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C Barros  R Yanagimachi 《Nature》1971,233(5317):268-269

Fertilization of mouse eggs in vitro   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
D G Whittingham 《Nature》1968,220(5167):592-593

R Insausti  C Blakemore  W M Cowan 《Nature》1984,308(5957):362-365
In rats and hamsters all parts of the superior colliculus (SC) receive a topographically organized projection from the retina of the contralateral eye, and the rostral part also has a direct input from the lower temporal crescent of the ipsilateral retina, which views the central, binocular portion of the visual field. Initially the uncrossed projection covers the entire SC, but over the first 2 weeks of postnatal life it becomes progressively restricted to its adult distribution. However, if the opposite eye is removed at birth there is a persistent widespread uncrossed projection to the SC. We have used short- and long-term retrogradely transported neuronal markers to examine the distribution and fate of the ganglion cells of origin of the uncrossed retino-collicular projection throughout postnatal development. We conclude that the withdrawal of the early exuberant projection to the caudal SC is associated with death of ganglion cells and their virtual elimination outside the temporal crescent of the ipsilateral retina. Early enucleation of the other eye rescues many of these cells.  相似文献   

Pregnancy between different species is one of the key steps to interspecific somatic cell cloning. Although interspecific clone embryos have been constructed, they could not develop to birth after being transferred to recipi-ents. In order to clarify the mechanism of this phenomenon, interfamily pregnancy between golden hamste (Mesocricetus auratus) and mouse (Mus musculus) was studied. Co-culture results indicated that the adhesion ratios of golden hamster blastocysts on mouse uterine epithelia monolayer 12, 24, 48 and 72 h after co-culture were all significantly lower than those of mouse blastocysts. The outgrowth ratios of golden hamster blastocysts on mouse uterine epithelia monolayer 48, 72 h after co-culture were both significantly lower than those of mouse blastocysts (P < 0.01). Golden hamster抯 blastula could be implanted and develop to D 11 of pregnancy after being transferred to mouse uterus (the 7th day after embryo transfer). Compared to the transfer of mouse embryo to mouse uterus, the successful ratio of interfamily embryo transfer was lower and the bulk of fetus was smaller than that of intraspecific fetus. Compared to intraspecific preg-nancy of mouse, the remote decidual tissue of interfamily pregnancy on D8 is looser. At the same time, expressions of CD57 and CD 68 in remote deciduas were both higher than those in the secondary deciduas in both intraspecific and interfamily pregnancy. However, expressions of the two molecules in interfamily pregnancy were lower than those in intraspecific pregnancy. These results showed that interfam-ily pregnancy could be established between golden hamster and mouse. But the development of fetus in interfamily pregnancy was slower than that in intraspecific pregnancy. The expression difference of CD57 and CD68 indicates the difference of immunoreaction between interfamily and in-traspecific pregnancy, which may be one of the reasons lead-ing to interfamily pregnancy termination.  相似文献   

Bovine satellite I DNA consists of repetitive units 1,400 base pairs in length   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
M R Botchan 《Nature》1974,251(5473):288-292

收集2011年7月至2012年11月在广西生殖医学研究中心行体外受精助孕治疗的456例患者资料,将观察到多原核受精的235例作为多原核受精组,未观察到多原核受精的221例作为无多原核受精组,比较两组间基础卵泡刺激素(基础FSH)、黄体生成素(LH)水平、窦卵泡数(AFC),促性腺激素(Gn)总剂量及天数,HCG(人绒毛膜促性腺激素)日血清雌二醇(E2)水平、HCG日血清孕酮(P)水平、HCG日血清黄体生成素(LH)水平,HCG日大卵泡(≥14mm)数,获卵数,受精密度等助孕治疗相关指标的差异,分析人类体外受精中多原核受精的影响因素。结果提示,Gn用量小,HCG日血清E2水平较高,卵泡数及获卵数较多,受精率较高的周期中出现至少1个多原核受精合子的可能性比较大。  相似文献   

