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1 .INTRODUCTIONBP methodis a widely used classical learning algo-rithmof Neural Networks . Whileit has two short-ages ,i .e .slowconvergence rate and existinglocalmini mum of the cost function. Many new algo-rithms such as modification methods of BP meth-od, conjugate gradient methods , RLS methods ,quasi-Newton methods , evolving learning meth-ods ,chaos-learning algorithms have been proposedso far[1 ~7]. However ,these novel algorithms neverdirectly utilize the 2-ed order differentia…  相似文献   

This paper considers a buyer’s procuring strategy where the buyer purchases products from a supplier in order to minimize his total cost. Assume that the customer arrivals follow a Poisson process, a base-stock policy is implemented by the buyer, and the supplier will afford partial operating cost incurred by the buyer; The cost shared by the buyer includes procuring cost and some operating cost; The supplier does not hold the inventory and her production time is exponentially distributed. The objective of the supplier is to maximize her profit. The buyer designs a contract to minimize his total expected cost. Two different cases are considered: One potential supplier and many competing suppliers. The optimal control approaches are used to design the buyer’s optimal mechanism and some simple procurement mechanisms are presented.  相似文献   

The Bertrand curves were first studied using a computer by Wu (1987). The same problem was studied using an improved version of Ritt-Wu’s decomposition algorithm by Chou and Gao (1993). This paper investigates the same problem for pseudo null Bertrand curves in Minkowski 3-space $ \mathbb{E}_1^3 $ \mathbb{E}_1^3 .  相似文献   

Dehbi  Lydia  Zeng  Zhenbing 《系统科学与复杂性》2022,35(6):2452-2480
Journal of Systems Science and Complexity - In this work the authors consider the problem of optimally distributing 8 points inside a unit square so that the smallest area of the...  相似文献   

This paper constructed portfolios according to the growth rates and their stability of firm‘s total stockholders‘ equity per share and net income per share, using all the firms‘ information of Shanghai A-share market. We found that the market exhibits some overreaction to the growth raie of firm‘s net income per share, and isn‘t sensitive to the stability of firm‘s growth rates.  相似文献   

Environmental applications of social network analysis (SNA) are just beginning to emerge, and so far have focussed on understanding the characteristics of social networks that increase the likelihood of collective action and successful natural resource management. We move beyond this discussion to demonstrate how knowledge gained from analysing the social networks of stakeholders can be harnessed for selecting stakeholders, and further, how these analyses can be influenced by the expressed wishes and concerns of stakeholders. Although we began our SNA using concepts derived from the resource-management literature, stakeholder involvement in the interpretation of the results led to the use of SNA techniques that had not previously been applied in the context of resource management. We thus re-analysed our data and modified our selection of research participants. Re-analysis led to the selection of research participants who (1) had unique positions in the network, thus occupying non-redundant communication roles in the network, (2) came from different stakeholder categories and (3) were relatively well-connected to others and tended to broker across different segments of the network. By combining insights from researchers and stakeholders in this way, it was possible to use SNA in an innovative and sensitive way to better meet the needs of the stakeholders and the research project.
Christina PrellEmail:

Multiple QoS modeling and algorithm in grid system is considered. Grid QoS requirements can be formulated as a utility function for each task as a weighted sum of its each dimensional QoS utility functions. Multiple QoS constraint resource scheduling optimization in computational grid is distributed to two subproblems: optimization of grid user and grid resource provider. Grid QoS scheduling can be achieved by solving sub problems via an iterative algorithm.  相似文献   

To aim at the multimode character of the data from the airplane detecting system, the paper combines Dempster- Shafer evidence theory and subjective Bayesian algorithm and makes to propose a mixed structure multimode data fusion algorithm. The algorithm adopts a prorated algorithm relate to the incertitude evaluation to convert the probability evaluation into the precognition probability in an identity frame, and ensures the adaptability of different data from different source to the mixed system. To guarantee real time fusion, a combination of time domain fusion and space domain fusion is established, this not only assure the fusion of data chain in different time of the same sensor, but also the data fusion from different sensors distributed in different platforms and the data fusion among different modes. The feasibility and practicability are approved through computer simulation.  相似文献   

