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Tooth likephosphaticprotoconodontsand“con odont likefossils”arecharacteristiccomponentsoftheEarlyCambriansmallshellyfossils (SSF )withaworldwidedistribution .Theyarerepresentedexclu sivelybyisolatedscleritesandareoften presentinaceticacid etchedresiduesfromLowerCambriancar bonates .SincethefirstreportofProtohertzinaMis sarzhevsky 1973fromthebasalCambrianoftheYangtzePlatformin 1977[1] ,andalongwithenthusi asticresearchactivitiesonthesmallshellyfossilsandcandidatesectionsforaglobalPrecamb…  相似文献   

The earliest Cambrian (Meishucunian) phosphatized metazoanOlivooides from the Yangtze platform is represented by dierent developmental stages: from blastula through possible gastrula to tissue differentiation and finally to the hatched animals. The fossilization of embryos opens a new field in palaeontologypalaeoembryology. Embryological studies will be of importance for the understanding of ontogeny and phylogeny of metazoans from the Cambrian explosion.  相似文献   

Phosphorites occurring at the bottom of the Cambrian system contain abundant small shelly fossils, which are the product of the first episode of life explosion in the Cambrian. It was previously reported that the small shelly fossils are dominated by hyolithids, olivooids, zhijinitids, conodontomorphs, yubelichitids, camenitids and algae, with minor amounts of sponge fossils. Large amounts of sponge spicules, diverse in form, have been found for the first time in the Gezhongwu Formation phosphorites at Shixing, Zhijin County, Guizhou Province, of which such spicules as diaxon-triactins, diaxon-tetractins, pentaxon-pentactins and hexon-hexactins account for 30%. These spicules constitute the sponge clastic phosphorites made up of sponge clastics. Meanwhile, it is also expected that the radiation and diversity of sponge animals started as early as in the earliest Early Cambrian. Habit and burying environment of sponge animal are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

早寒武世疑源类的古生物地理学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据早寒武世疑源类在全球的古地理分布,并参考古地磁和动物化石等方面的资料,进行了早寒武世疑源类的古地理分区。结果表明:早寒武世在全球范围内可分为2个疑源类古地理大区,即波罗的海-北美-亚、澳大区和地中海大区;我国西南地区早寒武区筇竹寺期,可根据疑源类分为两个生态区,即扬子区和江南区。这一研究结果为今后各区生态结构分析,提供了重要基础资料。  相似文献   

Abundant well-preserved large articulated sponge fossils and isolated spicules have been reported from the Early Cambrian Hetang Formation, southern Anhui Province. This unique epifaunal fossil assemblage dominated by articulated sponge fossils is called the Xidi Sponge Fauna. The sponge fauna lived in a quiet oxygenic environment below the storm wave base. Bloom of phytoplankton and rapid sedimentation rate resulted in the deposition of the black shales. Sufficient food supply, lack of other competitors, abundant ecological niches, and demand for oxygen during early Cambrian were in favor of the diversification and evolution of large sponges in the Early Cambrian.  相似文献   

Marine invertebrate animal embryos and their early developmental products are of great significance to the study of taxonomy and phylogeny of early animals. A great number of phosphatized globular fossils were collected fromthe early Cambrian Kuanchuanpu Member (upper Dengying Formation), southern Shaanxi, and a nearly complete develo-pmental sequence—from a fertilized egg, via blastodisc formation, blastula development, blastodisc enlargement toward gastrulae, to tissue differentiation—can be discerned in this collection. This discovery provides unmatchable material for studies on the origin, taxonomy, radiation, and ontogeny of early metazoans.  相似文献   

贵州早寒武世黑色页岩地球化学特征及其意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
贵州早寒武世早期普遍存在一套黑色页岩。通过对麻江羊跳、铜仁、遵义中南、遵义松林小竹、天柱大公塘剖面实地考察与地球化学分析,认为贵州早寒武世黑色页岩是在缺氧环境下,热水沉积为主导,同时受陆源强烈影响,是海水、生物和地球深部物质共同作用下形成的.  相似文献   

