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尘埃是活动星系核统一模型的基石,该模型认为呈现不同观测特征的活动星系核在物理本质上属于同一类天体,活动星系核外围绕着一个光学厚尘埃环,不同类型的活动星系核只是因观测者视线相对于活动星系核对称轴的取向不同而已.观测表明,活动星系核中尘埃的组成成分及尺寸与银河系星际尘埃有很大的差别.本文介绍活动星系核核周尘埃的消光和红外辐射以及尘埃可能的化学组成和尺寸分布的研究现状.  相似文献   

Kollatschny W  Zetzl M 《Nature》2011,470(7334):366-368
The super-massive black holes of 10(6)M(⊙) to 10(9)M(⊙) that reside in the nuclei of active galaxies (AGN) are surrounded by a region emitting broad lines, probably associated with an accretion disk. The diameters of the broad-line regions range from a few light-days to more than a hundred light-days, and cannot be resolved spatially. The relative significance of inflow, outflow, rotational or turbulent motions in the broad-line regions as well as their structure (spherical, thin or thick accretion disk) are unknown despite intensive studies over more than thirty years. Here we report a fundamental relation between the observed emission linewidth full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) and the emission line shape FWHM/σ(line) in AGN spectra. From this relation we infer that the predominant motion in the broad-line regions is Keplerian rotation in combination with turbulence. The geometry of the inner region varies systematically with the rotation velocity: it is flattest for the fast-rotating broad-line objects, whereas slow-rotating narrow-line AGN have a more spherical structure. Superimposed is the trend that the line-emitting region becomes geometrically thicker towards the centre within individual galaxies. Knowing the rotational velocities, we can derive the central black-hole masses more accurately; they are two to ten times smaller than has been estimated previously.  相似文献   

The effect of Blandford-Znajek process on the thermodynamical evolution of Kerr black holes in active galactic nuclei is discussed. It is demonstrated that a black hole does not evolve into an extreme Kerr state provided anti-accretion process exists.  相似文献   

The old, red stars that constitute the bulges of galaxies, and the massive black holes at their centres, are the relics of a period in cosmic history when galaxies formed stars at remarkable rates and active galactic nuclei (AGN) shone brightly as a result of accretion onto black holes. It is widely suspected, but unproved, that the tight correlation between the mass of the black hole and the mass of the stellar bulge results from the AGN quenching the surrounding star formation as it approaches its peak luminosity. X-rays trace emission from AGN unambiguously, whereas powerful star-forming galaxies are usually dust-obscured and are brightest at infrared and submillimetre wavelengths. Here we report submillimetre and X-ray observations that show that rapid star formation was common in the host galaxies of AGN when the Universe was 2-6 billion years old, but that the most vigorous star formation is not observed around black holes above an X-ray luminosity of 10(44) ergs per second. This suppression of star formation in the host galaxy of a powerful AGN is a key prediction of models in which the AGN drives an outflow, expelling the interstellar medium of its host and transforming the galaxy's properties in a brief period of cosmic time.  相似文献   

McHardy IM  Koerding E  Knigge C  Uttley P  Fender RP 《Nature》2006,444(7120):730-732
A long-standing question is whether active galactic nuclei (AGN) vary like Galactic black hole systems when appropriately scaled up by mass. If so, we can then determine how AGN should behave on cosmological timescales by studying the brighter and much faster varying Galactic systems. As X-ray emission is produced very close to the black holes, it provides one of the best diagnostics of their behaviour. A characteristic timescale--which potentially could tell us about the mass of the black hole--is found in the X-ray variations from both AGN and Galactic black holes, but whether it is physically meaningful to compare the two has been questioned. Here we report that, after correcting for variations in the accretion rate, the timescales can be physically linked, revealing that the accretion process is exactly the same for small and large black holes. Strong support for this linkage comes, perhaps surprisingly, from the permitted optical emission lines in AGN whose widths (in both broad-line AGN and narrow-emission-line Seyfert 1 galaxies) correlate strongly with the characteristic X-ray timescale, exactly as expected from the AGN black hole masses and accretion rates. So AGN really are just scaled-up Galactic black holes.  相似文献   

