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波罗的海三国——爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚和立陶宛地处波罗的海东岸,是东西方交往的天然通道,战略地位十分重要。历史上曾遭多个近邻国家占领,自第一次世界大战以来,波罗的海三国先后处于德国和前苏联的漫长统治之下,经济发展非常缓慢。苏联解体后,1991年,立陶宛、  相似文献   

设随机矩阵U属于n阶实正交群O(n),O(n)的分布是单位Haar分布,[U]m表示U的m阶顺序主子矩阵,记Q=n/m~(1/n/m)[U]m.文献(Diaconis P,Shahshahani M.J Appl Probab,1994,A31:49-62.)通过计算TrUj的联合矩得出对固定的整数k,当n充分大时(TrU,TrU2,…,TrUk)渐进于正态分布.利用Jack函数和对称群的特征标的恒等式,推广这一结论到U的子矩阵情形,即证明了随机向量(TrQ,TrQ2,…,TrQk)当m→+∞时依分布收敛于正态分布.对特殊实正交矩阵群SO(n)也有类似的结论.  相似文献   

自战国时赵国的名将赵奢生了个儿子赵括,而且将他养大以后,中国多了一条成语:纸上谈兵。其实,自从人们将原来作为军事制度和规章的军法,演绎成讲战略和战术的兵法,学习兵法和操练战事两者分离的事儿,迟早会出来。孙武做过战将,写过兵书,  相似文献   

施维波 《科技资讯》2013,(16):148-149
安全工作是水电厂的重课题,事关工厂的生存与发展。近些年,水电厂虽然在安全管理上取得了一定成绩,但事故还时有发生,部分水电厂还存在着安全意识匮乏,安全生产管理制度不规范,执行力不到位,员工的专业技术水平较低等问题,针对这些问题,水电厂应该加强对安全管理制度与措施的制定与落实,加强对现场的巡检工作,发现问题及时解决,加大对水电厂设备的资金投入,首先保证设备的基本质量,对员工进行定期的培训,提高现场员工的安全意识和专业技术水平,做到能够正确地处理安全与效益、安全与进度的关系,在按时完成工期的基础上加强水电厂的安全管理工作。  相似文献   

<正>鲜艳的国旗,宽阔的操场,现代化的教学楼,书籍丰富的阅览室,景色四季如春的翠泽园,可爱的笑脸……这里就是我的学校。上课铃响了,同学们端正地坐好,等待老师到来。一会儿,"嗒、嗒、嗒"的脚步声传来,大家知道老师来了。上课时,同学们关注着老师的一言一语、一举一动,目光一直紧紧追随着老师。  相似文献   

20年前,我们或许不懂什么叫信息化,但世界照常运转,生活同样不乏喜乐悲欢。20年后,我们在享受数字化便利的时候,却无形中平添了许多桎梏。如果人生的一切体验与感悟,都不过是冷冰冰的技术,那么,这一切又有什么价值?  相似文献   

组合(assemblage)是一个具有广泛含义的术语。组合指的是具有一定的物理、化学特征的物质构成。组合可大可小,最小的组合由量子堆积形成,最大的组合涵盖了宇宙外太空。组合是可以分层次的,不同层次的组合可互相包容。一个火山喷发的全体构成一个组合,人们熟悉的构造环境也是一个组合,不过是规模更大的组合而已。组合是一个开放体系。决定一个组合的本质特征的要素来自组合自身。组合的概念既适用于无机界也适用于有机界。世界之所以复杂正是由于组合的多样性造成的。组合是自然形成的,遵循一定的自然规律。因此,其研究也必须顺应自然,揭示自然的规律。地质学研究,一是要重视对不同层次组合的研究;二是尽可能采用全数据的方法,不论是对高层次组合还是低层次组合的研究,不论是传统研究还是大数据研究,这样的研究才能得出真知灼见,探知组合的奥秘。  相似文献   

胡凤 《科技信息》2012,(34):142-142
由于极限在微积分中的基础地位,本文结合实例,重点介绍十二种常用的求极限的方法。  相似文献   

提出一种知识库独立于程序的面向对象的专家系统的实现方法,介绍了其知识表示及推理机制.该方法将规则技术与面向对象技术相结合,并且不区分事实实例与规则实例,还为用户提供一个函数加载接口,以利于用户使用函数过程且确保知识库的独立性.  相似文献   

