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地球磁场起源 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
刘全稳 《成都理工大学学报(自然科学版)》2010,37(3):289-307
研究提出了一套地球磁场起源理论体系,包括:引起地球内部各相态粒子运动的动力理论、定律理论,粒子的运动起电理论、电生磁理论,磁场叠加、磁场倒转理论.其中,地球内部粒子的规律性运动、粒子起电、电生磁等为地球磁场起源的三个关键性理论.针对这三个关键理论问题展开阐述:描述了采用数理逻辑分析的导致地球内部粒子运动的动力与角动量守恒定律,采用实验分析结果的粒子起电双电层理论与流动起电电流,转引了成熟的电生磁理论的核心.提出了形成地球磁场的动力磁场与定律磁场概念及其磁场叠加的计算公式,论述了该理论体系下地球磁场倒转的模型,从而彻底解决了长期困扰人们的地球磁场起源的理论问题. 相似文献
袁立新 《云南大学学报(自然科学版)》2012,(2):191-195
地磁场漂移不是孤立的,而与地球发电机制密切相关,是地球发电机制中的一个组成环节.笔者用《地球电磁场系统构成和运行机制》一文所建立的地电荷发电机制,对地磁场漂移运动进行了分析.从地磁场、地球运动对地电荷运行的微观与宏观作用,及其各物理量之间的相关性,对地磁场的漂移机理作了探讨,是对地球电磁场系统构成和运行机制的进一步阐释.由此构建了由地球运行、地电荷、地电流、地磁场、地电场、地内电磁感应电流、空间电场构成的地球发电机制,及其正交系统;探讨了地磁场西漂及漂移的物理意义. 相似文献
WEI Zigang & XU Wenyao Institute of Geology Geophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China Correspondence should be addressed to Wei Zigang 《科学通报(英文版)》2003,48(24):2739-2742
The westward drift of the main geomagnetic field has been extensively studied since Halley[1] first discov-ered this phenomenon. It has been widely accepted that the global field drifts westward with an average velocity of 0.2/a[2—4]. The detailed features of the drift have been also detected, such as different drift rates for dipole and non-dipole fields, drifting and standing parts in the field, the latitudinal dependence of the drift rate, and the north-ward drift[5—12]. Several models, f… 相似文献
利用BJ模型和国际地磁参考场(IGRF)模型资料,研究了地球主磁场的周期特点.结果表明,地磁偶极子磁矩变化率、功率谱变化率以及非偶极子磁场各阶球谐系数的平均漂移速率均存在60 a左右的周期.其它与二阶项有关的地磁参数中普遍具有30 a周期,且西向漂移的加权平均项及其二阶项也存在30 a周期变化.因此60 a和30 a周期是地磁长期变化的主要特征周期. 相似文献
采用Bloxham J. &; Jackson A.模型(BJ)和国际地磁参考场模型(IGRF)从理论上计算并分析了1690年以来地磁场能量在地球内部的分布及长期变化.结果表明,BJ模型和IGRF模型在相同时段内的总能量变化趋势是基本吻合的.近300a来,地核以外和地表以外地磁场总能量变化的总趋势是持续衰减的,但是地表以外的能量衰减速度比地核以外要快约2.5倍.地磁场总能量随谐波阶数n的变化关系中,各年代n=1~8阶的能量变化相对稳定.磁能密度在地球内部的分布是不均匀的. 相似文献
A new imaging method for measuring the geomagnetic field based on the magnetic rotation effect is put forward. With the help of polarization property of the sunlight reflected from the ground and the magnetic rotation of the atmosphere, the geomagnetic field can be measured by an optical system installed on a satellite. According to its principle, the three-dimensional image of the geomagnetic field can be obtained. The measuring speed of this method is very high, and there is no blind spot and distortion. In this paper, the principle of this method is presented, and some key problems are discussed. 相似文献
地球磁场的变化、作用和应用研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
温华惟 《渤海大学学报(自然科学版)》2004,25(3):259-261
阐述了地磁场、空间磁场的分布和变化及带电粒子在磁场中的运动,在此基础上说明了研究它的应用价值。 相似文献
The main geomagnetic field models of IGRF1900---2000 are used to study the latitude-dependence of the westward drift in the main field. The results show that the latitude-dependence exists in the magnetic components with different wavelengths (m=l-10). The globai-average westward drift rate of the component of m=l is 0.189°/a with the maximum of 0.295°/a at latitudes 40°-45°. The component of m=2 has an average drift rate of 0.411°/a with the maximum of 1.305°/a at latitude -60°. As for the components with further shorter wavelengths, the drift is generally