The Chengjiang fauna has played a pivotal role in our understanding of the origin and diversification of metazoans since its discovery in 1984. To date, this fauna has been documented as consisting of 121 genera with 140 species belonging to 24 phyla[1-27]. The geo- graphic distribution of the Chengjiang fauna has been expanded from Chengjiang County to eastern Yunnan Province including Haikou, Malong, Yiliang, Anning and elsewhere[25-33], with about 20 localities in to- tal[25,33]. Succes…  相似文献   

Secular δ 13Ccarb and Ceanom profiles in the post-glacial Neoproterozoic and Early Cambrian interval are reported from Guizhou on the southeasten border of the Yangtze platform, South China. Overall, the δ 13Ccarb profile drifts to negative values in the post-glacial Nantuo and lower to middle Doushantuo Formations, and then to positive values in the upper Doushantuo and Dengying Formations of Neoproterozoic, followed by negative values in the Lower Cambrian Gezhongwu and Niutitang Formations. A detailed investigation of the relationship between the δ 13Ccarb and Ceanom profiles reveals that the main anoxic and oxic episodes are coupled with negative and positive δ 13Ccarb values, respectively. This may suggest a control of alternation between ocean stratification and mixing on variations in 13C abundance in the ancient ocean of the investigated areas.  相似文献   

Countless fossil embryo Olivooides and the hatched larvae,juveniles and adults(the latter two kinds are Punctatus) are recovered by means of acid maceration from the fine-crystalline to medium-crystalline phosphatic limestone and phosphatic micrite of Early Cambrian Kuanchuanpu Formation at the Shizhonggou section,near Kuanchuanpu Village,Ningqiang County,Shaanxi Province,China.Using the technique of Synchrotron X-ray Tomographic Microscopy,the 3D internal structure of Olivooides and Punctatus is reconstructed.The morphological and statistic analyses are also given to the stellae structure of Olivooides and Punctatus,which indicates that this structure is a result of adaptive evolution to a lifestyle of fast-attaching after hatching,probably with the function of mucilage secretion.The internal structure of Punctatus is described and discussed.The ovum-like structure,a common internal feature of Punctatus,is considered as the taphonomic structure,rather than eggs or other biological structure.This structure is thought to be formed after the burial of the animal and before or during the mineralization.The original internal structure of Punctatus is assumed to be tabulae-filled,with soft body grown on them.  相似文献   

Totally 19 samples of typical Upper Proterozoic-Lower Cambrian sedimentary rocks were collected and analyzed for an organic geochemical investigation. Almost all these rocks have high TOCs, super-maturities and similar biomarker distribution. As an exception, however, the Sinian Nantuo Tillite shows much lower TOCs and little phytane and pristane in comparison with those in other strata, which implies a very faint photosynthetic process, and a restricted euphotic zone and quite limited sunlight within the sedimentary water column during the Sinian glaciation age in the western Yangtze region providing an evidence for palaeo-oceanic environment of the Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth age.  相似文献   

华南布尔吉斯页岩型软躯体化石生物群对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的梳理华南布尔吉斯页岩型软躯体化石生物群的产出层位、生物面貌和沉积环境。方法对10个华南布尔吉斯页岩型软躯体化石生物群进行对比研究。结果除了岩家河生物群之外的9个布尔吉斯页岩型生物群代表了一系列生活在泥砂质基底的、从时空分布上逐渐过渡的具有高度相关性的生物群落。结论布尔吉斯页岩型化石生物群在中晚寒武世应该会有更大规模的分布。  相似文献   

通过对特瑞艾肯组冰碛岩顶部含砾粉砂岩的碎屑锆石年代学分析, 得到最年轻锆石的年龄为629±8 Ma, 代表特瑞爱肯冰碛岩的沉积时代上限。该年龄限定了特瑞爱肯冰期的结束时代, 并可与扬子板块的南沱冰期以及全球范围的Elatina冰期或Marinoan冰期对比。其余较老年龄集中分布在 718~887 Ma, 1822~2092 Ma 和2345~2613 Ma, 暗示库鲁克塔格地区前寒武纪的3 个主要岩浆活动时期。  相似文献   

