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模乘器的面积过大和速度较慢是影响公钥密码体制 RSA在智能卡应用中的主要问题。文中针对 Montgomery模乘算法进行了分析和改进 ,提出了一种新的适合于智能卡应用的高基模乘器结构。由于模乘器采用两个并行 16bit乘法器和两个流水的加法器 ,使得它有效地降低了芯片面积、提高了运算速度 ,从而实现了智能卡公钥密码体制 RSA的数字签名与认证。仿真表明 :在基于华邦 0 .5μm工艺下 ,模乘器 VLSI实现共用 85 0 0个门 ,在 2 0 MHz的时钟频率下 ,加密 10 2 4bit的数据模幂乘运算平均时间仅需 3 42 ms。这个指标优于当今电子商务的加密处理器 ,适合于智能卡应用  相似文献   

0 Introduction To simplify the management of certificates of tradi- tional PKI, Shamir[1] proposed the identity-based public key cryptography (ID-PKC) in which the public key of each party is derived directly from certain aspects of its identity, for exam…  相似文献   

在原始蒙哥马利模乘算法基础上提出一种双域统一的蒙哥马利模乘算法.根据该算法设计了一种高性能可扩展双域模乘单元电路,以支持蒙哥马利模乘运算的加速计算.该模乘单元电路采用以高基数为处理字长,并使用多处理单元流水计算的方法,来实现高效快速的模乘计算,具有高度的可扩展性和可配置性,支持双域任意位宽的模乘运算.在0.18μm CMOS工艺下,对模乘单元电路性能和面积进行评估表明,面积为166×103门,完成1 024bit的模乘运算仅需1.3μs.  相似文献   

A proxy signature scheme with message recovery using self-certified public key is proposed, which withstands public key substitution attacks, active attacks, and forgery attacks. The proposed scheme accomplishes the tasks of public key verification, proxy signature verification, and message recovery in a logically single step. In addition, the proposed scheme satisfies all properties of strong proxy signature and does not use secure channel in the communication between the original signer and the proxy signature signer.  相似文献   

A new public key encryption scheme is proposed in this paper, which is based on a hard problem over ergodic matrices. The security of this scheme is equal to the MQ-problem: multivariate quadratic equations over finite fields. This problem has been shown to be NP-complete and can't be solved with polynomial time algorithm.  相似文献   

针对资源受限的计算环境,提出了一个快速公钥密码算法。该密码算法通过使用一个特殊的矩阵分解问题从而避免了在加解密过程中使用计算量较大的模指数运算,因而具有更高的计算效率。分析指出:密码的安全性与整数分解问题有关,但是并不等价于整数分解问题。该密码算法由于使用了特殊的矩阵分解问题,能够抵抗各类私钥恢复攻击和格攻击,因此是一个快速高效的公钥密码。  相似文献   

A best algorithm generated scheme is proposed in the paper by making use of the thought of evolutionary algorithm, which can generate dynamically the best algorithm of generating primes in RSA cryptography under different conditions. Taking into account the factors of time, space and security integrated, this scheme possessed strong practicability. The paper also proposed a model of multi-degree parallel evolutionary algorithm to evaluate synthetically the efficiency and security of the public key cryptography. The model contributes to designing public key cryptography system too. Foundation item: Supported by the Hi-Tech Research and Development Foundation item: Supported by the Hi-Tech Research and Development Biography; Tu Hang (1975-), male, Ph. D candidate, research directions: Biography; Tu Hang (1975-), male, Ph. D candidate, research directions:  相似文献   

Certificateless public key cryptography (CL-PKC) enjoys the advantage of identity based cryptography without suffering from its inherent key escrow problem. In this paper, a new efficient certificateless public key encryption scheme is proposed and its security can reach chosen-ciphertext (CCA2) secure in the random oracle model assuming the CDH and p-BDHI problem are difficult. A comparison shows that the efficiency of the proposed scheme is better than all known paring-based certificateless public key encryption schemes in the random oracle model.  相似文献   

The decryption participant’s private key share for decryption is delegated by key generation center in the threshold IBE scheme.However,a key generation center which is absolutely trustworthy does not exist.So the author presents a certificateless threshold public key encryption scheme.Collaborating with an administrator,the decryption participant generates his whole private key share for decryption in the scheme.The administrator does not know the decryption participant’s private key share for decryption.Making use of q-SDH assumption,the author constructs a certificateless threshold public key encryption scheme.The security of the scheme is eventually reduced to the solving of Decisional Bilinear Diffie-Hellman problem.Moreover,the scheme is secure under the chosen ciphertext attack in the standard model.  相似文献   

