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CONSISTENCYFORKERNELESTIMATEOFCONDITIONALFUNCTION¥HUShuhe(DepartmentOfMathemotics,AnhuiUniversity,Hefei230039,China)Abstract:...  相似文献   

In this paper we study the estimation of the regression function.We establish a law ofthe iterated logarithm for the random window-width kernel estimator and,as an application,fora nearest neighbor estimator.These results give sharp pointwise rates of strong consistency ofthese estimators.  相似文献   

For the general fixed effects linear model:Y=Xτ+ε,ε~N(0,V)(or N(0,σ~2V)),V≥0,we obtain the necessary and sufficient condition for LY+α to be admissible for Sτ in the class of allestimators under matrix loss function(d-Sτ)(d-Sτ)′;for the general random effects linear model:Y=Xβ+ε,(?)where (?)=XV_(11)X′+XV_(12)+V_(21)X′+V_(22)≥0,we also obtain the necessary and sufficient condition for LY+α to be admissible for Sα+Qβin the class of all estimators under matrix loss function(d-Sα-Qβ)(d-Sα-Qβ)′.  相似文献   

In this paper,the definitions of Bayes estimator,minimax estimator,minimumrisk equivariant estimator and admissible estimator under the general matrix loss functionare given.Several results on estimation of parameters with the ordinary loss function areextended to the case of the matrix loss function.  相似文献   

Consider the regression model Y_i=u(x_i)+ε_i,i=1,2,…,n,where u(x)∈W_(2,per)~2[0,1],x_i=(i-1)/n,{ε_i}(?)are i.i.d,random variables.We use the periodic smoothing spline u_(λp)(x)toestimate u(x).Under certain conditions,strong consistency results of u_(λp)(x)are obtained,i.e.,forall 0相似文献   

1.IntroductionMultivariatesurfaceestimationisanimportantproblemforwhichseveralmethodologieshavebeendevelopedwiththeaimofconstructinganestimatorg,,(x)ofaJ--dimensionalsurfacego(x)basedonnoisyobservations{(Xi,K),15i5n}.Existingestimatorsofgoareobtainedonthe…  相似文献   

The necessary and sufficient conditions for a linear estimator of a linear estimable functionof regression coefficients in a general fixed effects linear model with the assumptions of normality to beadmissible in the class of all estimators under matrix liss function are given.For a general randomeffects or mixted effects linear model the necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained too.  相似文献   

ONB-SPLINEM-ESTIMATORSINASEMIPARAMETRICREGRESSIONMODEL¥SHIPeide(DepartmentofProbabilityandStatistics,PekingUniversity,Beijng1...  相似文献   


1.IntroductionStochasticapproximation(SA)iswidelyappliedinoptimization,systemindelltification,adaptivecontrolandsignalprocessing.ThebasicproblemofSAistoseektherootsoreXtremaofafunctionf(.)calledregressionfunctionwhichcanbeestimateattimekandletthe(k 1)thobservationi,e,Yk 1~f(Xk) ek 1,(1)whereek 1istheobservationnoise.RobbinsandMonroll]in1951proposedthefollowingalgorithmxk l=xk akyk 1,(2)toestimatetherootsofj(.),whereahisthestepsize.ThisalgorithmisnowcalledRobbinsMonro(RM)algorithm.Denoteb…  相似文献   

Because of the importance of grouped data, many scholars have been devoted to the study of this kind of data. But, few documents have been concerned with the thresh-old parameter. In this paper, we assume that the threshold parameter is smaller than the first observing point. Then, on the basis of the two-parameter exponential distribution, the maximum likelihood estimations of both parameters are given, the sufficient and necessary conditions for their existence and uniqueness are argued, and the asymptotic properties of the estimations are also presented, according to which approximate confidence intervals of the parameters are derived. At the same time, the estimation of the parameters is generalized, and some methods are introduced to get explicit expressions of these generalized estimations. Also, a special case where the first failure time of the units is observed is considered.  相似文献   

In many situations,we are interested in selection of important variables whichare adequate for prediction under a linear regression model.In this paper,a fast selectionprocedure is proposed and is proved to be strongly consistent.Also,the convergence rate ofmisjudgement probability is given.  相似文献   


This paper develops goal programming algorithm to solve a type of least absolute value (LAV) problem. Firstly, we simplify the simplex algorithm by proving the existence of solutions of the problem. Then, we present a goal programming algorithm on the basis of the original techniques. Theoretical analysis and numerical results indicate that the new method contains a lower number of deviation variables and consumes less computational time as compared to current LAV methods.  相似文献   

Consider the linear regression model Y_i=x_i′β+σ_ie_i,i=1,…,n,…,where E(e_i)=0,E(e_ie_j)=δ_(ij),0<σ_1~2(?)σ_2~2(?)…and {x_i} satisfies A_1(?)sum from i=1 to n x_ix_i′/n(?)A_2,for n large,A_1>0,A_2>0.This paper shows that (i) ifσ_i~2,i=1,2…,are known,then the necessary and sufficient condition for theconsistency of the best unbiased linear estimate of β is sum from i=1 to ∞σ_i~(-2)=∞;(ii)if{σ_i~2}is only known to belong to the set {(h_1,h_2,…)∶0相似文献   

ROBUSTNONPARAMETRICREGRESSIONBASEDONL_1-NORMANDB-SPLINESSHIPeide(DepartmentofProbabilityandStatistics,PekingUniversity,Beijin...  相似文献   

In this paper,admissibility and inadmissibility results of simultaneous estimation oflosses of multivariate normal mean estimators are given.Admissible estimators for losses ofusual estimators of multivariate gamma parameters,multivariate binomial parameters andPoisson parameters are obtained respectively.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionTheaimofthediagnosticsandinfluenceanalysisistoidentifytheoutliersorinfluelltialobservationsthatsubstantiallyaffecttheparameterestimatesandstatisticalinference.Therelatedworkthathasreceivedconsiderableattentioninlinearregressionmodelistheinfluenceontheregressioncoefficients(see[l--4]).Theinfluencefortheotheraspectsoflinearregressionmodelsuchasconfidenceregionshasalsobeenconsideredby[5].However,theinfluenceonFiestreceivedlessattentionasweknowtheF-testisverysensitivetotheinfluentia…  相似文献   

Consider a semiparametric regression model with linear time series errors Yk = x'kβ g(tk) εk, 1 < k < n, where Yk's are responses, xk = (xk1,xk2,..... ,xkp)' and tk ∈T ∪R are fixed design points, β= (β1, β2, ....., βp)' is an unknown parameter vector, g(.) is an unknown bounded real-valued function defined on a compact subset T of the real line R, and εk is a linear process given by εk = ∑j=0∞j(?)ek-j,(?)= 1, where , are i.i.d. random variables. In this paper we establish the asymptotic normality of the least squares estimator of β, a smooth estimator of g(.), and estimators of the autocovariance and autocorrelation functions of the linear process εk.  相似文献   

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