Stable sulphate clusters as a source of new atmospheric particles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kulmala M  Pirjola L  Makela JM 《Nature》2000,404(6773):66-69
The formation of new atmospheric particles with diameters of 3-10 nm has been observed at a variety of altitudes and locations. Such aerosol particles have the potential to grow into cloud condensation nuclei, thus affecting cloud formation as well as the global radiation budget. In some cases, the observed formation rates of new particles have been adequately explained by binary nucleation, involving water and sulphuric acid, but in certain locations--particularly those within the marine boundary layer and at continental sites--observed ambient nucleation rates exceed those predicted by the binary scheme. In these locations, ambient sulphuric acid (H2SO4) levels are typically lower than required for binary nucleation, but are sufficient for ternary nucleation (sulphuric acid-ammonia-water). Here we present results from an aerosol dynamics model with a ternary nucleation scheme which indicate that nucleation in the troposphere should be ubiquitous, and yield a reservoir of thermodynamically stable clusters 1-3 nm in size. We suggest that the growth of these clusters to a detectable size (> 3 nm particle diameter) is restricted by the availability of condensable vapour. Observations of atmospheric particle formation and growth from a continental and a coastal site support this hypothesis, indicating that a growth process including ternary nucleation is likely to be responsible for the formation of cloud condensation nuclei.  相似文献   

Blazars are the most extreme active galactic nuclei. They possess oppositely directed plasma jets emanating at near light speeds from accreting supermassive black holes. According to theoretical models, such jets are propelled by magnetic fields twisted by differential rotation of the black hole's accretion disk or inertial-frame-dragging ergosphere. The flow velocity increases outward along the jet in an acceleration and collimation zone containing a coiled magnetic field. Detailed observations of outbursts of electromagnetic radiation, for which blazars are famous, can potentially probe the zone. It has hitherto not been possible to either specify the location of the outbursts or verify the general picture of jet formation. Here we report sequences of high-resolution radio images and optical polarization measurements of the blazar BL Lacertae. The data reveal a bright feature in the jet that causes a double flare of radiation from optical frequencies to TeV gamma-ray energies, as well as a delayed outburst at radio wavelengths. We conclude that the event starts in a region with a helical magnetic field that we identify with the acceleration and collimation zone predicted by the theories. The feature brightens again when it crosses a standing shock wave corresponding to the bright 'core' seen on the images.  相似文献   

为探究不同润湿性表面单气泡动力学特性,通过引入差分方法的单组分多相格子Boltzmann模型,耦合能量方程构成了气液相变模型,模拟了不同润湿性表面单气泡形成过程周围流场与温度场细观,阐述了气泡生长脱离机理;研究了润湿性、过热度、有限热源长度对气泡动力学影响。结果表明,在相同过热度下,疏水壁面气泡生长速度大于亲水壁面。气泡脱离直径和脱离时间随着接触角增加而增加,亲水表面气泡脱离直径随着有限热源长度增加而增加,脱离时间随长度增加而减小。疏水表面气泡脱离直径与有限热源长度无关,脱离时间随加热长度增加小幅度减小。在不同的过热度下,亲水壁面气泡脱离直径随着过热度增加而增加,脱离时间随着过热度增加而减小。过热度对疏水壁面气泡脱离直径影响不大,但是随着过热度增加,脱离时间明显减小。模拟结果为研究强化表面沸腾传热及表面润湿性的选择提供理论依据。  相似文献   

简要叙述了电锅炉加水蓄热系统作建筑物供暖热源的系统原理及其应用特点,阐述了在中小建筑物供暖系统中应用电锅炉加水蓄热方式作为系统热源的设计方法,主要设备的选择计算及在工程应用中的若干实际问题,并通过对某商场空调系统热源的介绍加以引证。  相似文献   

