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Lee S  Pirogov A  Kang M  Jang KH  Yonemura M  Kamiyama T  Cheong SW  Gozzo F  Shin N  Kimura H  Noda Y  Park JG 《Nature》2008,451(7180):805-808
The motion of atoms in a solid always responds to cooling or heating in a way that is consistent with the symmetry of the given space group of the solid to which they belong. When the atoms move, the electronic structure of the solid changes, leading to different physical properties. Therefore, the determination of where atoms are and what atoms do is a cornerstone of modern solid-state physics. However, experimental observations of atomic displacements measured as a function of temperature are very rare, because those displacements are, in almost all cases, exceedingly small. Here we show, using a combination of diffraction techniques, that the hexagonal manganites RMnO3 (where R is a rare-earth element) undergo an isostructural transition with exceptionally large atomic displacements: two orders of magnitude larger than those seen in any other magnetic material, resulting in an unusually strong magneto-elastic coupling. We follow the exact atomic displacements of all the atoms in the unit cell as a function of temperature and find consistency with theoretical predictions based on group theories. We argue that this gigantic magneto-elastic coupling in RMnO3 holds the key to the recently observed magneto-electric phenomenon in this intriguing class of materials.  相似文献   

A characteristic feature of the copper oxide high-temperature superconductors is the dichotomy between the electronic excitations along the nodal (diagonal) and antinodal (parallel to the Cu-O bonds) directions in momentum space, generally assumed to be linked to the 'd-wave' symmetry of the superconducting state. Angle-resolved photoemission measurements in the superconducting state have revealed a quasiparticle spectrum with a d-wave gap structure that exhibits a maximum along the antinodal direction and vanishes along the nodal direction. Subsequent measurements have shown that, at low doping levels, this gap structure persists even in the high-temperature metallic state, although the nodal points of the superconducting state spread out in finite 'Fermi arcs'. This is the so-called pseudogap phase, and it has been assumed that it is closely linked to the superconducting state, either by assigning it to fluctuating superconductivity or by invoking orders which are natural competitors of d-wave superconductors. Here we report experimental evidence that a very similar pseudogap state with a nodal-antinodal dichotomous character exists in a system that is markedly different from a superconductor: the ferromagnetic metallic groundstate of the colossal magnetoresistive bilayer manganite La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7. Our findings therefore cast doubt on the assumption that the pseudogap state in the copper oxides and the nodal-antinodal dichotomy are hallmarks of the superconductivity state.  相似文献   

Ahn KH  Lookman T  Bishop AR 《Nature》2004,428(6981):401-404
The coexistence of distinct metallic and insulating electronic phases within the same sample of a perovskite manganite, such as La(1-x-y)Pr(y)Ca(x)MnO3, presents researchers with a tool for tuning the electronic properties in materials. In particular, colossal magnetoresistance in these materials--the dramatic reduction of resistivity in a magnetic field--is closely related to the observed texture owing to nanometre- and micrometre-scale inhomogeneities. Despite accumulated data from various high-resolution probes, a theoretical understanding for the existence of such inhomogeneities has been lacking. Mechanisms invoked so far, usually based on electronic mechanisms and chemical disorder, have been inadequate to describe the multiscale, multiphase coexistence within a unified picture. Moreover, lattice distortions and long-range strains are known to be important in the manganites. Here we show that the texturing can be due to the intrinsic complexity of a system with strong coupling between the electronic and elastic degrees of freedom. This leads to local energetically favourable configurations and provides a natural mechanism for the self-organized inhomogeneities over both nanometre and micrometre scales. The framework provides a physical understanding of various experimental results and a basis for engineering nanoscale patterns of metallic and insulating phases.  相似文献   

