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The unmasking of antigens in paraffin sections of tissue by trypsin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Paraffin sections of optimally fixed tissues often fail to react immunohistochemically. Short (15–30 min) exposure of the sections to 0.1% trypsin solution proves to be a very effective method of unmasking the antigens.  相似文献   

The unmasking of antigens in paraffin sections of tissue by trypsin.   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
R C Curran  J Gregory 《Experientia》1977,33(10):1400-1401

This paper proposes a new mixture GARCH model with a dynamic mixture proportion. The mixture Gaussian distribution of the error can vary from time to time. The Bayesian Information Criterion and the EM algorithm are used to estimate the number of parameters as well as the model parameters and their standard errors. The new model is applied to the S&P500 Index and Hang Seng Index and compared with GARCH models with Gaussian error and Student's t error. The result shows that the IGARCH effect in these index returns could be the result of the mixture of one stationary volatility component with another non‐stationary volatility component. The VaR based on the new model performs better than traditional GARCH‐based VaRs, especially in unstable stock markets. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Aus fixiertem Gewebe bzw. Paraffinschnitten, die mit normaler Technik auf Wasser ausgebreitet werden, gelingt es, Nukleotide und Eiweissderivate zu extrahieren. Quantitative Daten werden mitgeteilt, und es wird deren Bedeutung für die Histochemie diskutiert.

Aided by a grant from The Royal Physiographic Society, Lund.  相似文献   

Sumario Explantas de fruta de limón manifestan semejanto nucleolar comportamiento, cuanádo están incubadas en parafina liquida con, y sin auto-oxidantes.  相似文献   

Résumé Des anticorps spécifiques de l'hémoglobine de la grenouille et têtard deRana catesbeiana ne peuvent pas être distingués lorsque tous deux sont présents dans la mixture de la réaction. Cette observation peut être expliquée par la formation d'hybrides entre les hémoglobines adultes et larvaires deRana catesbeiana Acknowledgment. This work was upported by a grant from the Joint Research Fund of the Hebrew University and Hadassah  相似文献   

The elaboration of an original system of codification and the utilization of the correspondance analysis method makes it possible to draw up an identity card, based on promotal pigmentation, for a natural solitary population of the malagasy migratory Locust. The method leads the way to the study of geographical and temporal variations of the pigmentation.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Das photoxytadive Ausbleichen des Chlorophylls a wird durch die Gegenwart des-Carotins gehemmt. Die Hemmwirkung des-Carotins und die Wechselwirkung zwischen Chlorophyll a und-Carotin werden vom Lösungsmittel kontrolliert.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Potenzierung und Verlängerung der Wirkung des i.v. injizierten (Kaninchen) Leukozyten-Pyrogens konnte durch die sterile intraventrikuläre (laterale Ventrikel) Injektion von Paraffinöl ausgelöst werden, dies im Vergleich mit der Wirkung des Pyrogens bei mit Paraffinöl nicht behandelten Tieren. Diese Ergebnisse bringen eine Grundlage für ein besseres Verständnis des pyrogenen Wirkungsmechanismus von Leukozyten-Pyrogen.

This work was supported by Medical Research Council of Canada. We thankT. Malkinson for his valuable technical assistance.  相似文献   

We perform Bayesian model averaging across different regressions selected from a set of predictors that includes lags of realized volatility, financial and macroeconomic variables. In our model average, we entertain different channels of instability by either incorporating breaks in the regression coefficients of each individual model within our model average, breaks in the conditional error variance, or both. Changes in these parameters are driven by mixture distributions for state innovations (MIA) of linear Gaussian state‐space models. This framework allows us to compare models that assume small and frequent as well as models that assume large but rare changes in the conditional mean and variance parameters. Results using S&P 500 monthly and quarterly realized volatility data from 1960 to 2014 suggest that Bayesian model averaging in combination with breaks in the regression coefficients and the error variance through MIA dynamics generates statistically significantly more accurate forecasts than the benchmark autoregressive model. However, compared to a MIA autoregression with breaks in the regression coefficients and the error variance, we fail to provide any drastic improvements.  相似文献   

Summary The arrow-root powder is used in electrophoresis as an alternative to potato starch. Its use is quite economical and this starch can be easily hydrolysed in any laboratory.The author is indebted to Dr M. M. Goil, Prof. & Head of the Department and Dr R. K. Sharma, Professor of Zoology, for their invaluable suggestions and help in various ways.  相似文献   

Résumé On examine la possibilité d'emploi de la thermogravimétrie à l'étude des calculs rénaux. On présente des données — radiographiques, thermogravimétriques et spectrophotométriques — pour un calcul composé principalement d'oxalate de calcium. Les résultats spectrophotométriques et thermogravimétriques indiquent que le noyau de ce calcul contient plus de phosphate contenant du carbonate que la surface.  相似文献   

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