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Problem-solving processes in value management (VM) workshops in the construction industry are experience-based, and the quality of these workshops depends very much on the experience of the team members. The efficiency and effectiveness of VM workshops can be improved by better reusing the experi- ence of previous VM cases and field knowledge. This paper describes a new approach to facilitate VM workshops in the construction industry using data mining (DM) techniques. The feasibility of integrating DM techniques with VM workshops in the construction industry is demonstrated in case studies. Examples are presented to illustrate different methods of applying DM tools in VM workshops. The results show that DM techniques can help team members in VM workshops to understand their problems more clearly and to generate more ideas for current problems.  相似文献   

Despite the growth of the IT industry and the high demand for IT skills university departments seem unable to attract enough student to cater for the needs of the profession.There seems to be a misconception about the difference between IT user skills and the discipline of Computing.This article attempts to do three things:1)reinforce the view that a crisis of IT skills shortage is looming;2)reiterate the fact that computing science is an exciting discipline that is central to the knowledge economy and that career prospects in IT-related jobs are very good despite the fears surrounding outsourcing and 3)suggest that HE computing departments must be flexible enough to embrace a two-facetted challenge:a)the changing landscape of IT Skills and b)the high hopes and aspirations of the first generation of our digital-native student community.  相似文献   

Smooth communication is essential for the success of construction projects. As an easy-to-use, context-rich, and high-capacity communication tool, blogging is gaining popularity in construction industry. In this paper, the features of blogging technology and how it could benefit construction organizations are presented. To further improve the effectiveness of blogging technology in information and knowledge sharing, an ontology-based semantic blogging system is proposed. Semantic blogging is an extension of conventional blogging and ontology is the key enabling technology for it. Domain-ontology-based semantic blogging site is composed of a network of concepts, which are clearly defined and interlinked according to their context and bound to certain behaviors. This paper reports how the e-Cognos ontology was implemented into a blogging system and how the system functions to process its contents. The paper concludes that using on-tology-based semantic blogging site can greatly enhance information sharing between construction professionals and it is a very promising tool for construction communities to publish and share their experience.  相似文献   

This article,according to the author's working experience in a hydropewer project,briefly introducessome basic knowledge about bidding process and sample contract document.It is aiming at giving a commonknowledge to the students who will be involved in work relating to bid after their graduation in the college.It ishoped that this kind of knowledge can help people properly use funds for a project and thus corruption can beminimized.  相似文献   

MA Ting 《科技信息》2007,(34):155-158
This paper mainly illustrates the important role TCFL teachers play in the process of teaching Chinese as a foreign language and the requirement that has been imposed on the teachers to be equipped with a set of professional knowledge structure and skill structure.The characteristics of TCFL determine the special teaching content and teaching methodology of this field,which require the teachers to have special knowledge and unique skills.  相似文献   

赵嘉 《科技信息》2008,(21):250-252
In this article, inclusion and inclusive education are described. With more and more attention on human right that every child can learn and have the same right to access to education, special education has become a new focus of the population. Inclusion as a significant field in special education shows equality, a basic principle of special education. However, in process of special instruction, there are still some myths (such as teachers who work with students identified as special instruction needed must master the special skills and a detailed knowledge of the child's knowledge; teachers need unending patience in special instruction; and every child's learning is completely different) that should be dispelled. In addition, some effective teaching methods that offer enlightenment for China's education are introduced in the field of special education, for an instance, non-categorical approach to teaching, curriculum adaptations, small group instruction, one to one instruction and improving students' self-estee  相似文献   

Secretarial English learners who will contact with many kinds of people may be required to communicate with people from other countries, intercultural communication is involved in their work in the future, they will meet cultural shock, make cultural mistakes if they learn nothing about it. In order to communicate cross-culture smoothly, they need to acquire cultural differences. But the face is that filling students head with knowledge (of language) almost become the whole thing, cultural differences is neglected in teaching and learning .The main source of their learning -textbooks have not presented materials of culture difference. The learners seem to know little about cultural differences, except a few personal questions that are told not to ask.  相似文献   

刘荣朝 《科技信息》2012,(10):180-181
In an information society,the English knowledge in capacity for college students has gradually been improved and its range is alsoenlarged.If teachers overlook summing up the knowledge which the students have gained and improving their skills in English,it will behard for students to learn English well.In educational circles people often say"teaching method isn’t fixed ",but it is of the same view togive students some basic regularity,let students have enough abilities and make knowledge which the students have gained assimilate and sys-tematize etc.Facing medical college students’tasks are arduous and the students often seem at a loss.In English lessons,it is necessary forteachers to help students find out some basic laws,give students enough skills and methods,let students sum up and classify knowledge whichis scattered,disorderly,bit by bit and even fragmented.  相似文献   

