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近十年来,中国深海科技的高速度发展不仅在国内空前,在国际也是科技史上的奇迹.如能保持现在的发展势头,就有希望在未来的10年中进入世界深海探索的前列,对世界科学做出历史贡献.深海为地球上的生命提供了最大的栖居场所,但是其永恒的黑暗和极端的环境,使得深海开发者面临巨大的挑战.当前中国的深海研究走到了历史十字路口,需要在计划...  相似文献   

原位观测系统的数据存储器具有容量大,可靠性高的要求。SD卡因其耐用、可靠、安全、容量大、体积小、便于携带和兼容性好等优点而非常适合用于做原位观测的数据存储器。本文介绍了SD卡的技术特点及FAT16文件系统的结构特点,提出并实现了SD卡在原位观测系统中的应用。  相似文献   

针对深海潮汐特征难以获取的困难,基于深海锚系潜标压力传感器所测资料,利用线性近似的方法,建立了海面水位变化计算模型,并对该模型进行计算误差分析,提供了模型计算精度判别方法。基于该模型,利用南海中部海区深海锚系实测压力资料获取了锚系点的海面水位数据,并采用T-TIDE潮汐调和分析函数处理水位数据,获取了该海区的潮汐调和常数,对该海区的潮汐特征进行了验证与分析。所得潮汐类型为不规则日潮,主要(半)日分潮K1、O1、M2的振幅和迟角,均与前人利用卫星高度计资料和数值模拟分析结果基本一致。  相似文献   

利用岩心观察、薄片鉴定、粒度分析及测井解释等方法,对惠民凹陷古近系风暴沉积进行了研究.根据风暴岩的垂向序列类型、沉积构造特点和原地沉积物特征等总结出9种风暴岩序列和原地风暴岩、A型近源风暴岩、B型近源风暴岩和远源风暴岩等4种沉积模式,并总结了风暴岩的分布规律.结果表明,该凹陷风暴沉积岩石类型丰富,包括各类碎屑岩、生物灰岩和火山碎屑岩.粒度分布具有"高斜多跳一悬式"、多段式和"高斜一段式"等多种样式.沉积构造发育渠模、冲刷面、截切等底层面侵蚀构造和递变层理、块状层理、丘状层理、洼状层理、平行层理等构造,还发育有波痕和各种同生变形构造、生物逃逸构造等.粒度分布和沉积构造反映出研究区兼有重力流和牵引流的水动力机制.在剖面上,风暴沉积与非风暴沉积交互出现,发育程度与层位、古地形、古水深、构造位置及碎屑供给特征等条件有关;在平面上,风暴岩被非风暴岩所包围,向陆、向浅水方向一般为(扇)三角洲、滩坝沉积体,向盆地方向变为浊积岩或半深湖、深湖泥页岩.  相似文献   

惠民凹陷古近系风暴沉积研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用岩心观察、薄片鉴定、粒度分析及测井解释等方法,对惠民凹陷古近系风暴沉积进行了研究。根据风暴岩的垂向序列类型、沉积构造特点和原地沉积物特征等总结出9种风暴岩序列和原地风暴岩、A型近源风暴岩、B型近源风暴岩和远源风暴岩等4种沉积模式,并总结了风暴岩的分布规律。结果表明,该凹陷风暴沉积岩石类型丰富,包括各类碎屑岩、生物灰岩和火山碎屑岩。粒度分布具有“高斜多跳-悬式”、多段式和“高斜-段式”等多种样式,沉积构造发育渠模、冲刷面、截切等底层面侵蚀构造和递变层理、块状层理、丘状层理、洼状层理、平行层理等构造,还发育有波痕和各种同生变形构造、生物逃逸构造等。粒度分布和沉积构造反映出研究区兼有重力流和牵引流的水动力机制。在剖面上,风暴沉积与非风暴沉积交互出现,发育程度与层位、古地形、古水深、构造位置及碎屑供给特征等条件有关;在平面上,风暴岩被非风暴岩所包围,向陆、向浅水方向一般为(扇)三角洲、滩坝沉积体,向盆地方向变为浊积岩或半深湖、深湖泥页岩。  相似文献   