Murakami Y  Yoo JH  Shindo D  Atou T  Kikuchi M 《Nature》2003,423(6943):965-968
The effect of 'colossal magnetoresistance' (CMR) in hole-doped manganites--an abnormal decrease of resistivity when a magnetic field is applied--has attracted significant interest from researchers in the past decade. But the underlying mechanism for the CMR phenomenon is not yet fully understood. It has become clear that a phase-separated state, where magnetic and non-magnetic phases coexist, is important, but the detailed magnetic microstructure of this mixed-phase state is so far unclear. Here we use electron microscopy to study the magnetic microstructure and development of ferromagnetic domains in the mixed-phase state of La(1-x)Sr(x)MnO3 (x = 0.54, 0.56). Our measurements show that, in the absence of a magnetic field, the magnetic flux is closed within ferromagnetic regions, indicating a negligible magnetic interaction between separated ferromagnetic domains. However, we also find that the domains start to combine with only very small changes in temperature. We propose that the delicate nature of the magnetic microstructure in the mixed-phase state of hole-doped manganites is responsible for the CMR effect, in which significant conduction paths form between the ferromagnetic domains upon application of a magnetic field.  相似文献   

对巨磁电阻锰氧化物材料(1-x)La2/3Ca1/3MnO3/(x)YSZ(钇稳定氧化锆)—(1-x)LCMO/(x)YSZ系列样品低温下电阻率行为进行了研究.(1-x)LCMO/(x)YSZ的R-T曲线低温拟合系数的分析结果表明,在低温下电阻率行为式ρ=0ρ ATa BTb中,b=5是合理的,T5代表电子-声子散射项.  相似文献   

基于MO-CCCDTA的电控调谐电流模式多相位正弦振荡器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一个电流模式多相位正弦振荡器,电路能产生n(n为奇,亦可为偶)个等幅度、等相位差的电流输出,电路使用多输出电流控制电流差分跨导放大器和接地电容,输出阻抗高,振荡频率高,容易集成,而且振荡频率和振荡条件可独立地电控调节.计算机仿真证明所提出的电路正确有效.  相似文献   

Yoo YK  Duewer F  Yang H  Yi D  Li JW  Xiang XD 《Nature》2000,406(6797):704-708
Highly correlated electronic systems--such as transition-metal oxides that are doped Mott insulators--are complex systems which exhibit puzzling phenomena, including high-temperature superconductivity and colossal magnetoresistivity. Recent studies suggest that in such systems collective electronic phenomena are important, arising from long-range Coulomb interactions and magnetic effects. The qualitative behaviour of these systems is strongly dependent on charge filling (the level of doping) and the lattice constant. Here we report a time-efficient and systematic experimental approach for studying the phase diagrams of condensed-matter systems. It involves the continuous mapping of the physical properties of epitaxial thin films of perovskite manganites (a class of doped Mott insulator) as their composition is varied. We discover evidence that suggests the presence of phase boundaries of electronic origin at room temperature.  相似文献   

从硬件和软件两个方面论述了天然气电控喷射监控系统的构成 ,并将其应用于双燃料发动机台架实验中 实验结果表明了系统的先进性和可靠性 .  相似文献   

电控旁通阀涡轮增压器匹配计算研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用发动机性能仿真软件GT-power建立了带废气旁通阀电控系统的涡轮增压汽油机模型,基于增压压力随旁通阀开度变化的情况,确定了控制系统的特性参数值.根据不同增压压力下涡前压力的变化规律以及汽油机动力性能的要求对废气旁通阀开度进行标定,分析了增压器与汽油机联合运行性能并进行了实验验证.结果表明,选配的小尺寸涡轮确保了汽油机的低速性能;建立的控制系统实现了对增压压力多目标值的连续控制,高速时没有发生因增压压力过高而导致爆燃和增压器超速的现象.  相似文献   

提出了多输出电流差分跨导放大器(MO-CDTA),并利用1个MO-CDTA,4个CDTA和2个AOA设计了一个二阶多功能电流模式电路.该电路不包含任何无源元件,能实现各种滤波功能,也能被调节成一个高Q滤波器;极点频率和品质因数能够被独立、精确地调节.电路拥有高的精度和稳定性;电路的工作频率更高,更容易集成;计算机仿真证明该滤波器正确有效.  相似文献   

