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Stress is one of the leading contributing factors for psychosomatic diseases of modern society. Prolonged or strong stress may cause more release of glutamic acid (Glu) transmitter from hippocampal neurons. As most hippocampal neurons are glutaminergic ne…  相似文献   

An EST (gb/AA115239) with high identity to the mouse cytokine signal transduction inhibitor genemmSOCS-2 was selected in GenBank EST database by the homologous screening method. The cDNA with the same sequence of the EST was got in human placenta cDNA library by PCR and a 1011 bp cDNA fragment was selected using above cDNA as probes to perform walking hybridization in placenta cDNA library. The cDNA fragment contains one 594 bp open reading frame (ORF) which encodes 198 amino acid residues. It was proved to be novel after NCBl database screening. Homology comparison showed that this gene has 93% identity tommSOCS-2 at the amino acid level and it has high identities to other related genes in SH2 domain and SOCS box, so it was namedhumSOCS-2 and the accession number in GenBank is gb/AF020590. The expression analysis showed that the gene is expressed obviously higher in prostate than in other 15 human tissues.  相似文献   

植物抗病性的分子机制一直是植物病理学关注的焦点.近年来,国内外不少学者和实验室正在大量分离和培养与抗病有关的突变体,并且寻找和研究与抗病有关的基因和抗病机制.研究表明,在病原物与植物的相互作用、病原信号的传导和抗病性激发的过程中存在着一系列的调节因子和基因,并形成复杂的调控网络.综述了近年来国内外植物抗病性的分子研究进展,阐述了植物抗病性分子机制和信号传导.  相似文献   

The effect of anionic phosphatidylglycerol (PG) on oxygen evolution in a photosystem II (PS II ) particle depleted of Ca2+ (designated dCaPSII ) has been investigated. The major finding is the observation of a new role of PG in the PSII function. That is, PG restores nearly the lost oxygen evolution in dcaPS II particle owing to Ca2+ depletion to the levels in intact PS II. Furthermore, there is a stimulation of oxygen-evolving activity in the dCaPSII complexed with PG in the presence of exogenous CaCl2, which PG enhances increasingly oxygen evolution with increasing CaCl2 concentration. It is suggested that PG-induced oxygen evolution recovery of dCa PS II particle results from resumption of normal structure in protein by PG effect, whereas the enhancement of oxygen evolution in complex subject to CaCl2 is ascribed to the optimization of such a structure due to coordination complex formation of Ca2+ ions with PG.  相似文献   

Effects of La3+ and Gd3+ on Ca2+ influx were investigated in rat hepatoma H-35 cells by measuring the initial rate of45Ca2+ uptake. It was found that the maximum initial rate of Ca2+ uptake was increased six-to ten-fold at low concentrations of La3+ and Gd3+. Kinetic analyses by measuring the initial rate of Ca2+ influx at different external Ca2+ concentrations indicated the existence of two intracellular exchangeable components in the basal Ca2+ system, with low and high affinities for Ca2+, and only one class of Ca2+ binding sites was observed in the La3+-or Gd3+-treated cells. For high affinity, La3+ and Gd3+ increased both kinetic parametersK m andV max of basai Ca2+ influx. La3+ and Gd3+ compete directly with Ca2+ for Ca2+ binding site for low affinity. The kinetics is competitive.  相似文献   

The effect of Ca2+ on CO2 corrosion to X65 pipeline steel was investigated in the simulated stratum water of an oil field containing different concentrations of Ca2+. It is found that Ca2+ can enhance the corrosion rate, especially in the Ca2+ concentration from 256 to 512 mg/L, which can be attributed to the growing grain size and loosing structure of corrosion scales with increasing Ca2+ concentration. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) investigations reveal that a complex carbonate (Fe, Ca)CO3 forms at high Ca2+ concentration due to the gradual replacement of Fe2+ in FeCO3 by Ca2+.  相似文献   

We recorded slow vacuolar (SV-type) channel currents of Radish vacuoles successfully for the first time by using the whole-vacuolar patch-clamp recording mode. SV- type currents would increase and threshold potentials of activation would shift towards more negative values with the increase of concentrations of cytosolic Ca2+. When 2.5 mmol/ L LaCl3 and 4 mmol/L EGTA were added to bath solutions, SV-type currents were suppressed remarkably. Then adding LaCl3 with different concentrations to pipette solutions, we found that LaCl3 with higher concentrations (>4 ´ 10-7 mol/L) had a strong inhibitory effect on SV-type currents, while LaCl3 with lower concentrations (≤4 ´ 10-7 mol/L) promoted channel currents. This promoting effect provides an important basis at channel level for researching further the effects of rare earth on physiological activities of plants and the production-increase effects of rare earth fertilizers on crops.  相似文献   

