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S Millet  K Campbell  D J Epstein  K Losos  E Harris  A L Joyner 《Nature》1999,401(6749):161-164
The mid/hindbrain (MHB) junction can act as an organizer to direct the development of the midbrain and anterior hindbrain. In mice, Otx2 is expressed in the forebrain and midbrain and Gbx2 is expressed in the anterior hindbrain, with a shared border at the level of the MHB organizer. Here we show that, in Gbx2-/- mutants, the earliest phenotype is a posterior expansion of the Otx2 domain during early somite stages. Furthermore, organizer genes are expressed at the shifted Otx2 border, but not in a normal spatial relationship. To test whether Gbx2 is sufficient to position the MHB organizer, we transiently expressed Gbx2 in the caudal Otx2 domain and found that the Otx2 caudal border was indeed shifted rostrally and a normal appearing organizer formed at this new Otx2 border. Transgenic embryos then showed an expanded hindbrain and a reduced midbrain at embryonic day 9.5-10. We propose that formation of a normal MHB organizer depends on a sharp Otx2 caudal border and that Gbx2 is required to position and sharpen this border.  相似文献   

Nested expression domains of four homeobox genes in developing rostral brain.   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
Insight into the genetic control of the identity of specific regions along the body axis of vertebrates has resulted primarily from the study of vertebrate homologues of regulatory genes operating in the Drosophila trunk, but little is known about the development of most anterior regions of the body either in flies or vertebrates. Three Drosophila genes have been identified that are important in controlling the development of the head, two of which, empty spiracles and orthodenticle, have been cloned and shown to contain a homeobox. We previously cloned and characterized Emx1 and Emx2, two mouse genes related to empty spiracles that are expressed in restricted regions of the developing forebrain, including the presumptive cerebral cortex and olfactory bulbs. Here we report the identification of Otx1 and Otx2, which are related to orthodenticle. We have compared the expression domains of the four genes in the developing rostral brain of mouse embryos at a developmental stage, day 10 post coitum, when they are all expressed. Otx2 is expressed in every dorsal and most ventral regions of telencephalon, diencephalon and mesencephalon. The Otx1 expression domain is similar to that of Otx2, but contained within it. The Emx2 expression domain is comprised of dorsal telencephalon and small diencephalic regions, both dorsally and ventrally. Finally, Emx1 expression is exclusively confined to the dorsal telencephalon. Thus at the time when regional specification of major brain regions takes place, the expression domains of the four genes seem to be continuous regions contained within each other in the sequence Emx1 less than Emx2 less than Otx1 less than Otx2.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) plays an important role in development of vertebrate embryos. We demonstrate impacts of exogenous RA on the formation of neural crest cells in zebrafish using specific neural crest markers sox9b and crestin. Treatment with all -trans RA at 10−7 mmol/L at 50% epiboly induces sox9b expression in the forebrain and crestin expression in the forebrain and midbrain, resulting in significant increase of pigment cells in the head derived from the cranial neural crest. In addition, RA treatment induces expression of sox9b and crestin in the caudal marginal cells of the neuroectoderm during early segmentation. Earlier commitment of these cells to the neural crest fate in the posterior margins leads to abnormal development of the posterior body, probably by preventing mingling of ventral derived and dorsal-derived cells during the formation of the tailbud.  相似文献   

The classical view of neural plate development held that it arises from the ectoderm, after its separation from the mesodermal and endodermal lineages. However, recent cell-lineage-tracing experiments indicate that the caudal neural plate and paraxial mesoderm are generated from common bipotential axial stem cells originating from the caudal lateral epiblast. Tbx6 null mutant mouse embryos which produce ectopic neural tubes at the expense of paraxial mesoderm must provide a clue to the regulatory mechanism underlying this neural versus mesodermal fate choice. Here we demonstrate that Tbx6-dependent regulation of Sox2 determines the fate of axial stem cells. In wild-type embryos, enhancer N1 of the neural primordial gene Sox2 is activated in the caudal lateral epiblast, and the cells staying in the superficial layer sustain N1 activity and activate Sox2 expression in the neural plate. In contrast, the cells destined to become mesoderm activate Tbx6 and turn off enhancer N1 before migrating into the paraxial mesoderm compartment. In Tbx6 mutant embryos, however, enhancer N1 activity persists in the paraxial mesoderm compartment, eliciting ectopic Sox2 activation and transforming the paraxial mesoderm into neural tubes. An enhancer-N1-specific deletion mutation introduced into Tbx6 mutant embryos prevented this Sox2 activation in the mesodermal compartment and subsequent development of ectopic neural tubes, indicating that Tbx6 regulates Sox2 via enhancer N1. Tbx6-dependent repression of Wnt3a in the paraxial mesodermal compartment is implicated in this regulatory process. Paraxial mesoderm-specific misexpression of a Sox2 transgene in wild-type embryos resulted in ectopic neural tube development. Thus, Tbx6 represses Sox2 by inactivating enhancer N1 to inhibit neural development, and this is an essential step for the specification of paraxial mesoderm from the axial stem cells.  相似文献   