南海深海底部浊流地貌十分发育。陆坡区有大量的海底峡谷,部分峡谷的谷底、越岸区或出口部位分布有超临界流成因的大型沉积物波和周期阶坎底形。多数峡谷在陆坡脚的出口处并未形成像样的海底扇,而深海平原中却保有高丰度的浊流沉积。这可能暗示,南海峡谷浊流的能量较高,即使在经历陆坡脚的减速之后仍有足够的能量维持其沿平缓的深海平原作较长距离的搬运。浊流地貌的出现大多始于晚中新世,其成因与南海及周缘强烈的构造活动有关。  相似文献   

西矿区深海稀软底质剪切强度和贯入阻力原位测试   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为获得深海稀软底质的力学参数及其相关经验公式,采用原位测试的方法,基于十字板剪切和浅层静力触探试验,在东太平洋中国开辟区西矿区的深海稀软底质进行剪切强度和贯入阻力测试,获得41个测点的测量数据。测量结果表明:剪切强度和贯入阻力在峰值强度前随试验深度的增加而增大,峰值强度后小幅度降低,其峰值强度均出现在40~45 cm层,分别为11.8 kPa和100 kPa;0~8 cm层底质的抗剪性能和承压性能极差,无工程意义;14~20 cm层底质的抗剪性能和承压性能均匀,剪切强度从6 kPa缓慢降低至5.8 kPa,贯入阻力从46 kPa缓慢增加至50 kPa,可作为行走履带的剪切牵引层和持力层,履齿应全部或部分落在14~20 cm层,齿高至少应为6 cm,作用于履齿的剪切强度设计值为3~4 kPa,履带板下陷后的位置应在14 cm以下。建立的回归经验公式能客观反映底质的抗剪特性和承压特性,可为集矿机的设计尤其对行走履带和接地比压的确定提供理论依据。  相似文献   

按美国的青少年俚语说法,如果麦当娜和詹妮弗.洛佩兹成为巨星,并不是因为她们有着庞大的体格,而是因为她们的知名度。同样,海底地质学认为,硫化物矿床之所以受人关注,也并是因为其体积的巨大,而是因为其有着不定型和丰富的金属资源。碰巧的是,海底块状硫化物也有着巨大的体积。虽然由于金融危机导致了人们对矿石的关注度有所下降,但大多数人预计矿石的价格依然会反弹。  相似文献   

As the third summary report of ODP Leg 184 to the South China Sea (SCS), this paper discusses the evolution of the East Asian monsoon and the SCS basin. A multi-proxy approach, involving geochemistry, micropale-ontology, pollen and other analyses, was adopted for reconstructing the evolutionary history of the East Asian monsoon, which was characterized by a series of paleo-climate events especially at 8, 3.2, 2.2 and 0.4 Ma. The new record indicates similar stages in the development of the East and South Asian monsoons, with an enhanced winter monsoon over East Asia being the major difference. The rich spectrums of monsoon variability from the southern SCS also reveal other characteristic features of the low latitude ocean. Evidence for the evolution of the SCS includes the hemipelagic Oligocene sediments, implying the existence of deep water environments during the early seafloor spreading stage of the SCS basin. The four major unconformities and some remarkabl ediagenetic features in upper Oligocene deposits indicate the strongest tectonic events in the region. From a careful comparison of lithologies and sedimentation rates, we conclude that the prominent differences in sedimentary environments between the southern and northern SCS were established only by ~3 Ma.  相似文献   