周成 《科技信息》2009,(31):I0201-I0201
Many students don't know how to learn English at college. Without a goal in life and unable to manage their time, they are likely to idle away their youth. This paper intends to offer some suggestions to students on how to learn English at college, and hopefully they will experience the satisfaction and pleasure of learning English.  相似文献   

Fatigue failures are often encountered in steel structures under heavy cyclic loadings. This paper presents metal fatigue problems in structural engineering using outcomes of recent advancements in numerical qualitative reasoning. Qualitative reasoning provides an effective and sound technique for solving complex and uncertain scenarios, regardless of the uncertainty or linearity of the design parameters and their constraints. This paper introduces the algorithms behind a software platform, built upon numerical qualitative reasoning for engineering applications. The software expresses the results of the analysis in variable ranges and diagrams showing a two-dimensional design space. The capability of representing design parameters and outcomes in solution spaces provides a practical way for engineers to leverage their existing knowledge and experience. Case studies in metal fatigue design are given to reflect on the capability of qualitative reasoning in engineering applications.  相似文献   

齐海芳 《山西科技》2006,(6):42-42,53
学生通过科技制作活动,学习有关的科学知识和技能技巧,增强对科学的兴趣和爱好,掌握基本的科学方法,从而培养创新能力,符合21世纪职业教育的培养目标。  相似文献   

薛学良 《山西科技》2007,(3):108-109
STS是英文“科学”(Science)、“技术”(Technology)和“社会”(Society)的缩写。在初中物理教学中不仅要使学生掌握物理学的基本知识和技能,而且要使学生懂得这些知识的实用价值,懂得在社会中如何对待和应用这些知识,培养学生的科学意识、技术意识、社会意识。  相似文献   

本文就研究性学习的特征进行了概括,认为研究性学习是一种对知识主动探究、发现和体验,学会对信息获取分析、判断、选择,并重视解决问题的学习方式,并提出应当针对学生学习领域主题的不同及学习阶段不同的情况,对学生提出不同的要求,发展不同的能力,研究性学习是以发展学生的品性和为将来的生活作准备为教育目的的学习。  相似文献   

非均匀加宽激光器的增益系数测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了非均匀加宽激光器的增益系数测量实验的原理、装置及调试过程。该实验将提高实验操作者的实验技能,同时加深其对增益系数的理解。  相似文献   

通过几年教学实践,摸索出一条改进实验教学的新方法,充分调动了学生的学习主动性,加强了学生实验技能、技巧和动手能力的培养,利用研究性和设计性的教学,让学生学会一个完整的实验研究工作方法,实现了学生理论知识向实验技能和研究能力转化的过程,这样才能培养出符合时代发展的、具有较高理论素养、较强创新能力的国家栋梁之才。  相似文献   

戴熙论画,以闲、静、淡、远的风格为“四美”,又进而以识、学、才“三长”兼备,才得画道之成,他提倡“形为心役”的创作,认为造化重于笔墨。他认为文人画应是“名心尽净”、“游戏人间”,故提倡“趣”、“灵和”、“天真”。在学古的择向中,戴熙窥元而追宋,有“振起北宋”之志。他对“四季山水”说有自己独到的体会,对风格学有独到的美学诠释。  相似文献   

在印刷企业调研基础上,以胶印工作完整过程为主线,剖析岗位典型工作任务所需技能、知识、素质要求,结合平版印刷工国家职业资格标准,将工作情境转化为学习情境,增强教学与工作内容的一致性,学生在贴近胶印实践的学习情境中进行学习,提高了学生的技能水平和就业竞争力,也为区域印刷行业发展提供高端技能型人才支撑。  相似文献   

研究性教学,就是教师通过展示自己对问题的研究过程,让学生学习研究方法、体验研究过程,并通过引导学生自主思考,研究事物的本质、规律和发展的必然趋势,培养学生的思维能力、自主获取知识的能力和研究渴望的教学。这里重点探讨了研究性教学的内涵、特点和条件。  相似文献   

课堂教学质量是院校人才培养的基础。提高课堂教学质量的前提是建立科学的评价体系和评价标准,其基础是教员的职业道德和教学基本功,其重要保证是规范化的教学管理,主要途径是营造学员积极参与教学过程的氛围,激发学员学习兴趣。通过课堂教学,引导学员学会学习和思考,从而实现教学质量的提高。  相似文献   

吕莉 《皖西学院学报》2007,23(4):129-131
高等职业院校是培养"职业人"的重要阵地,新型的"职业人"不仅应具备相应的专业知识和职业技能,还应热爱所从事的职业,具有远大的职业理想。如何引导培养学生的职业兴趣,使他们能"学一行爱一行,爱一行专一行"是本文重点探讨的问题。文章分析了高等职业院校部分学生缺乏职业兴趣的原因,提出了解决这些问题的相应对策。  相似文献   

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