A Awgulewitsch  D Jacobs 《Nature》1992,358(6384):341-344
The striking similarities in the structure, organization and anterior-posterior expression patterns between the murine Hox gene system and the Drosophila homeotic gene complexes, called HOM-C (ref. 3), may point to highly conserved mechanisms for specifying positional identities (reviewed in ref. 4). Strong support for this concept lies in the observation of conserved colinearity between the genomic order of the Hox/HOM genes and their unique successive expression domains along the anterior-posterior axes of both mouse and fly embryos. These unique and precise expression patterns appear to be facilitated by multiple cis-regulatory elements (reviewed in ref. 5). One of the few elements characterized in detail is the autoregulatory enhancer of the homeotic gene Deformed (Dfd), which supports expression in subregions of posterior head segments of Drosophila embryos. Here we present evidence that this enhancer is capable of conferring reporter gene expression to a discrete subregion of the hindbrain in transgenic mouse embryos. Remarkably, this anterior-posterior subregion lies within the common anterior expression domain of the Dfd cognate Hox genes in the postotic hindbrain. Our results indicate that the Dfd autoregulatory enhancer is part of a highly conserved mechanism for establishing region-specific gene expression along the anterior-posterior axis of the embryo.  相似文献   

D G Wilkinson  S Bhatt  P Chavrier  R Bravo  P Charnay 《Nature》1989,337(6206):461-464
The process of segmentation, in which repeated homologous structures are generated along the anterior-posterior axis of the embryo is a widespread mechanism in animal development. In vertebrates, segmentation is most apparent in the somites and the peripheral nervous system, but the existence of repetitive bulges, termed neuromeres, in the early neural epithelium of vertebrates suggests that the CNS may also be segmented. Consistent with this, cranial ganglia and certain neurons are associated with specific hindbrain neuromeres. Here, we report that Krox-20, a zinc-finger gene, is expressed in two alternate neuromeres in the mouse early hindbrain. This pattern subsequently decays and Krox-20 is transiently expressed in specific hindbrain nuclei. In addition, Krox-20 is expressed in early neural crest cells, and then in the neural crest-derived boundary caps, glial components of the cranial and spinal ganglia. The demonstration that neuromeres are domains of gene expression provides molecular evidence for the segmentation of the CNS.  相似文献   

S Krauss  T Johansen  V Korzh  A Fjose 《Nature》1991,353(6341):267-270
In vertebrates the developing hindbrain is organized in segmental units. These units provide the primary grid for differentiation and axonal outgrowth. In the more anterior regions of the brain, however, the subdivisions remain more controversial. Cellular and molecular studies of the embryonic brain in lower vertebrates such as the zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio, may reveal remnants of such subdivisions. We have isolated complementary DNA clones for two zebrafish pax genes related to Drosophila and mouse paired-box-containing segmentation genes. The expression of these two genes is confined to specific regions in the embryonic forebrain and midbrain. Strikingly, the borders of expression of the two pax genes coincide with morphological landmarks corresponding to the primary axon tracts that are generated in the embryonic brain a few hours after the initiation of expression of these genes.  相似文献   

R Finkelstein  N Perrimon 《Nature》1990,346(6283):485-488
In the Drosophila embryo, cell fate along the anterior-posterior axis is determined by maternally expressed genes. The activity of the bicoid (bcd) gene is required for the development of larval head and thoracic structures, and that of maternal torso (tor) for the development of the unsegmented region of the head (acron). In contrast to the case of thoracic and abdominal segmentation, the hierarchy of zygotically expressed genes controlling head development has not been clearly defined. The bcd protein, which is expressed in a gradient, activates zygotic expression of the gap gene hunchback (hb), but hb alone is not sufficient to specify head development. Driever et al. proposed that at least one other bcd-activated gene controls the development of head regions anterior to the hb domain. We report here that the homeobox gene orthodenticle (otd), which is involved in head development, could be such a gene. We also show that otd expression responds to the activity of the maternal tor gene at the anterior pole of the embryo.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that Hox genes play an important part in the patterning of limbs, vertebrae and craniofacial structures by providing an ordered molecular system of positional values, termed the Hox code. Little is known about the nature of the signals that govern the establishment and regulation of Hox genes, but retinoic acid can affect the expression of these genes in cell lines and in embryonic tissues. On the basis of experimental and clinical evidence, the hindbrain and branchial region of the head are particularly sensitive to the effects of retinoic acid but the phenotypes are complex and hard to interpret, and how and if they relate to Hox expression has not been clear. Here we follow the changes induced by retinoic acid to hindbrain segmentation and the branchial arches using transgenic mice which contain lacZ reporter genes that reveal the endogenous segment-restricted expression of the Hox-B1 (Hox-2.9), Hox-B2(Hox-2.8) and Krox-20 genes. Our results show that these genes rapidly respond to exposure to retinoic acid at preheadfold stages and undergo a progressive series of changes in segmental expression that are associated with specific phenotypes in hindbrain of first branchial arch. Together the molecular and anatomical alterations indicate that retinoic acid has induced changes in the hindbrain Hox code which result in the homeotic transformation of rhombomeres (r) 2/3 to an r4/5 identity. A main feature of this rhombomeric phenotype is that the trigeminal motor nerve is transformed to a facial identity. Furthermore, in support of this change in rhombomeric identity, neural crest cells derived from r2/3 also express posterior Hox markers suggesting that the retinoic acid-induced transformation extends to multiple components of the first branchial arch.  相似文献   

