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一、区域紧逼的概念区域紧逼是由区域联防和紧逼人盯人防守发展而来,它是把区域联防和紧逼人盯人防守有机结合在一起的综合性防守战术,它运用了两者有关的活动方法与原则,体现了区域联防和紧逼人盯人防守两者的优点,形成了现代兰球运动中一种积极的,而富有攻击性的防守战术。  相似文献   

本文分析了全场区域紧逼人盯人防守的配合方法及运用时机,综合了全场区域紧逼和全场人盯人防守的优点,克服了全场区域紧逼和全场人盯人防守的缺点,并提出了本人的意见。  相似文献   

对15届男篮世锦赛全场紧逼防守的特点与效果进行研究与探讨,采用观看录象与统计相结合的研究方法,分析全场紧逼的特点与效果,揭示本届世锦赛中各个国家的球队对全场紧逼防守战术的运用和我国球队在全场紧逼防守下所采用的对策与对这种战术的理解。  相似文献   

当代篮球运动对空间和时间的拼争更趋凶悍激烈,更加注重提高防守质量.全场区域紧逼防守由于综合了人盯人和联防的优点,且具有攻击性、破坏性,已被职业队广泛运用.由于全场区域紧逼防守对队员身体、技术、战术配合要求较高,而且全场防守范围大、体力消耗多、又易造成犯规,为了弥补战术的弱点、完善战术效果,在实践中派生出了全场区域紧逼防守的多种变形、换区阵型.2/3场1-2-2区域紧逼防守战术就是其中一种.这种战术继承了全场区域紧逼防守的核心内容———中场夹击、积极抢断,通过多年研究、实践证明,该战术适用于青少年业余比赛和训练,对促进技、战术的全面发展有着极其重要的作用.  相似文献   

郝伟 《科技咨询导报》2012,(16):248-248
"1—2—2"区域紧逼是一种比较保险的紧逼方式,在基层的篮球比赛中的运用也越来越常见。本文通过文献调查法,比赛录像分析法等方法对1—2—2区域紧逼进行分析,希望可以使更多的基层篮球教练员和运动员了解和分析1—2—2区域紧逼战术。  相似文献   

横、回传球在大学生足球联赛中的运用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对“第五届中国飞利浦大学生足球联赛”江苏各参赛队使用横、回传球的运用情况进行分析和研究。探索其在对掌握控球权、控制比赛节奏、避开对方的紧逼围抢、吸引对方后场防守兵力、破密集防守。以及在防守时延缓、瓦解对方攻势、减轻后方压力等方面所起到的作用和所具有的价值。为高校足球教学和训练提供参考依据。  相似文献   

通过文献资料调研、数理统计、观察分析等方法,以2014年巴西世界杯决赛阶段比赛为研究对象,探讨本届世界杯足球战术打法特征;并结合2010年南非世界杯决赛阶段比赛整体战术运用情况,从理论角度进行对比分析,指出2014年巴西世界杯较上届世界杯在战术打法上的变革之处及当今世界足坛战术发展的趋势。2014年巴西世界杯的整体战术特征仍然呈现为直接型打法和传控型打法的角力,在西班牙队Ti-ki-Taka传控型打法基础上建立起来的德国新传控主义足球最终取得了胜利。当今世界足球战术打法越来越趋向同质化,直接型打法的球队加强了节奏控制的意识,而传控型打法的球队亦加强了传球的冒险精神。阿根廷队是本届世界杯直接型打法和传控型打法融合最为显著的球队,也是当今世界足球战术趋向同质化的典型球队。  相似文献   

曹政玉 《科技信息》2009,(10):219-219,221
本文运用文献法、比较法和数理统计等对中国乒乓男队马琳和王皓直拍反胶打法进行研究,分别从技术、体能、心理等方面深入剖析,研究直拍快攻打法,为直拍快攻打法的可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

为了世界高水平男女排在比赛中能合理选择和运用进攻战术打法以及预测女排进攻战术打法发展趋势,对男女排进攻战术打法差异性进行研究;通过技战术统计法,对第三十一届里约奥运会男排和女排的最后8场比赛进行技战术统计分析,结果显示:男排和女排运用的进攻战术各不相同,女排强攻和快攻的运用明显高于男排,男排在立体攻的运用明显高于女排;各种进攻战术运用的主要进攻打法也不完全一致;男女排进攻区域结构不一致,男排在3号区和1号区进攻的概率明显大于女排,而女排在2号区和4号区进攻的概率明显大于男排;世界女排进攻战术打法应增加强攻进攻点,拓宽快攻与平快掩护攻运用机会,增强组织立体攻的战术意识。  相似文献   

