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Previously, we isolated a vernalization-related gene, VER2, from winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and its expression was restricted in the immature leaves of vernalized wheat seedlings. To further investigate the regulation of VER2 expression and the function of its promoter, we isolated a 41.7 kb genomic clone containing VER2 gene from atransformation-competent artificial chromosome (TAC) library of wheat (Triticum aestivum-Haynaldia villosa). The sequence analysis showed that there were eleven predicted genes in the TAC. The exons of gene 3 corresponded to the cDNA sequence of VER2 gene. Analysis of VER2 promoter structure showed that there were three small repeat sequences divided by two large repeat sequences. The putative response elements, such as abscisic acid response elements (ABRE), MeJA-response elements (Me-JARE), low-temperature response elements (LTR), endosperm expression elements, MYB binding sites and similar elements to GA response elements (GARE), were involved in the VER2 promoter region. Construct containing the VER2 promoter (-5895 to 73) driving GFP reporter gene was bombarded into vernalized or non-verualized immature leaves in wheat. The vernalized immature leaves showed bright green fluorescence after incubation for 24 h, however, the green fluorescence was not observed in the non-vernalization leaves under the same condition. These results suggested that vernalization was essential for the function of VER2 promoter in the immature leaves of winter wheat.  相似文献   

WRKY proteins are involved in various physiological processes, including biotic and abiotic stress responses, hormone responses and development. However, no systematic identification, expression and function analysis of WRKY genes in wheat were reported. In this study, we isolated 15 wheat cDNAs with complete open reading frame (ORF) encoding putative WRKY proteins using in silico cloning. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the 15 wheat WRKY genes belonged to three major WRKY groups. Expression analysis revealed that most genes expressed drastically in leaf, except Ta WRKYIO which expressed in crown intensively. Four genes were strongly up-regulated with the senescence of leaves. Eight genes were responsive to low temperature, high temperature, NaCl or PEG treatment. Moreover, differential expression patterns were also observed between wheat hybrid and its parents, and some genes were more responsive to PEG treatment in the hybrid. These results demonstrated that wheat WRKY genes are involved in leaf senescing and abiotic stresses. And the changed expression of these WRKY genes in hybrid might contribute to the heterosis by improving the stress tolerance in hybrids.  相似文献   

Quality traits in wheat (Triticum aestirum L.) were studied by quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population, a set of 131 lines derived from Chuan 35050 × Shannong 483 cross (ChSh). Grains from RILs were assayed for 21 quality traits related to protein and starch. A total of 35 putative QTLs for 19 traits with a single QTL explaining 7.99-40.52% of phenotypic variations were detected on 10 chromosomes, 1D, 2A, 2D, 3B, 3D, 5A, 6A, 6B, 6D, and 7B. The additive effects of 30 QTLs were positive, contributed by Chuan 35050, the remaining 5 QTLs were negative with the additive effect contributed by Shannong 483. For protein traits, 15 QTLs were obtained and most of them were located on chromosomes 1 D, 3B and 6D, while 20 QTLs for starch traits were detected and most of them were located on chromosomes 3D, 6B and 7B. Only 7 QTLs for protein and starch traits were co-located in three regions on chromosomes 1D, 2A and 2D. These protein and starch trait QTLs showed a distinct distribution pattern in certain regions and chromosomes. Twenty-two QTLs were clustered in 6 regions of 5 chromosomes. Two QTL clusters for protein traits were located on chromosomes 1D and 3B, respectively, three clusters for starch traits on chromosomes 3D, 6B and 7B, and one cluster including protein and starch traits on chromosome 1D.  相似文献   

Expression vector pBPC102, which carries winged bean lysine-rich protein (wblrp) gene and dihydropicolinate synthase (DHDPS) gene, was transferred into hexaploid winter wheat cv. Jinghua No.l, Jing411, You899 and Yangnongl5 explants of immature inflorescence and immature embryos by particle bombardment. More than 100 transgenic plants were obtained under the selection of s-(2-aminoethyl)-L-cysteine (AEC). Confirmed transgenic plants of To and TI generation by PCR and PCR-Southern blotting analyses showed successful integration of wblrp gene into wheat genome. Analysis of transgenic plant lines of T2 by Northern dot-blotting showed good expression of wblrp gene in offspring seed. The content of free lysine in leaves, contents of bound lysine and total proteins in seeds of T2 transgenie wheat lines were determined and analyzed. Among 34 tested transgenic lines, levels of free lysine content in leaves of 9 transgenic lines are 2~3times higher than un-trans-formed wild-type cultivars. Among 17 analyzed transgenic lines, bound lysine content of 4 transgenic lines is more than 10% higher than that of wild-type cultivars. Our research suggests that introducing wblrp gene into wheat is an effective way to improve its nutrition quality.  相似文献   

不同来源小麦品种(系)高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS—PAGE)对青海省不同来源114个小麦品种(系)品质得分、高分予量麦谷蛋白亚基构成、等位基因不同亚基变异及出现频率进行了分析。结果表明:小麦品种(系)间高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基组成存在一定差异,国外引进品种和当地培育品系亚基组成多于其他品种,而当地培育品系的分布最均匀;在A1位点上N亚基出现的频率最高,在D1位点上2+12亚基出现的频率最高;共有25种亚基组合,国外引进的小麦品种和当地培育的小麦品系亚基组合类型明显多于其他品种,(N,7+8,2+12)组合的出现频率最高;品质平均得分当地培育品系最高(6.40)。  相似文献   

