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In order to obtain thermoelectric materials with high figure of merit, the concept of Hollow (Vacuum) Quantum Structure or Effect and related thermoelectric materials design were proposed. To demonstrate the theory, the materials of (Bi0.15Sb0.85)2Te3 with porous structure have been fabricated. Their thermoelectric properties and the microstructure were investigated and compared with their density structure. It was found that the porous structure could improve their properties greatly.  相似文献   

The p-type (Bi0.15Sb0.85)2Te3 and PbTe are typical thermoelectric materials used for low and middle temperature range and functional graded materials (FGM) is an inevitable way to widen the working temperature range. Here two segments graded thermoelectric materials (GTM) consisting of (Bi0.15Sb0.85)2Te3, PbTe and different barriers were fabricated by the common hot pressure method. Metals Fe, Mg and Ni were used as barriers between the two segments. The diffusion of different barriers between the barriers and bases were analyzed by electron microprobe analysis (EMA). The phase and crystal structures were determined by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). The thermoelectric properties were measured at 303 K along the direction parallel to the pressing direction. The results show that the compositional diffusion occurs when there is no barrier at the interface of the two segments, and the diffusion of Pb is most obvious; as the barrier material, the diffusion of metals Fe, Mg and Ni between different bases is not very obvious, and the thermoelectric properties of GTM is much better than that of the original segment.  相似文献   

基于第一性原理的密度泛函理论,在未考虑和考虑自旋-轨道耦合(SOC)的情况下分别优化拓扑绝缘体Bi2Se3、Bi2Te3和Sb2Te3的结构,计算它们的声子谱及热力学性质.基于广义梯度交换相关泛函及SOC效应,计算得到三种物质的声子频率比不考虑SOC时更吻合实验数据.最后计算出三种物质的赫尔姆赫兹自由能F,内能E,等体热容CV和熵S随温度的变化趋势.  相似文献   

A novel method for rapid preparation of Bi2Te3 nano-sized powders with an average particle size of about 70 nm was developed.A starting powder mixture consisting of Bi2Te3 coarse particles of ~5 mm was...  相似文献   

研究Al65Fe10Zr20Gd5混合粉末的机械合金化引起的非晶态化过程,采用X射线衍射仪(XRD)和扫描电镜(SEM)分析混合粉末的结构演变和形貌,用差热分析仪(DTA)分析非晶态合金的热稳定性。结果表明,粉末在机械合金化过程中先细化,由初始粉末直接扩散固溶导致晶格崩溃形成非晶,球磨60h后Al65Fe10Zr20Gd5完全非晶化。DTA曲线显示非晶合金晶化呈现单一的放热峰。合金在923K等温退火1h后,完全晶化,析出复杂的中间相,表现出多晶型晶化的特点,晶化产物为Fe5Gd、Fe2Zr、Al2Gd3和α-(Al)固溶相。Al65Fe10Zr20Gd5非晶晶化激活能为259.64 kJ.mol-1,该非晶合金具有较高的热稳定性和较强的抗晶化能力。  相似文献   

针对观察到厚度为7 nm的三维拓扑绝缘体Sb_2Te_3薄膜的圆偏振光致电流与厚度为30 nm样品的符号相反这一情况,提出进一步利用原子力显微镜表征的方法.利用1 064 nm圆偏振激光的激发,发现30 nm的样品比7 nm的样品具有更大表面粗糙度,从而得到30 nm样品的上表面态对圆偏振光致电流的贡献减小,使其下表面态的贡献占主导;而7 nm的样品为上表面态的贡献占主导,故相比厚度为30 nm的样品出现了反号这一结论.同时利用960 nm激光激发样品,发现厚度为30和7 nm的样品呈现相同的符号,进一步研究表明这个信号可能与InP衬底的自旋注入有关.  相似文献   

以硅锰水淬渣为原料,添加石英砂对其成分进行调整,熔制出3种成分不同的硅锰渣基CaO-MgOAl2O3-SiO2系矿渣微晶玻璃,采用XRD、DSC、SEM对基础玻璃经不同温度热处理后的晶化特性进行研究。结果表明,随着原料中石英砂含量的增加,基础玻璃熔制温度与晶化温度均有所提升;当SiO2加入量为10%时,熔制的基础玻璃晶化完善,其在900℃时经3h晶化处理后可析出大量叶片状的透辉石相和钙长石相。  相似文献   

