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It is well known that, the singular integral operatorS defined as: ifL is a closed smooth contour in the complex plane C, thenS is a bounded linear operator fromH μ(L) intoH μ(L): ifL is an open smooth curve, thenS is just a linear operator fromH * intoH *. In this paper, we define a Banach space , and prove that is a bounded linear operator, then verify the boundedness of other kinds of singular integral operators. Supported by the National Science Foundation of China Wang Xiaolin: born in Aug. 1950, Professor  相似文献   

Suppose that A is an n × n positive definite Hemitain matrix. Let X and Y be n × p and n × q matrices (p+ q≤n), such that X* Y = 0. The following inequality is proved X*AY( Y* AY)-Y Y*AX≤( (λ1-λn)/(λ1+λn))2 X*AX, where λ1 and λn are respectively the largest and smallest eigenvalues of A, and M- stands for a generalized inverse of M. This inequality is an extension of the well-known Wielandt inequality in which both X and Y are vectors. The inequality is utilized to obtain some interesting inequalities about covari-ance matrix and various correlation coefficients including the canonical correlation, multiple and simple correlation.  相似文献   

In this paper we prove the following Hàjek-Rènyi inequality: Let 0≤p≤1, then for any Banach spaceB, anyL p integrableB valued random variable sequence {D n , n≥1}, any real number sequence {b n , n≥1} with 0<b n, ↑ ∞, any integern≥1, there exist a constantC=C p>0 (only depending onp) such that
In the other direction, we prove some strong laws of large numbers and the integrability of the maximal functions forB valued random variable sequences by using this inequality and the Hàjeck-Rènyi inequality we have obtained recently. Some known results are extended and improved. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the State Education Commission PH. D Station Foundation Gan Shixin: born in Feb. 1939, Professor  相似文献   

We will discuss the non-normal Hasemann boundary value problem: we may find these results are coincided with those of normal Hasemann boundary value problem and non-normal Riemann boundary value problem. Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, RFDP of Higher Education and SF of Wuhan University (201990336) Biography: Cai Hao-tao(1977-), male, Master candidate, research interest: numerical of singular integral equation.  相似文献   

We consider the following non-linear elliptic equation △u+ f(x,u)=0,x∈K on fractal domains with zero-Dirichlet boundary conditions, where K is self-similar fractal, △ is the Laplacian defined on K. f(x, t) is asymptotically linear as t→ ∞. We get the non-trivial and non-negative solution by using Mountain Pass lemma.  相似文献   

0 IntroductionLeqtuiliHnebaer afo rHimlbaenrtd sap baoceun.dLeedtlianaenardfufnbceti oan baolu onndeHd ,serse--spectively. Our goal is to seekv∈Hsuchthata(u,v) =f(u) , u∈ H (1)As a rule, we call the expression (1) a variational equationandva solutiontothis equation.By virtue of the Riesz repre-sentationtheorem,there exists a uniquely determined boundedlinear operatorA:H→Hsuchthata(u,v) =〈u,Av〉, u,v∈ H,where〈·,·〉is the inner product onH.If the sesquilinearformais also with posit…  相似文献   

A diagnostic formula of magnetic field strength of gyrosynchrotron radiation regions of the lower harmonics (5 ≤S≤10 ) is presented based on their emissivity η νBN , absorptivity κ νBN , and the turnover frequency of radio spectra ν P. Their diagnostic error is estimated. And an accurate relation between electron energy spectral index δ and brightness temperature spectral index β is also given.  相似文献   

The generalized linear model(GLM) based on the observed data with incomplete information in the case of random censorship is defined. Under the given conditions, the existence and uniqueness of the solution on the likelihood equations with respect to the parameter vector β of the model are discussed, and the consistency and asymptotic normality of the maximum likelihood estimator(MLE) βn^-, are proved.  相似文献   

Using the solubility method, the solubility of CuCl2 in liquid-undersaturated HCl-bearing water vapor was investigated experimentally at temperatures of 330-370 ℃ and pressures of 4.2-10 MPa. The re-sults have shown that hydration could significantly enhance copper solubility and the concentrations of copper were positively correlated with PH2O. The solubility of copper in vapor phase increased with increasing PH2O at the constant temperature. CuCl2 was transported as hydrated species CuCl2(H2O)ngas in water vapor. The formation of complexes is proposed to be the result of the following reaction: CuCl2solid nH2Ogas = CuCl2 (H2O)ngas The hydration number n decreased slightly with increasing temperature. Statistical hydration numbers are 4.0, 3.6 and 3.3 at 330, 350 and 370 ℃ , respectively.  相似文献   

Some limit theorems for weighted sums of random variable fields   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1Preliminaries DuringthelastyearsthereappearedquiteafewpapersaboutlimittheoremsforBanachspacevaluedrandomvariables(r.v.’s)withmultidimensionalindex.Itistheaim ofthispapertogivecomparativeweakconditionswhichimply limittheoremsforweightedsumsofBanachspacevaluedr.v.fields.Thecurrentworkextendsthecorrespondingresultsof Refs.[15].Westartwithsomenotationsanddefinitions.LetNdbe thesetofalld dimensionallatticeofpointswithpositiveinte gersascomponents,whered≥1isafixedinteger.LetNdbe equippedwithco…  相似文献   

