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全球对流层顶气压场和温度场的时空演变结构特征   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
 利用1948~2004年共57年的对流层顶气压场和温度场资料,对全球对流层顶平均温压场的空间分布结构、年际和年代际变化以及季节变化进行了分析.结果表明:①热带对流层顶和极地对流层顶的平均气压场的空间位置和热状况大致吻合,并存在空间波动性,两半球对流层顶的温压场具有显著的非对称性;②对流层顶的纬向气压与温度距平场都具有不同尺度的年际和年代际变化,两极地区对流层顶的温压场最不稳定,两半球中纬度地区的时间演变尺度存在明显差异.对流层顶断裂带及其对应温度的时空波动存在反位相关系,20世纪70年代末温度出现突变现象,此时对流层顶断裂带迅速向南部空间移动;③不同季节对流层顶的温压场都将进行空间结构的调整,两者之间存在着季节变化的协调性,但北半球较南半球的演变过程复杂;④对流层顶温压场纬向距平的季节变率可划分为5个位相不同的时空波动区域,构成了气压场和温度场的经向型相关结构.北极地区气压场变化有超前于温度场变化的趋势,对流层顶断裂带的温度季节变化存在着双峰波动结构.冬半年断裂区的地理位置较夏半年稳定,气压场和温度场的最大季节变程均发生在南极.  相似文献   

大气对流层顶的臭氧时空分布变化   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
 利用1958~2001年的臭氧垂直分布和NCEP资料,计算出全球对流层顶的气候场,并对其空间分布、季节、年际和年代际演变进行了分析.结果表明:①对流层顶臭氧质量比呈纬向分布的特征明显,南北半球中纬度和南极为高值区,赤道和北极为低值区,且与对流层顶高度和温度场有对应关系;②从400~70 hPa的温度和臭氧质量比垂直经向剖面中,显现出对流层顶的上层和下层由于具有不同的物理和化学过程导致垂直分布存在差异;③对流层顶臭氧质量比纬向距平场的年代际变率具有不同位相的时空演变尺度,南半球的时空差异比北半球大,南极最不稳定,低纬和赤道地区幅度变化较小,但时间尺度较大;④极地各季节对流层顶的臭氧分布和高度场特征相似,低纬则与温度场分布较一致;⑤对流层顶断裂带中臭氧质量比最大值出现在春季,秋季为最小值,其对应的纬度存在明显的季节空间经向波动,夏季达到最高纬度,冬季到达最低纬度;⑥对流层顶臭氧质量比纬向距平的季节变率表现出准半年变化趋势,且两半球变化趋势相反.  相似文献   

Yu Shuqiu 《自然科学进展》2007,17(9):1042-1050
The large scale character of the interannual variation of precipitation and the urban effect on local annual precipitation anomaly are investigated in this paper based on the 1960—2000 annual precipitation observations at 20 stations in the Beijing region. The results show that: the annual precipitation in the Beijing region possesses the large scale variation character with the linear trend of -1.197/10 yr, which corresponds to a total reduction of 27.82 mm in annual precipitation in the 41 years; the local annual precipitation anomalies (percent of the normal 1960—2000) show a positive center near the urban area, i.e. urban precipitation island (UPI), whose intensity increases with the linear trend of 0.6621%/10 yr, opposite to the interannual trend of large scale precipitation over the Beijing region; changes in the UPI are also associated with the intensity of synoptic processes of precipitation, and when the synoptic processes are strong (wet years), the intensity of UPI strengthens, while the synoptic processes are weak (dry years), and the UPI disappears in the Beijing region.  相似文献   