哺乳动物性别控制对提高畜牧业的经济效益和排除有害基因具有重要意义。本实验设实验组和对照组,实验组为精氨酸、中草药提取物等配制几种酸度不同的阴道酸性调剂液来调整母兔阴道酸碱度,在处理后1 h内测定生殖道分泌液pH值,对照组注射生理盐水。除盐酸水苏碱+牛膝煎煮液+3%醋酸处理组外,各试验试剂均明显改变了生殖道分泌液pH值。  相似文献   

Leptin, a 16 kDa polypeptide mainly secreted by white adipose tissue, has important function on the regulation of food intake and energy expenditure[1]. High concentration of leptin in the circulation suppresses food- intake, increases energy expenditure and therefore decreases the body weight; Accordingly, low concentration of leptin in the circulationstimulates food intake, decreases energy expenditure andincreases the body weight[1]. Normally, leptin level in thecirculation correlates with …  相似文献   

用费勒鹏氏法、50%蔗糖水漂浮法和雌虫挤破法收集绵羊胃肠道线虫卵,在相同的条件下分别用消毒粪汁进行培养,以观察虫卵的孵育情况。结果表明:虫卵的孵化率和第三期幼虫育成率以雌虫挤破法收集的虫卵最高,分别为94.5%和67.0%;消毒粪汁法的第三期幼虫育成率明显高于粪便捣碎直接培养法(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

在鲍的繁殖过程中,配子的识别表现出种的特异性,精子顶体泡内的细胞溶素(lysin)可以专一性地在卵黄膜上钻一个孔,精子便从此孔进入与卵细胞相互融合,完成受精.Lysin通过正向选择定律快速进化,而卵膜上的细胞溶素受体(VERL)为lysin的分化提供了选择压力,它是一个自由重复的序列,进行协同进化,这种协同进化可以解释精子lysin的快速适应性进化,并提供了一种可理解的分子机制来解释种特异性的繁殖鲍新种的产生.  相似文献   

研究了无核雪柑与普通雪柑两个品种花的形态特征、花粉离体培养的发芽率、授粉后花粉在柱头的萌发情况等.结果表明:无核雪柑无核不是由花粉不育造成的,其花粉可育,但发芽率很低,自交不亲和,坐果率低,无正常种子.  相似文献   

紫色土壤花生施肥试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了确定紫色土壤种植花生的高产高效施肥,于1996年~1997年在广西邕宁县进行花生施肥试验。试验设有机肥、尿素、氯化钾和钙镁磷肥4个处理,总面积480.24m^2。结果表明,有机肥或尿素的过量使用是植株徒长倒伏的主要因子:增施:有机肥≤15000kg/hm^2,尿素≤150kg/hm^2,KCl≤225kg/hm^2,钙镁磷肥≤450kg/hm^2,都能明显提高花生的单株生产力、百果重和百仁重,  相似文献   

有机蔬菜是一种富营养、高品质、环保型的健康食品,它的生产与消费代表了当今国际蔬菜生产消费的新趋势.主要从有机蔬菜的品种特性、有机肥料的特点、耕作与栽培方式与施肥技术等方面阐述了如何进行合理施肥的问题.  相似文献   

色彩黄金分割配色法在多媒体课件开发中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于黄金分割理论,运用数理分析方法,采用实例验证,研究了黄金分割在多媒体课件配色中的理论与方法。  相似文献   

One of the major social-biological characteristics in the genusRhinopithecus is that the animals live in large groups of tens to hundreds of individuals. Study of the distribution pattern of various age-sex classes in the foraging Sichuan golden monkey troop has revealed that the spatial pattern of the Sichuan golden monkey group is an ellipse with its vertical axes longer than the horizontal axes. Most members are concentrated in the center and the center-back. Adult males gather in the front, the center and the back of the troop; adult females and the young assemble in the center and near-center; sub-adult males are mainly distributed in the center-back and back, but some are also seen in the front, front-center and center; sub-adult females are more or less uniformly dispersed. The spatial distribution of various age-sex classes seems well correspondent with their status and role in the group. This result indicates that the spatial distribution strategy adopted by Sichuan golden monkeys is ecologically adaptive.  相似文献   

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