Sturmian序列是具有最低复杂性的一类符号序列,对Sturmian序列进行扩充,使其更具一般性。本文对扩充的Sturmian序列进行了进一步的研究,从而使其应用更加广泛。  相似文献   

海德格尔对荷尔德林诗歌的阐释,目的是进行诗与思的对话,归根结底还是探讨存在。诗与“在”的关系,是海氏诗学框架的核心内容,诗与“在”的关系又进一步引申为艺术与真理的关系,本从真理如何被遮蔽的问题入手,试图读解海德格尔诗学的内涵。艺术是无蔽的真理显明的一种方式,诗是危机的拯救,语言是存在的家园。海德格尔对诗与在的探讨最后又转入了对语言的探讨,无法走出语言的牢笼。只有在实践中,把艺术变成为社会变革的一个因素,才可以解放被传统理性压迫的力量,显现艺术的真理,确立艺术的价值。  相似文献   

本文叙述了对海南岛及其毗邻大陆边缘白垩纪到第四纪地层岩石进行古地磁研究的全部工作过程。通过分析岩石中剩余磁矢量的磁偏角及磁倾角的变化,提出海南岛白垩纪以来经历的构造演化模式如下:早期伴随顺时针旋转而向南迁移,后期伴随逆时针转动并向北运移。联系该地区及邻区的地质、地球物理资料,对海南岛上述的构造地体运动提出以下认识:北部湾内早期有一拉张作用,主要是该作用使湾内地壳显著伸长减薄,形成北部湾盆地。从而导致了海南岛的早期构造运动,而海南岛后期的构造运动则主要是受南海海底扩张的影响。海南地体运动规律的阐明对于了解北部湾油气盆地的形成演化有重要的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

本文对已报道过的重氮氨基类试剂分类进行了综述;介绍了这类试剂的合成及纯化方法;列举了几个应用广泛的试剂和一些新试剂的典型分光光度分析的应用实例。初步讨论了络合物的组成、结构,以及取代基对试剂灵敏度的影响。提出了值得重视的研究内容。  相似文献   

学习普通话的重要环节是在语流中模仿普通话的节律。停延作为节律的基础,确定了语流中的音步组合,进而关系到协同发音、连续变调等一系列语音现泉。停延的研究对于普通话的朗读教学具有重要的现实意义。该文以《普通话水平测试实施纲要》提供的60篇短文为语料,对于文中的停顿做出了定量、定性的分析:普通话的音步组合层的平均长度为5—7个音节,影响各篇短文音步组合层长度的主要因素是文体风格。该文根据60篇短文的语音资料,提出了设置句中无标点停顿的语义原则、语法原则、语用原则。根据语义原则,只能在有助于语义表达的地方停顿。根据语法原则,只能在构成语法结构的地方停顿。如果在某种情况下构成了非语法停顿,那是为了满足节律的需要。根据语用原则,人们通过对语境的分析,以停顿为手段,实现表情达意的最佳效果和节奏的匀称感。文中以大量例句,对各种语法结构中的语音停顿现泉进行比较说明,做出了令人信服的阐释。  相似文献   

The discovery of the prolific Ordovician Red River reservoirs in 1995 in southeastern Saskatchewan was the catalyst for extensive exploration activity which resulted in the discovery of more than 15 new Red River pools. The best yields of Red River production to date have been from dolomite reservoirs. Understanding the processes of dolomitization is, therefore, crucial for the prediction of the connectivity, spatial distribution and heterogeneity of dolomite reservoirs.The Red River reservoirs in the Midale area consist of 3~4 thin dolomitized zones, with a total thickness of about 20 m, which occur at the top of the Yeoman Formation. Two types of replacement dolomite were recognized in the Red River reservoir: dolomitized burrow infills and dolomitized host matrix. The spatial distribution of dolomite suggests that burrowing organisms played an important role in facilitating the fluid flow in the backfilled sediments. This resulted in penecontemporaneous dolomitization of burrow infills by normal seawater. The dolomite in the host matrix is interpreted as having occurred at shallow burial by evaporitic seawater during precipitation of Lake Almar anhydrite that immediately overlies the Yeoman Formation. However, the low δ18O values of dolomited burrow infills (-5.9‰~ -7.8‰, PDB) and matrix dolomites (-6.6‰~ -8.1‰, avg. -7.4‰ PDB) compared to the estimated values for the late Ordovician marine dolomite could be attributed to modification and alteration of dolomite at higher temperatures during deeper burial, which could also be responsible for its 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7084~0.7088) that are higher than suggested for the late Ordovician seawaters (0.7078~0.7080). The trace amounts of saddle dolomite cement in the Red River carbonates are probably related to "cannibalization" of earlier replacement dolomite during the chemical compaction.  相似文献   

