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Caspase-9-mediated apoptosis (programmed cell death) plays a central role in the development and homeostasis of all multicellular organisms. Mature caspase-9 is derived from its procaspase precursor as a result of recruitment by the activating factor Apaf-1. The crystal structures of the caspase-recruitment domain of Apaf-1 by itself and in complex with the prodomain of procaspase-9 have been determined at 1.6 and 2.5 A resolution, respectively. These structures and other evidence reveal that each molecule of Apaf-1 interacts with a molecule of procaspase-9 through two highly charged and complementary surfaces formed by non-conserved residues; these surfaces determine recognition specificity through networks of intermolecular hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions. Mutation of the important interface residues in procaspase-9 or Apaf-1 prevents or reduces activation of procaspase-9 in a cell-free system. Wild-type, but not mutant, prodomains of caspase-9 completely inhibit catalytic processing of procaspase-9. Furthermore, analysis of homologues from Caenorhabditis elegans indicates that recruitment of CED-3 by CED-4 is probably mediated by the same set of conserved structural motifs, with a corresponding change in the specificity-determining residues.  相似文献   

The 'RNA world' hypothesis holds that during evolution the structural and enzymatic functions initially served by RNA were assumed by proteins, leading to the latter's domination of biological catalysis. This progression can still be seen in modern biology, where ribozymes, such as the ribosome and RNase P, have evolved into protein-dependent RNA catalysts ('RNPzymes'). Similarly, group I introns use RNA-catalysed splicing reactions, but many function as RNPzymes bound to proteins that stabilize their catalytically active RNA structure. One such protein, the Neurospora crassa mitochondrial tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase (TyrRS; CYT-18), is bifunctional and both aminoacylates mitochondrial tRNA(Tyr) and promotes the splicing of mitochondrial group I introns. Here we determine a 4.5-A co-crystal structure of the Twort orf142-I2 group I intron ribozyme bound to splicing-active, carboxy-terminally truncated CYT-18. The structure shows that the group I intron binds across the two subunits of the homodimeric protein with a newly evolved RNA-binding surface distinct from that which binds tRNA(Tyr). This RNA binding surface provides an extended scaffold for the phosphodiester backbone of the conserved catalytic core of the intron RNA, allowing the protein to promote the splicing of a wide variety of group I introns. The group I intron-binding surface includes three small insertions and additional structural adaptations relative to non-splicing bacterial TyrRSs, indicating a multistep adaptation for splicing function. The co-crystal structure provides insight into how CYT-18 promotes group I intron splicing, how it evolved to have this function, and how proteins could have incrementally replaced RNA structures during the transition from an RNA world to an RNP world.  相似文献   

Structure of the HP1 chromodomain bound to histone H3 methylated at lysine 9   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Specific modifications to histones are essential epigenetic markers---heritable changes in gene expression that do not affect the DNA sequence. Methylation of lysine 9 in histone H3 is recognized by heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1), which directs the binding of other proteins to control chromatin structure and gene expression. Here we show that HP1 uses an induced-fit mechanism for recognition of this modification, as revealed by the structure of its chromodomain bound to a histone H3 peptide dimethylated at Nzeta of lysine 9. The binding pocket for the N-methyl groups is provided by three aromatic side chains, Tyr21, Trp42 and Phe45, which reside in two regions that become ordered on binding of the peptide. The side chain of Lys9 is almost fully extended and surrounded by residues that are conserved in many other chromodomains. The QTAR peptide sequence preceding Lys9 makes most of the additional interactions with the chromodomain, with HP1 residues Val23, Leu40, Trp42, Leu58 and Cys60 appearing to be a major determinant of specificity by binding the key buried Ala7. These findings predict which other chromodomains will bind methylated proteins and suggest a motif that they recognize.  相似文献   

Structure of importin-beta bound to the IBB domain of importin-alpha.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
G Cingolani  C Petosa  K Weis  C W Müller 《Nature》1999,399(6733):221-229
Cytosolic proteins bearing a classical nuclear localization signal enter the nucleus bound to a heterodimer of importin-alpha and importin-beta (also called karyopherin-alpha and -beta). The formation of this heterodimer involves the importin-beta-binding (IBB) domain of importin-alpha, a highly basic amino-terminal region of roughly 40 amino-acid residues. Here we report the crystal structure of human importin-beta bound to the IBB domain of importin-alpha, determined at 2.5 A and 2.3 A resolution in two crystal forms. Importin-beta consists of 19 tandemly repeated HEAT motifs and wraps intimately around the IBB domain. The association involves two separate regions of importin-beta, recognizing structurally distinct parts of the IBB domain: an amino-terminal extended moiety and a carboxy-terminal helix. The structure indicates that significant conformational changes occur when importin-beta binds or releases the IBB domain domain and suggests how dissociation of the importin-alpha/beta heterodimer may be achieved upon nuclear entry.  相似文献   