restricted in a limited latitude range, and has many smaller drift rates. This latitude-dependence of westward drift can not be explained by rigid rotation of the earth's core. The results of this note also show that there is a negative dispersion in the westward drift, namely the components of long wavelengths drift faster than those of short wavelengths.This dispersion feature is not in agreement with Hide's MHD model. It is likely needed to find a new mechanism for explaining the observed feature of dispersion. 相似文献
利用第10代国际参考地磁场模型(IGRF)的资料,研究了地磁位的谐波振幅的纬度分布及其时间变化.结果表明,地磁位偶极子成分的谐波振幅北半球大于南半球,谐波振幅随时间减小,北半球的减小比南半球快,振幅变化率高纬度地区周期小,低纬度地区周期长,平均有60 a左右的周期.非偶极子成分的谐波振幅南半球大于北半球,谐波振幅随时间增大,北半球比南半球增加快,振幅变化率南半球比北半球变化强烈,没有明显的周期规律.地磁位的谐波振幅变化有明显的纬度依赖性,在南北半球的分布及其时间变化与地球赤道非对称. 相似文献
学术界对地磁场在应力磁畸变产生过程中的作用存在不同的观点。为了研究地磁场在应力磁畸变产生过程中的作用,以10mm提离值测量了两个过盈装配在一起的圆环和圆销对比试样(对比试样分别在屏蔽地磁场和地磁环境中制成)表面的磁场。实验结果是在地磁环境中制成的试样表面磁场的幅度仅比屏蔽地磁条件下制成的试样表面磁场的幅度大0.85%,这说明在应力磁畸变产生过程中,地磁场几乎不起任何作用。 相似文献
常见的地磁场水平分量测量包括了光泵磁振法、霍尔传感器法、正切电流计法、扭秤测量法等,但都存在着复杂物理量的确定过程.通过单摆测定重力加速度的实验类推,得到了基于动力学方程测量地磁场水平分量法,建立亥姆霍兹线圈的电流和小磁针振动周期之间的关系,并巧妙地由直线拟合得到了地磁场水平分量大小,测量的结果与已有文献数据基本吻合.该方法过程简单,设计原理正确,有一定的理论和实践意义. 相似文献
Proterozoic low orbital obliquity and axial-dipolar geomagnetic field from evaporite palaeolatitudes
Palaeomagnetism of climatically sensitive sedimentary rock types, such as glacial deposits and evaporites, can test the uniformitarianism of ancient geomagnetic fields and palaeoclimate zones. Proterozoic glacial deposits laid down in near-equatorial palaeomagnetic latitudes can be explained by 'snowball Earth' episodes, high orbital obliquity or markedly non-uniformitarian geomagnetic fields. Here I present a global palaeomagnetic compilation of the Earth's entire basin-scale evaporite record. Magnetic inclinations are consistent with low orbital obliquity and a geocentric-axial-dipole magnetic field for most of the past two billion years, and the snowball Earth hypothesis accordingly remains the most viable model for low-latitude Proterozoic ice ages. Efforts to reconstruct Proterozoic supercontinents are strengthened by this demonstration of a consistently axial and dipolar geomagnetic reference frame, which itself implies stability of geodynamo processes on billion-year timescales. 相似文献
根据实测的地磁数据,提出一种基于泰勒多项式在超小尺度下的地磁正常场的模型建立方式,结合数据处理﹑最小二乘拟合法,利用泰勒多项式模型建立超小尺度下的地磁正常场,并绘制相应的局部地磁图.经实验证明,超小尺度下的泰勒多项式地磁模型能够相对精确的描绘地磁正常场的分布.这为建立超小尺度地磁模型提供了参考,也可为小尺度内测量磁异常提供可靠的参考场. 相似文献
Reversals of the Earth's magnetic field reflect changes in the geodynamo--flow within the outer core--that generates the field. Constraining core processes or mantle properties that induce or modulate reversals requires knowing the timing and morphology of field changes that precede and accompany these reversals. But the short duration of transitional field states and fragmentary nature of even the best palaeomagnetic records make it difficult to provide a timeline for the reversal process. 