The large scale character of the interannual variation of precipitation and the urban effect on local annual precipitation anomaly are investigated in this paper based on the 1960-2000 annual precipitation observations at 20 stations in the Beijing region.The results show that:the annual precipitation in the Beijing region possesses the large scale variation character with the linear trend of-1.197/10 yr,which corresponds to a total reduction of 27.82 mm in annual precipitation in the 41 years;the local annual precipitation anomalies(percent of the normal 1960-2000)show a positive center near the urban area,i.e.urban precipitation island(UPI),whose intensity increases with the linear trend of 0.6621%/10 yr,opposite to the interannual trend of large scale precipitation over the Beijing region;changes in the UPI are also associated with the intensity of synoptic processes of precipitation,and when the synoptic processes are strong(wet years),the intensity of UPI strengthens,while the synoptic processes are weak(dry years),and the UPI disappears in the Beijing region.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation of global stratosphere-troposphere mass exchange   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
By Wei formula in pressure coordinate, the stratosphere-troposphere mass exchange (STME) is diagnosed globally for 44 years from 1958 to 2001 using the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis datasets. Regions of mass flux into the stratosphere are found over Indonesia, bay of Bangladesh and the mid-west coast of South Africa. Compensating mass outflow from the stratosphere appears mainly over mid-latitudes near large-scale troughs. Upward and downward transport of mass at the middle and high latitudes accompany with each other. Mass flux into troposphere is stronger in autumn and winter than in spring and summer. Strong downward mass flux into the troposphere occurs in eastern Asia the whole year with nearly stable sites. Although the area of eastern Asia accounts for only 5.6% of that of the northern hemisphere (NH), its net mass exchange reaches 15.83% of that of the NH, which means that research on STME of eastern Asia is greatly important to that of the NH and even the global areas. Air across the tropopause enters more from stratosphere to troposphere than that from troposphere to stratosphere, which is possibly related with systematic bias of the assimilated datasets and with persistent rise of the tropopause height. Contributions of the mass exchange and the mass flux exchange in the NH and southern hemisphere (SH) on their latitudes increase from equator to pole, with larger contributions in the NH. Mass exchange and mass flux exchange per areas at high latitudes are larger than that at low latitudes, which means greater mass exchange efficiency at high latitudes.  相似文献   

By Wei formula in pressure coordinate, the stratosphere-troposphere mass exchange (STME) is diagnosed globally for 44 years from 1958 to 2001 using the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis datasets. Regions of mass flux into the stratosphere are found over Indonesia, bay of Bangladesh and the mid-west coast of South Africa. Compensating mass outflow from the stratosphere appears mainly over mid-latitudes near large-scale troughs. Upward and downward transport of mass at the middle and high latitudes accompany with each other. Mass flux into troposphere is stronger in autumn and winter than in spring and summer. Strong downward mass flux into the troposphere occurs in eastern Asia the whole year with nearly stable sites. Although the area of eastern Asia accounts for only 5.6% of that of the northern hemisphere (NH), its net mass exchange reaches 15.83% of that of the NH, which means that research on STME of eastern Asia is greatly important to that of the NH and even the global areas. Air across the tropopause enters more from stratosphere to troposphere than that from troposphere to stratosphere, which is possibly related with systematic bias of the assimilated datasets and with persistent rise of the tropopause height. Contributions of the mass exchange and the mass flux exchange in the NH and southern hemisphere (SH) on their latitudes increase from equator to pole, with larger contributions in the NH. Mass exchange and mass flux exchange per areas at high latitudes are larger than that at low latitudes, which means greater mass exchange efficiency at high latitudes.  相似文献   

综合利用深圳云地闪探测数据和大气成分探测数据,对两次雷暴过程中氮氧化物(NOx)浓度升高的案例进行了分析。结果表明:1云地闪可明显影响地面NOx的浓度,电场强度增加伴随着NOx浓度的升高;2NO和NO2浓度升高的过程具有不同的特征,NO2浓度升高过程比较缓慢,高浓度值持续时间较长;但浓度峰值较低;NO浓度升高通常滞后于NO2浓度的升高,但其升高过程非常迅速,浓度峰值也高于NO2;同时其浓度从峰值下降到较低浓度水平也比较迅速;3地面风场结构、云地闪落区位置对NOx浓度观测响应时间的长短以及浓度峰值大小都有关系,因此分析云地闪与NOx浓度的变化关系,必须考虑背景气象条件。  相似文献   

为准确定量评估和认识湖南省区域降雨侵蚀力的时空特征,利用1961~2010年湖南省21个雨量站的逐日降雨数据,采用降雨侵蚀力简易计算模型计算出不同地区的降雨侵蚀力,并通过反距离加权内插方法进行空间插值得到湖南省多年平均降雨侵蚀力的空间分布和年内季节分布,基于变差系数和气候倾向率两个指标分析了降雨侵蚀力的年际变化特征。结果显示:1)湖南省多年平均降雨侵蚀力在5 510.65~12 526.14 MJ?mm/(hm2?h?a)之间变化,具有明显的地域差异性,高大山脉地区的降雨侵蚀力明显高于其他地区。空间分布整体趋势是由西北、东部、南部向中部递减,在西北部、东部和南部边缘较大;侵蚀高值区分布在安化站、南岳站,低值区集中在东北部的南县站和西南部的武冈站;2)季节差异性显著,降雨侵蚀力集中在3-8月,侵蚀高值中心逐月由东南向西北移动,低值中心由西向东移动;3)气候倾向率和变差系数分别在-132.09~499.81 MJ?mm/(hm2?h?a)/10a和0.257~0.403之间变化,降雨侵蚀力年际变化总体上呈现线性增加并有向北转移的趋势,变差系数在空间分布上大致呈南北高南中间低的特点。研究结果可为湖南省的水土保持、农业和生态保护,以及灾害控制等工作提供科学决策依据。  相似文献   