The effects of high magnetic field on the crystallization behavior of the Fe78Si13B9 metallic glass ribbon were studied. The samples were isothermal annealed for 30 min under high magnetic field and no field,respectively. Microstructure transformation during crystallization was identified by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. It was found that the crystallizations of Fe78Si13B9 metallic glass processed under different conditions were that the precipitation of dendrite α-Fe(Si) and spherulite (Fe,Si)3B phases forms amorphous matrix and then the metastable (Fe,Si)3B phase transforms into the stable Fe2B phase. The grain size of the crystals is smaller and more homogeneous for the isothermal annealed samples under high magnetic field in comparison with that under no field indicating that the crystallization behavior of Fe78Si13B9 metallic glass is suppressed by high magnetic field.  相似文献   

The gasification characteristics and gasification kinetics of coke in complex CO2/CO/H2/H2O/N2 systems similar to the gas system of industrial blast furnace (BF) were studied by the method of isothermal thermogravimetric analysis. The experimental gas compositions and the corresponding temperature were chosen according to data reported for industrial BFs. The gasification behavior of coke was described by the Random Pore Model (RPM), Volumetric Model (VM), and Grain Model (GM). Results showed that the gas composition of the coke gasification zone in BF changes slightly and that the temperature is the most important factor affecting coke gasification. The lower activation energy of coke samples (Coke Reaction Index (CRI) > 50) is due to the high Fe2O3 in the ash, lower degree of graphitization, and larger pore structure. In addition, the choice of kinetic model does not differ substantially in describing the gasification mechanism of coke in a BF.  相似文献   

利用XAFS方法对机械合金化Fe70Cu30样品中Fe、Cu原子的局域环境结构随球磨时间的变化情况进行了研究.结果表明,由于Fe和Cu原子分别向fcc的Cu相和bcc的Fe相的扩散,Fe和Cu同时存在于fcc和bcc结构相中,但Fe和Cu原子的局域环境结构随球磨时间的变化有很大差别.球磨2h后,样品中73%的Cu原子在fcc相,27%的Cu原子在bcc相;21%的Fe原子在fcc相,79%的Fe原子在bcc相.球磨5h后,fcc相的Cu原子减少到59%,fcc相的Fe原子则略有增加,为29%.球磨10h后,fcc相的Cu原子比例又增加到86%,fcc相的Fe原子也迅速增加到51%;说明大量的Cu原子扩散到bcc的Fe相后诱导其产生fcc结构相变.继续球磨到20h,样品中Cu原子和Fe原子在fcc和bcc相的比例基本保持不变.这些结果说明,在球磨过程中Fe和Cu并未形成均一的固溶体,同时存在着fcc的Cu富集区、fcc的Fe富集区和bcc的Fe富集区.  相似文献   

The effect of Cr2O3 on the nucleation and crystallization of Na2O-CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-F- glass has been investigated by means of ESR(Electron Spin Resonance), SEM(Scanning Electron Microscope), EDS(Energy Dispersive Specrometer) and so on. Computer pattern recognition is applied to optimize the heat-treatment schedules. The experimental results show that the base glass containing more than 1.5 % (mass fraction) Cr2O3 can be nucleated internally and converted to spheroidal crystal glass materials. The spheroidal crystal consisted of fibrous wollastonite crystals radiating from a center. The residual glass phase filled in the interstices between the fibers and between the spherulites. During heat treatment process, the valence states ofchromium changed from Cr6- to Cr3-, and the Cr-spinel solidsolution [CaCr2O4] precipitated followed this valence change. At the primary stage of crystallization, the Cr-spinel could act as a nucleating center on which the principal or}stalline phase β-CaSiO3 grew epitaxially.  相似文献   

系统研究不同定向凝固速率下Fe83Ga15Al2合金的相组成和磁致伸缩性能.结果表明,经过区熔定向凝固后,Fe83Ga15Al2合金的晶粒尺寸与铸态相比要大得多.当凝固速率较高时,晶粒没有明显的取向性,而当速率较低时,显示出沿轴向的取向性,同时也存在很多横向亚晶界.铸态的Fe83Ga15Al2合金在经过区熔定向凝固之后,磁性能有大幅度提高,低场响应快,且磁致伸缩值增大,凝固速率v=10μm/s时,磁致伸缩系数达到最大值53×10-6;当v=300μm/s时,λ值略低,为50×10-6,但其低场响应迅速,在50kA/m时就达到最大值.  相似文献   