In mice, there is evidence suggesting that the development of head and trunk structures is organized by distinctly separated cell populations. The head organizer is located in the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) and the trunk organizer in the node and anterior primitive streak. In amphibians, Spemann's organizer, which is homologous to the node, partially overlaps with anterior endoderm cells expressing homologues of the AVE markers cerberus, Hex and Hesx1. For mice, this raises the question of whether the AVE and node are independent of each other, as suggested by their anatomical separation, or functionally interdependent as is the case in amphibians. Chordin and Noggin are secreted bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) antagonists expressed in the mouse node, but not in the AVE. Here we show that mice double-homozygous mutants that are for chordin and noggin display severe defects in the development of the prosencephalon. The results show that BMP antagonists in the node and its derivatives are required for head development.  相似文献   

Initiation of neural induction by FGF signalling before gastrulation   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
During neural induction, the 'organizer' of the vertebrate embryo instructs neighbouring ectodermal cells to become nervous system rather than epidermis. This process is generally thought to occur around the mid-gastrula stage of embryogenesis. Here we report the isolation of ERNI, an early response gene to signals from the organizer (Hensen's node). Using ERNI as a marker, we present evidence that neural induction begins before gastrulation--much earlier in development than previously thought. We show that the organizer and some of its precursor cells produce a fibroblast growth factor signal, which can initiate, and is required for, neural induction.  相似文献   

Observations on living embryonic brains and the microstructure of brain ventricle of goldfish revealed that there are two brain ventricle phenotypes in gynogenetic haploid embryos. One phenotype is as normal as that of the control inbreeding diploid embryos, which has normal differentiated forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain. Another phenotype is obviously abnormal, the brain patterning is irregular, and no distinct brain ventricle can be observed. The ratio of haploid embryos with normal brain pattern to that with abnormal brain pattern is 1∶3. This ratio indicates that there are two gene loci involved in the spatial patterning of the brain ventricle. Since the possibility that deleterious recessive mutant alleles exist on both of the two gene loci had been excluded in this experiment, the phenotype represented the expressional state rather than the genotype of these two genes. Therefore, the ratio of 1∶3 suggests that the expressing probability for each copy of the two genes is 50%, and the regulatory mechanism of the expression is based on two sets of chromosomes, controlled by the rule of the diploid-dependent regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

Observations on living embryonic brains and the microstructure of brain ventricle of goldfish revealed that there are two brain ventricle phenotypes in gynogenetic haploid embryos. One phenotype is as normal as that of the control inbreeding diploid embryos, which has normal differentiated forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain. Another phenotype is obviously abnormal, the brain patterning is irregular, and no distinct brain ventricle can be observed. The ratio of haploid embryos with normal brain pattern to that with abnormal brain pattern is 1:3. This ratio indicates that there are two gene loci involved in the spatial patterning of the brain ventricle. Since the possibility that deleterious recessive mutant alleles exist on both of the two gene loci had been excluded in this experiment, the phenotype represented the expressional state rather than the genotype of these two genes. Therefore, the ratio of 1:3 suggests that the expressing probability for each copy of the two genes is 50%, and the regulatory mechanism of the expression is based on two sets of chromosomes, controlled by the rule of the diploid-dependent regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

β-catenin gene is essential for the formation of normal dorsal axial structure in vertebrates. Recent studies have provided evidence that β-catenin has a certain role in restricting the amount of organizer-induced neurectoderm formation in zebrafish and Xenopus laevis. To further understand how β-catenin represses the induction of neurectoderm formation and whether the inhibition of neural progenitor fates is essential for the normal organizer formation, it was investigated whether β-catenin was involved in...  相似文献   

The acquisition of neural fate by embryonic ectodermal cells is a fundamental step in the formation of the vertebrate nervous system. Neural induction seems to involve signalling by fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) and attenuation of the activity of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP). But FGFs, either alone or in combination with BMP antagonists, are not sufficient to induce neural fate in prospective epidermal ectoderm of amniote embryos. These findings suggest that additional signals are involved in the specification of neural fate. Here we show that the state of Wnt signalling is a critical determinant of neural and epidermal fates in the chick embryo. Continual Wnt signalling blocks the response of epiblast cells to FGF signals, permitting the expression and signalling of BMP to direct an epidermal fate. Conversely, a lack of exposure of epiblast cells to Wnt signals permits FGFs to induce a neural fate.  相似文献   

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