Based on geographic division over the western North Pacific (WNP), the interdecadal relationships between summer monsoon, sea surface temperature (SST) and tropical cyclones activity (including number, track and intensity) are examined. In the past several decades, the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) and tropical westerlies contribute to the interdecadal variation of TC number in the northwest and southeast of WNP respectively. The increased TC occurrence density to the east of Philippines related to TC track appears during the 1990s, in terms of both steer flow induced by WPSH and genesis location. From the interdecadal viewpoint, the tendency of TC intensity, measured by averaged accumulated cyclone energy, does well agree with that of SST, implying that SST plays an important role in TC intensity. Supported by Special Scientific Research Project for Public Interest (Grant No. GYHY200806009) and National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2009CB421505)  相似文献   

Lightning flash activities on the central Tibetan Plateau have been studied by using the satellite-based Lightning Imaging Sensor(LIS)database from January 1998 to July 2002.The lightning activity shows a clear diurnal variation on the central Plateau.The peak lightning activity appears at about 17:00 which is 3 h earlier than that in Jingxhou,Hubei in the same latitude belt nearby,indicating that the lightning activity is a sensitive indicator of solar heating on the Plateau.The lightning discharge is weaker on the Plateau than Jingzhou.Hubei and other low-altitude continental regions because of the lower convective available potential energy(CAPE)on the Plateau.The CAPE on the Plateau is 12 times lower than that in Jingzhou,Hubei,and 20 times lower than that in the sea-level region,such as Guangzhou and Florida.However,the sensitivity of lightning activity to CAPE changes on the Plateau is up to 30 times more sensitive than other prominent low-altitude regions.  相似文献   

为探讨入海流域径流的演变特征,定量分析气候变化和人类活动对入海流域径流的影响,本文基于气象数据和径流数据,采用彭曼公式、滑动t检验、Hurst指数和小波分析等方法对比分析广西北部湾入海流域径流深的时空演变特征和未来趋势,并采用累积量斜率变化率比较法定量评估气候变化和人类活动对广西北部湾入海流域径流深变化的贡献率。结果表明:广西北部湾入海流域径流深空间分布格局分异较大,北仑河流域和防城江流域多年平均径流深较大,分别为2 115.58 mm和2 105.56 mm;径流深较小的是钦江流域和南流江流域,多年平均径流深分别为719.33 mm和744.50 mm。仅钦江流域径流深呈不显著上升趋势,其余流域均为下降趋势。广西北部湾入海流域各流域径流深的突变年份呈现一致性,均在1992年和2003年附近。在演变周期上,钦江流域、南流江流域、大风江流域、防城江流域、北仑河流域的历年年均径流深演化过程中存在2-6 a、7-15 a和16-24 a 3种时间尺度的周期变化规律,丰、枯交替变化比较明显;茅岭江流域径流深的周期震荡变化稍有不同,存在7-24 a和25 a以上两种时间尺度的周期变化规律。T2时...  相似文献   

The relationship between the inter-annual variations of the earth rotation, atmospheric angular momentum (AAM), sunspot number and El Niño is analyzed. The result shows that the inter-annual variation of the earth rotation responds to the variation of AAM and the pregnancy of El Niño timely. Generally, the inter-annual component of the earth rotation will reach zero in a changing process that increases from the negative to the positive extreme before El Niño occurs about half year or more. And the solar activity may have certain influence on the appearance of El Niño. We consider that El Niño will possibly appear around the end of 2001.  相似文献   

为了探索舟山以东浅水海域夏季水团分布及温、盐日变化规律,基于舟山以东浅水区域时间分辨率为1h的温盐深(CTD)站点数据,首先对数据剖面取平均以研究其温、盐场结构特征,然后利用Fuzzy聚类法对该区域进行水团划分,最后根据水团划分结果分区域统计分析跃层特征,并计算温、盐日变幅极差值以研究其日变化空间的分布特征。结果表明:研究区域可分为沿岸流水团、近岸混合水团、黑潮水团、东海中-深层水团、东海中-深层混合水团;受黑潮支流与沿岸流混合下沉的影响,调查海域中部中-深层水体相对高温、低盐;沿岸流区与黑潮水区10~20m深度层的温、盐日变幅较大,与跃层深度对应较好,表层、次表层的较小,底层的近似为0;近岸混合水团跃层上界深度最大、平均强度最小,该区域表层、底层日变幅相对较大。  相似文献   