采用录像观察法、数理统计法对第五届女足世界杯赛上挪威队的所有比赛进行分析研究,结果显示:第五届女子世界杯排名第四的挪威队代表性的阵型是4-4-2和4-5-1.核心队员分别是守门员诺德比、后卫霍普斯塔德、中场古尔布兰德森.挪威队采用防守式足球的战术打法,进攻战术的主导思想是“防守反击”,防守战术主要采取前场丢球组织就地反抢、封堵、中后场紧逼人盯人结合区域防守.  相似文献   

陈云能够成为改革开放事业做出重大贡献,与他的个人特质有着直接的关系,这些个人特质有如下几个方面:八大前后,陈云就曾进行经济体制改革的尝试;在思想方法上,自觉地运用辩证唯物论;有胆略,为了人民的利益而奋不顾身;在长期的革命生涯中,建立起崇高的威望,并与邓小平志同道合、心灵相通.  相似文献   

贺铸是北宋中后期著名词人,此外,贺铸亦擅作诗。贺铸的诗词在某些方面是大致相通的,诗词创作之间有着相互影响,贺铸通过娴熟地运用音律、以比兴寄心志、以健笔写柔情三种手法,将诗的艺术手法引入词中,对以诗为词的深化作出了自己独特的贡献。而在诗歌创作的过程中,贺铸也不自觉地将词的一些作法带入了诗中,使得其部分诗作呈现出词要眇宜修和言长的独有风致。  相似文献   

The apatite(U-Th)/He thermochronometry has been used to study the tectono-thermal evolution of mountains and sedimentary basins for over ten years.The closure temperature of helium is important for the apatite(U-Th)/He thermochronometry and has been widely studied by thermal simulation experiments.In this paper,the apatite He closure temperature was studied by establishing the evolutionary pattern between apatite He ages and apatite burial depth based on examined apatite He ages of natural samples obtained from drillholes in the Tarim basin,China.The study showed that the apatite He closure temperature of natural samples in the Tarim basin is approximately 88±5℃,higher than the result(~75℃) obtained from the thermal simulation experiments.The high He closure temperature resulted from high effective uranium concentration,long-term radiation damage accumulation,and sufficient particle radii.This study is a reevaluation of the conventional apatite He closure temperature and has a great significance in studying the uplifting events in the late period of the basin-mountain tectonic evolution,of which the uplifting time and rates can be determined accurately.  相似文献   

Gonnermann HM  Mukhopadhyay S 《Nature》2007,449(7165):1037-1040
Radioactive decay of uranium and thorium produces 4He, whereas 3He in the Earth's mantle is not produced by radioactive decay and was only incorporated during accretion-that is, it is primordial. 3He/4He ratios in many ocean-island basalts (OIBs) that erupt at hotspot volcanoes, such as Hawaii and Iceland, can be up to sixfold higher than in mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs). This is inferred to be the result of outgassing by melt production at mid-ocean ridges in conjunction with radiogenic ingrowth of 4He, which has led to a volatile-depleted upper mantle (MORB source) with low 3He concentrations and low 3He/4He ratios. Consequently, high 3He/4He ratios in OIBs are conventionally viewed as evidence for an undegassed, primitive mantle source, which is sampled by hot, buoyantly upwelling deep-mantle plumes. However, this conventional model provides no viable explanation of why helium concentrations and elemental ratios of He/Ne and He/Ar in OIBs are an order of magnitude lower than in MORBs. This has been described as the 'helium concentration paradox' and has contributed to a long-standing controversy about the structure and dynamics of the Earth's mantle. Here we show that the helium concentration paradox, as well as the full range of noble-gas concentrations observed in MORB and OIB glasses, can self-consistently be explained by disequilibrium open-system degassing of the erupting magma. We show that a higher CO2 content in OIBs than in MORBs leads to more extensive degassing of helium in OIB magmas and that noble gases in OIB lavas can be derived from a largely undegassed primitive mantle source.  相似文献   