This article views a particular example of action research through the theoretical lens provided by the Concerns Based Adoption Model of professional development. A small group of teachers in Lesotho, used action research to investigate their understanding and practice in the midst of externally initiated change. Data was collected from teachers’ discussions during the 2 years of the project. Teachers interacted during planning sessions; lesson observations and reflection meetings. Results indicated that these teachers’ development and change through action research corresponded with the seven levels of the Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) which are awareness, information, personal concerns, management, consequences, collaboration and refocusing. The demonstrated resonance between CBAM and action research is significant, given the differing orientations of the two models. There is a need however to conduct further studies with larger samples and possibly from diverse areas to further explore the relationship between the Concerns-Based Adoption Model and action research.  相似文献   

1 .INTRODUCTIONSincegeneticalgorithmwasproposedin 1975byHol land ,ithasbeenappliedinmanyfieldsbecauseofitseffectiveness .Butthetraditionalgeneticalgorithmalsohassomeshortcomings .Forexample ,sometimesitmayproducesaviolatingoffspringinthecrossoveroperation…  相似文献   

This paper focuses on overall and sub-process supply chain efficiency evaluation using a network slacks-based measure model and an undesirable directional distance model. Based on a case analysis of a leading Chinese B2C firm W, a two-stage supply chain structure covering procurementstock and inventory-sale management is constructed. The research shows overall supply chain inefficiency is attributable to procurement-stock conversion inefficiency. From a view of operations model, the third-party platform model is more efficient than a “shop in shop” self-operated model. However, the self-operated mode performs better in product categories such as computer & Office & digital, food & drink and healthy products due to these products’ delivery characteristics and consumers’ shopping habits. In the logistics selection, most e-retail players are inclined to choose the hybrid model of 3PL and self-operated logistics with the product category extension from vertical model to all-category model. These findings may help managers improve supplier-buyer relationship and strengthen supply chain management. This research offers a new explanation regarding the failure of e-retail supply chain.  相似文献   

1 .INTRODUCTIONThe target distributionis one of difficult content incooperation air combat . The missionis fully exertsthe whole advantage of all firepower units . Thedistributionis finding the best schedule which ac-cord with distribution principles at the moment ofgiven conditions .It can make finitely weapons gainthe best effective through opti mizing method. Theresult is that the effective of weaponis best andthewhole benefits are highest .But the target distribu-tionis restricted wi…  相似文献   

The structure of the Scottish tourism industry underwent a significant change upon the demise of the Area Tourist Board (ATB) on the 1st April 2005. The membership based ATB provided a means for engagement between institutional policy makers and private sector businesses. This engagement appears to have dissolved with the replacement structure being ineffective in bridging between the two parties. The aim of this paper is to examine the structural dynamics of the Scottish tourism industry focusing upon events that rotate around the demise of the Area Tourist Board (ATB) and attempt to explain why there has been an apparent breakdown in engagement. The material is drawn from interviews with industry participants and also primary documentary sources, many of which are available online. The analysis is conducted using Stafford Beer’s Viable System Model (VSM). The findings highlight the current incoherent structure at the level of the ‘Area’. Upon the demise of the ATB, Area Tourism Partnerships (ATPs) were set up, not to replace ATBs, but to provide a mechanism to serve Area needs. However, the demise of the ATB created a vacuum for an effective mechanism to deal with individual practitioner issues. This has led to the formation of groups but at the level of the locality. These local tourism groups are autonomous and analytically viable. The ATP is inadequate to bridge the gap between VisitScotland and these local groups. Whilst direct engagement between VisitScotland and these local groups has been enabled with the Challenge Fund, the conditions attached to an award compromise the autonomy of the groups. However, two ATPs have proposed the need for membership based groups to operate at the Area level. This suggests the return to a pseudo-ATB style structure.
Stephen A. HarwoodEmail:

1.INTRODUCTION Geneticalgorithm(GA)isacomputationmodelsimulat ingevolutionprocessofcreatures.Inspiteofitsremark ableprogress,thetroublecausedbyprematureduring evolutionhasbroughtdifficultyforGAapplications.A sortofmulti populationGAishighlyregardedformaking thebestofparallelstructureandgroupevolvementofGA witheasyimplementation[1].ButPGAhasahighrequest forhardwareenvironmentofmultiprocessorsuchlike Transputernetwork,MIMD,SIMDorLAN[2,3].For thoseoptimizationproblemsoflowerrequestf…  相似文献   

1 .INTRODUCTIONJPEG2000is a newi mage codingstandard usingstate-of-the-art compression techniques based on wavelet trans-formationfor still i mage compression.It has a variety ofapplications from digital cameras through to advancedmedium, medical i maging, mobile application,remotesensing etc. Hardware i mplementation of JPEG2000 isveryi mportant for suchapplications.The block diagramof a JPEG2000 encoder /decoderisillustratedin Fig.1 .In Fig.1 ,input of RDOfromthe arithmeticcoding…  相似文献   

Chai  Jian  Wang  Yabo  Hu  Yi  Zhang  Xuejun  Zhang  Xiaokong 《系统科学与复杂性》2023,36(1):360-374

Under the goal of carbon neutrality, it is critical for China to give full play to the role of green credit, and promote the coordinated development of energy-environment-economy (3E) system. Based on the data of China from 2000 to 2020, the authors build the environmental pollution index, energy transformation index and high-quality economic development index. By using Bayesian network model (BN), the authors investigate the coupling relationships and influence mechanisms of green credit and 3E system. The results show that the main cause of environmental pollution is the annual increase of carbon dioxide emissions. Green credit can reduce carbon emissions to a certain extent, and alleviate environmental pollution through energy structure, technological progress and per capita GDP. Clean energy utilization and per capita GDP growth also help to control environmental pollution. Green credit can stimulate technological progress and accelerate energy transformation together with technological progress. Clean energy utilization can facilitate the upgrading of industrial structure, industrial structure upgrading and green credit can restrict the level of opening up. Technological progress promotes per capita GDP growth. Per capita GDP growth can reduce energy intensity and improve urbanization and per capita energy consumption.


The enterprises’ social responsibility (CSR) importantly depends upon behavior and its important factors like values, culture, ethics and norms. This article investigates how employees’ ethical behavior defines CSR. Article includes a comprehensive literature review, and empirical results of survey about employees’ perception of ethical behavior and relations between employees’ ethical attitudes and CSR. Sample consists of more than 900 employees in Slovenian enterprises, collected in last decade. Trends about employee’s perceptions of ethical, economic, environmental, and social attitudes, show increasing importance of ethical and environmental attitudes, and decreasing importance of striving for economic performance. Social attitudes remain unchanged over the entire decade. Employees’ ethical perceptions positively and significantly impact their attitudes toward social and environmental concerns. Their impact on attitudes toward giving priority to economic results is negative and significant. The considered relations were controlled by demographic variables mediating the relationship only for economic concern. Results of trends and relations confirm the significant influence of employees’ ethical behavior on CSR. The developed solution enables improvement of CSR considering importance of influences of employees’ ethical attitudes on aspects of CSR. The proposed solution reduces unexplained part of CSR related to ethical behavior and develops requisitely holistic methodological framework for future consideration of other behavior factors in enterprise.  相似文献   

This paper follows several case studies where the children’s services departments of English and Welsh local authorities have fundamentally redesigned the way they worked following the application of the Vanguard Method (Seddon, Systems thinking in the public sector, 2008), a particular form of systems thinking. After first studying the way the children’s social care service worked as a system, the social workers in these authorities were able to demonstrate the way that government-prescribed IT and performance measures were restricting the way they could do what was shown to matter to the children in their care. The paper will document how, after being granted ministerial permission to suspend the use of their old performance measures and IT, a new set of operating principles was developed and employed. The redesigned system has shown encouraging early results. Evidence from these case studies (following Yin 2009) is presented in the form of recorded operational improvements and statements from participants. The paper will be of topical relevance to all involved in social care in the light of the government-commissioned Munro Review (Munro, The Munro Review of child protection: final report, 2011). The issues discussed will also be germane to the many other public sector partner agencies involved in the delivery of social care services (e.g. police, health, housing associations).  相似文献   

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