酸类、糖类等不稳定组分的存在是制约热解油直接用作生物燃料的主要因素。为了解决此问题,提出采用Al2(SO4)3催化剂将这些不稳定成分酯化为燃料类化合物的途径。首先,分别以单模型化合物左旋葡萄糖或乙酸为原料,考察各种金属硫酸盐催化其转化制备乙酰丙酸乙酯或乙酸乙酯的能力,筛选出催化性能最好的催化剂;其次,以左旋葡萄糖和乙酸的模型混合物为原料,探究Al2(SO4)3 催化同时转化制备酯类的最佳反应条件;最后,以真实热解油为原料,验证Al2(SO4)3在最佳反应条件下催化酯化的可行性。结果表明,酯化后热解油中大部分酸、糖、醛消失,同时产生大量的酯和缩醛,酯类和缩醛类占改性热解油总色谱面积的39.5%。Al2(SO4)3能有效将热解油中的酸类、糖类等不稳定组分酯化为燃料类化合物,可为热解油转化制备生物燃料提供借鉴。  相似文献   

合成了一系列多金属的富勒烯铂配合物,采用元素分析、红外、紫外-可见光谱、光电子能谱(XPS)等手段对其进行表征,并进一步研究了该系列多金属富勒烯配合物的氧化还原性能。  相似文献   

Moth glass fluxing and cyclic superheating techniques were adopted to effectively uudercool the Cu70Ni30 alloy in vacuum. Within the undercooling range of 21 K to 270 K, the microstructure evolution ol the alloy was investigated. When the inell was undercooled to △T > △T', (210 K) , the grain refinement took place abruptly, liascd on the observation of the solidified microstructure, the rnierocheinieal-analysis and the calculated results with UCT model, it is found that the secondary grain refinement mechanism consists of two stages. The dendrite is, firstly, broken into hag-ments owing to the stress caused by uneven shrinking during rapid solidilication, then the fragments, under the driving force of surface and strain energies, merge through the migration of l>ouinlaries, i. c. recryslallization, thus leading to the formation of secondary granular-crystalline .  相似文献   

本文以国产JHY-Ⅲ型六面顶压机为合成设备,以Ni70Mn25Co5粉末触媒作为合成触媒,高纯鳞片石墨粉末做碳源,在合成压力4.6GPa到5.3GPa之间,合成温度1100℃到1200℃之间,合成时间300s的条件下合成金刚石样品。结果表明样品中随着硼含量的增加,金刚石的最低成核压力先降低,当添加0.75%时降至最低,然后随着硼含量的增加最低成核压力又开始升高;同时考察了不同压力、温度值对金刚石样品的影响规律,结果表明在相同的B掺杂比下随着合成压力的提高,合成腔体内金刚石的成核数增加,但晶形完整率下降,并且合成压力对含硼金刚石的颜色影响不大而合成温度是影响晶体中硼含量的主要因素。最后本文还考察了合成金刚石中包裹体的分布规律,证明了硼杂质进入金刚石时可能有着明显的生长区域的选择性这一重要规律。  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of dental composites were improved by porous diatomite and nano-sized silica (OX-50) used as co-fillers.The resin composites,filled with silanized OX-50 and silanized diatomit...  相似文献   

X70管线钢在含CO_2湿天然气环境下腐蚀行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用高温高压冷凝釜模拟油气田湿天然气CO2腐蚀环境,进行了不同气体温度、湿气-管壁温差的湿气冷凝腐蚀实验,研究了温度对X70钢腐蚀形态、速率的变化规律.利用扫描电镜和能谱仪,分析了腐蚀产物膜的微观形貌和成分,并与高温高压釜中全水相实验结果进行了对比.建立了湿气管道腐蚀预测模型,初步探讨了湿气温度、管壁温度、温差、液膜温度和冷凝率等重要湿气参数对湿气顶部腐蚀的影响.结果表明:在相同管壁温度(5℃)下,湿气温度升高使X70管线钢腐蚀速率升高;在相同的湿气温度(25℃和45℃)下,X70钢的腐蚀速率随管壁温度的升高而略有下降;在20~45℃范围内,腐蚀产物膜与基体的结合较弱,极易从基体剥落,腐蚀形态均为全面腐蚀.  相似文献   

MgB2 superconducting films have been successfully fabricated on single crystal MgO(111) and c-AL2O3 substrates by different methods. The film deposited by pulsed laser deposition is c-axis oriented with zero resistance transition temperature of 38.4 K, while the other two films fabricated by chemical vapor deposition and electrophoresis are c-axis textured with the zero resistance transition temperature of 38 K and 39 K, respectively. Magnetization hysteresis measurements yield critical current density Jc of 107 A/cm2 at 15 K in zero field for the thin film and of 105 A/cm2 for the thick film. For the thin film deposited by chemical vapor deposition, the microwave surface resistance at 10 K is found to be as low as 100 μΩ, which is comparable with that of a high-quality high-temperature superconducting thin film of YBCO.  相似文献   

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