定量区分气候变化和人类活动对径流的影响,对区域水资源管理具有重要的现实意义.本文基于实测径流数 据和前人重构的自然径流数据,借助趋势分析、突变检验、多元线性回归等方法,定量分析渭河流域气候变化和人类活动 对径流的影响,并通过与水文敏感性系数方法的分析结果相比较,进一步验证结果.结果表明:1965-2012年华县站、张 家山站和状头站的实测径流分别以7.99×108、2.86×108 和0.787×108 m3·(10a)-1的趋势减小(α<0.05).气象要素 中,渭河干流的风速和相对湿度呈显著减小的趋势,气温呈显著增加的趋势(α<0.05);泾河流域的相对湿度呈显著减小 的趋势,潜在蒸散发和气温呈显著增加的趋势(α<0.05);北洛河流域各气象要素的变化趋势同泾河流域相似.突变检验 表明华县站、张家山站和状头站的年实测径流分别在1993、1996 和1994 年前后发生了突变,其径流分别下降了 38.81%、47.67%和42.22%.多元回归分析表明气候变化对华县站、张家山站和状头站径流变化的贡献率分别为 49.30%、38.05%和69.86%.水文敏感性分析方法的结果同多元回归方法相似,气候变化对3个水文站径流变化的贡献 率分别为48.61%、39.21%和64.86%.   相似文献   

This paper describes 2007/2008 inter-annual changes in runoff from the Zhadang Glacier located on the northern slope of Nyainqêntanglha Range, Tibet, and analyzes their causes. Precipitation increased by 17.9% in summer months of 2008 compared with the same period in 2007, drainage basin runoff decreased by 33.3%, and glacial meltwater decreased by 53.8%. Change in positive accumulated air temperature explained approximately half of the inter-annual difference in glacial meltwater using a de-gree-day model. This suggests that the glacier is extremely sensitive to changes in air temperature. Energy balance analysis showed that change in glacier surface albedo, considered to be caused by difference in precipitation form, resulted in the large inter-annual difference in glacial meltwater. It was shown statistically that precipitation form in the summer months of 2007 was mainly rainfall which comprised 71.5% of total precipitation, while during the same period in 2008 rainfall accounted for 30.7%, with the majority of precipitation falling as snow. Precipitation form should be considered an independent factor when analyzing glacier sensitivity to climate change or forecasting the runoff from certain glaciers.  相似文献   

高耸钢筋砼电视塔结构地震反应的高振型影响分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用基于振型叠加法的结构地震响应时程分析方法,求出各阶振型分别在高耸钢筋砼电视塔结构地震反应中的贡献,从而分析了高阶振型在该类结构地震反应中的影响程度,分析结果可供该类结构的抗震设计参考。  相似文献   

对流层垂直臭氧分布变化量对生物质燃烧响应的模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 采用区域气候模式与大气化学模式相连接的模式系统,模拟研究了对流层垂直臭氧分布变化量对东南亚生物质燃烧排放源强变化的响应程度.结果表明,源区对流层臭氧垂直积分浓度对燃烧源强变化十分敏感,下游区次之.特别是在对流层的中低层影响最显著,但对源区臭氧的贡献比下游区要大得多.在对流层中高层,源区和下游区受影响程度相当.对流层低层源区臭氧增加的时间超前下游区,超前的时间随高度的增加而减小,而在对流层中层出现滞后现象,到对流层高层臭氧最大值出现的时间相同.  相似文献   

空气污染对几种植物过氧化氢酶活性的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
过氧化氢酶是植物体内一种很重要的酶,它在光呼吸、脂肪代谢过程中起着重要的作用.植物遇到不良环境时,其体内过氧化氢酶往往发生变化.  相似文献   

武汉近百年来气温变化的多时间尺度分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用墨西哥帽小波变换分析了武汉1905~1998年逐月气温资料,揭示了气候变化的多时间尺度结构,分析了其中存在的主要周期振荡和突变点。结果表明:武汉气候在20世纪主要经历了冷-暖-冷-暖4个阶段,目前处于相对暖期;气温存在准2a、21a和65左右的周期振荡;不同时间尺度下具有不同的冷暖结构和气候突变点。  相似文献   

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