Since the man-machine interfaces (MMI) of a main control room provide the control platform of a nuclear power plant (NPP),the development of the design quality of MMIs plays a very important role in the operation of a NPP. With the development of digital technology, the development of the advanced main control rooms (AMCRs) has become an inexorable trend. Therefore, the positive and the negative effects of AMCRs on human factors engineering need to be evaluated. For this p~, a simulation system has been studied and developed to quantitatively evaluate a MMI design from the viewpoint of human factors. The simulation system takes advantage of computer simulation technology to simulate an operating process of an interaction between operators and a MMI design under an instruction of an operation procedure of the AMCR of a NPP. Meanwhile, the necessary data are recorded for evaluation. It integrates two editors and one simulator. In the paper, the simulation system is presented in detail. Furthermore, one sample is given to show the results of each of these three subsystems.  相似文献   

何延凌 《科技信息》2008,(4):258-258
Language is a means of verbal communication. People use language to communicate with each other. In the society, no two speakers are exactly alike in the way of speaking. Some differences are due to age, gender, statue and personality. Above all, gender is one of the obvious reasons. The writer of this paper tries to describe the features of women's language from these perspectives: pronunciation, intonation, diction, subjects, grammar and discourse. From the discussion of the features of women's language, more attention should be paid to language use in social context. What's more, the linguistic phenomena in a speaking community can be understood more thoroughly.  相似文献   

目的:探讨胆固醇对骨质疏松的影响。方法:通过动力学实验、原子发射光谱和红外光谱等方法说明胆固醇能引起骨质疏松。结果:高胆固醇的骨头的脱矿速率比正常骨的快,再矿化速率比正常骨慢。结论:胆固醇能引起骨质疏松,镧的摄入可以使骨中的矿物结构发生改变。  相似文献   

We present two recent methods, called UTAGMS and GRIP, from the viewpoint of robust ranking of multicriteria alternatives. In these methods, the preference information provided by a single or multiple Decision Makers (DMs) is composed of holistic judgements of some selected alternatives, called reference alternatives. The judgements express pairwise comparisons of some reference alternatives (in UTAGMS), and comparisons of selected pairs of reference alternatives from the viewpoint of intensity of preference (in GRIP). Ordinal regression is used to find additive value functions compatible with this preference information. The whole set of compatible value functions is then used in Linear Programming (LP) to calculate a necessary and possible weak preference relations in the set of all alternatives, and in the set of all pairs of alternatives. While the necessary relation is true for all compatible value functions, the possible relation is true for at least one compatible value function. The necessary relation is a partial preorder and the possible relation is a complete and negatively transitive relation. The necessary relations show consequences of the given preference information which are robust because “always true”. We illustrate this methodology with an example.  相似文献   

润湿性是油气藏储层岩石的重要基础参数之一,其特征直接影响流体在岩石孔道内的微观分布和宏观分布特征。从微观层面认识页岩气与矿物的相互作用是深入理解页岩气赋存状态的基础。采用分子模拟研究了甲烷在不同石英模型中的吸附行为,考察了不同晶面、亲水与亲油官能团修饰模型对甲烷吸附的影响。研究结论表明,不同晶面模型中,(100)面的吸附量大于其他晶面的吸附量;甲烷在亲油修饰模型中的吸附量大于亲水修饰模型的吸附量;两种修饰模型吸附量均随着压力增加而增加,随温度的升高而减小,且温度对吸附量的影响小于孔径的影响;相同条件下,润湿性修饰模型的吸附量远大于无润湿性修饰模型的吸附量;1 nm修饰模型中甲烷只在壁面处形成吸附层,而2 nm修饰模型中形成多个吸附层。  相似文献   

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