Identification of a factor that links apoptotic cells to phagocytes   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
Hanayama R  Tanaka M  Miwa K  Shinohara A  Iwamatsu A  Nagata S 《Nature》2002,417(6885):182-187
Apoptotic cells are rapidly engulfed by phagocytes to prevent the release of potentially noxious or immunogenic intracellular materials from the dying cells, thereby preserving the integrity and function of the surrounding tissue. Phagocytes engulf apoptotic but not healthy cells, indicating that the apoptotic cells present a signal to the phagocytes, and the phagocytes recognize the signal using a specific receptor. Here, we report a factor that links apoptotic cells to phagocytes. We found that milk fat globule-EGF-factor 8 (MFG-E8), a secreted glycoprotein, was produced by thioglycollate-elicited macrophages. MFG-E8 specifically bound to apoptotic cells by recognizing aminophospholipids such as phosphatidylserine. MFG-E8, when engaged by phospholipids, bound to cells via its RGD (arginine-glycine-aspartate) motif--it bound particularly strongly to cells expressing alpha(v)beta(3) integrin. The NIH3T3 cell transformants that expressed a high level of alpha(v)beta(3) integrin were found to engulf apoptotic cells when MFG-E8 was added. MFG-E8 carrying a point mutation in the RGD motif behaved as a dominant-negative form, and inhibited the phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by peritoneal macrophages in vitro and in vivo. These results indicate that MFG-E8 secreted from activated macrophages binds to apoptotic cells, and brings them to phagocytes for engulfment.  相似文献   

The heterotrimeric AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) has a key role in regulating cellular energy metabolism; in response to a fall in intracellular ATP levels it activates energy-producing pathways and inhibits energy-consuming processes. AMPK has been implicated in a number of diseases related to energy metabolism including type 2 diabetes, obesity and, most recently, cancer. AMPK is converted from an inactive form to a catalytically competent form by phosphorylation of the activation loop within the kinase domain: AMP binding to the γ-regulatory domain promotes phosphorylation by the upstream kinase, protects the enzyme against dephosphorylation, as well as causing allosteric activation. Here we show that ADP binding to just one of the two exchangeable AXP (AMP/ADP/ATP) binding sites on the regulatory domain protects the enzyme from dephosphorylation, although it does not lead to allosteric activation. Our studies show that active mammalian AMPK displays significantly tighter binding to ADP than to Mg-ATP, explaining how the enzyme is regulated under physiological conditions where the concentration of Mg-ATP is higher than that of ADP and much higher than that of AMP. We have determined the crystal structure of an active AMPK complex. The structure shows how the activation loop of the kinase domain is stabilized by the regulatory domain and how the kinase linker region interacts with the regulatory nucleotide-binding site that mediates protection against dephosphorylation. From our biochemical and structural data we develop a model for how the energy status of a cell regulates AMPK activity.  相似文献   

Mitra K  Schaffitzel C  Shaikh T  Tama F  Jenni S  Brooks CL  Ban N  Frank J 《Nature》2005,438(7066):318-324
Secreted and membrane proteins are translocated across or into cell membranes through a protein-conducting channel (PCC). Here we present a cryo-electron microscopy reconstruction of the Escherichia coli PCC, SecYEG, complexed with the ribosome and a nascent chain containing a signal anchor. This reconstruction shows a messenger RNA, three transfer RNAs, the nascent chain, and detailed features of both a translocating PCC and a second, non-translocating PCC bound to mRNA hairpins. The translocating PCC forms connections with ribosomal RNA hairpins on two sides and ribosomal proteins at the back, leaving a frontal opening. Normal mode-based flexible fitting of the archaeal SecYEbeta structure into the PCC electron microscopy densities favours a front-to-front arrangement of two SecYEG complexes in the PCC, and supports channel formation by the opening of two linked SecY halves during polypeptide translocation. On the basis of our observation in the translocating PCC of two segregated pores with different degrees of access to bulk lipid, we propose a model for co-translational protein translocation.  相似文献   

The parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system regulates the activity of multiple organ systems. Muscarinic receptors are G-protein-coupled receptors that mediate the response to acetylcholine released from parasympathetic nerves. Their role in the unconscious regulation of organ and central nervous system function makes them potential therapeutic targets for a broad spectrum of diseases. The M2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (M2 receptor) is essential for the physiological control of cardiovascular function through activation of G-protein-coupled inwardly rectifying potassium channels, and is of particular interest because of its extensive pharmacological characterization with both orthosteric and allosteric ligands. Here we report the structure of the antagonist-bound human M2 receptor, the first human acetylcholine receptor to be characterized structurally, to our knowledge. The antagonist 3-quinuclidinyl-benzilate binds in the middle of a long aqueous channel extending approximately two-thirds through the membrane. The orthosteric binding pocket is formed by amino acids that are identical in all five muscarinic receptor subtypes, and shares structural homology with other functionally unrelated acetylcholine binding proteins from different species. A layer of tyrosine residues forms an aromatic cap restricting dissociation of the bound ligand. A binding site for allosteric ligands has been mapped to residues at the entrance to the binding pocket near this aromatic cap. The structure of the M2 receptor provides insights into the challenges of developing subtype-selective ligands for muscarinic receptors and their propensity for allosteric regulation.  相似文献   

The prokaryotic signal recognition particle (SRP) targets membrane proteins into the inner membrane. It binds translating ribosomes and screens the emerging nascent chain for a hydrophobic signal sequence, such as the transmembrane helix of inner membrane proteins. If such a sequence emerges, the SRP binds tightly, allowing the SRP receptor to lock on. This assembly delivers the ribosome-nascent chain complex to the protein translocation machinery in the membrane. Using cryo-electron microscopy and single-particle reconstruction, we obtained a 16 A structure of the Escherichia coli SRP in complex with a translating E. coli ribosome containing a nascent chain with a transmembrane helix anchor. We also obtained structural information on the SRP bound to an empty E. coli ribosome. The latter might share characteristics with a scanning SRP complex, whereas the former represents the next step: the targeting complex ready for receptor binding. High-resolution structures of the bacterial ribosome and of the bacterial SRP components are available, and their fitting explains our electron microscopic density. The structures reveal the regions that are involved in complex formation, provide insight into the conformation of the SRP on the ribosome and indicate the conformational changes that accompany high-affinity SRP binding to ribosome nascent chain complexes upon recognition of the signal sequence.  相似文献   

Lee JE  Fusco ML  Hessell AJ  Oswald WB  Burton DR  Saphire EO 《Nature》2008,454(7201):177-182
Ebola virus (EBOV) entry requires the surface glycoprotein (GP) to initiate attachment and fusion of viral and host membranes. Here we report the crystal structure of EBOV GP in its trimeric, pre-fusion conformation (GP1+GP2) bound to a neutralizing antibody, KZ52, derived from a human survivor of the 1995 Kikwit outbreak. Three GP1 viral attachment subunits assemble to form a chalice, cradled by the GP2 fusion subunits, while a novel glycan cap and projected mucin-like domain restrict access to the conserved receptor-binding site sequestered in the chalice bowl. The glycocalyx surrounding GP is likely central to immune evasion and may explain why survivors have insignificant neutralizing antibody titres. KZ52 recognizes a protein epitope at the chalice base where it clamps several regions of the pre-fusion GP2 to the amino terminus of GP1. This structure provides a template for unravelling the mechanism of EBOV GP-mediated fusion and for future immunotherapeutic development.  相似文献   

Site-specific recognition of DNA in eukaryotic organisms depends on the arrangement of nucleosomes in chromatin. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, ISW1a and related chromatin remodelling factors are implicated in establishing the nucleosome repeat during replication and altering nucleosome position to affect gene activity. Here we have solved the crystal structures of S. cerevisiae ISW1a lacking its ATPase domain both alone and with DNA bound at resolutions of 3.25?? and 3.60??, respectively, and we have visualized two different nucleosome-containing remodelling complexes using cryo-electron microscopy. The composite X-ray and electron microscopy structures combined with site-directed photocrosslinking analyses of these complexes suggest that ISW1a uses a dinucleosome substrate for chromatin remodelling. Results from a remodelling assay corroborate the dinucleosome model. We show how a chromatin remodelling factor could set the spacing between two adjacent nucleosomes acting as a 'protein ruler'.  相似文献   