This paper briefly presents the progress of deep-sea pollen research in China since the beginning of ninetieths of the last Century. All the deep-sea pollen contri-butions mainly come from the South China Sea (SCS) and the East China Sea (ECS). The German-Chinese joint cruise (Sonne 95) and ODP 184 cruise initiated by Chinese scientists in the SCS provided excellent material for the deep-sea pollen research. So far a number of pollen results of 20-30 ka and million years from the SCS have been published. A couple of deep-sea pollen records from Okinawa Through of the ECS also came out. The high resolution pollen records obtained from the continuous deposits with high sedimentation rates and reliable age control of the deep-sea sediments provided a high time resolution history (hundred to millennial scales) of vegetation, environment and monsoon evolution of the pollen source areas (southern China and Japan). Spectral analysis of deep-sea pollen records from the SCS discovered orbital (100, 41, 23, 10 ka) and suborbital cyclicities(Heinrich and Dansgaard/Oscheger-O/D events) in the vegetation changes. Moreover, cross spectral analysis showed that the trend of vegetation changes in northern SCS was regulated mainly by changes of the ice volume in the Northern Hemisphere. The pollen record of the last 20 ka from the Okinawa Through of the ECS indicates that the marine environmental change lagged that on the terrestrail by about 1000 year. The asynchronous environmental changes between land and sea were probably caused by the time difference in thermohaline circulation. This study underscored the role of the deep-sea plant fossils as a bridge across the land and sea.  相似文献   

采用高温激光共聚焦显微镜原位观察和电子背散射衍射技术研究TiN粒子在低合金高强度钢模拟大线能量焊接热循环过程中晶粒细化效果。研究发现合理的Ti和N含量能形成大量细小弥散分布的纳米级TiN粒子,在焊接热循环过程中有效钉扎热影响区粗晶区奥氏体晶界,抑制晶粒粗化。同时,TiN附着在Al2 O3表面析出,在冷却过程中有效促进针状铁素体形核,得到有效晶粒尺寸非常细小的由少量针状铁素体和大量贝氏体构成的复合组织。  相似文献   

南海表面海温异常对南海季风影响的数值模拟   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用P-σ混合坐标系区域气候模式模拟了4-7月南海季风的爆发、演变过程,并进行了3组敏感性数值试验,研究南海表面海温异常对南海季风的影响,得到以下结论:(1)南海4月份海温异常对南海季风的爆发日期影响不大,但对季风爆发后的强度有所影响,异常增温造成南海季风增强,异常降温则南海季风减弱。(2)南海季风爆发和强度的变化与南海本身的海温变化情况有密切的关系,尤其是5月份南海海温异常。5月份南海异常增温可以使南海季风提前爆发,季风增强,南海海温异常降低时,南海季风爆发的时间推迟,季风减弱。(3)南海海温持续异常可以影响南海及中国大陆的高低空环流变化,海温持续异常增温可以使南海季风提前爆发,显地加强南海季风,并有利于南海季风向北推进,但当海温在6月份进一步持续增温时,则有利于季风维持在较南地区,阻碍季风向北发展;当海温持续异常降低时,南海季风推迟爆发,且明显减弱。  相似文献   

Internal solitons in the northern South China Sea from insitu observations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, we demonstrate the characteristics of strong internal solitons at the southern edge of Dongsha Islands in the northern South China Sea (SCS) during May-June 1998, using in situ time series data from the conductivity temperature depth (CTD), acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and thermistor chain. Our measurements indicated that the strongest internal solitons were larger than 90 m in wave amplitude, and propagated approximately westward in traveling direction, with the maximum current speed of about 2 m/s and the period of 10-20 min. The strongest internal solitons occurred noticeably during May 14- 16, 1998, which is consistent with the occurrence period of the diurnal-dominated spring internal tides.  相似文献   

