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For the non-holonomic constraint robot,determining the pose of its end-effector will rely on its joints' displacement and the velocity of its non-holonomic constraint joints as well.Therefore,it becomes increasingly difficult to obtain the analytic solution of its self-motion manifold in the traditional way for solving matrix equation.In this paper,we take the pose of end manipulator as the result of the joint sequential motion based on the mentality of motion equivalence,the structure and the reference vel...  相似文献   

移动对象的建模和查询   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出一种离散时空轨迹模型来表示数据库系统中的移动对象的方法。这种模型不仅支持过去和现在位置信息的查询,而且支持未来查询。  相似文献   

Burke K  Wilson JT 《Nature》1972,239(5372):387-390

Motoyoshi I  Nishida S  Sharan L  Adelson EH 《Nature》2007,447(7141):206-209
The world is full of surfaces, and by looking at them we can judge their material qualities. Properties such as colour or glossiness can help us decide whether a pancake is cooked, or a patch of pavement is icy. Most studies of surface appearance have emphasized textureless matte surfaces, but real-world surfaces, which may have gloss and complex mesostructure, are now receiving increased attention. Their appearance results from a complex interplay of illumination, reflectance and surface geometry, which are difficult to tease apart given an image. If there were simple image statistics that were diagnostic of surface properties it would be sensible to use them. Here we show that the skewness of the luminance histogram and the skewness of sub-band filter outputs are correlated with surface gloss and inversely correlated with surface albedo (diffuse reflectance). We find evidence that human observers use skewness, or a similar measure of histogram asymmetry, in making judgements about surfaces. When the image of a surface has positively skewed statistics, it tends to appear darker and glossier than a similar surface with lower skewness, and this is true whether the skewness is inherent to the original image or is introduced by digital manipulation. We also find a visual after-effect based on skewness: adaptation to patterns with skewed statistics can alter the apparent lightness and glossiness of surfaces that are subsequently viewed. We suggest that there are neural mechanisms sensitive to skewed statistics, and that their outputs can be used in estimating surface properties.  相似文献   

给出了多维双门限自回归GARCH模型;该模型是一维双门限自回归GARCH模型在多维情况的一种推广,并且讨论了多维双门限自回归GARCH模型存在严平稳遍历性的充分必要条件。  相似文献   

主要对稳定相方法的一般结论进行了推广,给出了一类更一般的振荡积分的渐近情况。基于一般稳定相方法给出了积分的渐近条件,严格证明了主要定理,并讨论了此类积分渐近结果的重要应用。  相似文献   

Disparity curvature and the perception of three-dimensional surfaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
B Rogers  R Cagenello 《Nature》1989,339(6220):135-137
BINOCULAR stereopsis provides information about the relative distance of objects from the differences in the horizontal position of their images on the two retinas. Because the size of the disparity between two points is inversely related to the square of the viewing distance, it is usually assumed that disparities have to be scaled according to distance using the vergence angle of the eyes, or by using the small vertical disparities that also exist between corresponding points of the two images. Here we present evidence that the visual system could extract information about the shapes of surfaces (without the need for scaling) by using the second spatial derivative of disparity--disparity curvature--which remains invariant with viewing distance. Rather than computing the second derivative, we suggest that an approximation to disparity curvature could be derived from the differences in curvature of corresponding line elements in the two eyes.  相似文献   

越南铜鼓和其他器物成份分析报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002年韦冬萍等在对76面越南出土铜鼓及18件相关物件样品进行铅同位素测定时,用电子探针的方法进行了成份分析,但只作了单点测试.2005年孙淑云等采用扫描电镜能谱仪无标样定量法对75面越南铜鼓厦越南出土的13件其它相关器物样品进行了成份检测,结果显示与中国广西、云南出土铜鼓相比成份基本相同,但广西、云南铜鼓中锡青铜鼓占的比例高于越南铜鼓,而舍砷铜鼓越南较中国数量多而且集中出土于平定.金相组织检测结果显示,越南铜鼓金相组织与中国铜鼓相似.从技术角度进一步提供了中、越古代铜鼓文化的交流传播的重要信息。  相似文献   