H R Mott  D Owen  D Nietlispach  P N Lowe  E Manser  L Lim  E D Laue 《Nature》1999,399(6734):384-388
The proteins Cdc42 and Rac are members of the Rho family of small GTPases (G proteins), which control signal-transduction pathways that lead to rearrangements of the cell cytoskeleton, cell differentiation and cell proliferation. They do so by binding to downstream effector proteins. Some of these, known as CRIB (for Cdc42/Rac interactive-binding) proteins, bind to both Cdc42 and Rac, such as the PAK1-3 serine/threonine kinases, whereas others are specific for Cdc42, such as the ACK tyrosine kinases and the Wiscott-Aldrich-syndrome proteins (WASPs). The effector loop of Cdc42 and Rac (comprising residues 30-40, also called switch I), is one of two regions which change conformation on exchange of GDP for GTP. This region is almost identical in Cdc42 and Racs, indicating that it does not determine the specificity of these G proteins. Here we report the solution structure of the complex of Cdc42 with the GTPase-binding domain ofACK. Both proteins undergo significant conformational changes on binding, to form a new type of G-protein/effector complex. The interaction extends the beta-sheet in Cdc42 by binding an extended strand from ACK, as seen in Ras/effector interactions, but it also involves other regions of the G protein that are important for determining the specificity of effector binding.  相似文献   

The fast reaction of the actin-based cytoskeleton in motile cells after stimulation with a chemoattractant requires a signal-transduction chain that creates a very specific environment at distinct regions beneath the plasma membrane. Dictyostelium hisactophilin, a unique actin-binding protein, is a submembranous pH sensor that signals slight changes of the H+ concentration to actin by inducing actin polymerization and binding to microfilaments only at pH values below seven. It has a relative molecular mass of 13.5K and its most unusual feature is the presence of 31 histidine residues among its total of 118 amino acids. The transduction of an external signal from the plasma membrane to the cytoskeleton is poorly understood. Here we report the protein's structure in solution determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The nuclear Overhauser effect intensities of the three-dimensional nuclear Overhauser spectra were used directly in the calculations. The overall folding of histactophilin is similar to that of interleukin-1 beta and fibroblast growth factor, but the primary amino-acid sequence of hisactophilin is unrelated to these two proteins.  相似文献   

Walker JR  Corpina RA  Goldberg J 《Nature》2001,412(6847):607-614
The Ku heterodimer (Ku70 and Ku80 subunits) contributes to genomic integrity through its ability to bind DNA double-strand breaks and facilitate repair by the non-homologous end-joining pathway. The crystal structure of the human Ku heterodimer was determined both alone and bound to a 55-nucleotide DNA element at 2.7 and 2.5 A resolution, respectively. Ku70 and Ku80 share a common topology and form a dyad-symmetrical molecule with a preformed ring that encircles duplex DNA. The binding site can cradle two full turns of DNA while encircling only the central 3-4 base pairs (bp). Ku makes no contacts with DNA bases and few with the sugar-phosphate backbone, but it fits sterically to major and minor groove contours so as to position the DNA helix in a defined path through the protein ring. These features seem well designed to structurally support broken DNA ends and to bring the DNA helix into phase across the junction during end processing and ligation.  相似文献   

Pellegrini L  Burke DF  von Delft F  Mulloy B  Blundell TL 《Nature》2000,407(6807):1029-1034
Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are a large family of structurally related proteins with a wide range of physiological and pathological activities. Signal transduction requires association of FGF with its receptor tyrosine kinase (FGFR) and heparan sulphate proteoglycan in a specific complex on the cell surface. Direct involvement of the heparan sulphate glycosaminoglycan polysaccharide in the molecular association between FGF and its receptor is essential for biological activity. Although crystal structures of binary complexes of FGF-heparin and FGF-FGFR have been described, the molecular architecture of the FGF signalling complex has not been elucidated. Here we report the crystal structure of the FGFR2 ectodomain in a dimeric form that is induced by simultaneous binding to FGF1 and a heparin decasaccharide. The complex is assembled around a central heparin molecule linking two FGF1 ligands into a dimer that bridges between two receptor chains. The asymmetric heparin binding involves contacts with both FGF1 molecules but only one receptor chain. The structure of the FGF1-FGFR2-heparin ternary complex provides a structural basis for the essential role of heparan sulphate in FGF signalling.  相似文献   

According to the definition of cytokine, the direction of signaling should be from cytokine to receptor. The counter receptor was presented. Membrane bound macrophage colony-stimulating factor (m-M-CSF) and its receptor (M-CSF-R) were shown in human leukemic cell line J6-1 as autojuxtacrine mechanism. Soluble M-CSF receptor (sM-CSF-R), which was isolated from J6-1 cells membrane, was added into J6-1 cell culture. It was observed inhibition of J6-1 cell proliferation, decreasing of mitosis index and ratio of multinuclear cells, enlargement of cell diameter and volume, down regulation of numerous surface antigens. Dramatic change of intracellular pH was shown between several min to 20 min after treatment of sM-CSF-R. It suggested that some information was transmitted via m-M-CSF from sM-CSF-R. This counter signaling was not influenced by saccharification of m-MCSF.  相似文献   

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