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Thetranslationsofweavestructureintoweave matrixescanberealizedbyusingamappedcommutation amongtheweavematrixesinwhichtheinterlacingstatusof warpandweftyarnsisdescribedby[0,1].Differenttypes ofweavestructurecorrespondtodifferentmapped commutation[1].Theshiftfunctionsofthreebasicweave structuresandtheirderivationsareestablishedandthe mappedmathematicalfunctionsofseveralweavestructures aredescribedbyGuetal[2,3].Curvedandcompound twills,whicharethetwomainkindsofdiversifiedtwills,havebeenwidelyusedi…  相似文献   

Some key issues in supporting collaborative design in product data management(PDM ) system and 3D computer aided design(CAD) system integrated environment are analyzed. The general architecture of the integrated environment is divided into five tiers and employs the transparently integrated mode, with the mode, function calling and information exchanging among independent PDM and CAD processes are carried out via message translation /parse approach. Product layout feature(PLF ) model definition is presented, PLF model is used to represent design intention at the preliminary design phase. The collaborative design methodology employing the PLF model in PDM/3D CAD integrated environment is analyzed. The design methodology can speed up the design process, reduce the investment and improve the product quality.  相似文献   

THCAPP:ComputerAidedProcessPlanningSysteminanIntegratedEnvironment¥WangXiankui,LiuChengying,LiZhizhong,ZhangYuyun王先逵,刘成颖,李志忠,...  相似文献   

1ModelImprovement11Depthaveragedk-εmodelAsumingahydrostaticpresuredistribution,usingtheLeibnitzequationandintegratingthethr...  相似文献   

Without the 'rigid lid' assumption, the depth-averaged linear k-ε model can describe the change of water depth. However, it is incapable of accurately simul ating turbulent flows, where the normal Reynolds stresses play an important role. A de pth-averaged nonlinear k-ε model is developed taking into account the stress relations described by Speziale. The depth-averaged linear and nonlinear k-ε models can both be used to calculate the flow field near a side discharge into open-channel flo w, but the results of the nonlinear model are in much closer agreement with experimental re sults. Furthermore, the technique of changing the 2D linear k-ε program i nto a depth-averaged, nonlinear program is presented.  相似文献   

According to the analysis of existing complicated functional dependencies constraint, we conclude the conditions of defining functional dependency in XML, and then we introduce the concept of the node value equality. A new path language and a new definition of functional dependencies in XML (XFD) are proposed XFD includes the relative XFD and the absolute XFD, in which absolute key and relative key are the particular cases. We focus on the logical implication and the closure problems, and propose a group of inference rules. Finally, some proofs of the correctness and completeness are given. XFD is powerful on expressing functional dependencies in XML causing data redundancy, and has a complete axiom system.  相似文献   

Recycling the energy in municipal refuse and controlling the secondary pollution are common concerns. After analyzing the status and disposal of the municipal refuse in China, this paper proposes a technique of refuse incineration, using a fluid-bed incinerator, which converts refuse into energy. The technique of controlling secondary pollution in combustion is also discussed. In this paper, the technique of incineration using a fluid-bed incinerator is introduced. During the combustion process, the refuse is mixed with coal and remover and a noxious gas removal system is installed, which helps to decrease the generation and emission of noxious material, such as dioxins. The result shows that the secondary pollution in refuse incineration is efficiently controlled.  相似文献   

A case of remanufacturing used lathes via CNC technology is introduced, whose environmental and economic benefits are evaluated respectively. The results indicate that these environmental and economic benefits are remarkable, which are directly affected by remanufacturing design, more than 90% materials in used lathes are reused. Finally, the causes of economic and environmental benefits of remanufacturing machine tools are put forward. The remanufacturing design method, implementation procedure, and evaluation method of economic and environmental benefits presented are helpful for other equipment remanufacturing.  相似文献   

In multiagent reinforcement learning, with different assumptions of the opponents' policies, an agent adopts quite different learning rules, and gets different learning performances. We prove that, in multiagent domains, convergence of the Q values is guaranteed only when an agent behaves optimally and its opponents' strategies satisfy certain conditions, and an agent can get best learning performances when it adopts the same learning algorithm as that of its opponents.  相似文献   

