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钱源源 《科技信息》2010,(2):200-202
The New Standards of English Curriculum emphasizes the development of the cultivation of students'enterprising spirit.At the same time,it creates a new teaching method and brings about the changes in the style of learning.Therefore,it becomes a major task in the middle schools to teach English in context.But,there are still some weaknesses of the current English teaching in China:problems with textbooks,teachers themselves,and English speaking environment.Hence there appears a new topic on how to teach English in context.This paper discusses the current situations and some major problems in teaching English in context;moreover,it proposes some measures to develop the students'multipurpose language use ability.  相似文献   

郑铁玉 《科技信息》2012,(28):180-181
This essay aims at making a research on the college students’English learning development.Some useful and efficient methods and practice are introduced,to make teaching more effective and to help students learn better on the basis of the illocutionary language communicating model.Successful learning should be learner-centered and in real-life communication.It should be realized by both the instructors and learners.In this essay,according to instructor’s testing standard data,with listening,reading,translating learning guidance included,this illocutionary model and its application in college English teaching is discussed.  相似文献   

According to the coexistence theory of slag structure melts, the oxidizing capability of the refining slag CaO-MgO-FeO-Al2O3-SiO2 is studied and the relationship between the mass action concentration of FeO (NFeO) and the activity of FetO (αFetO) for this slag is found to be as NFeo=0.656 1 αFetO. Furthermore, the calculating model of oxidizing capability of the refining slag BaO-CaO-MgO-FeOAl2O3-SiO2 is established. A satisfactory result is obtained when using the above oxidizing capability relationship to calculate the desulphurizing capability of such refining BaO-slags.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on potential development models of future oil and gas exploration in South China Sea. A detailed study of current development models worldwide is performed through some examples of industry installed/ongoing projects and major technical issues encountered during these practice. Key technologies are discussed for the success of field development. Some of the technologies and field development experience can be used for South China Sea project. Several models are studied in field development for different scenarios,including marginal field,large oil field and gas field. With the massive investment activities,continued improved technologies,and rapidly growing pool of professionals,the offshore industry in China will soon encounter a golden period.  相似文献   

1ModelImprovement11Depthaveragedk-εmodelAsumingahydrostaticpresuredistribution,usingtheLeibnitzequationandintegratingthethr...  相似文献   

Clusters are shared atoms in different ways with their neighboring clusters in the crystalline phases.Cluster formula [effective cluster]1(glue atom)xcan be used to describe crystalline phases,and the effective cluster means the true cluster composition due to cluster overlapping in the phase structure.Degree of cluster sharing of Zr6Al2Ni(InMg2),Zr2Co(Al2Cu) and Zr2Cu(MoSi2) phases is investigated in this paper.Ni3Zr9,Co3Zr8 and Cu5Zr10clusters are highlighted because they have the least degree of sharing and can best represent the local atomic short-range order features of the formed phases.It is pointed out that the least sharing clusters are correlated with metallic glass formation and are verified by experiments.  相似文献   

Analysis on sustainable growth range of population   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Based on the summarization and the analysis of the obtained research results, the models for local stability and for global stability of ecosystems are developed by means of the theory of dissipative structures, with which the questions on sustainable growth range of population are answered.  相似文献   

Referring to children’s development,especially the development of children’s language,there is a question that people are very interested in,that is,does the development of children’s language on earth depend on innate inheritance or postnatal environment? In order to answer this question,this paper begins with the definition of the development of children’s language,then,expounds some theories on language acquisition,finally,finds out the crucial factors influencing the development of children’s language.  相似文献   

Some notes on sustainable development and scientific outlook on development were given.It is addressed that the mission of higher education to contribute to sustainable development should be reinforced and further expanded.The present situation of China’s higher education and the improvements required were analyzed.Two modes of thinking(reductionism and holism)and the relationship between the mode of thinking and the mode of development were discussed.The change in the mode of thinking is the key point for Chinese higher education,and more intensive reform of teaching affairs is necessary.A proposal of the revision of China’s Higher Education Act and University Constitutions was put forward.  相似文献   

The meridian(Jingluo经络)is a core principle of traditional Chinese medicine.The meridian plays a central role in the regulation of human health and vitality.In the past50years,the scientific evidence has been gathered via our physiological experiments to confirm the biological basis of the human meridian pathway phenomenon.Meridian Science has been established as a new branch of natural science to advance and promote the study of this important phenomenon for human life.In this paper,the authors describe the theoretical concept of the meridian and mathematics expression,its relationship to an efficient meridian circadian cycle,and its significance to human life.  相似文献   

从旗袍发展看创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以旗袍的发展改良过程为主线,分析了旗袍外在结构变化及其与异域文化的融合与碰撞的关系,对旗袍的现代改良创新提出了注重文化内涵的吸收达到形变神似的原则.  相似文献   