建立活动标架, 利用空间曲线上点的密切面方程, 在空间曲线上引进了一种新的群结构, 给出了公钥密码体制在空间曲线上的一个算法, 较椭圆曲线密码体制更易于设计与实现.  相似文献   

Certificateless public key cryptography (CL-PKC) avoids the inherent escrow of identity-based cryptography and does not require certificates to guarantee the authenticity of public keys. Based on CL-PKC, we present an efficient constant-round group key exchange protocol, which is provably secure under the intractability of computation Diffie-Hellman problem. Our protocol is a contributory key exchange with perfect forward secrecy and has only two communication rounds. So it is more efficient than other protocols. Moreover, our protocol provides a method to design efficient constant-round group key exchange protocols and most secret sharing schemes could be adopted to construct our protocol.  相似文献   

Based on public key, a quantum identity authenticated (QIA) system is proposed without quantum entanglement. The public key acts as the authentication key of a user. Following the idea of the classical public key infrastructure (PKI), a trusted center of authentication (CA) is involved. The user selects a public key randomly and CA generates a private key for the user according to his public key. When it is necessary to perform QIA, the user sends a sequence of single photons encoded with its private key and a message to CA. According to the corresponding secret key kept by CA, CA performs the unitary operations on the single photon sequence. At last, the receiver can judge whether the user is an impersonator.  相似文献   

0 IntroductionKey agreement protocol is vital to Web security,whichallows two communication parties (i .e.the Web cli-ent and Web server) to establish a secret session key overan open network. The session key,generated with contri-butions fromall the communicating parties ,is usually sub-sequently be used to achieve some cryptographic goal be-tweenthe Web clients and servers ,such as confidentialityor dataintegrity. The first two-party key agreement proto-col was first proposed by Diffie and…  相似文献   

通信密钥分散管理的矩阵方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了以矩阵为基础的门限方法,它满足了Shamir提出的通信密钥分散管理的要求。Shamir提出的多项式内插方法,卢铁成提出的利用孙子定理的方法,以及刘锐与曹珍富提出的利用线性代数的方法,均是本方法在一定情况下的变形。  相似文献   

通过分析椭圆曲线密码体制,比较软、硬件模块结构,对软硬件接口进行划分,提出了一种适合椭圆曲线公钥密码运算和满足实际产品需求的简单高效SOC架构,并讨论了设计、验证、实现以及软件系统的开发,成功完成了一款完全符合椭圆曲线密码体制及其安全标准的SOC芯片.椭圆曲线密码SOC采用HHNEC0.25μm制造工艺,实际芯片在59 MHz下的测试表明,192 bit非固定点乘运算性能为456次/s,256 bit非固定点乘运算性能为232次/s.  相似文献   

基于诱骗态方法的量子密钥分发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诱骗态量子密钥分发方法成功地解决了光子数分离攻击的安全性漏洞,并且使得人们实现了长距离的量子密钥分发.回顾了量子密钥分发的发展过程,从BB84协议至三强度诱骗态方法的实现.并且详细叙述了如何通过输入参数来获得绝对安全密钥的成码率.  相似文献   

FAPKC4, a public key cryptosystem based on automata theory, is generalized so that component automata of compound automata in user’ s public key would not be restricted to memory finite automata. The generalized FAPKC4 can be used in encryption and implementing digital signatures as well.  相似文献   

给出了一个改进的背包公钥密码系统。和原系统一样,作者利用中国剩余定理 (孙子定理)构造背包,但同时将某些随机选取的秘密量加到和乘到各背包分量上(以前构造背包密码系统从未用到加法).因而大大提高了系统安全性。  相似文献   

To prevent active attack, we propose a new threshold signature scheme using self-certified public keys, which makes use of hash function and discrete logarithm problem. The scheme has less commutnication and computation cost than previous schemes. Furthermore, the signature process of the proposed scheme is non-interactive.  相似文献   

为了解决现有密钥分配协议所存在的工作效率偏低和资源占用率偏高等问题,提出了一种基于椭圆曲线密码体制的高效安全密钥分配协议.该协议通过引入公钥自证明思想,将用户身份认证和密钥数据恢复有机结合在一起,无需繁琐的身份鉴别认证操作和时钟同步过程,也无需可信CA中心和时戳服务器,只需要一次数据发送过程即可直接完成密钥分配任务.分析表明,该协议结构简单,具有较高的工作效率、较低的资源占用率和较强的安全性,能有效抵抗目前已知的各种攻击.  相似文献   

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