A mathematical model formulated as ΔfHθm(g)=a+sum from i=1 to 5bipi(i≠2) was constructed for the relationshipbetween standard formation enthalpy ΔfHθm(g) and path index Pi of substituted benzenes derivatives. An empiric equation for the calculation of ΔfHθm(g) was worked out. The calculated values of standard formation enthalpy based on this model are excellently consistent with those from experimental for 55 organic compounds. The model is shown to be simple and of practical usefulness, particularly when required experimental data are unavailable.  相似文献   

0Introduction Considerthemodel:y=h(x′β)+e wherey=y(1)y(q),h(t)=h(1)(t)h(q)(t),e=e(1)e(q),h(i),i=1,2,…,qisaknownboundedinjection:Rq→R1,h′isapositive matrixwith h(i)(t)tjasits(i,j)elementj=1,2,…,q,t=(t1,t2,…,tq),thepartialderivativesof2thorderofhexistandcontinuous.eistherandomerror.βisthep×1unknowparameterandxiisthefixedknownp×qmatrix,i=1,…,n,η=x′βiscalledpredictor,andthismodeliscalledgeneralizedlinearmodel.Supposetheindependentobservationsy1,…,ynaregetfromq dimensionrespons…  相似文献   

0 IntroductionIntheprocessofR&Ditem ,thereisusuallycompetition .ManyfirmswanttoinvestR&Dtoobtainapatent.Lury[1 ] gaveanequilibriuminvestmentundertheconditionofone timeinvestmentandcontinuousinvestmentwhenthepayoffwasafixedprize.Ref.[2 ]analyzedtheeffectofinformationsharinginR&D .TherearemanyliteraturesaboutanalysisofR&DlevelswhenfirmscompeteinoutputmarketafterR&Dsucceeds[3 ,4] .Additionally ,todecideinvestmentlevel,therearemanyliteraturesaboutR&Ditem’spricing .MondherBellalah[5] ,K .…  相似文献   

LetX be a complex quasi-Banach space and Φ:[0,∞)→[0,∞) an increasing convex function with Φ(0)=0, and Φ∈Δ2. ThenL Φ * (X) is a quasi-Banach space with continuous quasi-norm andL Φ * (X) has the ARNP if and only ifX does. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Liu Peide: born in 1943, Professor  相似文献   

The vector-valued Dirichlet-type spaces on the unit ball of C n is introduced. We discuss the pointwise multipliers of Dirichlet-type spaces. Sufficient conditions of the pointwise multipliers of are given. Finally, Rademacherp-type space is characterized by vector-valued sequence spaces. Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10371093) Biography: LI Ying-kui (1975-), male, Ph. D candidate, research direction: Banach space geometry and martingale theory.  相似文献   

The boundary value problem for harmonic maps of the Poincare disc is discussed. The emphasis is on the non-smoothness of the given boundary values in the problem. Let T . be a subspace of the universal Teichmüller space, defined as a set of normalized quasisymmetric homeomorphisms h of the unit circle S onto itself where h admits a quasiconformal extension to the unit disc D with a complex dilatation μ satisfying where ρ(z)|dz|2 is the Poincare metric of D. Let B . be a Banach space consisting of holomorphic quadratic differentials φ in D with norms It is shown that for any given quasisymmetric homeomorphism h : S1→S1∈ T . , there is a unique quasiconformal harmonic map of D with respect to the Poincare metric whose boundary corresponding is h and the Hopf differential of such a harmonic map belongs to B .  相似文献   

Thermogravimetry was used to study the non-isothermal decomposition kinetics and the stability of porphyrin copper-sodium from ephedra. The kinetic equation for the second step can be expressed as . The kinetic compensation effect is found to be: InA=0. 2468E a −8. 0513.Ea is 206. 61 kJ/mol. The results show that porphyrin copper-sodium has a high activation energy and good stability. Biography: Zhang Lian-ru(1964), female, lecturer Research direction, applied biochemistry.  相似文献   

Let {(D n, FFFn),n/->1} be a sequence of martingale differences and {a ni, 1≤in,n≥1} be an array of real constants. Almost sure convergence for the row sums are discussed. We also discuss complete convergence for the moving average processes underB-valued martingale differences assumption. Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Doctoral Programme Foundation of China Biography: DENG Ai-jiao (1974-), female, Ph.D. candidate. Research interest is in stochastic processes and random fractal.  相似文献   

In this paper some new results of strong stability of linear forms in φ-mixing random variables are given. It is mainly proved that for a sequence of φ-mixing random variables {x n , n ⩾ 1} and two sequences of positive numbers {a n , n ⩾ 1} and {b n , n ⩾ 1} there exist d n R, n = 1,2,L, such that a.s. under some suitable conditions. The results extend and improve the corresponding theorems for independent identically distributed random variables. Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(10671149)  相似文献   

We consider the Poisson integral u = P*μ on the half-space R+^N+1 ( N 〉 1 ) (or on the unit ball of the complex plane) of some singular measureμ. If μ is an s-measure (0 〈 s 〈 N), then some sharp estimates of the integration of the harmonic function u near the boundary are given. In particular, we show that fpr p〉1,∫R^Nu^p(x,y)dx- y^-τ (y〉0,τ =(N-s)(p-1) ) (Given for p〉1, RN f 〉 0 and g 〉 0, " f-g " will mean that there exist constants C1 and C2, such that C1f ≤ g ≤ CEf ).  相似文献   

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