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An algebraic differential variety is defined as the zero-set of a differentialpolynomial set,and algebraic differential geometry is devoted to the study of such varieties.We give various decomposition formulas for the structures of such zero-sets which imply inparticular,the unique decomposition of an algebraic differential variety into its irreduciblecomponents.These formulas will find applications in various directions including mechanicaltheorem-proving of differential geometries.  相似文献   

ONTHEISOMORPHISMSOFSMOOTHALGEBRAICCURVES(Ⅰ)DUHong(InstituteofSystemsScience,AcademiaSinica,Beijing100080,China)Abstract:Inthi...  相似文献   


We present two parallel algorithms based on the domain decomposition methodfor solving a variational inequality over a closed convex cone.First,construct an opencovering {Ω_i}of the original domain Ω∶Ω=(?),where Ω_i,i=1,…,m,are overlapping.i.e.for each Ω_i there exists at least one Ω_j(j≠i)such that Ω_i∩Ω_i≠φ.Choosing an initial guessu~0 for the solution u,we solve parallelly the inequality in each subdomain Ω_i(i=1,…,m)to obtain m corrections.Take an appropriate average of these m corrections as a correctionover Ω and hence obtain a new approximation to u.In this paper we discuss the convergenceof the continuous problem and also the corresponding discrete problem which is obtained bythe finite element method.  相似文献   

For the discrete dynamical system on the nonnegative orthant generated bya cooperative and concave map T, we present an algebraic criterion of its asymptoticbehavior. The global behavior of such a system is completely determined by the sign of allprincipal minors of the matrix I-DT(0). This criterion applies to the cooperative systemwhich is concave, time-dependent and periodic in t. We give the sufficient conditions thatthe zero solution of such a system is globally asymptotically stable and that it possesses anonzero periodic solution which attracts all initial conditions in the nonnegative orthant.except at the origin. The results of Smith under weaker conditions and some applicationsare included.  相似文献   

Let x_1,…, x_n be the life spans of n items. Suppose that we start the experi-ment at the time t=0 for all the items simultaneuously aud stop the experiment at the timet=r, where r is a stopping time. The observed data set is Z_n=(x_(1),…, x_(k), r(x)),where x_(i)(i=1,…, n) is the order statistic of x_i, i=1,…, n and k=k(x) is the num-ber of the observed data. Suppose that the distribution family of x_i, i=1,…, n is i.i.d.exponential with life expectation θ>0. For testing the hypothesis H_0: θ≤θ_0 againstH_1: θ>θ_0, we use the total time of experiment S_r=sub from i=1 to k x_(i) +(n-k)r (x) as the teststatistic. We reject H_0 as large value of S_r is observed. In this paper for a given stoppingtime r we construct a stopping time ro so that the resulting test is a best improvement ofthe one, which is based on r, in the sense that the power functions of the two tests are thesame but the test based on r_0 is the one which has the minimnm total experiment time.  相似文献   

ANOTEONTHEPAPER"ONTHECONNECTIVITYOFCAYLEYCOLORGRAPHS"¥MENGJixiang;HUANGQiongxiang(DepartmentofMathematics,XiniiangUniversity,...  相似文献   

ANALGORITHMONTHEGITTINSINDEX¥LIUJianyong;LIUKe(InstituteofAppliedMathematics,AcademicSinica,Beijing100080,China)Abstract:Mult...  相似文献   

1.IntroductiollAlavi,Y.etal.presentedaconceptofsubgraphdecompositionin[1],whichiscalledascendingsubgraphdecomposition(abbreviatedASD).GivenagraphGwithqedges,C: ,5q5C: ,GissaidtohaveanASD,ifthereisnsuchthatGcanbedecomposedintonsubgraphsGIjGi,''3G.withouti…  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, structural decomposition analysis (SDA) has developed into a major analytical tool in the field of input-output (IO) techniques, but the method was found to suffer from one or more of the following problems. The decomposition forms, which are used to measure the contribution of a specific determinant, are not unique due to the existence of a multitude of equivalent forms, irrational due to the weights of different determinants not matching, inexact due to the existence of large interaction terms.In this paper, a decomposition method is derived to overcome these deficiencies, and we prove that the result of this approach is equal to the Shapley value in cooperative games,and so some properties of the method are obtained. Beyond that, the two approaches that have been used predominantly in the literature have been proved to be the approximate solutions of the method.  相似文献   

求解线性三对角方程组的解耦分解方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文给出了求解线性三对角方程组的解耦分解方法,并讨论了在计算机上求解的复杂性分析。理论分析和数值实验的结果表明,该解耦分解方法是有效的。特别值得一提的是,对于MIMD多处理机系统,此解耦分解方法是一求解线性三对角方程组的有效并行算法。  相似文献   

1,Illtroduction'SincetheearlypapersbyG0ppa[1-31,algebralc-ge0metriccodeshavebeeninthespotlight0fcodingthe0reticresearchf0rab0uttwodecades.NumerousexcitingresultshavebeenachievedusingGoppa'sconstructi0noflinearcodesfromalgebralccurvesoverfinitefields,bothbyalgebraicge0metorsandcodingtheorists.Becauseofthedifficultyofthesubject,severalexplanatorypaPersandtextbookshaveappeared,seeforinstance[4-8].Inthispaperwepresentaquitedtherentpointofviewconcerningalgebraic-geometriccodes.Itiswellknownthataq…  相似文献   

AMETHODFORMECHANICALGEOMETRYTHEOREMPROVING¥WUJinzhao(InstituteofSystemsScience,AcademiaSinica,Beijing100080,China)TANHongyan(...  相似文献   

本文给出了MIMD多处理机上的求解非线性方程组的异步并行拟牛顿迭代算法的收敛性分析,给出了收敛的充分性条件。  相似文献   

1.IntroductionSomefrequentlyusedalgebraicalgorithmssharethesamepropertythattheytransformasetofpolynomialequationstoasinglepolynomialequationsuchthatthezerosetofthepolynomialsetandthehypersurfacedefinedbythesinglepolynomialareequivalentincertainsense.FOralgorithmswiththisproperty,wemaymention'thealgorithmtofindaprimitiveelementforafinitelygeneratedalgebraicextensionfield[1],thealgorithmtofindaplanecurvewhichisbirationaltoaspacealgebraiccur.e[2]!etc.Inthispaper,wepresentageneralalgorithmwhichcan…  相似文献   

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