40Ar/39Ar dating of lavas on Tahiti, long thought to record the primary part of the most recent 'Matuyama-Brunhes' reversal, gives an age of 795 +/- 7 kyr, indistinguishable from that of lavas in Chile and La Palma that record a transition in the Earth's magnetic field, but older than the accepted age for the reversal. Only the 'transitional' lavas on Maui and one from La Palma (dated at 776 +/- 2 kyr), agree with the astronomical age for the reversal. Here we propose that the older lavas record the onset of a geodynamo process, which only on occasion would result in polarity change. This initial instability, associated with the first of two decreases in field intensity, began approximately 18 kyr before the actual polarity switch. These data support the claim that complete reversals require a significant period for magnetic flux to escape from the solid inner core and sufficiently weaken its stabilizing effect. 相似文献
A statistical study of magnetic fluctuations near the front boundaries of magnetic clouds is approached with the method of
Minimum Variance Analysis, based on the data of Imp8 and Wind spacecraft. New discoveries are that (1) fluctuation anisotropy
tends to increase across the front boundaries of magnetic clouds; (2) there is a good correlation between the fluctuation
anisotropy and the geomagnetic activity indices; and (3) in some cases, although there is southward field component immediately
after the front boundary, Kp index descends (or Dst index ascends) with a corresponding decrease of the fluctuation anisotropy; in other cases with no distinct southward field
component, Kp index ascends (or Dst index descends) with a corresponding increase of the fluctuation anisotropy. Thus we suggest that the fluctuation anisotropy
might be a useful indicator in diagnosing the magnetic activities of magnetic clouds. 相似文献
目的研究激光器中增益随电场的变化规律。方法对多普勒加宽情况下的增益系数进行化简;利用增益系数推导激光系统的动力学方程。结果得出激光系统中增益随电场变化的动力学方程,给出增益随场的变化曲线。结论增益不但随频率变化,而且随电场变化;其随场变化曲线类似于平抛运动曲线。 相似文献
航迹计算是利用数学公式解算船舶航行中航向,航程与船舶位置的关系问题,不同的方法适用的条件不同,精度也不一样,为此,在对跨赤道航迹计算算法进行分析的基础上,提出了解这类问题的简单算法,分析了算法的适用范围和精度,并通过实例进行了验证,该算法为计算手段较欠缺,却又需要快速计算的场合提供了很好的解决问题的方法。 相似文献
WANGYong CHIZhenqing LEETehquei MINLongrui CHUHuiyan 《科学通报(英文版)》2004,49(9):948-952
We conducted a detailed rock magnetic study on upper 80 m of Jing抏rwa core from the Nihewan basin. The results indicate that the sediments from Jing抏rwa core are suitable for relative paleointensity study, and anhyster-etic remanent magnetization (ARM) can be used as the nor-malization parameter of the natural remanent magnetization (NRM). Our relative paleointensity data of upper 80 m of Jing抏rwa core provide a continuous record of the intensity variation during the last 0.8 Ma, which correlates well with the results from marine sediments cores in the Pacific Ocean. This means that the sediments records are reliable for rela-tive paleointensity of Earth抯 magnetic field, and suggests that these sediments have recorded the real changes of geo-magnetic field, which would provide a new method for re-gional stratigraphic correlation. 相似文献
ZHENG Bin SHI Chunhua CHEN Yuejuan 《科学通报(英文版)》2006,51(14):1761-1765
As one of the important green-house gases, methane in the stratosphere affects the stratospheric processes of radiation, dynamics and chemistry, even the tropo-spheric circulation through interactions between the stratosphere and the troposphere. To a gre… 相似文献