TheLowerCambrianblackshalesequenceoccursinSouthChinaalonganarc parallellinearbeltex tendingmorethan 16 0 0km .Theseorganic richblackshalesformedinvariousmarineenvironmentsandtypicallycontainhigheramountsofmolybdenum ,nickel,vanadium ,andanumberofothereconomical lyimportantmetalsthandoanyothersedimentaryrocks[1,2 ] .Therefore ,thestudyoftheseblackshaleshasnotonlypaleoceangraphicimplicationbutalsoe conomicsignificance .Marinesedimentssuchasblackshalearecom plexmixturesofdetritalphasesandseawat…  相似文献   

Rhombocorniculum cancellatum from the Lower Cambrian of southern Shaanxi Province (South China) is represented by the dextral and sinistral tooth-like sclerites (both in nearly equal numbers), indicating that the body plan of the organism with these sclerites probably was bilaterian. The main feature of the microstructure of the sclerites is the presence of longitudinally arranged, mutually contiguous hollow tubules, the shared walls consisting of microcrystalline apatite. In transverse cross sections, the sclerite wall mainly exhibits a spongy structure, with pore size decreasing adapically. Functional morphological analysis indicates that the sclerites serve as a defensive rather than a grasping function.  相似文献   

This is a brief report of a new occurrence of eocrinoids from the Early Cambrian Wulongqing Formation in Yunnan, China. The eocrinoids from the Guanshan fauna are among the earliest known eocrinoids. Different from many other Early and Middle Cambrian eocrinoids, the Guanshan eocrinoids are char-acterized by the absence of sutural pores and epispires, the long and spiral brachioles, the extremely long stalk, and the ratio of the length of the stalk versus that of the calyx. The discovery of the eocri-noids from the Guanshan fauna not only provides new information to the investigation of the early evolution of this animal group, but also shed new light on the occurrence and migration of early eocrinoids.  相似文献   

目的 系统分析滇东泥质基底澄江化石库腕足动物的生活方式.方法 依据澄江化石库丰富的腕足动物资料,论证寒武纪早期泥质基底腕足动物的生活策略.结果 寒武纪早期泥质基底上腕足动物的生活方式主要包括肉茎附着型(pedicle-anchoring or pedicle-attaching)、自由平躺型(free-lying)、假内栖型(qusi-infaunal)和表栖粘附型(cemented epifaunal),肉茎附着型是早寒武世腕足动物生活的最普遍的型式.结论 空间生态分析显示,早寒武世滇东海盆中,腕足动物的分布已经具有一定的空间层次性,不同的腕足类型占据了不同的生态位,形成了比较复杂的空间群落结构.  相似文献   

依据洞穴充填物岩性、孢粉化石、主元素、痕量元素和稀土元素特征分析,结合区域构造演化资料,探讨了川中下寒武统龙王庙组大型洞穴的形成时期和充填过程。洞穴充填泥中孢粉化石时代为石炭纪—早白垩世,泥质岩具有高 B 含量、低 Sr/Ba、稀土元素配分模式差别大的元素地化特征。认为龙王庙组洞穴主要形成于石炭纪—早二叠世古隆起大规模隆升暴露期,为风化壳喀斯特作用和顺层喀斯特作用叠加形成的,并经历了石炭纪—早二叠世的沉积充填和潜流携带古隆起高部位物质充填,及中生代—新生代构造活动期地表水携带溶解残余物沿断裂下渗充填过程。邻近龙王庙组尖灭线,受石炭纪—早二叠世风化壳喀斯特作用和顺层喀斯特作用影响的颗粒滩发育带为川中龙王庙组储层发育最有利地区。  相似文献   

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