NO (nitric oxide), known as a key signal molecule in plant, plays important roles in regulation of stomatal movement. In this study, microtubule dynamics and its possible mechanism in the NO signal pathway were investigated. The results were as follows: (i) In vivo stomatsl aperture assays revealed that both vinblastine (microtubule-disrupUng drug) and SNP (exogenous NO donor) prevented stomatsl opening in the light, and vinblastine even could enhance the inhibitory effect of SNP, whereas tsxol (a microtubule-stsbilizing agent) was able to reduce this effect; (ii) microtubules in the opening Arabi-dopsis guard cells expressing GFP:a-tubulin-6 (AtGFP:a-tubulin-6) were organized in parallel, straight and dense bundles, radiating from the ventral side to the dorsal side, and most of them were localized perpendicularly to the ventral wall; (iii) under the same environmental conditions, treated with SNP for 30 min, the radial arrays of microtubules in guard cells began to break down, twisted partially and be- came oblique or exhibited a random pattern; (iv) furthermore, the involvement of cytosolic Ca^2+ in this event was tested. Stomatal aperture assays revealed that BAPTA-AM (a chelator of Ca^2+) greatly suppressed the effect of NO on stomatal closure; however, it did not show the same function on stomatal closure induced by vinblastine. When BAPTA-AM was added to the SNP-pretreated solution, the SNP-induced disordered microtubulue cytoskeleton in guard cells underwent rearrangement in a time-dependent manner. After 30 min of treatment with BAPTA-AM, the cortical microtubules resumed the original radial distribution, almost the same as the control. All this indicates that NO may promote rearrangement of microtubule cytoskeleton via elevation of [Ca^2+]cyt (free Ca^2+ concentration in the cytoplasm), finally leading to stomatsl closure.  相似文献   

The mechanism of peroxynitrite (ONOO)-induced [ca2+]i increase in single MN9D cell (Dopaminergic neuroblastoma cell line) was studied by using Fura-2 microfluorometric technique. The results show that ONOO caused a rapid increase of [Ca2+]i when ONOO was puffed to the cell. Removing Ca2+ from the bath or using calcium channel antagonist (CdCl2, Nifedipine) greatly inhibited the [Ca2+]i increase induced by ONOO−1, suggesting that the opening of L-Ca2+ channel makes a great contribution to the [Ca2+]i increase. The effect of sulfhydryl reductive agent (DTT) on ONOO-induced [Ca2+]i increase suggests that ONOO-activating L-Ca2+ channel is partly related to its oxidative speciality.  相似文献   

The distribution of Ca2+ in the anthers of wheat was observed using cytochemical method of potassium antimonite. At the later tetrad stage, Ubisch bodies carrying Ca2+ were observed on the inner surface of tapetum, in anther locule and on pollen surface. The Ubisch bodies contacted with pollen, and Ca2+ began to accumulate on pollen surface. At the uninucleate pollen stage, abundant Ubisch bodies were distributed in anther locule, and the amount of Ca2+ on pollen surface increased. At the mature pollen stage a large amount of Ca2+ ions were localized on the inner surface of tapetum, the surface of pollen and Ubisch bodies. In the pollen wall, Ca2+ precipitates arranged in radial lines. These results demonstrated that Ubisch bodies were involved in Ca2+ transport from anther wall to pollen surface at some developmental stages of anther.  相似文献   

Mn2+ EPR intensity recorded in the Chinese loess-paleosol sequence shows close correlation with magnetic susceptibility and Sr content as well as the oscillation of paleoclimate. Thus Mn2+ EPR signal can serve as an indicator sensitive to the East Asia summer monsoon intensity fluctuations.  相似文献   

We explore nitric oxide (NO) effect on K^+in, channels in Arabidopsis guard cells. We observed NO inhibited K^+in, currents when Ca^2+ chelator EGTA (Ethylene glycol-bis(2-aminoethylether)-N,N,N′,N;tetraacetic acid) was not added in the pipette solution; K^+in currents were not sensitive to NO when cytosolic Ca^2+ was chelated by EGTA. NO inhibited the Arabidopsis stomatal opening, but when EGTA was added in the bath solution, inhibition effect of NO on stomatal opening vanished. Thus, it implies that NO elevates cytosolic Ca^2+ by activating plasma membrane Ca^2+ channels firstly, then inactivates K^+in, chartnels, resulting in stomatal opening suppressed subsequently.  相似文献   