The territorial features of the amospheric environment in Beijing were described in described in detail,and the transportation pathways of the atmosphere pollutants found by the dot aggregation in the form of the meshwork.The concept on convergence belt of the atmosphere pollutants was given.The vertical distribution of the atmospheric pollutants in Beijing was detected by the neighboring areas of Beijing.The sand-dust storm in China were studie by both satellite inspection technology and analysis of atmospheric flow fields,According tp tje dostrobitopms of sand-dust storm sources to impact on the air environment in China,the sand-dust sources insia were situatad in the desert and Gobi in the Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang autonomous regions .The sand-dust surces outside China were situated in the desert and Gohi in Russina,Hazakhsten and Mongolia.A very strong sand-dust storm taken place on the 20th Mar,2002 is given as exa-mple.  相似文献   

提出了基于消息传递的刀位轨迹并行计算方法.该方法首先将串行计算任务合理的划分成若干并行子任务,然后动态的分配到各处理机上,能充分利用网络中空闲的计算资源,提高计算速度.分别应用于投影法和自适应投影法编程,试验结果表明该方法具有令人满意的并行加速比.  相似文献   

提高自由曲面数控加工精度的技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论述了制造业中自由曲面的数控加工精度提高技术。分析了影响自由曲面精度加工精度的多种因素,研究并提出了从工艺系统、控制系统和数控程序设计等方面提高曲面加工精度的技术和所采取的方法。  相似文献   

在AutoCAD环境下,基于线示模型理论,利用图形的DXF文件,经后置处理自动生成了数控程序(NC代码),并能进行数控加工过程的仿真。  相似文献   

分析了等半径圆弧过渡曲面成形刀纵向加工干涉产生的原因,并将其分为横向和径向两种干涉。给出了它们的判断准则和不产生这两种干涉的最大刀径计算方法。  相似文献   

在对平面、型腔和曲面等加工面的各种主要走刀轨迹模式进行系统归纳与分析的基础上,提出了走刀模式评估的主要指标,并应用模糊多目标评估方法解决了定性、定量指标同时存在情况下的方案评估问题,最后以波轮数控加工的三种走刀模式作为实例,实现了其加工方案的评估排序  相似文献   

圆柱分度凸轮非等径数控加工自动编程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
圆柱分度凸轮廓形的非等径加工自动编程 ,能够及时有效地补偿刀具尺寸的变化 ,保证加工精度 ,降低刀具费用。介绍了在三轴联动数控机床上加工圆柱分度凸轮时 ,非等径加工的刀位点的确定、刀位点轨迹及编程坐标计算 ,并给出了非等径加工程序实例  相似文献   

提出了一种由NURBS曲面及解析曲面元素构成的组合曲面数控加工无干涉刀具路径的生成方法.该方法将组合曲面加工中的干涉分为两种:一种是构成组合曲面的各曲面元素间的干涉;另一种是曲面元素自身的干涉.对于第一种干涉,通过曲面裁剪构造组合曲面的等距面而得到消除;第二种干涉则通过消除轨迹线自身的相交部分而得到消除.  相似文献   

应用微分几何理论,以在三维空间所建立的圆锥滚子摆动从动件圆锥凸轮机构凸轮廓面的解析表达式为基础,对数控铣床加工圆锥凸轮廓面所需刀具轨迹方程的建立方法进行了研究,根据所采用的锥形刀尺寸等于或小于圆锥滚子尺寸的情况,推导出相应的刀具轨迹方程的解析表达式.其结果可作为数控加工圆锥凸轮廓面编程时的基础数学模型.  相似文献   

应用单参数曲面族包络面理论分析和研究圆锥滚子直动从动件圆锥凸轮机构,导出了圆锥凸轮廓面的数学表达式 以该表达式为基础,建立了采用尺寸等于或小于圆锥滚子尺寸刀具加工圆锥凸轮时的刀具刀尖轨迹方程  相似文献   

提出一种干涉检验的新算法--点到曲面距离法.通过计算刀盘上刀尖轨迹圆上的任一点到理论曲面的距离来检验刀具与被加工曲面是否存在干涉且计算出干涉量的值,大大提高了计算效率.  相似文献   

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