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导出的索道张力的悬链线倾角法测定公式,可用于张力的精确测定,同时对抛物线倾角法的精度问题作了进一步的讨论和分析。  相似文献   

看似抛物线,数学家们也试图证明它是抛物线,可是这种两点之间悬一线所形成的曲线却完全是另类,称其为悬链线可谓实至名归。  相似文献   

通过分析高压架空输电线路受力情况,得出其轨迹方程为悬链线方程的结论.然后利用悬链线方程近似方法分析计算在一般情况下和等高条件下的悬长、重心、弧垂及受到的张力情况.  相似文献   

通过空中索道长度问题的求解分析在实际生产中用抛物线代替整条悬链线时,将误差控制在一定范围内的条件。  相似文献   

悬链线拱的合理设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文讨论了拱型结构的合理轴线问题,并介绍了一种悬链拱合理设计的实用计算方法。  相似文献   

介绍将悬链线垂直投影到地面上的两种实用方法———交会投影端点法和端点间闯点法 ,重点介绍闯点法的原理和精度分析  相似文献   

通过对浅海系泊系统整体结构进行受力分析,建立锚链、刚体及浮标受力平衡方程,结合悬链线理论,构建锚泊动力系统算法.对不同风力下系泊系统的吃水深度、浮标游动半径、重物球重量、刚体倾斜角、锚链悬浮高度和水平距离进行求解,并利用MATLAB拟合出锚链形状图,保证结构物和系泊系统的安全.所得结果可为单点系泊、类似系统研究和近浅海...  相似文献   

基于悬链线理论对系泊系统的优化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对系泊系统设计,对不同海况条件下锚链、钢桶及钢管和浮标进行受力分析,综合使用经典力学、悬链线理论等方法,分别建立系泊系统受力、重物球质量迭代等模型,利用MATLAB编程,得出不同海况下钢桶和各节钢管的倾角、浮标的吃水深度及游动区域、锚链的形状及约束条件下的重物球的质量等结果。  相似文献   

以悬链线方程为基础,将主缆对桥塔的约束等效为弹簧,通过变分方法推导了主缆对多塔悬索桥中塔纵向弹簧约束刚度的表达式,并建立有限元模型对公式进行验证.研究结果表明:基于悬链线的中塔刚度公式比已有文献具有更高的精度,在主缆无应力长度确定的情况下,主缆弹簧刚度主要与荷载集度、主缆在塔顶的水平及竖向分力有关.  相似文献   

用离心场中的悬链线轨道来加速固炸弹丸有很多独特的优点。文中推导出了离心悬链线的方程.并用迭代法求出了具有等应力的悬链线线型曲线。  相似文献   

For the local catenary path of yarn in steady motion fre-quently encountered in textile processing,this paper studiesthe mathematical expression of its geometrical configurationand tension variation,as well as the curve inclination angleand its maximum suspending deflection.The final math-ematical equations and graphical curves are all presented indimensionless forms,as they are more general and universalthan dimensional expressions and graphs.On the otherhand,we can also find out the catenary yarn tension fromexperimentally measured geometrical parameters by calcula-tions based on these graphs or mathematical expressions asgiven in the paper.  相似文献   

研究当气圈底盘(或称锭盘)是锥面盘时倍捻锭纱线张力变化的分析计算,求得该锥面盘的力学作用是可以降低纱线在刚脱离储线盘进入该锥面盘时的初始张力。并对一种弹头式张力调节器进行力学分析(这种调节器呈弹头形而非球形,故不能在空心锭内的锥座上自由转动)。然后再对空心锭内的纱线张力变化进行分析计算。  相似文献   

详细分析了转杯内纱线的受力情况,得出了求解纱线曲线形状和纱线张力的有效方法,求得纱段离开假捻盘表面进入出纱管时的分离点轨迹方程,并且指出:在纱线一周回转运动中,由于分离点不同,导致其切向角不同,进而影响到纱线曲线形状和纱线张力也跟着有所变化,但变化一般不大,故可把纱线运动看作为近似稳定来进行力学分析。  相似文献   

对涤/棉网络复合纱的张力配置进行了实验论证,并阐述了张力对网络纱性能的影响。  相似文献   

The effective way of finding the yarn curve shape and tension of OE(open end) yarn inside the rotor is carried out and treated by dividing the yarn curve into two parts, from which the trajectory of the yarn sliding on the navel surface is also obtained. It is pointed out that the yarn curve shape and tension will both fluctuate with the trajectory's revolving cycle inside the rotor. However, the fluctuation is not too great, so the motion can still be regarded as approximately steady for dynamic analysis.  相似文献   

In the carpet tufting machine,feed rollers are used to guide the yarns positively.After deducing the general Euler formula of yarn tension under positive guide of rollers,a conclusion is got that the tension of yarns at the output side of each roller tends to decrease one by one.Afterwards,a computing formula of wrap angle of yarn passing through the feed roller is deduced by application of triangle geometry method.By analyzing the effect of each parameter on the yarn tension,values of the space between rollers and the roller diameter are proposed for design reference,and relations between the yarn tension and the two key parameters,the friction coefficient of roller surface and the speed of rollers,are illustrated in detail.Consequently,a policy is drawn out to control the yarn tension.The results of this paper provide not only theory foundation for empirical settings of the operational parameters of tufting machine,but also theory support for further research on yarn tension-control methods.  相似文献   

Yarn Tension at Peeling Point in Rotor Spinning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the work and energy principle as explained inprevious literatures,the yarn tension at peeling point inrotor spinning was analyzed and calculated numericallyin this paper.The results show how raw materials,rotorspeed,rotor diameter,yarn linear density and navel de-sign can have certain definite effects on the tension valueat the peeling point.  相似文献   

利用瑞士产R-3192型电子张力仪在针织横机上测试给纱张力,采用正交设计的方法制定试验方案,对张力曲线进行图像处理,据此利用数理统计的方法计算出均值与方差,确定对给纱张力波动影响最大的因素,用MATLAB语言编写整套程序。  相似文献   

倍捻气圈张力及张力调节球的分析计算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文中第一部分通过气圈力学分析,求得倍捻锭气圈顶端张力参数T0/ρω^2R^2的近似解,计算说明该参数主要决定于气圈高径比H/R,其数值在较大范围内比较平坦,稳定少变,文部第二部分研究张力球的张力调节作用,给出了张力球锥座锥角的上限和下限值,为设计工作提供参考。  相似文献   

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