对开发月球^3He资源作为D-^3He聚变燃料的核聚变反应堆的经济技术和可行性进行了研究。对太阳风的参数分析与月球表层土中的^3He储量作了估计,对开采月球上^3He的可行性及D-^3He与D-T燃料的聚变能单位电价进行了比较。D-^3He聚变在经济上是可行的,它比通常的D-T为燃料的聚变电站更为安全、干净、可靠。  相似文献   

何晓坤是滇东诗人群中一个有影响的代表性诗人,从20世纪80年代中后期开始诗歌创作到1996年左右,这是何晓坤诗歌创作的前期。此后何晓坤的诗歌创作进入一个停顿期。2010年秋冬,何晓坤恢复了自己中断多年的诗歌写作,并在短期内创作了一批质量上乘的作品。  相似文献   

Professor Chen Ci-chang, male, was born in Sep. 1948,in Leshan Sichuang Province. He was graduated from Xihua University with a degree in water-professional major in 1977,graduated from Jiangsu University with a degree in master, and graduated from Kyushu University in Japan with a degree in doctor. He has been the deputy director in drainage and irrigation machinery Institute in Jiangsu University, the associate professor and visiting professor in Kyushu University in Japan,the deputy director, director, doctoral tutor in Jiangsu University Power Train Institute,deputy president in Xihua University. He got the allowance from the State Council Government in 1992, member of the 8th People's Congress, the jury committee member of Award for Science and Technology Advancement in Ministry of Machine Building, vice-chairman of agricultural machinery association in Jiangsu Province. He is now Vice-president,professor, doctoral tutor in South West Petroleum University, the scholarship leaders, Vice-president of CPPCC in Sichuan Province.Thus far he has guided twenty doctoral students and forty postgraduate students. He has done a lot of work in the aspect of numerical simulation of fluid machinery fluiding, improvement performance and modern test technology;the design theory and method of pump; the multiphase flowing internal fluid machinery; optimum design of low noise and cross flow fan; products development of fluid machinery intelligent system;storage and transportation engineering of petroleum ,natural gas and so on. He has completed nearly 30 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation and Ministry of Science and Technology 973 Project,which are state provincial and ministerial level research projects. He has won paper award of turbine machinery society in japan in 1999,and has received a number of provincial and ministerial level awards such as Sichuan Province, ministry of machine building,ministry of education, Science and Technology Progress Award of Jiangsu Province and so on.CHEN Ci-chan has published five books, one translated book and one collaborated collected paper;has published about 130 papers in the journals at home and abroad; obtained one national patent, one utility model patent.He has been to Dozens of countries, such as the United States ,Canada and so on giving lectures and exchanging communication. He has taken the chair many times as the executive chairman of the International Conference.He is currently the fluid machinery professional committee member of Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics; Pump and Pumping Station Professional committee member of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower; committee member of institute of physics in Chinese Academy of Sciences; committee member of Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of water power project; vice-chairman of Sichuan Institute of hydro-electric power project; vice-chairman of Sichuan Institute of Agricultural Machinery; vice-chairman of Chengdu Institute of Mechanical Engineering; member of Japan Society of Mechanical.  相似文献   

喜饶尼玛教授是国内外有影响的藏族学者。主要从事近代藏族历史等方面的教学和研究工作以及汉藏文化交流等方面的课题研究。他出版(含合作)学术著作20余部,学术论文90余篇,并多次获得国家和北京市奖项。文章就国内藏学研究的现状和学科建设方面对喜饶尼玛教授进行了采访。  相似文献   

在台湾民俗学领域里 ,林明德无疑是个先驱学者。他常忧心于台湾民俗文化与人士的消亡 ,而常和时间赛跑 ,试图结合官方与民间的力量与资源 ,通过一次次民俗活动的成功策划和组织 ,让台湾民俗文化绽放出璀璨的光芒。他不愧是台湾近二十年来民俗艺术的有力推手。  相似文献   

何叔衡是"一大"十三名代表中的年长者,他的长相也颇具特征:"矮敦结实、肩膀宽阔、长方形脸膛上留着黑胡子"。除此,何叔衡的个性最具特征,这些特征的形成来自于他的父亲何绍春和他的启蒙老师姜方谷的影响,用何叔衡的好友毛泽东的话来概括主要有以下三点:一:"何胡子是一条牛";二:"何胡子是感情一堆";三:"叔翁办事,可当大局"。  相似文献   

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