It has been known that the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) also exists in plants and is able to regulate the movement of stomata.In another aspect,Ca^2 /CaM as the second messengers have a critical role of signal transduction in stomatal guard-cell,Here we showed that Ca^2 /CaM were also involved in the ACh regulated stomatal movement,In the medium containing Ca^2 ,the Ca^2 channel blockers (NIF and Ver)and CaM inhibitors (TFP and W7 ) could neutralize the ACh induced stomatal opening,however,they are ineffective in the medium containing K^ ,Those results indicated that Ca^2 /CaM were involved in the signal transduction pathway of ACh regulating stomatal movement.  相似文献   

The relationship between the callus formation and intracellular Ca2+ at the early stage of development of graft unions inGinkgo biloba L. was investigated. On the second day after grafting, part of the undamaged living cells at the graft interface of the stock and scion in the regions of the cortex and pith began to dedifferentiate or divide. 8 d after grafting, a great number of callus cells were produced from the cortex and phloem, while callus bridges linking the stock with scion formed between the callus cells of the graft partners from the cortex. A membrane Ca2+ probe, chlortetracycline (CTC), was used to locate the intracellular Ca2+ distribution and it was found that the cortical and pith parenchyma cells were the first to show remarkably increased CTC-Ca2+ fluorescence, suggesting that the cortical and other parenchyma cells play a leading role at the early stage of development of graft unions by earlier dedifferentiation and more rapid production of callus cells.  相似文献   

为了研究水泥基复合固化剂对重金属混合污染土的固化稳定效果及其与单一重金属污染土的固化效果差别,探究锌和镉离子之间是否有协同或拮抗作用,采用水泥、石灰、粉煤灰和蒙脱石等作为复合固化剂,通过开展无侧限抗压强度试验、毒性浸出试验、X射线衍射分析(XRD)以及电镜扫描分析(SEM),研究锌镉混合污染土在不同固化剂掺量下的强度特性与浸出毒性、pH值与浸出毒性间的关系、重金属混合污染土与单一重金属污染土的固化效果差异,并通过XRD和SEM分别对固化产物的成分和形貌进行微观分析,进而分析固化机理。试验结果表明:用生石灰、粉煤灰、海泡石、蒙脱土替代等量水泥可使固化产物的强度提高;Zn2+与Cd2+之间不存在拮抗作用,Cd2+的存在还会有助于Zn2+的固定;重金属离子的浸出浓度随浸出液pH值的增大而明显降低;固化效果好的样品相较于固化效果差的样品有更多的针状、网状等较为致密的结构。  相似文献   

采用溶剂热法在N,N-二甲基甲酰胺溶液中合成了不同摩尔比例的SrCl_2和Bi(NO_3)_3(分别为5%,10%,30%,50%,80%)与对苯二甲酸形成的含Sr~(2+)和Bi~(3+)有机杂化体,并在紫外可见光照射下对其进行了罗丹明B降解活性的评价.结果表明:杂化体在紫外可见光下对RhB降解活性良好,其中SrCl_2摩尔比例10%掺杂的催化剂光降解活性最佳,这归结于其在紫外区域对光有很好的吸收及光生电子和空穴能有效地分离.双金属离子能协同调节有机杂化体的光催化活性.  相似文献   

In single rat pancreatic β cells, using fura-2 microfluorometry to measure [Ca2+]i response upon different stimuli, the ways of calcium regulation have been studied. When the extracellular calcium concentration was 2.5 mmol/L, either 60 mmol/L KCl, 20 mmol/L D-glucose or 0.1 mmol/L tolbutamide induced increase in [Ca2+]i. Such increase in [Ca2+]i was absent when the same stimuli were applied under zero extracellular calcium. These results indicate that the increase of [Ca2+]i is induced by the activation of voltage-dependent calcium channels in β cells. The manifold forms of [Ca2+]i change induced by glucose imply that the effects of glucose are complex. 5 mmol/L caffeine or 5 mmol/L MCh increase the [Ca2+]i, which is independent of the external calcium, suggesting that [Ca2+]i can be regulated by Ca2+ release from not only the IP3-sensitive but also the ryanodine sensitive calcium stores in β cells. The latency of Ca responses for IP3 pathway (5 s) is faster than that for ryanodine pathway (30 s). It is concluded that there are multiple calcium stores in rat pancreatic β cells.  相似文献   

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