通过原位观察的方法,研究了H2气氛、不同温度下高磷矿还原过程的矿相结构演变规律和温度对金属铁析出形态的影响。高磷矿的鲕状结构在还原过程中未被破坏掉;随着温度的提高,矿相结构的演变加快,温度较高时Fe发生明显偏聚,金属铁从赤铁矿相中加快析出。还原温度对高磷矿中金属铁的析出形态影响显著:在700℃时金属铁析出在矿石颗粒表面形成致密铁层;800℃时析出的金属铁形貌复杂化,铁层致密度下降,出现孔洞,同时有少量的短小铁晶须;900℃时铁晶须数量明显增多,同时伴随着大量多孔海绵铁的析出。因此,可以通过调节还原温度和时间,使得气基还原过程避免黏结失流,同时高效还原高磷矿。  相似文献   

使用原位观察方法研究了不同凝固条件H13钢铸锭样品中液析碳化物的高温行为.实验发现连铸锭及电渣锭两种样品在所研究的枝晶间存在明显的合金元素偏析,其中Cr、Mo、V、C的偏析较为明显,液析碳化物存在于凝固枝晶间偏析最严重的区域,成分为V、Mo、Cr、Ti的液析碳化物.连铸锭及电渣锭两种样品分别在1200℃ 及1250℃ 围绕液析碳化物周围出现局部液相,理论计算的局部液相出现温度与实验观察到的接近;随着温度的升高,局部液相范围扩大,与电渣锭相比,加热至相同温度时,连铸锭液析碳化物周围的局部液相范围更大.液析碳化物周围局部液相的出现加快了枝晶间合金元素的扩散,对液析碳化物的高温行为具有重要影响.  相似文献   

Shao  Lei  Qiao  PeiJun  Pang  Xiong  Wei  GangJian  Li  QianYu  Miao  WeiLiang  Li  Ang 《科学通报(英文版)》2009,54(2):311-317
The chondrite-normalized REE distribution patterns in recent sediments from the northern South China Sea and surrounding areas are similar, with the HREE values being almost equal to or slightly higher, and the LaN/LuN ratio being lower, than PAAS standards. However, samples from the Xijiang River, a major branch of the Pearl River system, show opposite trends, i.e., with slightly lower HREE values and higher LaN/LuN ratio than PAAS. The distribution of Nd isotopes in sediments from the northern South China Sea was controlled by the Pearl River and the inshore area of South China, respectively. The volume of εNd(0) from inshore areas of southern China is apparently higher than that from the Pearl River, and εNd(0) values in offshore sediments and Taiwan Island are between these values. The results clearly show that εNd(0) volume in the northeastern South China Sea is higher than in the southwest part of the northern South China Sea, indicating different source rock types. The main source rock of the Pearl River sediment is carbonate types and affects sediment deposition in the southwest of the northern South China Sea, while the source rock in the inshore area of southern China, mainly Mesozoic and Cenozoic granites, contributes to sediments in the northeastern area of the northern South China Sea. Due to different source rock types, the HREE values and the volume of εNd(0) in recent sediments supplied by the inshore area of southern China are higher than those from the Pearl River. Over 80% of the rapidly accumulated sediments on the northern slope of the South China Sea in the southeast of Dongsha Islands area were derived from Taiwan Island and from inshore areas of South China, with only less than 20% from the Pearl River. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40276019, 40238060 and 40621063), and National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2007CB819501)  相似文献   

利用自行研制的原位三点弯曲测试装置,研究了45号钢V型缺口试件在不同支撑跨距下和弯曲压头与试件中心线偏移量下的承载能力.首先,从理论上分析了三点弯曲的载荷-挠度曲线与偏移量、跨距的关系.然后,通过仿真模拟的von Mises应力最小塑性区半径估算了裂纹的萌生方向.最后,通过12组V型缺口试件的原位三点弯曲试验,获得并分析了不同跨距和偏移量下的三点弯曲载荷-挠度曲线,以及实时采集了弯曲载荷作用下裂纹的扩展情况.通过原位观测的方式建立了宏观力学性能与微观力学性能的联系.从材料损伤机理的角度分析了材料在不同的三点弯曲试验参数下承载能力的差异.  相似文献   

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