Sexual incompatibility between common wheat and Italian ryegrass was an obstacle for transferring useful traits from italian ryegrass to wheat. In order to use those desirable genetic resources to improve wheat and to create new cytoplasmic germplasm, the protoplasts of wheat and Italian ryegrass were successfully electrofused and the somatic hybrid plants were regenerated. Examination with 6 restriction enzymes, 13 probes including 9 mtDNA probes (H454, Pst24, B30, Pro I, 490, B342, pHJ2-7-1, B376, 7), 3 cpDNA probes (pHvc p1, pHvc p5 and pHvc p8) and one nuclear DNA probe-- pTA71 (rDNA) in total 73 enzyme/ probe combinations revealed rich polymorphism between the fusion partners. RFLP analysis indicated that approximately 93.4% of the regenerated plants were true somatic hybrids. AFLP analysis implied that the somatic hybrids were highly asymmetric. The RFLP analysis using mt- and cpDNA specific probes also demonstrated the non-coexistence of mitochondria and chloroplasts from the fusion partners in the somatic hybrid cells.  相似文献   

The changes of chlorophyll and malondialdehyde (MDA) contents, plasma membrane permeability confirmed that 0.1 and 1 mmol/L sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a donor of nitric oxide (NO) in vivo, could markedly alleviate the oxidative damage to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaves induced by 150 and 300 mmol/L NaCl treatments, respectively. Further results proved that NO significantly enhanced the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), both of which separately contributed to the delay of and H2O2 accumulation in wheat leaves under salt stress. Meanwhile, the accumulation of proline was apparently accelerated. Therefore, these results suggested that NO could strongly protect wheat leaves from oxidative damage caused by salt stress.  相似文献   

利用花粉管通道法获得的转基因耐盐小麦新品系89122和其受体“陇春13”,在盐胁迫处理下,测定盐胁迫后89122和“陇春13”无性细胞系的抗氧化酶活性的变化和脱落酸的变化,结果表明,89122较其受体“陇春13”能维持较高的SOD,POD,CAT活性,ABA含量明显高于受体。  相似文献   

为考察春小麦不同抗旱性品种对干旱和高CO2反应的差异,在不同土壤持水量和CO2浓度梯度条件下,对高产性高原602和抗旱性定西24两种春小麦交叉处理一个生长季,结果发现CO2浓度倍增,使两种春小麦的光合速率、气孔阻力和水分蒸腾效率显著增加,增加幅度与土壤含水量分别为正、负和正相关.这种变化幅度在抗旱性不同的春小麦之间进行比较,尤其是在干旱条件下,发现春小麦光合作用、气孔阻力和水分蒸腾效率的变化幅度,抗旱性强的春小麦表现出更有利于生长的趋势.这说明春小麦对CO2浓度升高的反应存在着品种间的差异,也就是说不仅和土壤持水量相关而且还与春小麦抗旱性有关.  相似文献   

激素对油菜子叶再生及转基因瞬间表达的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以甘蓝型油菜“湘油15”子叶为外植体,以MS为基本培养基,采用正交试验设计,研究了预培养基2,4-D和6-BA浓度、分化/共培养基NAA和6-BA浓度对子叶芽再生频率和转GUS基因瞬间表达率的影响.结果表明,激素对芽再生频率和转基因瞬间表达率都有重要影响,但激素对芽再生和转基因瞬间表达的影响效应具有不一致性.激素对芽分化的影响程度从大到小依次为再生培养基NAA、预培养基6-BA、预培养基2,4-D、再生培养基6-BA,推导的对于芽再生的最佳激素组合方案为预培养基2,4-D 1.0 mg/L和6-BA1.0 mg/L、再生分化培养基NAA0.2 mg/L和6-BA3.0 mg/L;激素对GUS基因瞬间表达的影响程度从大到小依次为共培养基NAA、共培养基6-BA、预培养基6-BA、预培养基2,4-D,推导的对于瞬间表达的最佳激素组合方案为预培养基2,4-D 0mg/L和6-BA0.2 mg/L,共培养基NAA0.05 mg/L和6-BA3.0 mg/L.推导的对于芽再生频率×GUS基因瞬间表达率的最佳激素组合方案为预培养基2,4-D 1.0 mg/L和6-BA1.0 mg/L,共/分化培养基NAA0.05 mg/L和6-BA3.0 mg/L.  相似文献   

野生大豆DNA导入小麦及RAPD分子验证   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利用花粉管通道法将野生大豆总DNA导入小麦,以期获得变异系小麦.对小麦球蛋白的SDS—PAGE,印迹表明,冬小麦T2l6#产生了新的蛋白亚基,其分子量为78kD,而有的变异品系一些蛋白亚基消失了;凯氏定氮法和氨基酸分析表明小麦后代T216#的总蛋白含量增加,其氨基酸组成,尤其是赖氨酸含量明显提高.RAPD分析结果表明,新品系基因组出现多态性,并具有供体特异性DNA带,这些变异现象表明该小麦品系为转基因后代.本实验为选育高蛋白、优质的新小麦品种提供了途径.  相似文献   

The large genome size (~17000 Mb) and complicated DNA structures of common wheat (Triticum aestivum) hamper its genome sequencing.By means of flow cytometry,systematic investigations on individual chromosome sorting have been carried out to construct chromosome-specific bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries since the 1980s.Several wheat chromosome-specific BAC libraries,such as chromosome 3B,three D genome chromosomes (1D,4D and 6D),and the short arm of chromosome 1B,have been developed,and the ph...  相似文献   

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