2002年韦冬萍等在对76面越南出土铜鼓及18件相关物件样品进行铅同位素测定时,用电子探针的方法进行了成份分析,但只作了单点测试.2005年孙淑云等采用扫描电镜能谱仪无标样定量法对75面越南铜鼓及越南出土的13件其它相关器物样品进行了成份检测,结果显示与中国广西、云南出土铜鼓相比成份基本相同,但广西、云南铜鼓中锡青铜鼓占的比例高于越南铜鼓.而含砷铜鼓越南较中国数量多而且集中出土于平定.金相组织检测结果显示,越南铜鼓金相组织与中国铜鼓相似.从技术角度进一步提供了中、越古代铜鼓文化的交流传播的重要信息.  相似文献   

宽平稳过程是随机过程中一个重要的二阶矩过程,其相关函数可利用谱表现出来,本文通过利用小波函数表示相关函数,产生小波普及小波谱密度,进而提出了宽平稳过程及实值宽平稳过程的小波谱展式。  相似文献   

复杂背景下的物体轮廓提取是一个实际的图象处理系统必须面对的问题,而传统的轮廓提取方法在此情况下往往因为大量的噪声而失效,本文所处理的胃部的SDC图象中物体的边缘就处在与边缘的斜率和灰度梯度极为相近的噪声中,所以较难提取,我们利用UBF图象已提取的轮廓建立弹簧模型,根据两种图象中胃部的形变关系,较好的提取了SDC图象中的胃部轮廓,该方法对其它复杂前景下的图象处理有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   

 戴维·朱利叶斯和阿尔登·帕塔普蒂安因发现TRPV1、TRPM8离子蛋白通道和PIEZO基因,“揭开了人类温度和触觉感受器的‘神秘面纱’”,荣获2021年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。通过回顾2位科学家的成长经历、科研历程及在人类感知领域的研究成果,探讨了“痛感”对人体的利弊,分析了新科学仪器的应用与基础科研的关系。  相似文献   

针对运载火箭发射飞行安全控制任务的核心问题——地面保护目标,提出了地面保护目标相对危险度确定算法。此算法将地面保护目标相对危险度的度量考虑为当前时刻保护目标与火箭预示落点的距离、火箭残骸碎片散布和毒气扩散分布、保护目标的人口分布、保护目标重要设施的代价函数,实现了目标的危险程度综合评估。通过将该算法应用于某对策分析及决策支持系统,实现了运载火箭安全控制决策中对地面保护目标危险程度的定量描述,为安控人员实施火箭安全控制决策提供了有效的支持。  相似文献   

面向对象数据库系统(OODBS)的核心是把现实世界的事物描述为对象,数据存储、操作和管理都以对象为依据.对象可以是简单的,也可以是复杂的或复杂对象中引用了其它的对象.首先对OODBS实现过程中复杂对象存储的若干问题进行讨论.具体介绍对象的存储策略、类层次的存储策略和对象的缓冲区管理实现方案.最后就系统的聚簇技术进行详细阐述.  相似文献   

杜夫海纳的审美对象理论是在批判和继承现象学美学家的有关理论的基础上建立起来的。他将审美对象看作是一种知觉对象,认为审美对象是一个层级性的结构性存在,是由自在的存在、自为的存在和为我们的存在相互关联而构成的一个整体。他企图从根本上纠正现象学此前的审美对象理论主观化的错误,恢复意向性在审美对象理论中的应有之义。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于OpenCV的视频应用程序的开发方法。将Intel公司开放的OpenCV源代码作为开发的视频应用程序的基础函数库,改写或调用其中的函数,可根据需要用C++语言开发视频应用程序,从而克服了视频应用程序开发周期长、效率低的缺点。给出了部分OpenCV具体的设置方法和过程,并通过利用OpenCV编写的运动目标检测与跟踪的应用程序验证了该方法的有效性和可行性。对图像进行形态学去噪、平滑滤波处理和二值化阈值分割等图像预处理,获得二值化黑白图像。通过轮廓提取和跟踪检测得到车辆和人的外轮廓,进而实现运动目标的跟踪。在VC++6.0环境下,利用OpenCV编程实现了此方法。实验结果表明,该方法可行。  相似文献   

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