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For a complicated high speed reciprocating machine to meet the requirements of precise motion of its mechanisms, a study of its kineto-elastodynamies is necessary. Here is an example to find out the cause of the misengagement of flexible rapiers, by means of kineto-elastodynamic analysis, so as to meet the requirements of flexible rapier loom′s design, with beat-up and weft insertion mechanisms operating at high speed.  相似文献   

On the basis of the analysis of typical orthogonal crank-rocking lever spatial mechanism for the weft insertion in rapier looms, the rules of the outputting lever motion and the mechanism pressure-angle variety are studied when the maximum swing angle of rocking lever and the length of outputting lever have different values, and the optimum parameters suitable for motion transmission can be chosen. At the same time some existing shortpoints of the mechanism are also pointed out.  相似文献   

A modified trapezoid acceleration pattern with a constant speed part is introduced for loomrapier motion driven by cam.The pattern can meet the time requirement of rapier on entering andleaving the shed,and can satisfy the condition when the period duration of inserting is not equal tothat of withdrawing.Meanwhile,the pattern can also reduce the maximum acceleration of rapierand make the derivatives of rapier acceleration change continuously without any abruptness ofjerks.  相似文献   

A new type of rapier drive for flexible rapier loom through conjugate cams with five-bar linkage mechanism is raised and analyzed. Two designs suitable for the conversion of 1515-190.5 shuttle looms are given as examples. This mechanism can be applied to traditional shuttle looms as well as to new flexible rapier loom design.  相似文献   

In the usual shedding mechanism of a weaving loom, the conjugate type of cams can be designed precisely according to any regular pattern sequence of heald frame motion to suit the weaving technological requirements. As this mechanism is also quite simple, with smaller cam size and better technological function, it is therefore very important and worthwhile to study this type of conjugate cams. In this paper, we try to analyze the defects of the traditional and some abroad type outside conjugate cams shedding mechanism, and propose a new improved design of this type of conjugate cams and then work it out finally.  相似文献   

The analysis of improved system of the steel tape rapier loom is introducted. It shows the usefulness of a combined mechanism in this reformation. When the whole weaving machine is only changed a little, through the combined mechanism, the improved weaving machine can weave the fabrics with wider reed space. The combined mechanism of rapier drive system with a crank lever , which is driven by a differential gear train that is to meet the need of reed space widening, has its own key factor in this design. It is the eccentric distance "e" . Increasing the value of "e" is very helpful to increase the reed space of the looms.  相似文献   

The neural network model (NNM) is used to control the evenness of rapier loom tension and to model the uncertain parameters of drafting process. This model can estimate recursively the tension and incorporate predictive control strategies. After controlling the effect testing, it can be seen that the behavior is excellent following different set point and variations, such as the diameter of the beam of weaver, air stream, density of warp and weft, type of textile, etc. An optimum steady state scheme has been fixed in keeping evenness of tension of loom. This method improves obviously the efficiency and quality of production.  相似文献   

On the base of the study on dynamics of water jet in water jet looms, the parameters of water jet mechanism which affect the speed of water jet are analyzed and optimized. So the stability of the water jet can be improved to raise the speed of water jet as well as weft insertion rate and to enlarge the width of woven fabrics a lot. At the same time it also points out that to increase water jet speed and to prolong its affective jet tune depend mainly on the accretion of spring rate (constant) of stiffness and the diminution of plunger's cross-sectional area respectively.  相似文献   

In order to get the motion of a cam follower to meet its ideal requirements, we have to design the cam profile by considering its running speed fluctuation. In this paper, taking the beat up motion mechanism of a projectile loom as an example, a cam design method is illustrated with its spced fluctuation being considered.  相似文献   

在叙述DES、RSA算法的基础之上,对DES、RSA进行了说细的分析和评价。  相似文献   

目前随着机电一体化水平的提高,采用简化机器传动路线、计算机控制、无人操作成为一种趋势。本文对圆筒包装带编织设备的编织原理进行改进,采用多电机传动,计算机控制技术,提高了产品技术含量。  相似文献   

党的政治路线确定之后,干部就是决定的因素。党的干部队伍建设对党的事业、对于党保持长期执政地位具有十分重要的意义。它直接关系到党的意志的实现程度,直接关系到人民根本利益能否得到最大程度的实现.中国共产党执政时间越长,自觉加强对干部队伍的荣辱观教育的必要性、紧迫性就越大。这就要求党的干部特别是领导干部要真正做到坚持“八荣八耻”、超越“八荣八耻”。  相似文献   

China & WTO     

OLED有机发光显示器用光刻胶,自然语言识别和翻译(手持机),基于嵌入系统的人脸识别算法及其应用,  相似文献   

中外家电品牌在中国市场的竞争,尤其是无边无际的价格竞争,使“中国制造”是否具备优势的话题再次被放大。 今年6月,日本最大的财经媒体“日经BP社”发表了长篇连载报道:《战胜“中国制造”——日本企业的五张王牌》。此后,业内关于“中国制造”和“日本制造”众说纷坛。近日,海尔集团首席执行官张瑞敏又提出,“中国创造”才是取胜之道。  相似文献   

应科院喜获国家半导体照明创新大赛奖项 香港应用科技研究院日前在"2010南海杯国家半导体照明创新大赛"中夺得三个主要奖项. 该项比赛由中国发光二极管(LED)业界最具权威性的机构国家半导体照明工程研发及产业联盟(CSA)主办.颁奖仪式于2010年10月15日在深圳会展中心进行的第七届中国国际半导体照明论坛上举行.应科院的LED技术成绩出众,屡获掌声.  相似文献   

20年前,当全国各地的大学生在食堂就餐时,他们可能不会想到,一种叫作“金龙卡”的卡片,会取代自己手中花花绿绿的饭票;上个世纪90年代,刚刚用上“金龙卡”的大学生们也可能不会想到,仅仅几年之后,“金龙卡”会变成“一卡通”。除了吃饭,还可以用来消费、借书、上网、存车、洗澡……同样,1990年,当27岁的宁爱华以“金龙卡食堂微机售饭管理系统”开始创业时,可能也不会想到,自己的这套系统会开创一个食堂微机售饭管理行业,并由此拉开校园信息化建设的序幕。  相似文献   

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