提出一种新型的电容可调的微带带通滤波器, 由两个双模开环谐振器组成. 由于该谐振器的两种模式(奇模和偶模)之间不存在耦合的特性, 因此可使用一个简单的直流偏置电路来分别调节谐振器的奇模和偶模频率, 最终实现通带频率可调. 通过对谐振器模型的耦合矩阵分析, 在通带的边缘会产生传输零点, 从而大大提高了滤波器的频率选择性. 该滤波器在0.871.03 GHz(GSM 900)范围内可调, 通带内回波损耗大于20 dB, 且仿真曲线形状基本不变. 滤波器的测试结果与仿真结果基本吻合.  相似文献   

为通过远程方式实现电控发动机的现场数据收集、故障诊断和实时状态调节.提出了使用公用电话网将终端车辆与服务中心相连接,运用传真通讯模式实现数字信号双向传输,并设计开发了由用户终端数据处理装置和服务器端数据处理装置组成的硬件系统,以及相应的控制软件和服务中心诊断软件.在实际的FAI电喷摩托车上测试该系统的功能及可靠性.使用该系统,服务中心能实时监测异地电控发动机的工作状态,提取其电控单元存储的任何信息,包括故障历史信息,并对发动机实施控制参数的远程调节.测试试验表明,所开发的远程诊断系统在电控发动机产品的研发和售后服务中能发挥重要的作用.  相似文献   

本文提出了用OTA-C实现的PRB型带通滤波器,讨论了可能采用的自动调谐方案.这种电路可以用来实现中心频率和带宽可变的通用Butterworth和Chebyshev带通滤波器.对滤波器可能的输入电压最大值,以及一些非理想因素的影响进行了初步的讨论.进行了分立组件电路的实验,验证了方法的可行性  相似文献   

在分析国内外发动机电控系统优化标定方法的基础上,针对电喷天然气(CNG)发动机给出了以天然气消耗量为优化目标,点火提前角为控制参数,各种排放物的排放值小于法规限值为约束条件的优化方法.在此基础上,进行优化任务的分析,利用最小二乘法得到近似连续的函数表达式,从而建立发动机全工况性能优化数学模型,应用Lagrange乘子法对该数学模型进行优化.并用于指导进行WT615电喷天然气发动机点火提前角优化标定实验.  相似文献   

电控CNG发动机增压匹配的仿真计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用GT-POWER软件对电控CNG(Compressed Natural Gas)发动机建立了仿真计算模型,对某电控CNG发动机与某型增压器的匹配进行了仿真计算.结果表明,该发动机能够与增压器进行较好的匹配,但由于增压器采用了放气阀压力调节装置,致使某些工况下发动机的效率降低.  相似文献   

为解决自动变速器多片离合器液压执行机构质量与体积较大,介质通过电磁阀时会产生较大能量损失以及传统压力控制过程中振荡明显、误差大、鲁棒性差等问题,采用直接控制“电机&泵”的方式实现压力调节.“电机&泵”的显著优势在于结构简单,质量与体积小,效率更高.文中以该种泵控执行机构为研究对象,提出了一种基于模型的非线性3步法控制器控制执行机构内部压力.结果表明:该执行机构压力控制过程中振荡明显减弱,压力控制更加精确,并且具有更短的响应时间.  相似文献   

保护多媒体软件的著作权,是一个人人关注又少有人谈及的话题,作者经过探索,找到了在Authorware中轻松实现电子注册的方法。  相似文献   

柴油机电控喷油系统的设计与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了柴油机电控喷射系统的组成与结构、电控单元硬件电路的选择,并讨论了控制器局域网CAN(Controller Area Network)的主要特性及其在现代柴油车控制中的应用方案。  相似文献   

Falci G  Fazio R  Palma GM  Siewert J  Vedral V 《Nature》2000,407(6802):355-358
When a quantum-mechanical system undergoes an adiabatic cyclic evolution, it acquires a geometrical phase factor' in addition to the dynamical one; this effect has been demonstrated in a variety of microscopic systems. Advances in nanotechnology should enable the laws of quantum dynamics to be tested at the macroscopic level, by providing controllable artificial two-level systems (for example, in quantum dots and superconducting devices). Here we propose an experimental method to detect geometric phases in a superconducting device. The setup is a Josephson junction nanocircuit consisting of a superconducting electron box. We discuss how interferometry based on geometrical phases may be realized, and show how the effect may be applied to the design of gates for quantum computation.  相似文献   

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