地下水水源热泵系统中的细菌生长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地下水式水源热泵系统是一种节能的小型商业建筑和民用建筑的制冷取暖方案。为研究其对地下水环境是否污染,分析了北京某开发区水源热泵系统运行后对地下水环境监测资料,建立了该系统运行后地下水微生物生长的数学模型,并与美国地质调查局开发的HST 3D程序相结合,在模型率定和验证的基础上,对地下水式水源热泵系统影响地下水细菌环境的过程进行了数值模拟。计算表明:在地下水环境中温度梯度变化较大的地方,细菌总数和大肠杆菌总数变化也较大,并容易形成一个高浓度的细菌和大肠杆菌微生物圈,其余地方细菌总数和大肠杆菌总数变化较小。  相似文献   

地源热泵U型管地下换热器的CFD数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了给地源热泵U型管地下换热器的优化设计提供理论依据,通过CFD数值软件对地源热泵U型管地下换热器系统中的流动和传热过程进行数值模拟.结果表明,地源热泵U型管地下换热器的换热效率随支管间距的增大而增加,随回填土材料热导率的增加而增大,而且支管间距和回填土材料热导率对换热器效率的影响是很复杂的非线性关系.当钻孔深度超过80m时,两支管的温升比急剧增加,支管间的热损失加剧,建议在实际操作中钻孔深度不要太深.  相似文献   

对一个具有对流和热源的二维晶体生长的温度场进行了分析。建立了热传导问题的数学模型,给出了模型的精确解析解,证明了解的唯一性和稳定性,并通过实例计算说明当横向对流存在时,温度场的解在与界面垂直的方向上呈指数型震荡衰减.  相似文献   

基于线热源理论和叠加原理建立了土壤源热泵地埋管换热器管群地下传热基本数学模型,并运用拉普拉斯变换和数值反演技术进行了求解.研究了埋管进口流体温度相同时,地埋管换热器管群连续运行换热能力和出口流体温度变化规律.研究表明,换热初期管群各埋管换热能力和单埋管时相同;随着换热的进行,由于热干扰影响,各埋管的换热能力低于单个钻孔情形,出口流体温度比单个钻孔的出口温度高;埋管间距越大,管群埋管之间的热干扰越小.  相似文献   

利用单调性估计方法证明了一类热传导方程非线性源项识别问题的可识别性,并运用函数逼近理论,把对非线性源项的识别问题转化成一常系数参数识别问题;给出了一种对非线性源项识别的可实现的线性迭代算法及相应的数值实例。  相似文献   

决定热传导方程源项的一个正则化策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
确定热传导方程中的线性源项是一类有重要应用背景的反问题,它在Hadamard意义是不适定的,讨论了获得其稳定数值解的计算方法,给出一种新的离散正则化策略.理论分析与数值试验结果表明给出的算法是稳定和有效的.  相似文献   

塑料换热器在污水源热泵系统中的应用分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
污水源热泵是高效的环保节能系统.污水水质的特殊性使得在回收污水热能时换热设备的选择以及水质对换热设备的腐蚀和结垢都成为其推广的障碍.根据现有的污水源热泵系统换热装置存在的问题,结合塑料换热装置的特点,提出采用塑料换热器代替金属换热器.通过对塑料换热器在腐蚀、结垢、价格等方面与金属热换器的比较,发现其具有明显优势.对塑料换热器阻力、强度、传热性能的分析,证明塑料换热器在污水源热泵中应用是可行的.  相似文献   

探论一类含对流项的热传导方程的只含有空间变量的热源识别反问题.这类问题是不适定的,即问题的解不连续依赖于测量数据.利用简化的Tikhonov正则化方法,得到问题的一个正则近似解,并且给出正则解和精确解之间具有Hlder型的误差估计.  相似文献   

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