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Ohne Zusammenfassung Vorgelegt von S. Flügge  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Dieser Aufsatz ist die schriftliche Fassung eines Vortrages des Autors anlässlich eines Symposiums über Schwache Wechselwirkungen, welches im Sommer 1991 zum Rücktritt von Berthold Stech in Heidelberg abgehalten wurde. Darin wird gezeigt, dass zwei frühe Arbeiten von Stech und Jensen aus dem Jahre 1955 den Keim der später so wichtig gewordenen chiralen Symmetrie enthalten, welche die universelle V-A-Kopplung der Schwachen Wechselwirkungen zur Folge hat. Es werden die wichtigsten Etappen dieser interessanten Entwicklung geschildert, welche 1958 zu einem vorläufigen Abschluss gekommen ist.Ich möchte es Ihrem Urteil überlassen, wie weit wir inwischen in der erhofften Entwicklung wirklich vorangekommen sind. Gleichzeitig bitte ich Sie — und ganz besonders Herrn Stech — um Nachsicht in der Beurteilung meiner dilettantischen Bemühungen.Für wertvolle Diskussionen und Hinweise danke ich vor allem markus Fierz, Louis Michel und Valentine Telegdi.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungDieser Aufsatz ist aus einem Vortrag hervorgegangen, den ich am 30. Mai 1969 in der Aula der Universität Basel anlässlich der Vierteljahrhundertfeier der Zeitschrift EXPERIENTIA hielt. Seine Abfassung wurde durch eine Zuwendung seitens des Scottish Rite Committee on Research in Schizophrenia erleichtert.  相似文献   

Summary Referring to a research on fhn byK. Frey, it is shown that one of his explanatory figures is not quite accurate, the isosteric-isobaric solenoids being partly inconsistent with the author's own assumptions. Duly corrected, they agree not only with the theory, but also with the observed winds above the fhn-inversion. A final critical remark concernsFrey's interpretation of the mechanism of fhn in its nascent stage.  相似文献   

Summary In confidential medical service, it has become the custom to judge the individual according to criteria which have been won from statistical studies on groups of people. This is a violation of the fundamental principles of logic and of scientific methods in general. So long as it is only a question of a free agreement between the doctor and the subject of the examination (as in the case of private life insurance), there is no objection; but when the vital interests of the subject examined depend upon the result of the examination (as in the case of immigration, choice of profession, nationalisation, marriage, etc.), then this procedure is a serious abuse. The individual must notde facto be put at a disadvantage by calculations based on probability. This situation is discussed in relation to the prognosis of tuberculous processes in man.

Tuberkulosefürsorgestelle.  相似文献   

Summary Based on the behaviour of lecithin in a biophysical cell model, novel compounds have been developed which are regarded as phosphatide blockers in the membrane of the living cell. They inhibit neoplasms in animal experiments to a high degree, and are therefore potential chemotherapeutic agents of great interest.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Vorgelegt von M. Kline The work of H. Edwards was supported by part by the U. S. National Science Foundation Grant SOC-7905162 and by the Vaughn Foundation.  相似文献   

Summary 20;23-24, 24-Diphenyl-choladienes are easily brominated in 21-position by N-bromo-succinimide. The bromo-dienes obtained can be transformed into 21-hydroxy-, 21-acyloxy- or 21-alkoxy-dienes and the latter two split by oxidation into 21-acyloxy- or 21-alkoxypregnane-20-ones. This sequence of reactions, of which the last two may be exchanged, affords a new and simple degradation method, leading from bile acids directly to ketols of the type of the suprarenal cortical hormones.

« Über Steroide », 62. Mitteilung (61. Mitt. siehe Helv. chim. acta30, 786 [1947]) sowie « Ein einfacher Abbau der Gallensäuren-Seitenkette », VI. (V. siehe Helv. chim. acta29, 627 [1946]).  相似文献   

Summary In urethane-anesthetized rabbits the bulbar reticular formation was stimulated with volleys of 120 msec duration at 100 pulses per sec, the pulse duration being 0.5 msec. When shifted along the inspiration, the volleys caused an increasingly stronger inhibition followed by a rebound activation of the inspiratory activity. Towards the end of the inspiration, the volleys stopped the latter phase and shortened the following expiration. When applied during the expiration, the volleys also caused an inhibition and shortened this phase. Results suggest that the stimulus-induced pause of the inspiratory activity delays the activation by the inspiratory centre of the central inhibitory feedback mechanism.

Unterstützt durch die Freiwillige Akademische Gesellschaft der Stadt Basel und die Sandoz-Stiftung zur Förderung der medizinisch-biologischen Forschung.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungHerrn Prof. Dr. S. Flügge zugeeignetVorgelegt von C. Truesdell Anmerkung: Frau W. Popp danke ich für ihre Unterstützung bei der Abfassung des Aufsatzes.  相似文献   

The history of the publication of the gravitational field equations of general relativity in November 1915 by Einstein and Hilbert is briefly reviewed. An analysis of the internal structure and logic of Hilbert's theory as expounded in extant proofs and in the published version of his relevant paper is given with respect to the specific question what information would have been found on a missing piece of Hilbert's proofs. The existing texts suggest that the missing piece contained the explicit form of the Riemann curvature scalar in terms of the Ricci tensor as a specification of the axiomatically underdetermined Lagrangian in Hilbert's action integral. An alternative reading that the missing piece of the proofs already may have contained the Einstein tensor, i.e. an explicit calculation of the gravitational part of Hilbert's Lagrangian is argued to be highly implausible.  相似文献   

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