to the continental collision between the South China Block and the North China Block, corresponding to syn-exhumation magmatism. Some inherited zircons occur in the Changba intrusion, yielding a weighted mean of 206Pb/238U ages at 757±14 Ma. This indicates that the Changba intrusion has the crustal source of mid-Neoproterozoic ages and a tectonic affinity to the South China Block. Geochemically, the two intrusuons are both rich in LILE and LREE but depleted in HFSE and HREE, similar to arc-type igneous rocks. The Huangzhuguang intrusion exhibits linear correlations between SiO2 and the other major oxides, implying chemical evolution from a cognate magma source. It contains mafic enclaves, suggesting possible mixing of felsic-mafic magmas. The Changba granite is rich in Si and K but poor in Fe and Mg as well as has a high value of Fe*, suggesting strong differentiation of granitic magma. Therefore, the two intrusions were derived from the Late Triassic anatexis of the continental crust of different compositions in the northern margin of South China Block. This process may be coupled with exhumation of the subducted continental crust in the stage of late collision.  相似文献   

The continental lithosphere growth mainly includes the horizontal accretion at the plate boundaries and vertical accretion within the plate[1]. Mafic magmatic materials, as the products of crust-mantle interaction[2,3], became more and more important in studying the formation and evolu- tion of the lower crust. The previous geologic researcheson Tianshan, extending nearly 2500 km from east to west, and the neighbor area were mainly focused on the Paleozoic collision structure[4 ― 6], Mesozoi…  相似文献   

Numerous eclogite-amphibolite blocks have been found along the Mayanling fault in the northern Dabie complex. Most of the eclogites are strongly retrograded and contain garnet, rutile and the amphibole-plagioclase symplectite. The occurrence of these eclogites may have something to do with the inverted movement of the Mayanling thrust fault.  相似文献   

SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating on Nyainqentanglha granite in central Lhasa block   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The Nyainqentanglha granite, a batholith with an area of 1500 km^2 in the central Lhasa block, comprises mainly medium-fine-grained biotite monzonitic granite and medium-coarse-grained biotite monzonitic granite. Their contact relationship suggests that the medlum-fine-grained biotite monzonitic granite was crystallized earlier than the medium-coarse-grained monzonitic granite. A SHRIMP U-Pb dating on zircons from representative samples of the batholith shows that the crystallization age of the medium-fine-grained biotite monzonitic granite is 18.3 Ma and that of the medium-coarse-grained monzonitic granite is 11.01 Ma. The emplacement and crystallization of the Nyainqentanglha granite, the youngest granite batholith ever known inside the Lhasa block, have a close relationship with the collisional orogeny, crustal thickening, plateau uplifting,E-W crustal extension and have a dynamic genetic relationship with the crustal partial melting.  相似文献   

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