中华民族传统体育与学校体育互动发展研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从中华民族传统体育自身的优势出发,分析了影响中华民族传统体育进入学校体育的因素,提出了中华民族传统体育与学校体育互动发展的若干对策.  相似文献   

基于数学模型的大学生创新能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
分析了当前数学教育的现状与本质,根据人的认知特点,提出了在数学基础理论教学的同时渗透数学建模的思想及强化数学建模教学,提高学生的实践意识及创新能力.  相似文献   

甘肃省城镇化发展模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 针对甘肃省城镇化发展现状及存在的问题,提出适合甘肃省省情的城镇化发展模式.方法 以2005年相关数据为基础,采用综合分析方法 ,对甘肃省的城镇化发展现状特征及存在问题进行分析研究.结果 "十一五"时期,甘肃省城镇化发展既有国家继续实施西部大开发战略的良好机遇和资源基础丰富的优势,但同时也存在着自身基础薄弱、生态环境脆弱、地理环境限制等不利因素.结论 提出了甘肃省五大地理区发展优势特色产业和绿色生态产业等城镇化发展模式,以及加强区域基础设施建设、引导产业集群、加快制度创新等对策建议.  相似文献   

观察不同月龄APP(amyloid precursor protein)转基因模型小鼠学习记忆功能的改变,以及中药有效部位淫羊藿黄酮对10月龄转基因小鼠学习记忆功能和脑内APP、BACE的表达及β-淀粉样肽(β-amyloid,Aβ)生成及含量的影响.用药组小鼠自4月龄开始灌胃给予淫羊藿黄酮小(0.03 g·kg-1/d)、大剂量(0.1 g·kg-1/d)6个月至10月龄,正常对照组、转基因阴性对照组及模型组以同样方式灌胃给予蒸馏水.应用Morris水迷宫和物体识别方法测试小鼠学习记忆能力,应用免疫组化学及Western Blot方法分别检测海马CA1区及皮层中APP、BACE的表达,采用双抗体夹心ELISA试剂盒测定海马中不溶性Aβ1-42含量.研究结果表明,APP转基因小鼠在4月龄即出现学习记忆能力障碍,在水迷宫实验中,比转基因阴性对照组小鼠潜伏期延长28%(p<0.05).增龄至10月龄,APP转基因小鼠学习记忆能力明显下降,水迷宫潜伏期及游泳距离与转基因阴性对照组的差异分别加大为40%(p<0.01)和35%(p<0.05),物体识别实验中分辨指数的差异为61%(p<0.05).与正常对照组及转基因阴性对照组相比,10月龄转基因模型小鼠海马CA1区及皮层中APP和BACE的表达明显增加,海马中Aβ1-42的含量明显升高.淫羊藿黄酮大剂量可明显改善10月龄APP转基因小鼠Morris水迷宫作业成绩,提高模型鼠物体识别能力,明显减少APP转基因模型小鼠海马和皮层APP及BACE的表达,降低海马Aβ1-42的含量.提示淫羊藿黄酮能改善APP转基因模型小鼠学习记忆能力和减少Aβ经由淀粉源途径生成及含量,对防治AD等神经退行性疾病具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

概括了配气机构动力学模型发展的特点,讨论了现代高速配气机构动力学模型的完善程度与配气机构润滑磨损和接触应力等相关领域研究进展的密切关系.指出适于多种工况的考虑多个非线性因素影响的动力学模型是将来本领域研究的一个重点,最后简单讨论了系统参数识别对提高配气机构动力学模型预测精度和扩大模型适用范围的重要作用.  相似文献   

作为小波分析的一个应用方向,连续小波变换对于信号的变化非常灵敏.近红外光谱技术是一种简单,快速,无损,价格低廉的方法,可以进行多组分同时分析.支持向量机基于结构风险最小化原理替代了传统方法中的的经验风险最小化原理,使得它具有更好的泛化能力.把连续小波变换-结合支持向量回归模型用于肉制品的成分测定,取得了令人满意的效果.  相似文献   

磷高效水稻培育是提高土壤潜在磷利用效率的一种途径,用云南主栽粳稻品种合系35与云南稻种核心种质耐低磷特性极强老来红配制P1,P2,Fl和F2世代,在云南省农科院(海拔1 916 m)种植两处理(有效磷质量比6.26 mg/kg,有效磷40 mg/kg)耐低磷搭定,采用数量性状的主基因-多基因混合遗传模型,研究了水稻的分蘖、株穗重和总干重3个耐低磷指标性状的遗传,结果表明,分蘖、株穗重和总干重3个耐低磷指标性状在这个组合中都表现为一对主基因加多基因遗传和多基因遗传2种遗传模式.  相似文献   

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